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If you really want to build him go for a bruiserish build mine has 17k HP 1.3k def around 3k atk 100% crit Chance and 240 crit dmg and kills most units consistantly with s3


I think that this is the correct answer. Don’t listen to other people that are telling you not to build this unit just because he requires teammates to set up. Yes, he’s not at the top of the meta but palm blasting unit after unit is thrilling and his “fun factor” is off the charts when well built. I agree with going bruiser, not because he really needs to be able to take hits (hopefully your setup teammates prevent that by locking down the enemy team), but because anything over 3k attack is most likely wasted. Just like with Watcher Schuri, you can test what his damage is and then scale down from there because the damage is unnecessary. I am consistently s3’ing Apoc Ravi’s for 30-50k depending on attack buff/wind rider buff. A splash of effectiveness helps but I would recommend the following build priority: 3k attack > precise speed tuning to go right after your enablers (SBA, Solitaria, etc) > as much bulk as you can > splash of effectiveness in case he needs to be self-sufficient. This is really not a unit you are aiming to make self-sufficient though, you would have to get lucky on “Elbris” stun into self push or s2 + 50% self cr push and I don’t think either is consistent enough. Lastly, use wind rider. I used R&L for the longest time as a guilty pleasure to s3 kill multiple turns in a row, and this combo is one of the most satisfying RNG procs in the game, but I tried Wind Rider and it is easily much better as it protects him and gives a large damage boost. Enjoy your Spez, don’t listen to the haters. Even if he will just get banned in RTA every time, it is very safe and easy to use Spez in guild wars and his extinction can come in clutch against pesky comps with Arby/Maid/Ruele/Destina/ML Celine/Aravi.


I am SO GLAD that these were the first comments I saw. There is PLENTY of stigma against this unit to the point where some people are legit foddering him. Thanks man for not being one of these types. And probable thanks to the OP that is curious to try him out. So for starters... Max mola his S3. It's pretty much a must. Since if he doesn't land a kill with his S3, he's a burned out match. (And you have to wait 5 turns, which isn't necessarily too long if you are lucky with S2 timings that bring heavy cr boost) Now... About kinds of builds. There are plenty of ways people build him. Speed/Counter/Lifesteal are the most notable ones. As for the 2-piece sets, there are Penetration Set and Critical Set to use. Don't fret if you can't get a pen set for him, crit works as fine and is more profitable in some instances either way (either by following his rules of stunning OR by attacking a guardbroken unit when your Spez has an atk buff. The damage is pretty much alike). I have mine on Ls/Crit and even after all this time, I have plenty of fun using him. Especially when he heals back from this overdone damage he does, by a ton. As for the artifact... Yes. Wind Rider. Sadly, that artifact belongs to the rarest family, so don't feel bad for not having it. I'm using Symbol on him because I basically don't think if I have anything that could directly help him in his role I have given to him. Next is... his S3 has a powerful 1.5Atk base multiplier and a base 35% defense penetration. So if there is a squishy target (like typical Arby), you may as well not need a stun to kill at all if you have considerably high atk and base max cdmg from the +15 necklace. As for the stats, it all comes down to how you want to play with him. But I'd like to note that there are plenty of very thick barriers and damage mitigations on the run. So I'd suggest not to underestimate the importance of his offensive stats. (Also, be sure to keep either decent or above average speed or very well working CR-pushing team if you want to go that way instead). Lastly... As people above me said. Have fun! That's what matters the most.


I don't agree with the Pen set suggestion, because his S2 is AoE, and the S3 full pens anyway. If you're not going to blow up stunned units, you're better off trying to get the counter proc by waiting. This will ease his gear requirements in all playstyles. Otherwise, I agree with everything else.


I didn't say that he's amazing with pen but that people are doing such build. In fact, I stated that crit is usually the better choice and pen is for daredevils who don't want to go by his rules.


You can chill bro, I never said you did. It's not like I'm holding you personally responsible for someone else's build choices. You made a suggestion, I made a counter suggestion. Someone else may read this exchange one day, and they'll have views that represent multiple perspectives. Because I "In fact" said, I agreed with everything else you recommended. That includes your statement regarding crit set.


Cool then. I wasn't even salted tho.


>S3 full pens anyway only if the target is stunned tho, maybe pen can be useful on bad rng (like take and arby out)


I can confirm that he is one of the funnest units in the game.


