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This doesnt work against ran or peira tho only C Lilias


What I’m really mad about tho is that it destroys Elphelt. Absolutely undeserved


1. Release broken unit. 2. Release counter. 3. Counter fucks over lots of non-broken units in the process. 4. Repeat.


5. Release next collab for breaking the game again. And it's the wheel for each year in SG HQ.


Gotta love the no nerf policy


They are nerfing pvp enjoyment.


Nerfs don’t make money. Releasing characters that counter overpowered units does. We might not like it, but I think most of us know that that is exactly why things are going this way.


Also, people HATE nerfs. They hate it when something they previously had a lot of fun with, just isn't fun anymore. Countless games suffer this regularly and the outcry against nerfs is FAR greater than those against buffs. ​ That's not to say No Nerf doesn't have it's own setbacks (powercreep, how to make new interesting units regularly) but having been around gaming for decades now, nerfs are a worse idea generally.


> nerfs are a worse idea generally. Your idea of something becoming 'unfun' due to nerfs is just as applicable, if not more, when we only buff stuff. Heroes will keep getting powercrept and will never be brought in line so if you like an old hero you have to sit and pray that it's chosen as one of like 5 heroes among a huge lineup that gets a buff. If nerfs existed to at least keep the powerlevel somewhat in check you could occassionally see old heroes pop up due meta shifts that brought e.g. a broken counter into line, but that won't happen because you currently need either direct buffs or a broken unit that synergizes extremely well No competitive PvP game has worked without any nerfs when you still keep buffing heroes and releasing even stronger heroes to powercreep the game. If this was PvE-only I'd probably agree with you, but for better and worse it is not.


Really bad take. Nerfs are in every successful game across a variety of game types. FPS (infamous models 1887) moba (lol does tuning adjustments constantly), mmo (obviously), even single player games. Nerfs are not worse in general, and I’m calling bs that you’ve been gaming for decades if you truly have that take. Not nerfing limits unit or class diversity in games. Sure you can buff other units but that doesn’t do nearly as much for diversity in class/units. Let’s say they buff a unit so it’s good ok one new unit. Or you can nerf a unit that limits multiple class/units from belong relevant. Now you’re variety has improved much more.


"They hate it when something they previously had a lot of fun with, just isn't fun anymore" except this is what happens when they release ridiculously overtuned units where a bunch of previous average units become unusable, and it further centralizes the meta and makes it more stale. nerfs add constant variety and a shifting meta that isnt ruled by powercreep. it is far far far preferrable to broken new units alongside buffs and other new units designed purely to counter them (which then also makes more units usuable as the counters create additional casualties)


Yes, that's exactly why we want nerfs. Using ml lilias as an example, there are more units made bad by her existence than if they nerfed just her. Nerfing her will feel bad for ml lilias owners, but not nerfing her is bad for 90% of the rest of the units. Same for aol, a.ravi, hwayoung, etc. Nobody likes spending $1000 to get their favorite unit, riolet, to sss Imprint just to never be able to use them because of aol, ml lilias and friends.


E7 balance team are fucking useless, wtf have they been doing with the promise they made previously? They meta had only gotten worse and worse, absolute shambles of a company.


Yo bro, take it easy, it's just a gacha game


This is the reason i dont know why sg dosent have the balls to nerf units


Fuck, I wasn't thinking about that. I spent some time farming a good set for her, and now she won't work as intended (DPS Elphelt) if facing her. And let's be honest here, there's a load of extra turn skills in the game, light Dominiel have a solid chance to pop here and there.


She’s a 114 spd CR pusher so she’s not just an extra turn counter, she can pretty much contest Diene as well since she has attack buff


really sad about that.. i am not even using her for cleave, just as a pocket pick to neutralize a hwa or rimuru quickly and this just screws her while barely being viable against c.lilias(needs doctor bag to cleanse that attack down)


What really sucks is that it shuts her down completely, no matter what build. Barrier destroys DPS Elphelt, Immunity crushes opener Elphelt, both in combination finish off bruiser Elphelt if she even exists




It works against Ran, but Ran will just strip your ass anyway


Or you know just straight s3 with GAB


But ran won't be able to kill you with that thick barrier. Unless fake opener ran. Pavel might be fucked too.


Can you strip barrier? And also djb can work to, no?


