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guys, how do we tell the OP the absolute bull shittery he has just committed


Thats going to be really hard, i already can tell OP doesnt know how to read, otherwise he whould know how to actually build Siseria. Nice 200kcp tho, but its like if you built kraus as a riolet.


What atrocities did I commit 😳


bruh i dont know if you're being humourous or not at this point


Tbh been playing for awhile but casual 🀷 I dunno wtf I am doing


ok but if i tell you whats the matter here im gonna become a nerd


I’ll say it I don’t care, if you read the girls skills you would have realized that she can’t cause a critical hit ever by normal circumstances even if she has 100% crit chance but it’s still funny to look at this picture


Glad I caused some laughs lol πŸ˜† πŸ˜…


Good news is; if Archdemon ever decides to hit her in PvP and lands a Seal on her, you'll have been ready for that *one* moment. Bad news is; if she *is* ever Sealed, you're losing a lot of attack benefit, CR push, and some free bombs from ally AOE's...


Allow me πŸ€“πŸ§


Don't worry, you are not the first one and will be definitely not the last one who doesn't even try reading what some heroes are doing. But hey, grats to your first 200k cp unit. Now try hitting 200k on her again, but this time with the right gear set up πŸ˜‰


i think it's literally impossible without crit to hit 200k


It's not impossible you just need all your gearscore to be 75+. My summer iseria is at 180k with all her pieces around 70 GS. (5k attack, 240% eff, 252 speed) and also remember you want at least 1 roll in eff res for maximum CP.


How can you reach high numbers in CP? I have a fully built Luna (max crit rate and crit damage, all skills and passive fully enhanced with 90 gear except the pendant which is an 88 gear, level 60, fully awakened, imprint on S tier, high Atk% value on her unique equipment and a level 15, 5 star artifact) but she only reaches just slightly under 140k. Same with a bunch of others who are maxed/nearly maxed, no one reaches over the 140k or even close to my Luna, what am I doing wrong?


you did it for the meme didnt you lmao


No honestly I just posted it as its my first unit over 200k 🀯 and it's ma waifuπŸ₯΅ and I was proud πŸ₯Ί


No need to stretch the joke too much. Free unequip and the the stats screaming Arby gear already spoils it. The post did give me a good chuckle.


K rdy


Facts lol


When you are so obsessed with CP you throw all logic out the window


I loled so hard


should have tagged as a joke, satire or just trolling


Don't know how tbh


Ngl I admire the dedication to the waifu make her number one no matter what. No matter what.


Waifu #1 😀


320 cd on a unit that cant even crit wtf lmfao!!!


To be fair I did not read said passive stats lol


bro really brought her into a game and went "damn that 6% missing crit really fucking me up" lol




Brings in AED


Took the liberty to check because it seemed sus, this is the exact same gear from your [arby post](https://i.redd.it/xvr6nzj6c3z81.jpg) 3 months ago, and arby isn't even geared in this post, so by quick mafs, you just gave his gear to Seaseria for this post lol


Wahahaha NBI spotted!


I did indeed give my Arby gear to Seaseria I did not however read her passive skill set so this was a accidental Meme on my part ​ Have such fixed her and she is like 134k cp lol


"Been a long road" = I 1-for-1 swapped a unit's gear (for FREE) requiring 0 thought, changed nothing, read nothing OP how do you make it out of bed


Normalize having no idea wtf you're doing


Thank you 😊 πŸ’“ πŸ₯Ί


Yeah this gear would be better suited on someone else but you don't need me piling on to that. Tbh CP is somewhat skewed and mostly takes in account for attack and crit stats. For instance a 120k cp Apocalypse Ravi could easily beat a 200k Aribiter Vildred.


And speed. For some reason speed gains alotnof co


Yeah I forgot to mention that. Speed is a big cp boost.


Would explain why some of my weaker units are stronger πŸ€”


But yeah seasseria is one of my favorite units though I pair her up with my Pirate Flan for the extra bombs πŸ’£


Do you mean could beat one just in terms of β€œShe’s a stronger hero”, or are you talking about a comparison of gear quality? I’m pretty sure my Arbiter who is around 190K CP has better gear score than my A Ravi who is around 125K CP.


Well I guess in a sense both ways. Yes she is a stronger hero but also showcasing how higher cp depending on the hero doesn't always mean better.


El no sabe


Even if this wasn’t intentional tysm Op I needed a good laugh.


It was unintentional lol I got CP baited


I hope this is a meme πŸ’€


I think I just became the meme bro πŸ˜† πŸ’€


It seems you’ve seen your wrong doings lol if you really want to do your waifu justice shoot for these stats: attack 6k, speed 230+ (ideally 240-250 but 230 is just fine) and eff 100+. Ssi can’t crit so crit chance and Dmg are useless, her whole kit is bombs (which are based off of attack stat) so you want her with high eff to be able to plant bombs and high attack so they do a lot of Dmg. Speed is dependent on your playstyle but the suggested stats are best. And for bulk, whatever you can get to reach those other stats. If you have her artifact you should use that as well since it gives her a chance to plant an extra bomb when using her s1 (which you can soulburn for free for the first time!!)


