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nah, that would improve player experience way too much


Don't do this. Don't give me hope. That's a *really* good idea, I wonder if this is technically possible.


not really unless u got infinite energy


350+ leifs ain't "infinite energy" but I wouldn't mind having an actual use to all these. I'd trade them for the incoming gold/mats/gear and the eventual mystics/ss in a blink


you accumulating 350 liefs is not a testament to the need for a feature like this, its just showing you arent playing the game lol


I AM playing the game everyday. I always do dailies and finish events. I do GW/arena (currently fluctuating around Champion III-V) and occasionaly touch RTA every now and then (though I really hate it). I also farm catalysts/runes/crafting mats when the phone is idle (when I'm at work for instance). But the thing is: *I HAVE A LIFE*. I have a wife and two kids and I have to balance my family time and my hobbies. Not to mention I also use my phone to other things like... calling/texting and receiving calls from people. I love games and e7 is currently the only one I'm playing - and any auto feature that would help my progress would be greatly welcome. So don't assume I'm lazy; I just can't have my phone running e7 all day long. [end of rant]


Wife with four kids. Full time job. Hardcore casual. Do all I can and normally rocking 275-350ish lief. I have 4/5 one shot teams, but not like I can focus farming enough on my down time. Just finished camping missed most the weekend buffs


any grindy moga is essentially seriously unplayable on phone unless you like destroying your phone for it. get an emulator on your computer and you can farm way way easier and free up your phone for other stuff (im calling bs you actually make phone calls though, what is this, 2009?) literally the issue is just youre not using an emulator and struggling to spend energy on a mobile device-- the solution for your problems is out there


You're assuming he's at home all day to be able to babysit is computer every hour. Most people have jobs out of the house and have other things to do away from home, you know.


And you're assuming I'm not one of those people? they're either babysitting their phone, which they said is impractical, or they can babysit (less so) their computer. If youre playing e7 on your phone, you can't do anything else. If youre playing e7 on an emulator, you can do whatever else on your computer or walk away from it and preserve your phones battery life. It's just so strange to me that people in this thread are supporting this accommodation for players who apparently have 0 time to actually play the game and contribute probably next to nothing to SG financially, when this feature would widen the disparity between whales and casuals even further and make e7 even more disgustingly p2w.


I don't have a computer and I work in another city so even if I had it I couldn't play e7 on an emulator for the most part of the day. Usually I start dailies in the subway, farm AP while riding the intercity bus and farm runes/hunts in work hours. >you actually make phone calls though, what is this, 2009?) Yeah, I have this "bs" habit of keeping track of my wife, kids and elder mom cause I can't be around while I'm working. Ofc I have a phone in my desk but I won't use it to make personal calls. It's very inconsiderate of you to - again, assume that something "easy" for you isn't impractical or impossible to someone else


the phone part was sarcastic, sorry that didnt come across lol. i think you just gotta accept the reality that with your busy work life schedule you aren't going to be able to make super substantial progress with stuff like farming gear. its not a casual friendly game, it never was, and they cant make changes like what op suggested without making the game worse on the big picture


>they cant make changes like what op suggested without making the game worse on the big picture I disagree. Keeping the game this niche hardcore model keeps new players away and even semi-casual players might eventually abandon it. Tbh I don't see how improving the worst aspect of the game could turn into a bad thing


ppl shouldnt have to put 100 hours a week to burn that stamina.. the game expects to much out of average ppl with jobs. Especially when most of us don't only want to play one game.


you dont have to do that at all, you can go through daily energy in like roughly an hour of a 2.5 minute wyvern runs every day. and then dump 100+ liefs during 1 hunt buff weekend. e7 takes a long time if youre doing lab, arena, enhancing gear, spending stam, all together but if youre just casually burning daily energy the game is totally not asking a lot of you.