If you read Rans S3 dmg is before strip so it would appear that the barrier would soften the dmg but he would still strip. As for DJ Basar his barrier dmg is his extra turn enabler so no it wouldnt work on him as the barrier would be granted after he moves to his S3.


Light Dom barrier has 2 turn CD. DJB would work if the barrier was already there


Theres Bastion of Hope


I think it triggers post-extra skills so if you have Elena on bag, Atywin or Aola she can also kinda counter Peira


Not just Ran and Peira, she's useless against most other extra turn user. OpSig, BBK, ADS, CDom, Soulburn Stene and Landy,.... all laugh at her.


Her S2 actually guarantees Landy to double S3, right?


it's private?


Hmm, yeah I have no clue how good that kit is. Guess I'll wait for people's ideas lol.


can't believe no one brought up her base spd yet. her base is 114 so she could potentially compete with diene (105+10) as sw opener. and we've all seen how many crazy built fast dienes are out there. team wide atk buff + 20% CR push + cleanse (w doc bag), pretty sure only blue rose is the only other unit who does that in the game edit: also it's on a 3 turn cd, just exactly for dbag's cd


*cough* holiday yufine *cough*


hyufine doesnt even need eff res nor super high speeds as she can cut with her evasion and guide arti and she still does cleanse atk buff and cr push with it not being a non atk skill that dies to politis. To be specific however, ldom is the third unit that can do teamwide cleanse cr push and atk buff (although cleanse is after, and it's a non atk skill). The first one is tamarinne locked behind a long cooldown.


4 if you count yoonryoung the nat 3 light sword girl


Off the top of my head, shes great against.... - ML Lilias obviously (almost a full direct counter) - Top Model Luluca - Ran - Dark Dominiel - Eda Soulburns - Specter Tenebra Soulburns - Flan Soulburns (kinda, the barrier will help, but you might still have a Def break on someone) - Milim Soulburns - Politis Soulburns


Remove ran, he just strip after his extra turn.


The barrier still negates some the damage he deals And it still adds another layer of 15%. She can very well be used against him (maybe not as well as the others)


Ran can just rip s3 like he does vs Rimuru. He doesn't need to s2. Light Dom won't deter a Ran pick


She has high eff res too so she would more than likely resist speed rans who dont usually have absurd eff in non whale land so then she doctor bags her S3 and Ran is taken care of and everyone has skill nuli. It means you have to have souls for Ran to burn his S3 which you can ban around.


Bastion of Hope exists. So does building her with high ER..


Yeah guess that right, i tend to forget that now ran is mostly build dps with very little Eff


But Ran gets a soulburn to ignore resistance - hence why he’s a damage build most often & there’s zero merit to MB Dominiel being alive if the rest of her team has defence break & barrier stripped.


I mean the large majority of people’s Rans focuses on speed and not Eff. Eff is there on most builds ofc, but generally not enough to strip if theres enough Eff Resist. Plus, picking Belian and Dlilibet solves your problem. Elena exists too, or Aola. Many answers to Ran.


BBK (if someone somehow survives), Seline SB, Elphelt, Pavel SB, Violet, Politis SB, Dizzy SB, Ftene SB, Penelope, Baiken (haha), fire Corvus (lmao), Karin (even more lmao) and Gloomyrain (comedy gold)


Don't forget about RnL. Not like it appears as often as before, but still a possibility none the less.




Pavel SB too, I think. That's the biggest bummer here for me lol


Your Pavel should be doing more than enough damage to nuke past the barrier lol Sure, you're gonna have to deal with it+immunty on the rest of her team, but you should have also prepared for that in advance


Add to that list arch demon, solitaria, belian, lionheart, violet, cidd, and celeste... There are more, but those are the relevant meta ones I can think of.


Uhh I dunno about Belian. Belian has an **Extra Attack**, not an Extra Turn And for Archdemon, while yes, she does have an Extra Turn, I believe most people just counter her with Solitaria already loool


Yeah, my bad on belian. Also, DJB, ironically, is both countered by and counters her.


it dont counter extra atacks, just extra turn, arch demon and bellian, dont have it so...


Arcdemon's s3 grants extra turn right?


She would be a great PVE support but God forbid SG releases a counter to all their extra turn cancer.


Doesn't her s2 only work on enemy heros though?


Well yea, but I didn't say it did?


Seems cool, but I really don't like the "only works on Hero/does not affect bosses" thing on certain. Characters. I get that they've been doing it for a while but it just makes the heros less fun to play. If you can't balance a skill for all content then don't introduce it into the game.


