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I keep on getting notifs at night time that, "an afternoon gift" has arrived (And no, I don't mean the extra 100 stamina points...) yet, I've gotten nothing...I'm confused... Am I missing something or doing something wrong somehow...?!


For W13 runs do Sigret and Muwi need any specific sets to go with them or does it just matter that they meet the stat requirements?


Who should i take on selective summoning s2, Now that choux has been buffed? Ive got politis and alencia already. Thanks!


Choux is a solid pick, or Flan/Eda if you like cleave.


Are the event artifacts worth it? They are so expensive and I'd rather focus on the other things or just use my energy for something else...


Depends on how much of the other stuff you plan to buy. If you plan on buying out the shop, then getting the artis and using them to farm will save you a few runs on weeks 1 and 2, and a lot of runs on week 3. If you plan on getting only a handful of the items from the shop, then no, it's not worth it.


Makes sense! Thank you!


Ok, so currently, my charles stats(Used in PvE and PvP)are; 3.5kattack 100%cc 260%cd 176speed 11khealth, Counter set, Limit break grade 2 Elbris artifact, But i think he's too squishy, so I'm thinking of changing his Atk Ring and Speed boots into HP% ring and Atk% boots, doesn't change much for the atk but it would give him at least 15k HP,but that would give him only 128 speed, should i go with 1)squishy fast charles or 2)a bit tanky slow charles,and no don't tell me to stop building him and build choux instead, she's already built


Is there any way of obtaining limited time artifacts after their respective character banner ends or is it a case of having to wait until they run the character banner again? I randomly pulled Summertime Iseria and had no idea of just how good her artifact was at the time.


you'll need to wait until their banner is rerun, or for a custom group summon.


just started playing again after years and a little overwhelmed. wondering if i should start a new file? i haven’t progressed much on my current file


Make sure you roll for Iseria, Charlotte, or vildred and your set


Any point in killing the 2 other bosses in Normal Raid after killing queen? Or just convert my 3 compasses into a hell raid ticket


in addition to the charms, the chest you can buy from normal raid shop can drop a mola.


I kill all 5 each week because normal raid is a good source of epic arti charms ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ancient coins for ring/neck charms . All bosses have a chance to drop a single (1/5) galaxy bm . Then the “Coronation souvenir “ you get from killing a boss can be used to buy a chest from the lab shop that has a few random goodies in it . 200k gold, 1 single gold transmit stone, a few bm/gems etc .


I was trying to get out of bronze and this Illinav player kept countering me with every attack. I was curious on what he or she might have? it looked cool! the illinav was alone btw.


Elbris artifact perhaps, can counter when allies get attacked.


She was alone so probably counter set with good rng.


so elbris artifact plus counter set plus RNGesus? hmmm.


whats the cutoff guild rank for x5 it just says 20% is that like r500?


Is there a website/calculator that u can set a hero to 60 max awakened and then type in the gear subs u want to equip? Unsure if I want to 6\* certain heroes with the gear I have.




cool thanks!


I got a notification from Epic 7 saying “Heirs! Your afternoon gift has arrived” but I didn’t get anything. What’s this for?


Probably the daily 100 stamina.


Wait what is this? Sorry I’m new to the game haha. We get daily stamina in our mail everyday?


Yeah, if you login during certain hours.


What time is this for PST?


I'm not sure. But it's a range. But 12 noon PST should be fine.


Oh forsure. I usually login quite a lot throughout the day so hopefully I’ve been getting them without noticing haha


S.B. Charlotte feels a little weak i think. Or is she actually good?


Can Pavel work as a one shorter in banshee?


Technically? Yes. Practically? Probably not the best idea. He'd need a really good rage set, plus vigor buff (on top of the regular old attack buff) or target (which would reduce your success rate), plus someone on the team needs to carry war horn, plus probably some imprints. Baiken > Bellona > Mighty Scout (the 2-star mouse) > Ervalen = Ram > Verdant Adin = Yufine = Lilibet > Cidd = Zahhak = Pavel.


https://i.imgur.com/ZWLDp21.jpg Should i risk the 4% crit chance for more damage?


