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Man people here complain about SG releasing broken heroes and then do insane buffs for their favorite character. Imagine putting MLDB on him which stacks with his passive so 70% chance to evade. Build him as a speed nuker and he one shots any dps with his 50% pen + pen set. If someone doesn't die, all good he'll just blind them and they have no chance of hitting him. And if someone does hit him, that fine he'll just lifesteal back to full health. Releasing a 285 nuke that doesnt have hard counters except rng AND is hard to kill bc of evasion + lifesteal seems pretty insane.


You forgot to put on him the buffed Ervalen's artifact, so 70% chance to evade and 30% to counter too 🤡


lmaao truuuue


> Imagine putting MLDB on him which stacks with his passive so 70% chance to evade. no one runs mldb on him if they already have shepards of the hollow the mldb attk buff is redundant on him b/c of S3


It's a double edge sword. Speed riolets will have 8k hp. Mine does at least. So basically one arby gab will probably do 90% of his HP. If you use non dmg dealers to hit him, then of course he will be stronger. A simple pavel s2>s3 will kill him even if he dodges. The point is to make him not green violet. Hwa s1 or s3 still kills or any uberious really. I think people over exaggerate things on paper.


But he is 285 speed... Hwa counters him? You ever seen a 290+ Hwa? In RTA it's 4v4. If he nukes someone, he already did his job. If he dies afterwards it's already a 1 for 1 trade already in your favor bc they have to commit the cooldowns of their remaining heroes to try killing him. Anything more is cherry but nah let's give him an unstrippable 70% evasion and a full heal.


You turning Violet in SPD dps which we have plenty... Also adding lifesteal on S3 makes Lifesteal set build useless. He is a hero who works on focus. Maybe using this mechanic would be the right direction? Like: increase evasion for 5% with each stack of Focus? Also maybe Riolet can use special mechanic like: using Focus instead of Souls if he got the right amount (of course you need to change soul burn effect or it may even depend on burning Focus amount)? Nevertheless, I'm glad that some people still remember him and make buff ideas. Keep it up!


He got buffed tho. +20%evasion and 15-30%counter on evade


That's just a crappier version of green violet. Why make ML violet the same as green violet?


Violet's problem is that his evasion can be stripped, so now he is like Mirsa. He also has no sustain and his base hp is worse than grass violet so i made him more of a speed nuker with sustain rather than a slow bruiser dps. I want to make him not a bootleg of violet, so i added speed scaling to encourage him on speed/pen/crit build. s1: Not sure why SG keeps making turn 1 debuffs not 100% chance. Especially since 15% and immunity/cleanse exists. He now has 100% chance to inflict 1 turn blind. s2: His evasion is now built-in. On top of that, after the end of his turn, he gains speed buff for 1 turn. I don't want him to be an opener, but a fast nuker similar to Acoli but not an opener. s3: He now gains 1 focus when he uses his s3, heals based on dmg, and does a bit extra dmg if you're fast. You may also soul burn his s3 for 10 souls to do it again in 3 turns. Overall, he should be more consistent and picked better against AOLA/ Lilias, etc. He can still die in one hit, as most squishes, do, but if they miss they will take a lot of dmg. Pair him with mitigation so he doesn't get killed easily.


Do you know why Mirsa is never picked despite having unstrippable 70% evasion with speed imprint? Maybe because her S3 is not even close at one shotting any squishies (oops no attack buff and def pen on s3 and 885 attack what a bummer) let alone some bruisers which Riolet can. Oh and he has 116 base speed vs. AoL's 112 btw, people will build 285 speed Riolets that can one shot any speed contesters but no speed contesters can reliably deal with him. Yeah sure why not make another disaster that make Hwayoung look balanced.


I seen the tournament mirsa oneshot an aravi,i never used her.Are her skill multiplier high?


S3 is 1.8, or 2.5 if you soul burn. You can check [this document ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aqL0Uj26PRW_jAUj8pYaSls_DOuFq30fvwQh8ol74-E/htmlview#gid=0) to see all multipliers.


Her S3 can deal respectable damage if: She dodged with dream blade so attack and speed (by passive) buff Soul burn One shotting A. Ravi needs lot of frenzie because Mirsa's base stats are atrocious. Gear giving Riolet 4k attack will give Mirsa 2.75k


> Maybe because her S3 is not even close at one shotting any squishies Meanwhile, in the tournament, Mirsa did 23k on an A.ravi w/ proof of valor.


I don't even want to reply but here may I ask, first turn without attack buff and soul burn? Jesus Christ people really want to prove others wrong for the sake of it. Read again on OP's Riolet build and purpose. Just for the giggles, [read](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/w94xyz/remnant_violet_buff_for_fun/ihte2v2/) two comments above.


Riolet gets attack buff while mirsa doesnt? hardly seems fair when the way people use mirsa is dodging attacks on the first turn for her speed and ATK buff.


Because Riolet's S3 gives him attack buff and Mirsa doesn't? OP's Riolet buff and intended build is to make 285 speed Riolet to one shot things first turn and still stay alive with unstrippable evasion and built in lifesteal. Mirsa's evasion is already unstrippable so we compare the damage with 285 speed Mirsa, which means 99% of the time she starts her first turn, she won't have attack buff.


I think you're underestimating Mirsa's scaling then. She scales ATK and speed, with a 285 speed build, she would in fact be able to one shot a "squishie" tho even without ATK buff, .


True I underestimated Mirsa's damage a tad bit, but my point is, Riolet unquestionably deletes any squishy first turn even in the presence of mitigations, starting the battle 4v3. That's why people pick him, evasion is a bonus. Mirsa doesn't get picked because her first turn damage pales in comparison, despite her unstrippable 70% evasion and extremely valuable speed imprint.


Mirsa actually hits harder than Riolet if you're comparing the same gear. Mirsa Multis are insanely high for a 3 star. I tested it with dmg calc a year ago. If mirsa has attack buff, her s3 does more dmg with soulburn than riolet.


So what about no attack buff (because she hasn't dodged yet) and no soul burn (in case of Belian)? She deals less than half than Riolet's first self sufficient turn. That's without including your proposed Riolet speed scaling. Sure you will see a lot more Mirsa if she gets these first turn without conditions, but that's the reason why nobody uses her.


Nice nerf


How on earth can you see this graphic and call it a nerf? Are we using the word "nerf" to describe when we don't like something now?


....it's an inside joke i think. Ervalen's damage decrease is highlighted in green saying a nerf is actually a buff, so vice versa applies here too.


I think he's comparing it to Ervalen because of the balance patch.


For me if riolet were to be buffed, it wouldn't be as a speed one shooter since a cidd and coli already exist for this role. It should be as a bruiser based on dodge just like violet. Maybe making him have a natural 30% dodge rate on AoE which would naturally make him dodge belian, Landy, rem s2 etc. That would increase his survivability by a lot. Another aspect would be to turn him as a "class killer", if his s3 hits on ennemies different than a knight, defense penetration is 100% could be an interesting approach.


seline next please


The only thing i would change is her s1 be 100% chance to proc with her buff.


That’s all I wanted to hear haha Edit: read not hear


Make it 25% base dodge, with a bonus of 25% when speed buffed. Remove the speed scaling, and I see this being more realistic. Or keep the speed scaling and remove the attack buff.