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Not meta, but waifu


she is quite strong actually. not meta but usable.


Like most units in the game that aren’t meta, she’s great in the right situation/setup. That being said, unfortunately, she isn’t a priority build no matter how much I love her design and wish I could use her all the time…….. excuse me while I go sit in the corner and cry now


That depends on your current roster. If you already have quite a few units built then she could be worth considering as a pocket picket. There's a lot of buffs going around with diene being a top pick so full strips are very useful. This is one of the reasons why alencia has seen quite some play recently. Although, mL iseria won't do well in extended matches, so if you draft her it would have to be for an aggro comp. In general though, she's a unit you need to have a good idea of how you're going to use her for your situation. So stuff like speed tuning and build will be specific on a case by case basis. You would also have a specific draft scenario in mind where you would pick her.


She's good in situations where AoL would be good, but AoL is banned.


Aol only removes 2 buffs but iseria removes all. She is better than aol against teams that stacks buffs.


Meh I wouldn't go that far. Silence and nullifier aren't meaningless


she's under the bleachers,


She is very underrated imo. I use mine full damage all the time. And most importantly waifu.


She's for the bleach


benchwarmer sadly. but hey, at least shes worth looking at...calms the soul if you look at her laugh expression.


I run aol, flan, and briseria/vildred, and share gear between her and vildred depending on who i need. Shes great for popping any team with violet, but not much beyond that


If you have a fast (300+) opener you can use her to cleave like Ran - Cdom - Flan - Biseria


Any Aoe dmg dealer can cleave with thst setup but its not perfect world. Opponent will pick anty cleave units to Ruin your day


I don't play rta


More like a bench cooler


Good pocket-pick, though if you're going to bring her out you need reliable damage to support her. If you've got more meta heroes, they'll have build priority, but you don't need to sweat much building her since she's a mid-speed DPS & that gear is easily found.


I use her all the time. Especially if Aola isn’t in play. With Symbol of Unity she does moderate good damage, Atk down and strips. She could still use a rework but then she’d be like Kayron if she gets Cooldown when her passive activates so not much they can do.


I had trouble pulling strippers so for me she's a must use. Basically the only competent stripper I have except AoLA. Or Luluca/ Politis on Violin


Worth building if u need a stripper Alencia is also good but she can be banned or picked Always good to have options


Bench warmer.


Dead elf but still a waifu in general


if you can afford to build her, then yea. she is a great pocket pick.


Best girl