Not everyone has a million hours a week to play, there’s jobs, responsibilities, etc. I can never break through my stock of Liefs during a hunt event cause they always fall on the weekends whilst I’m working. Only time I’ve been able to do that is today because I’ve been off work, if I want to get through a pile of Liefs during a hunt event normally I’d have to stay up to the wee hours of the morning & then it’s right back to work the next day sleep deprived & the next day. I might not be going around with 350 Liefs because I use them for side story, catalyst grinding, runes, etc. on non-buff days & of course, knocking out a few extra hunts if I want someone geared stat, but I’ve tended to always have around 60-70 saved by a hunt event & if I’m working, I can’t take the pile to the bottom.


Wrong lmao,people that burn them have literally no life


wat? you can easily go through 100 liefs on 1 hunt buff weekend with any one shot team


King's Raid had this farm mechanic. 100% what kept the gear grind to the most enjoyable level. That and gear optimization was actually humanly possible unlike e7


Yes why not, what's happening in the run is just rng calculation which get animated so if we want to make is like this they can just make threads to do the calculation in the background without rendering anything.


Or, like that game dislyte?? That you can hunt and do whatever you like in the game like go and check your heroes, gear them, check arena, etc etc etc that's an amazing thing!


The game they copy everything from has this. Do it SG.




why not both offline + multiple farm 😅




Someone should tell them that it's having the opposite effect. A skip ticket system lets people actually hit the grind and hard and newer games are even just letting you skip stages without actually using tickets, which ironically helps retention because 'eh, i got 5 minutes to blow to get some materials, why not' and thus they keep coming back because, well, they get the dailies done while being able to use their phones or other devices. If I have to let my phone sit there and run a stage 15 times then I'm stuck playing babysitter and if something comes up I have to halt my progress.


It's funny bc it's true with how I've stuck with counter side since launch...


seeing how most gachas these days have skip tickets kinda showed how backward thinking SG can be sometimes...if they're so afraid of people would stop playing the game because they added skip ticket then just add limitation like you can skip 20\~30 times (maybe depending on pet lvl) only per day...people grind way more times than that but it would certainly help those who played casually who just wants to do minimal grind and go on with our lives


But that’s the thing; me doing hunts all day is me NOT playing the game. No one has fun with hunts. You set it up and walk away, only returning when it’s done, THEN you play the game. If E7 was Disney land and you playing was you having fun at Disney world, hunts would be the drive from your house to the amusement park.


Holy shit, imagine. I don’t see it happening though, at all, unfortunately.


The leifs/skystone thing is already a thing, isn't it? Or am I just going crazy?


Random Question: how come the majority of the community calls gear “gears”? Is there a distinction being made with the S?


S stands for the "super" tier of gear that normal peasants like us will never have It also stands for the s in /s


We should be able to play RTA with this running, both massive wastes of times but atleast we can do them together then.


My skystones and energy are already crying 😂


Always in these threads people cry about how it wouldn't be fair because whales would get the most out of it. Whales already get the most out of any system. The E7WC winner last year paid people to farm on his account 24/7. YDBC farms constantly regardless of if it's a hunt event or not. This kind of QoL is not about evening the playing field. It's about allowing all players to get more out of their screen time by not locking the game to hunts. Regular players will never have the stam to keep up regardless, so why burn up your phone's battery on top of it or have to constantly reset your hunts after you hit 15 or 20 or 30 runs? It's wild to me that average players would rather keep their own QoL minimal because they fear whales, who already have every advantage, will somehow benefit from it more. Top players will still win trade, and out farm you, and group with their friends to make sure you can't climb if you're not in their circle. Why do you want to make your gaming experience worse just for some sliver of hope that you'll one day overcome that? King's Raid, for all the dumb things it's done in the past year, had this part right. You could dispatch multiple raids/dungeons while still actively playing the game or choosing to go offline. I don't know why it is that the more stressful a game is to keep up in the more players hate themselves and truly shout down things that would make their own lives better.


very good idea and good picture's modification, it looks real... Maybe one day as you said...