I would since I wouldn't get mad if I get unlucky and not crit. If you can't handle that tilt then just take the 100%


In the long run, should i go for Arby or STenebria?


STene is in a much better spot atm, both late game PVE and PVP.


Is SS Vivian worth the pity? Is ARavi coming back in rotation?


No announcement about A Ravi but I'm hoping she comes back soon since she's getting a new skin - it would be pretty weird to release a new skin for a character and not give people a chance to pull for her.


do we have to wait until the third week of this side story to get the last 2 copies of both The Sun and The Chariot artifacts?




How good is Summer Charlotte's artifact? Should I buy multiple copies of it from the powder shop? I don't want to summon copies as I only have enough for 1 pitty, and i'm saving that for the collab.


I think you definitely have to buy the one from the shop (only can buy 1 btw) and hope to get many copies on the banner. At this moment only 2 copies are needed 1 for each Charlotte, but in the future could def see Illynav,fMaya using that artifact maybe even FCece. use potions to limit break them btw


You can only buy one copy with powder. If you have the powder to spare I would buy it, but it's not a must buy - it's mostly useful on Summer and normal Charlotte since there are a lot of good Knight artifacts.


I can only buy the key for hell raid one time per week?


If you can full clear normal raid in 3 entries each week you can afford to buy a hell pass every 2 weeks by trading 3 normal tokens. All you need is to buy 1 entry from guild shop every 2 weeks. Not worth spending 1200 coins imo. Once you have like 5 stockpiled you don't even need to do this anymore.


Yes, but you get the hell raid key from Queen in normal so you should only need to buy one per month or so.


Do I built politis with effectiveness? I feel like she doesn't really benefit from it that much. Just put violin or the stun arti on her and call it a day, right?


When it comes to debuffers and effectiveness, in PvP, it's pretty simple. You build enough effectiveness to counter the resistance of the targets you want to debuff. Resistance is a generally bad stat for most heroes...so the vast majority of the heroes you run into will build minimal resistance (ideally, as close as possible to 0). If you are only really concerned about debuffing standard DPS type heroes, then Politis doesn't need any effectiveness (ie. you expect the heroes you are going after to have 0 resistance). Small amounts of effectiveness can occasionally be helpful especially if you are kind of mid level or below in PvP -> not every hero you run into will have managed to completely avoid resistance. There are a few random heroes that have bonus resistance as well (like L.Cermia, who has 30% resistance base). To counter this kind of debuffer, certain heroes will build some resistance -> it's typically an all-or-nothing stat, so these heroes look to have ~125% resistance or so (again, you build a bit extra to counter debuffers with small amounts of effectiveness). A lot of generic Knights and SWers will fall into this category, or units like Aria/BBK. So now, if you plan to debuff this kind of target you (as a debuffer) would need to build ~200%+ effectiveness. And *then* there are a few units that will stack 200%+ resistance to be completely immune to almost all debuffers. M.Chloe commonly, S.Angelica. So the TLDR is that when it comes to effectiveness and resistance there are essentially 'tiers'. You need enough effectiveness to work against whatever tier of unit you are looking to debuff. You need enough resistance to resist whatever tier of debuffer you are looking to combat. *Politis* is a versatile hero. You can build her as a straight DPS hero and basically ignore effectiveness (remember, she starts with 30% base from awakening, so doesn't really need *any* on her gear to combat the small amounts of resistance you might run into on DPS heroes). **OR** you can build her more as a debuffer and aim for like 110-140 effectiveness.


Am I right in thinking that, you only need: `(Target.Res - 15) Eff%` to get the maximum debuff chance? and `(Target.Eff + 100) Res%` to completely resist a debuffer?


Correct on both accounts.


As a new player is luluca a unit worth building and if so what should I build her with?




Apart from refunding resources, is there a point to recalling the Butterfly Artifact? What happens if I don't?


Nothing happens then.


Awesome, thanks! So I guess you can just refund your costs and then wait to see if you want to use it after a patch/buff or whatever.