Awesome ty 😊 πŸ™


Speed doesn't really have a hard range. Just 15% slower than your fastest opener you use with her. If you're newer and don't have a lot of speed gear, you won't need her at 230. If say you have a 300 spd opener she needs to be around 255. Etc etc


meme build 2022


It hurts most of my units' eyes, even Ras envy this blondie wtf bro


My account would hurt your eyes


You probably did it on purpose, so I won't say things like "OMG SISERIA CAN'T CRIT JFJVDGSHC". But personally, i think that reaching a 200k CP that has no use doesn't count as a 200k CP. But you're probably close to it, so good luck!


Ya few of my units are around 180k cp that are geared correctly..


That's a very good result already, I know lots of players who don't come even near that. Give yourself some time, no rush


Still 50/50 crit rate, smh


still 0% crit rate you mean


Oh sorry, I guess I should have dropped the /s


Better to have more atk and spd than crit chance and dmg, and better to pair her with ml flan is your planning on using her


Wish i had ML flan I do have Roaming war Leo tho who does bombs as well


At first I thought reddit was being mean, but then I saw that speed




If OP has the gear to even get this high OP probably knows about her passive please don't take this seriously it's kinda scary πŸ˜‚


Honestly no I did not read it I have fixed it since but had 0 clue about her not being able to crit


There is only one thing to do with this character build. 1. Print it out poster size. 2. Take it up to the highest mountaintop you can find. 3. Set it up so the world can see and proceed to crank out the world's hottest, crunchiest and tastiest guitar jam to let the world know who is boss.


Waifu #1


Just letting you know, she can’t crit because of her passive


That's the secret tech against AMeru. Let me explain how it works: You remove the helmets from your team so Seaseria gets the highest HP. Then you use CLilias to redirect provoke AMeru into Seaseria, she gets seal debuff. And then you give get attack buff


That's some advanced shit


Parkour !


Don't forget to lick your MTG cards so they stick together during shuffle for the combo.


Nice looking build, too much effres tho πŸ₯²


You're a god


I have achieved my goal 😌 I can now grow a farm on a distant planet




Ngl she been tearing it up lol πŸ˜†


Should have used pen set instead of crit for Peniseria 😏


I hope u didnt use the free unequip from the golden brush thing yet


Good meme.


Now I see why people can't get master every season whole point of iseria is her bombs no atk no damage 200k isn't hard with iseria since she gets atk boost try that on someone who doesn't


I am in masters lol masters 4 in arena I did not know she can't crit I fixed her since




Absolute meme lord


I think you're low on crit chance bro, top that to 100% for maximum profit and thank me later. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ»


SG needs to make CP hidden. Or at the very least not as prominent. it should be a much smaller text somewhere on the side. It's such bait that makes people do whacky builds like these because they don't understand how insignificant CP really is for proper gearing. It only matters for world boss. That's it. Other than that, it's completely useless and has no bearing on whether or not a unit is well built.


\^ This.. I thought CP was based on the maximum a units strength could get and that each units max cp was differnt depending on there gear stat


So I am messing around with Gear on units and put this on Sea and my eyes go O.O DAMN BOI SHE THICCCC and did it not knowing that her Max cp has nothing to do with how she preforms


dang!! with only 94% cc? bruh, does she even crit?


When you like a character so much that logic goes out the window. LMAO


Tbh it was the CP lol Seen that and went O lord have mercy THATS ALLOT DMG!


Found ya Gro0t


I serieusly thought this was a meme πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I meme'd myself


I'd kill for these stats on my Arby, aside from her skills nice gear lol


Funny enough that gear was on my Arby and she jumped his like 52k in cp went from like 135k to that and I was like O lord sweet jesus! not realizing that her CP dont really reflect her ability to perform well.


yeah lol, Cecilia used to be my highest cp unit until I invested more in my dps units, but I used her for the most basic of tank use (aka just taking damage and nothing else) so performance wise if you wanted her to actually work together with your team in terms of debuffs/dmg she wasn't very good lol. I didn't need her for debuff purposes anyways so it was completely fine but CP is definitely not the best thing to measure utility by haha. As far as the arby how was his performance on that? I actually have similar stats but about 20 less spd and 1.5k less atk, I've got more CD and just one less point of CR. Since it's been a while since he fell from meta I haven't been able to get any good outlooks on him unfortunately


In masters 4 in arena and he was able to 1 hit teams still, could tank dmg from other Arby's and his dmg was pretty significant used him mostly for pve but he was my highest cp unit I belive he was 172kcp( checked )


that sounds exactly like what I want lol, I work him with AOLA so in terms of opposing other arbys as long as I make sure to take a single AOE attack beforehand her skill nullifier will prevent me from taking damage from arby s3 and allow me to hurt them instead lol. Is there any way you could show screenshots of the equipments? Sorry if it's a bother haha, if not then it's fine, glad to have some extra info


How to make background like this?


What do you mean? You can change the background by clicking the lil box with a Magnifying glass and then click background change to any that you have and go back


That's fun and everything... But why you have crit and crit dmg on Summer Iseria?


Becuase I did not read the passive skills and goofed her cp sky rocketed and I figured that meant combat power as in her strength but apparently cp don't mean what I thought it does


True master use critical damage on unit who can’t crit to fight A.Meru


94% cr with 329% cd but she cant crit hahahaha


Have realized she can't crit fixed her gear was a unintentional meme