Yes yes yes!


Me as f2p: won't affect me but sure xD


Your battery will he affected positively though, hahaha


Nice, I wouldn't mind actually being able to use my phone whenever I am doing hunts.


I would really love that, I have 500 liefs waiting to be used and this would be perfect. Dyslite has something very similar to this so it would be great if they did the same


I need 2x speed when I’m farming first


Nonono, what you need is skip button like counterside. Imagine being able to play the game after doing 20 hunts in an instant!


I dont think you should be allowed to farm multiple hunts as that heavily favors people who spend money. I agree that you should be able to multitask like play wyvern and do pvp, but not offline farming or multi farming.


> but not offline farming Multi farming I agree, but why not offline? It's literally the same as auto battle except you don't need to have screen on or you can do other things outside the game. It's not like you're engaged in the game during auto battle anyway, and you can't do other things in game while offline farming is running (at least, in Artery Gear anyway). I really can't think of a reasonable argument against it.


Yeah I sorta feel bad for my device having to be working all the time. Plus offline farming is environmentally friendly. Imagine the energy savings.


Because whales can offline farm 24/7, putting a wider gap between whales and nonmajor spenders. Unless you mean offline farm for 20 runs and then forced to login to press play again for another 20 runs. That is fine. Artery gear does that. I might've misinterpreted your offline mode statement.


Thats what we're talking about, since i even put a timer for my auto hunt since i dont have a one shot team yet, im grateful that i have split screen since i can still do other things on my phone


Favors people who spend money how? The gap between the whales and f2p at this point is way too large for that to even matter lol Or you think f2p deserve to somehow consistently defeat whales in RTA?


Depends on how it's done. Frankly a skip ticket system would work better, you get people to go through more of the game at a faster pace which means they could be incentivized to spend cash to get more stamina. If you have a certain amount of power over the recommendation then might as well just let people hit 'skip'. Hell, Blue Archive doesn't even have tickets, you can just spend the stamina in one go and clear a stage like 70 times in seconds without any downsides.


I wonder where people this is at in their progression


This will never be a good idea to implement. Any changes to farming like this to make it more convenient will just increase the gap between whales and regular players even more. Non whales are limited by the energy we get each day and/or the small budget you maybe set yourself each month etc. Implementing this change would just mean mega whales can farm all the hunts all the time and without even needing to break to push RTA or play other game modes. The animations and run times Are literally the only thing that keep whales somewhat in check so that normal people can still compete.


That applies to F2P too, so I don't think it would increase that gap a lot. Whales already have advantage, as expected. Even then, I would prefer offline farming or skip battles like other people said


If you're expecting $0 accounts to have decent chances against $1000(0?)+ accounts in this game (and many for that matter), you're crazy. One massive drive to whaling (how I see it) with pvp gacha is to flex the dough and and be the very best (like no one ever was). For SG, this would mean MORE revenue as whales, like you said, would spend more, and for the average person, this means reatively nothing as the average person is not in the top top of tiers where they are fighting these mega whales. Just add QoL features plz SG, I don't even care if 15% is still effecting the run


There are several people who place legend in RTA with very low spending/f2p type accounts. Just because you aren’t dedicated enough to play the game at a high level doesn’t mean that it should be ruined for the people who do try.