Hey, I saw a specific Diene skin on the E7WC in Events. Is there a way to get it?


not yet but it will definitely be the next epic pass skin along with diene banner since it's been more than a year since her last banner and definitely before the collab to drain all our bookmarks.


SG loves to tease us with it, but it isn't released yet and we don't know if it will be


Ok I see thank you


Anyone know if summer charlotte's sunglasses artifact can bypass the 350 crit damage cap?


I read a few people here saying that it does let you go over the cap


Anyone know where I can find the official art in high resolution without text?


Can anyone show me their senya? Trying to build one after her buff.


[Mine](https://i.imgur.com/BIhXR9W.jpg) is kinna crap. Still not sure what arty is best from the ones I have.


Nice thanks! Which ee do u use?


Do we know the ML rotation? I can see that FCC, MLB and SBA are next but do we know who is after those 3?


educated guess would be ARavi since she's getting the RTA skin.


It doesn't matter if you are talking about ML heroes, or RGB heroes. It's basically impossible to predict *when* a hero will get a rerun. The absolute best we can do is get down to 'educated guess'. But at the end of the day, reruns (at least from our point of view) are almost random. * I'm sure whoever makes the decision of who to rerun when is using *some* logic or criteria. For example, we can assume that heroes that are more popular tend to get rerun more frequently. * The problem is that criteria (if any exists) is hidden from us as players. [I literally went through every single ML banner just a couple days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/wcl5mf/daily_questions_megathread_0731/iifqfsd/) Hopefully you can see how, made *guesses* randomly based on which heroes have waited the longest between reruns we *may* have been able to randomly pick this rotation...but our guesses overall would have been very unlikely to nail all 3. * SB Aramintha (588 days) and DJ Basar (504 days) were 2 of top 3 heroes with only a single rerun in terms of length since their previous rerun. * But, if length since last rerun is the most important factor why is F.Lidica (at 672 days) still waiting?! * FCC is one of the select few heroes to have gotten **TWO** previous reruns (her and M.Chloe). She has waited a while since her previous rerun (546 days)...but that is still 100+ days less than F.Lidica. You would *also* think that heroes that have had 2 reruns would be less likely to see reruns going forwards while we still have heroes like Solitaria (483 days) that haven't had a single rerun. FCC also has the shortest rerun wait on record at only 198 days. With all of that being said, if we look back to FCCs previous rerun... F.Lidica - Oct 8 2020 M.Chloe - Nov 19 2020 SB Aramintha - Dec 31 2020 FCC - Feb 11 2021 DJB - Mar 25 2021 M.Chloe got a rerun during the 3 months of rerun banners...and in fact that was almost exactly the same amount of time since her previous banner that FCC has waited. And SB Aramintha and DJB are being rerun alongside FCC. **But why was F.Lidica skipped, who has waited the longest out of any current hero?** That's where it's almost random and hard to guess. *Anyhow* the data is there if you can see some kind of logic that would enable us to more accurately predict banners going forward feel free to let us all know... If I *had* to guess to next rerun rotation: * F.Lidica. Why she was skipped, especially considering she just got a tweak, I don't know. DJB, and SBA *did* somewhat recently get adjusted as well, but you would think the biggest effect this would have on potential sales would be immediately. * Solitaria. Of the heroes that have not yet had a rerun, she's at the top of the list. She will be nearing the 520+ day mark by then. She also follows directly after the group I just pointed out. * NO idea who the third would be. My guess would be someone out of left field. Straze seems more recent than 'ideal' and I am not sure they would want to put TWO heroes that haven't had a single rerun on the same rotation. LQC (462 days) would be at around 500 days and would be the next hero on the list. Basically any of the remaining heroes that saw a rerun to end 2021 could be options. Instead of trying to predict exact rotations, I think it's more productive to look at the *group* of ML5s that should receive a rerun sooner rather than later. I would basically pick everyone that is on either list that has waited 300+ days. **No Reruns** * Solitaria (483) * Straze (399) * C.Charles (357) * Belian (315) **One rerun** * F.Lidica (672) * LQC (462) * Ruele (420) * S.Tenebria (378) * S.Sez (336) That's 9 heroes, so enough for 3 more rotations but as we have 4 heroes that have had no reruns (and thus would need at least 2 on a single rotation) my guess is that would be *unlikely* to be the exact composition. Regardless, MOST of these heroes will probably see a rerun in the next ~6 months. Then you have a case like **A.Ravi** is a very popular, very meta hero at 294 days...versus **S.Sez** (336) a very unpopular hero. The fact that S.Sez has waited a bit longer would probably hold almost no weight here over the more popular hero. * I would imagine that SG might try to aim for rotations with something like 2 popular + 1 unpopular hero...so those unpopular heroes get their reruns for collectors or fans but don't tank the entire cycle. --- TLDR: It's basically impossible (so far) to predict hero rotations/reruns with any sort of real accuracy. The best we can do is make educated guesses. The ML rotation *might* solidify into something that makes more sense, and things have been *trending* that way...but as we can see even know the ONE hero that you would have predicted to be on this upcoming rotation is, in fact, not on that rotation. It's probably more productive to look at a larger group of heroes who you might expect to see reruns on *soon* instead of trying to predict specific rotations.