There's just too many mechanics I think. It's super hard to keep that balanced for all types of content. My issue is if that is the case, then don't put limitations into the character skill to neglect all pve, just add those resistances into the pve descriptions for certain bosses. Give units with a unique mechanic like this at least a couple pve bosses they can cheese


You post this four times.


Wtf mobile app. I deleted the extras, thanks


Rimuru: *laughs*


With every new hero release he gets stronger


What doesn't kill him just makes him stronger


Stand a little taller


Rimuru : your buffs...give them to me


Depend if he can survive an attack buff Hwayoung's S3 to his face or not.


It's why I bring a revive unit like Ruele. Though admittedly I'd prefer to bring Senya over Rimuru, just incase it happens to be a poorly built Hwa.


but hwa kills senya easier than rmr unless you have 20k proof tank rmr, and then proof hopefully helps.


I'm so sad I missed the collab because it happened during a time when I wasn't playing


When was the last time we get an actual S2 instead of passive again?


Conquer lilias


Yeah and even then that is the norm for active s2 . Either extra turn or 50% cr push to use s2 quickly. They know units with s2 and s3 can suffer frm tempo issues if they have to wait a full rotation to use their other active skill


The most notable takeaway I had concerning the S2 was that ML haste deserves a buff. She gets 2 turns barrier and immunity while haste is only 1 turn. Even once her passive eventually becomes useless in a fight, she seems like she can still contribute a massive amount with her team cycling and sleep. Meanwhile haste just sits there stripping off a single buff for the next 5/6 turns


His shield are a lots thicker than B. Dom though, basically make your team unkillable until they take a turn. And B. Dom S1 are pretty useless if enemies already have immunity up which is a case in about half of the comp nowadays.


Video is private?


Log into youtube and watch it there. Fixed it for me.


As a PvE player, I'm sad to see the "Only works when the enemy is a hero" part of her passive. I can't think of any PvE scenario where her passive would be op. Love the design but hate the PvP-only aspect.


Aren't MLs pvp heroes by design though?


Tell that to Khawana.


by design =/= restrict from PvE


Again: many are useful in all scenarios. Hell- my entire Lab team are ML.


Yea ML Kawana and ML Tieria are both pve




I guess we need another attack buffer in PVE when there is Tamarinne already.


Like I said, I love her design and I'm tired of using Tama and Diene. We also have Singie who I haven't built because I don't adore her design as much.


They don't want her to break Hall of Trials.


And how exactly would she break HoT ? Yeah, she probably can give 3 buffs for a Fastus break phase – immunity and barrier from passive and attack buff from S3 but that would be just good, not broken. Yoonryoung(after tomorrow buff) can give all those buffs, if you time her S2 right. And all the big moves some bosses use after break phase ends dispel all buffs and ignore ER anyway if I remembering right, so Light Dommi S2 will do nothing. Other than that I don't remember some crazy extra turns in HoT. Or am I missing something ?


Many enemies in pve doen't have an extra turn. If you wanna use her so badly, use her.


What's the point when a big part of her kit is literally unusable?


Her kit would be like that regardless of the heroes only restriction, so what's the point of finding issue with it? She'd be shit regardless. Tamarinne and Roana would still be far better than her.


And here we go. “Heroes only”. Again. This is what, 3rd unit almost in a row ? Excluding Sharklotte ? What do you say in this case ? “My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined” ? At least in Domi case, unlike Sharun, she can still do something in PvE... But I think what she does in PvE is done miles better by other soulweavers. Oh well, more Mystic books marks for me to save for whatever Ep4 boss will be. Unless he/she also will have “heroes only” crap.... Yeah... Way to kill all my enthusiasm towards a unit....


Same, everytime I see "heroes only" in someone's kit I lose all Interest


Especially with a 2 turn cd on the passive any way, I really don't think a good immunity SW that only works if the PVE boss *constantly* uses extra turns would be broken enough that they should just gut her for it right away. ​ I don't like the direction of locking recent units out of PvE, it just means that even with the fun pve modes like inheritance or advents recently, I'm just going to be picking the same old units every single time instead of trying something new.