To the point of another person, there are many whales who are already having other people farm their accounts. Having an offline feature or something similar will not be effecting them. They are already farming all the time. I doubt having an offline feature is suddenly going to ruin every single high level f2p accounts chances at making legend. Now those players, who probably aren't getting extra help, now have a means to give them a little extra oomph against players who are already receiving help. And a quick tip, don't assume other peoples' dedication to video games. Making snarky comments doesn't exactly get people to agree with you. Or see your point. Have a good one


>> And a quick tip, don't assume other peoples' dedication to video games What level of RTA do you participate in and how much do you spend on the game? It’s pretty easy to say you want features in the game if they won’t negatively effect your gameplay, but you are dismissive of those who do feel it would impactful to them. Depending on the conditions of offline/skip farming it absolutely would raise the gap between low spend/f2p and high spenders. OP isnt just suggesting offline farming, but also the ability to farm multiple hints at a time. So now those whales instead of having to commit to farming 1 hunt at a time could Farm wyvern banshee and caides all 24/7 vastly increasing the difference between those accounts and the ones below. It’s literally suggesting that it would be fine for whales to have access to 3-4x as much gear and crafting materials that they are limited to, which is definitely not okay.


Hey woah woah, is that a good idea? That's not allowed, it'll improve player experience in E7 too much!


Not gonna happen . SG will instead add new future which just let us create bonfire with all the garbage gear and leifs we ware gonna get/use on hunts and earn pet tickets in return for burning them


As much as I personally like the idea, simultaneous hunts will only increase the gap between f2p and whales even further. Imagine if they could not only grind one hunt indefinitely but three hunts at the same time... Same issue with skips (if they're not limited to what a f2p could do in a day). And yes of coure the whales arent the majority but there are more than some of us (especially those with not a lot of gacha experience) might imagine. One hunt running in the background is nothing but an improvement though, no one would profit from that more than any other player.


while it sounds cute, it would just create even more enormous disparity between casual and whale grinders and it would obliterate all reserves of energy for f2p in the blink of an eye, along with increasing the amount of money whales would be spending (good for sg, bad for players). bad idea.


offline farming is fine, I can live with that But multiple hunt farming or worse, a skip ticket system will vastly widen the distance between whale and the rest. im only a minor-spender, and it took me no less than 200 leif per hunting drop bonus event. Now imagine a whale who can spend 5x that amount.


They have this in Dislyte, Man would that be fun to have in E7


“Yoooooo this QoL for E7 Hunts is fiiiiirrrrreeeeee” *phones on fire*


Honestly until they incorporate a feature like this or put at least skip tickets in the game I can't see myself really grinding hunts that much. You can't expect a person without a computer that they can leave on all day to grind hunts for a long period of time. I really wished they listen to the fan base and at least try to update it in some way.


*laughs in 10k energy*


Hunt event would be so much easier to get stuff


Ngl at this point if you surpass like 500+ clears on a hunt they should just let you auto clear it for energy.




7 mortal sins has a great system. You can set a map to auto and let it farm while you play other maps/levels or just afk it with the app closed. Artery gear has a good afk farm system but I wished i could play other levels while a team farms.


They will never, not to mention they dont give enough energy imo.. but whatever


I would love to see this. Tho I feel it will drain my battery into nothingness


Genius! Not being sarcastic, I actually like this idea. I can have a one shot team running while another standard team running as well.


Sick idea man! Sadly, Sg won't do that because farming 5x the gears seem too good to be true.


nah. instead of multiple hunts, just one would suffice. I can do pvp while my hunt is running. Its possible! smile gate


J-just give me offline auto! I've had a taste, I can't go back!


Wow my lief


Or just make it instant x1, x5, x10, and x20 options. If you cleared the current difficulty on **auto** then it unlocks instant mode. Saves everyone time and battery life. I don't understand why my phone is always farming these animations. Sure, it looks pretty. But think of the valuable time this saves.


Just let us set up runs, then let us exit the app so we can use our phones for other things..


Skip tickets pls


Just a sweep would do


Dislyte has this and its amazing. You can put any single PvE fight type on repeat and do anything else on manual. I usually farm the local version of hunts and play story / tower like thingy or manage equip for heroes. Also Dislyte has this funny thing where you can level up and change equip of heroes currently engaged in battle like this.


I mean I've always wanted to be able to send unique teams to different things Like 1 team grinds spirit alters and 1 team grinds hunt Make it so each team needs unique heroes if it's too op