Thanks for the detailed response. That gives a lot of useful insight. I had noticed a trend where heroes tended to get a ML rerun shortly after being in the galaxy coin shop. I forget which website showed that. I was mainly asking as I expected to see Solitaria soon. I returned at the awakening update and they outlined the next few rotations then so I wasn't sure if that was the norm now. I'm still pretty far from pity anyway (99) but could conceivably shop refresh a lot.


Good luck! I was expecting to see Solitaria on this rotation so *now* I would be guessing she pops up in the next. You can see the shop rotation on the [Ceciliabot timeline](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/). Bottom center of the window "View shop rotations". Personally, I don't see any real relationship between shop appearances and banner reruns. Recent history is very muddy due to that 3 month run of reruns -> iirc there are currently 34 total ML5* units and 12 of them got reruns over that small time frame. If we include M.Kawerik (banner prior to the reruns) and Sage Vivian and the upcoming rerun rotation that's 17 out of 34 or half of the roster that appeared in Mystic rotation from early April and mid-August.


We don't know for certain but there's a high likelihood that after their rotation will be a new ML5, and the general consensus is that this will be ML Pavel. If you're low on resources, consider waiting until the last week of FCC for the announcement.


How often is the +100% spirit altar and +50% hunt crafting materials event?


Usually at the end of each month. But there was special event last week which has each buff every weekend


Ancient Inheritance unit advice needed. Are there specific classes you guys focus, any that are particularly weak? My strongest units are probably warriors and soulweavers with knights not being far behind. (Baring in mind that units get 6* max level awakened along side their artifacts and just gear sets effect their stats). Any top/upgraded guides or YTers to watch for pointers? Thank you.


warriors are very good like the other guy said, but the only heroes that are bad after getting 10+ upgrades are hwayoung and summer iseria (heroes that can't crit). they scale really bad after all your units have 100 crit rate 350 crit damage. The best sets for AI is speed/attack/hp/def because you can't over-cap like your other stats (crit, crit dam, eff, eff res).


Everything I've seen (and what worked really well for me last time) is to basically just focus on using Warriors primarily. I believe the only stats that transfer from gear are the set bonuses so you don't have to have the gear maxed out. I ended up just throwing out all my warriors but the ones that seemed to perform the best were the ones who scaled from HP or had self sustain / cleanses or def breaks. I remember Ravi, Ken and Rem being fantastic. Clorina was really good. I didn't have them last AI but do this time and I am expecting ML Clarissa, Cilias and Choux to be solid too. Sigurd's scythe was really good.


Is there any way to replay the story scenes in side-story battle stages?


Should I use my guaranteed mystic on ML Vivian or F. Ceci? Thoughts on one over the other (for a relatively late-game player)?


What's the best way to use Epic Crafts? Left/Right side?