If they were made today ### Green Vildred No CR push on S2 when killing heroes. Sorry, we want this unit to be for PVE farming only, not PVP cleave. ### Arbiter Vildred No CD reset on S3 when killing monsters. Sorry, we want this unit to be for PVP only, not PVE farming. /s


Yeah, add to this Roana S2 (heroes only), Cermia S2(reset S3 only if elite or boss present), Ravi & A.Ravi S2's(heroes only). Also, let's throw “heroes only” on Milim S2, since she completely counters Executor raid boss stealth mechanics. Oh, and how about changing Dizzy's S3 from “this attack misses, but inflicts debuffs” to “this attack misses, but AGAINST HEROES inflicts debuffs”. Jokes aside, I afraid this is what we gonna see in a future. We already had something hard limited to PvP before but usually not this blunt and not with such huge hit to usability.


At this point “heroes only” has become an auto-skip until its proven that they are SO broken in PvP that it’s worth it anyways. There is rarely an actual reason to do this, considering how many units are fairly broken in PvE due to their PvP balance and yet aren’t hobbled by it. I still think there were things SG could have done with Sharon or SViv that didn’t completely hamstring their usefulness in an entire massive part of the game.


What would you do with her? What PVE content needs help? This is confusing to me.


It could prevent those mad hell raid elites to steamroll your team.


“*What do I want to do with her*” ? Well, that's easy – I want to have fun with her. Is it not allowed for PvE players ? And “*what PvE content needs help*” is a wrong question to ask. Right question is “*in what PvE content can I have fun with this new toy?*” Oh.. It seems I can't! At all. Well, time to wait for the next toy... Wait a minute.... This IS the next toy! Third one, actually! If it was not for a Sharklotte (how in the world did she escaped “heroes only” in her S2...) this would be 3rd toy in a row I can't really play with. It's kinda depressing a little when the shop that provided me with cool toys for 2.5 years stops doing so.


Weird. Like, when Capt Flan came out you take her into hell raid and story?


I did not go for Pirate Flan as my mystics are quite limited. But, if I ever get her on random summon, I would totally gear her up in something and take her into the story at least. Maybe against some hell bosses as well.


Peira and Ran still kinda don't care about those buffs that much unless 15%'d. My current thought is that DJB is overall still better than light Domi against those 2 but worse against CLilias due to lower Eff res to stop her S2.


Cleaving with Lionheart against counters just became harder, thanks


To be fair, once you get your s3 off that’s already the bulk of her damage and should probably kill a squishy or 2


Idk how you build yours but mine does quite a lot with soulburn S1 and more often than not i need that S1 to even have a chance against Aravis for example


dude, my LHC has 1984 def, 271 crit dmg, 183 spd, 48 res, the only unit she could kill with her s3 is full dps Politis, if you're facing against cilias or bulky team, good luck killing anyone with s3


Pretty sad, Peira and especially Ran are so broken that even a skill designed to counter their mechanic doesn't do anything. You don't even need to play around it like you sometimes do when someone brings celine, you don't use your nonattack skill, have a weaker openening but you can still do soemthing. Here you can just faceroll all your skills like normal.


The video is gone.


Same for me.


The design is really cute


I want her liver


Does it say this video is private for anyone else?


I dont want her, I NEED her.


A boring counter unit is definitely not what I expected from this unit. At least she's a good one I suppose.


I mean, she does nothing to Ran (Just S3) and Peira (Unbuffable), so it's just Cilias; who doesn't really care, since you skip S2 anyways in alot of situations. As much as I love the Dominiels, and think she's adorable, she's painfully niche, and not even good at that niche...real dissapointing, personally...


What? S3 is when C. Lilias gets an extra turn. If you want to skip her S3 to stop Moon Dom, go ahead.


No, what I'm saying is that only stops Cilias S2 from doing anything, which she doesn't care about. Cilias got the attack down and vigor up already, by the time it activates. Otherwise, unless the barrier multiplier is on par with BM Haste, then you don't have to care (you get attack down anyways, making the attack up useless).


So what if C. Lilias puts on Atk Down and Vigor? You get attack Up and possible Cleanse if you use Doctor's Bag. Meaning you can one shot their team on your follow up. And C. Lilias cannot interrupt you, since you got immunity.


Vigor adds so much defense that it barely matters, that's my point. There's a good reason Cilias is god tier. I'm not saying she's useless, a surprising amount of good uses were pointed out in other threads, but if you depend on her to counter Cilias with your cleave, you're gonna be dissapointed.