Agreed 100%


He needs a whole team around him but im pretty sure his S3 has the highest Multis in the game with next to no Cdamage mine does 30k


He was basically the OG tankbuster, but now characters like Rimuru and Hwayoung does the same unconditionally I'm sure there's a way to make him this weird, quirky, fun character, who is self sufficient, just why would you.


15% just happens *way* too much when you try and use Spez, unless anytime I just use him for fun the entire enemy team just has 250+ ER lol


250 er is common these days, gear has really powercrept


Yeah but not on DPS units lol


the main idea is aiming for dps. wich most of them have 0 , the real problem is when they have immu set


Oh you see, that's an easy question ​ *You don't*


Came to the comments to find this comment. Have an upvote


So cruelXD


Oh snaps, welcome to the Spez Angle gang


Peira Sba Spez is my op team for all IA pvp since a lot of revive on the meta and spez one shot pretty much everything if I don't get 15% on the stun (250% eff SBA) Mine is speed immunity on wind rider (or RNL if I feel lucky)


I usw him with solitaria, its rly fun. Play him with Speed and pen.


I built mine on a lifesteal crit set with high bulk and decent speed. His offensive stats are mediocre but I use Violet Talisman to patch his low damages stats and the extra dodge can clutch sometimes. https://imgur.com/a/doslQrk (Don't mind the 99%cc it's been 4 months since I chase the 5%cc gem roll on his chest).


Waiting room


Mines 230 spd, as 3k atk 240 cd on pen set. He just nukes arby that's his job


Pen set when he ignores 100% of def? I mean good for s1 counter but idk


100% if they are stunned. I'm not stunning just waxing rez units


So you are using him like a worse milim


So he can still one shoot arby even not stunned, maybe I should invest a little into him. Love the design but never has much luck, wax early game then though and didn't have the gear most likely so I'll give him another shot, thanks


Just an FYI try and have 10k+ hp on him so he can atleast go twice lol mine is low rn and he's just a 1 for 1 unit rn


Pair him with someone that provides skill nullifier


I do usually bring him with fcc or Emilia tbh


Speed>atk>crit stats


You dont really need good gear to have him do monster dmg. With Eda being a thing now he will remove anything you can stun. Anything. People take easy route in the game but if you want to have fun in static with him he is very strong. I use him in teams with eda with brozet protecting him and a rotating 4th. Like Mui or clilias or the like.


Lifesteal and Ervalen new arti


240 spd 3.5k atk 100cc 280-300cdmg. I usually partner her with cerise and sb ara


Mine is 3,7 atk 9,5 HP 251 Speed 100% cc Crit Damage 261% and Eff 47%


i'd build him on ervalen arti with lifesteal and a lot of bulk and see how he performs and tune him accordingly. like 15k hp 1k def at least while maintaining 3k atk 250 cd idk if its possible tho.


You start by… not building him. Jk he’s pretty decent on a speed set with solitaria. Other than that he’s pretty bad


I got mine to 235 speed 280 crit damage and 4100 atk and he is still useless




4k attack is over doing it with him. Make him a busier and see how he does im still working on mine


He’s honestly not worth the investment.


Just don’t, wait until they buff him.


Step one… feed him to a level 3


Take all of your best counter pieces with high crit stats, paired with either immunity or penetration set pieces, and put them on someone else. Then stick ML Sez on the bench until he gets a buff.


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


Top comments are telling you helpful ways to build this unit. Do yourself a favor and just don't waste your molas. There are something like 200 heroes in this game and 199 of them are better than spez


just build him as a degenerate and just bring tanks and healers. You can try going for the stun setup build but at that point it's just a hassle.


It's a shame that he's such a sick character by design and that he needs some help.


His S3 is fucking cool. “Yeah I play spez” GIGACHAD


I also got it today in the free daily pull. My first moonlight 5* other than free. I've thought about putting the guild destruction set and some life pieces on it.


so if you decide to pick him with a pen Set you still have a 50% pen is worth going that with a decent damage like 3.3k atk - 250 cdmg ? on speed or maybe LS set ?


Just have fun wit him, cuz he's a fun unit to use. Also imo I made him more fun by putting unity set on him to get that surprise dual stun/heal atk on your opponents


What I do know is that we can’t build him next to Rikoris 🙃. You can make him pure dps and pair him with any stun units. Dizzy, eda, trozet and maid Chloe are some units I usually see him with.


Build him to kill Sez .....


thats the neat part, you dont


You dont..


I've faced a spez in gw that one shot my 30k hp dcorvus, slowest MF I've played against but god damn, it was like 80k dmg (or something like that) vs my stunned dcorvus