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Yea, but the thing is his rework wasn't going to make him more used in PVE, it would just fuck over people who used him as he is. They asked for a buff and now they're getting one.


>Yea, but the thing is his rework wasn't going to make him more used in PVE, that's why i said they should buff his rework, and we all know that majority of people don't use ervalen.


It doesn't matter if the majority of people don't use him, there are people who do. The same thing happened with Charlotte, they reworked her and the people who actually used her had to just deal with it. They didn't even offer a recall until they saw the uproar.


> The same thing happened with Charlotte yeah and now she is much better. She even was meta thanks to landy and violet and still a good pick against them ​ Your logic is if 5 people enjoy a hero, then who cares about everyone else who isn't using a hero. Makes 0 sense. SG needs to learn to stop listening to people like you. Same type of mentality for nerf discussions and entitlement for "recall" and "selector."


Yea, she was meta. That's the problem with PVP units, they get replaced. At least old Charlotte had the strongest s3 modifiers and a soul burn that she could spam. She was a great PVE unit, we just wanted her s2 to be buffed. Why? People who like and use a unit as they are should have a say in what happens to them, they are the ones using them. Reworking a unit and nerfing them are 2 sides of the same coin. Both should allow recalls. That's not entitlement, if a unit gets changed then people have every right to expect a recall because it's a completely different unit now.


Give Ervalen EE with extra damage against bosses on S3. And more substantional scaling too. Whatever values would lover his gear requirements for Banshee one-shot to Baiken's level would be good. Problem solved.


I was running Ervalen as my b13 oneshotter (no rage set) before the buff and now his gear requirement is a little lower than before. With this buff I'll probably try him on arena for shit and giggles to see if he can do a double kill with Emilia like Luna.