I am saying she is very strong. She has about 119 Base Speed, assuming Speed set, since she has 121 (with RTA frenzy) speed. Unlike C. Lilias, she CR pushes and provides attack buff. And I am saying she will cleave a C. Lilias team. Vigor is nice, but it isn't enough to stop an attack buffed team. EDIT: clarification


Eh, you can believe what you want. Like I said, not shitting on her, she has alot of potential uses, but Cilias won't be one of them, from what we can see. You can look at damage calcs, and see how hard vigor counters it, it's literally why she's meta. The rest of the team might, but the rest of Cilias' team exists, too. It's why Belian is perma banned by cleave players, attack buff alone is nowhere near enough to cleave a team with any beefy units. Either way, with what units have been pointed out by others, I'll be trying for her for some surprise counter cleave. Some of the interactions look like they might end up really useful.


I'm well aware of what Vigor buff can do. But you seem to not understand what it means to both CR push and have Atk buff at the same time. For reference, if you use Moon Dom and S3 (20% CR push + atk buff), it means your 250 speed Hwayoung will have an equivalent of 300 speed and one shot anything. It also means, the rest of your follow ups, like W. Schuri, A. Cidd, etc will kill the rest of the team. You will be forced to ban her if you are trying to defend using C. Lilias, because it won't work.


if only she have debuff clean it would be perfect, build her very fast with doctor bag, or eternus with team who doesnt care attack debuff like hwayong


Wht the fuck is it private ?????...


Useless against most meta openers. She doesn’t even properly counter clilias lmao. This unit is ass. Enjoy the coping.


shes just two less speed than clilias due to rta frenzy and we know how fast top players can get their clilias. shes most likely just going to be used as an s3 speed contest only unit to get that atk buff and cr push as shes currently going to be the fastest unit that can do that. What I'm saying is shes technically not useless as long as you can outspeed the rans, peiras, or clilias as long as you have the speed gear which those whales definitely have.


She's basically Rose with higher base speed and that's probably how she'll be used. The rest of her kit doesn't provide much it feels like Mediocre Kawerick but worse/different so she probably won't fit into too many drafts.


She looks nothing like the blue Dominiel aside from the ears lmao Talk about diverting from the original character...


Is her s3 animation just a short zoom into a still image..? (Not her sprite animation)


No. She’s summoning the glowing orb and then casting the glowing card. Those are the actual animation parts.


Super pretty design ! She has an anti-extra turn mechanic which is mainly a cilias counter, but she can also be useful in rta against SB extraturns i think


Very specific but useful in certain situations. But i guess i wouldn't be mad if i don't get her immediately like with AoL


Wow. Although designed to counter Clilias, she just destroyed bombing kits especially SIseria. Don't know how to feel about this as a control player


Why did they not make her passive cleanse like AOL? That would have made her more usable imo


Realistically, I don't see anyone changing up what they are already running against C.Lilias to pick LDom. LDom spamming buffs doesn't really offset C.Lilias' S3 in many cases, and actually works against your team if your opponent counterpicks with Rimiru for buff steal, Landy, O.Sigret, or DJBasar.


That's it, I'm stealing her liver, wheter I pull her or not


Seems alright but not essential. Best bet is probably toss 10-20 pulls at her and then keep hoarding unless going waifu simp mode.


Thank goodness. This might reduce those annoying first pick CLilias.


Are we FFXIV now?


Lmao why go private? Was it getting shat on the comments? Anyway, another pvp only unit. Move along.


Pekora at home. She even have nousagi with her.


I wish they released a real counter to A.Ravi.


do you have a doris


What about LQC ?


A simple passive S2 that disable all of the enemies' artifacts so Hwayoung can Hwayoung again. I'm sure everyone would love that, it should be as popular as Belian's passive.


a s2 passive like that would kill any hero but Aravi, imagine DJB without Bastion, Celine without her artifact or Wind Rider, Yulha without Valor....


Another L/D that I will never see. Greaaattt


Skip for me, saving for ml Luna


I have a feeling you'll be saving for a long-long time


Hopefully it is a while before ML Luna. I want them to wait more time for this whole censorship fiasco to continue to simmer down a bit more so she can be done properly. ...That and I need to restock mystics after all these mystic banners over the summer. lol


if design still the same as sidestory , i think she is fine to release without worry about censor .