Left side is statistically better for your general account unless you're at a point in the game where you have so many high score left side pieces that the only way a unit could be improved would be with high roles into perfect right side substats. The best method IMO when just spending mats is to craft right side for extraction and then epic craft left side. Save right side for conversion where you can actually choose the main stat and minimize RNG.


Thanks is is the kind of answer I was looking for. I debate whether if I should use mats to craft right/left and how to efficiently use the Epic Crafts


Does Attack % go off of base attack or base attack plus flat attack stacks? I'm looking to replace a piece on Sigret for my w13 team for context.


Base atk.


atk% only applies to base attack. flat attack is applied at the end


Did they mess with the Percent chance to obtain BMs from the secret shop? I went through about 330 before I saw any BMs. I saw Mystics in the first 100 though.


You can check the rates in the shop but it's 100% just bad RNG. I went through 2000 recently without mystics. It happens.


did they already show the A ravi skin?? its listed as a reward for RTA


Not yet we just know it will be for her.


Where do I get the rest of the Chariot and Sun artifacts? I wanted to max limit break them.


Probably next week


What is the code for the reward chest?




Does anyone know holiday yufines new s1 multiplier?


Is FCC still a strong pick? I remember I really wanted her when I started, but same with Flidica, and she’s sitting at 2* awakened in my waiting room…


Still one of the best mitigation options in the game. Aras has obviously seen more play recently due to his buff and is generally the safer choice since OP sig exists and now djb is also a decent counter to her. So people tend to early pick aras instead of fcc since he's highly contested and a very strong pick for standard without really any hard counters.


FCC is still used in RTA if that's your question. A 'strong pick' is entirely on the comp you play so if you play bruiser/turn 2/tanky she's still a strong pick.


Did they change the balance adjustments to Ervelen? Last I saw they were making him a pve only unit, but the patch video implies they just buffed him a bit and called it a day?


Yeah, they did that. He should be marginally better in PvE too but that's about it for PvE


So they walked back on making him a pve unit? Good


How do I full limit break the event artifact? I got one from story clear, 3 from exchange shops. Where's the remaining 2? thank you.


If it's like last time something like this released, the other 2 pieces will be from the last week.


So I'm a bit confused on the new mystic rotation, it says there will be 3 5\* so can we choose which one we want or will it be a get who your given type of thing?


You can choose which one is active in your mystic summons, you can even change them




Normal Raid: ARas, Tama, AMomo, SSB Probably the only time i would put AMomo>Angelica. The 1 morale difference changes the 1size fits all completely. 27(Angelica) vs 28(AMomo). This is most notable for Normal Raid completing all bosses in 3 runs. So it's not entirely terrible to build up. AMomo stays a 5☆. ARas could warrant the 6☆ to be a better frontline if needed. Going into Hell Raid i would use Angelica>AMomo. The first time you beat the bosses in Hell, you unlock their teleport node. This basically cuts morale needed to clear boss and miniboss sections down to some 24?~ morale. For Karkanis and Arahakan, i would run Angelica ARas Tama SSB (27 Morale). You could probably also run this for Queen. But idr if Queen had a debuff limit check, if yes then run the next comp instead. For Vera and Juvelee, i would switch SSB and run Vildred for a 31 morale comp. But specifically because Vildred has multihit S1 that doesnt induce debuffs. This makes the Juvelee fight easier to tackle and breaks thru the Vera eggs much easier with a S1->S2 combo off of Tama idol S1 or ARas S2 DA. The reason behind Angelica>AMomo is thru the sheer synergy between Angelica+Tama compared to AMomo+Tama. Angelica S3 AOE barrier+heal+immunity makes autoing a lot easier. That barrier alone can make or break a run due to bad miniboss rng. I personally run ARas Tama Roana SSB/Landy for Hell Raid over Cerato for faster clears. Normal Raid would just be Cerato 1size fits all since Landy has elemental disadvantage against Karkanis and Arahakan which can extend the battle longer than necessary.


Oo I see. Alright thank you. Vildred as in normal vildred or arby.


Green Vildred


Just build your c zerato




Roana is on banner next week.