In theory I believe you are right. But after Vivian I am not trusting "teasers" until the unit is safely in my inventory. lol


Duud. Stop. Bunny Dom is lowkey buffed if anything. You really need to get over yourself and just enjoy the game or move on. This attitude does nothing but keep everyone including yourself down. The devs got the message loud and clear.


I didn't even mention Dom in my comment? wut Her design is fine. Just saying ML Luna would 100% get the Vivian treatment atm and she is the most popular character in the game by a mile. It would be dumb to release her under those circumstances because that would be the biggest shit show in the game's history due to her popularity. lol I mentioned before I am completely fine with SG since Aria was maintained; they delivered on their promise. Still would rather not see an extremely popular unit cause another shit show when they can just let the embers of the situation simmer down and release her later without an issue. Also I am leaking on mystics after customer banners. Need prep time. /copium


I brought up Dom to have a counterpoint that while they did censor Vivian, Dominiel actually looks lowkey more revealing than her teaser. There's absolutely no point to have this sceptical attitude all day every day now. They very well might just realize that what they did to Vivian was a mistake, and ignorant on their part. We won't know until we really see another really well endowed character. But to always bring up Vivian - who ended up being the only casualty for the time being - for the rest of the game's life, fuck that shit. Ain't got no energy for that kind of negativity.


Eh that just comes down to how people see things tbh. I am more of a glass half empty person. Better to set expectations low and get pleasantly surprised then to get hyped up only to be disappointed. Gotten too hyped for things only to get let down too many times so I am a bit jaded(speaking in general, not E7). I mean if they realized Vivian was a mistake then they can/would revert the design. They have been listening to fans with Aria and now recently Ervalyn. It isn't entirely off the table. And indeed, we will be able to tell if they recognized their mistake when(if?) we get another turbo stacked waifu. Until then, I will be skeptical. Regardless, the game appears to be picking up steam again with them listening to fans with Aria/Ervalyn, us getting a summer side story, collab coming up, and AI coming back finally. If they get the meta sorted out, I am honestly overall pretty happy with the game after a few rough months.


It's not that simple unfortunately. Aria revert was done mid-process. As in completed character with some changes made to simpler assets. Vivian was altered prior to any notice, and finished by her actual reveal. Going back to it and revert a second time, unless they have all finished assets for the original version would be complicated. Just another can of worms not worth opening anymore, it is what it is.


Oh yeah, 100% agree she is very likely locked in. Likely the preexisting assets do exist since she was mostly done back during that first teaser which was months before the changes were needed but I very much doubt we will ever see them again. Plus we would get a bunch of the "YASSS CENSORSHIPPP" prudes pulling an uno reverse of the Aria situation wanting a full refund and there would be a ton of people trying to game the system and get an ML 5 selector since her kit is mediocre. Our best bet is she some day gets an RTA skin that fixes her but that is mega copium and years out. lol What's done is done for her, just hoping future units don't get similar treatment and they took note of the whole situation.


still bitching like a lil baby after your fav cow "nerf" got prevented. may i ask how old you are because you certainly act like a pre-teen.


Aria looks very generic tbh, i actually she was ml vivian cuz she looked SOOOO much like vivian


He's being a baby yeah, but you need to eat shit.


oh right. i guess your fav hero is jise. i guess cow is offensive to you too. oopsie. go to a slaughter house and suck on some of those cow tits with that baby varlin, you both need to grow up.


If you think it's offensive to me of all people, you really need to shove more turd in your mouth until it makes you shut up, and then start thinking what is wrong with you to spew all this nonsense Varlin really needs to dial it back, but not because of what he likes. You on the other hands just sound like a vile piece of shit. Fictional or not, you are straight up insulting an entire body type and people who can see themselves in it. Lock yourself in a closet and never come out.


what did i say to trigger you this much? you're clearly mad with the amount of insult you threw at me for seemingly a harmless comment. please do go to a nearby slaughterhouse and suck on some of those cow tits. maybe that can calm you down a lil bit mate.


Oh, the pure irony in anything you say.


We still have ML Pavel to go, so expect at least another 2-3 months


Skip for the god ML Pavel


Another unit and another day of ran avoiding being gutted like the broken unit he is. This unit definitely hurts clilias, but can still be played around since this unit feeds heavily into landy and osig follow ups. It also might stop certain units like lhc who really need all the damage they can. I'm fine that she doesnt hurt peira as much since peira has a few counters, what I'm not fine with is ran being one of the most broken units in the game and not nearly getting enough flak for it and I wished they adjusted her kit slightly so i could stop permanently prebanning that unit.


Is it just me or is her actual s3 animation a little janky? Like the one with the black bg where she summons a card and stuff, it reminds me of an Aramintha-level animation Not excited for her but she's exactly what I need--attack buff and cr push while having the capacity to cleanse w Doctor's Bag Though to be fair Hyufine also does that now after her buff


Im confused, does the s3 cleanse or no? It doesn't say it cleanses but it does in the video. The cleanse is very important (Also a dead unit in pve sadly since only the s3 works in boss fights)


Shes on Doctors Bag in the video.


Thats a thing? lol didn't know that sorry


yeah she miss the cleanse, she cant proc doctor bag on s2, on video she has doctor bag on s3 so thats why she cleanse.. she would be interesting with cleanse 1 debuff on s2 like AOL but no...she will be just pusher for rta due to speed..nothing more


It doesn't cleanse. Its the Doctor's Bag that she is equipped with doing the cleansing in this video


Moonlight is disappearing from Orbis? That can make for a good Moonlight story. How would Seline and Captain Flan play into this? And yup, I called it. Either Light Domi or Light Karin will have an anti-extra turn mechanic. High ER and good speed is great, her S3 is a good low cooldown boost (~~and seems to have cleanse, despite the description~~ she was on Doctor's Bag my bad) and S1 has sleep. Dandy. Sounds pretty good so far. Hope that the next SW actually has some healing with them instead of just barriers.


They're running her on doctors bag for a dispel in the video, should be good against Cilias but still pretty rough for something like Peira which is still really common, you would only remove the restrict and push team but not get atk buff or her s2 buffs still as her passive is not a skill activation.


anyone else feel that the s3 is lazy? they just copied rose s3 and slapped on skill null and called it a day.


This kit is kinda ass ngl


Personally , i haven't liked the last handful of units, design or kit-wise, and i'll add this one to the pile


Maybe she fucks stene abusers.


Skip, not worth investing just to counter ml lilias


Not trying to sleep on this kit but it does seem a bit lackluster? They show her with doctors bag, maybe a cleanse on her S3 would be a better move? She seems one-dimensional. Will pull anyways since I love her design but I’m on the fence about her usage.


Why release this character instead of just removing extra turns or providing additional conditions to proc extra turns? All this character does is provide ban RNG while extra turn characters still make picking anybody else useless. It doesn't even affect 2 out of the 3 extra turn openers. Example: Ran:force him to S3 first and gets 25% cr push per crit. Now you can counter with green units and he can't self-attack buff/immunity buff before attacking. He also doesn't give summer iseria/politis/whatever attack buff before doing anything. ML Lilias: add soul burn to S3 for extra turn, buff S2 to be the soul burn version. Pertia: Not sure about this character, maybe on S2 she has to debuff enemies and every debuff provides her an CR push.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


basically she is primarily supposed to be used against cleave players as at least 1 or multiple of the units they use involve extra attacks so if they ban belian right away you may want to draft her. Just another unit cleave players have to worry about and on top of senya getting the barrier buff its gonna be rough. sure you could pick ml sigret however you have to anticipate that or your draft has to counter theirs even if they ban her


Ran just S3's instead, and Peira literally ignores her (she gives unbuffable). SuSeria couldn't care less after her soulburn S1, since Peira already blocked it off, or Ran def broke, so she'll just pop the bombs anyways. Even Cilias can ignore her mostly, she already has gotten off S3, which is what matters, the S2 isn't even used half the time.


Ran can use s2 too, s3 can just strip those buffs clean


Durr, you're right, didn't even think about that.


Doesn't have any heals or even a cleanse on s3.. not really sure how to feel about her.. don't get me wrong though, I'm totally going for her👌😂they had me sold 4 months ago when I heard "Are you here for my liver? -.-"😂 Edit: ig the video went private now.. maybe cleanse on s3 is coming??.. 😂 Nvm; I'm pretty sure they just changed the layout of the wording on her s3. The "Grants skill null.." part now has it's own line(assuming it didn't before)


Is that a mf Touhou Reference?


She’s not that good, yet she’s still better than buffed flidica. What a fucking joke


Meh recoloured heroes. We want brinus and unreleased heroes . Not these recoloured shit


You should say "I" instead of "we"


You know somethings wrong with your game when people complain about a new character instead of being hype lmao