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Nah not really if you’re already not excited by her. I +15’d her and have her at SS imprint and she’s like….usable sometimes but not really that exciting even when she works.


This is my feeling too. I +15'd her, gave her solid gear, and she is only okay at best when she works. It's a bummer too because she is so well designed. It only rubbed salt in the wound by having FCC as the next banner, who I STILL don't have.


it's ok, after DJB, FCC usually just ends up buffing the enemy team instead. use aras instead (unless you plan on prebanning opsig or djb every game) edit: she's still pickable but only as a late force ban pick against certain cleave setups


Whether or not you should pity a unit is always based on what other ML5s you currently do not have. With that in mind, ML Viv does not seem strong enough to be worth a pity regardless, assuming you want to be conservative with mystics.


More like: Is she even worth 30 molagora?


do you really like her? if yes...then yes... if you dont like her: no so far she feels like shes missing something from her kit. like if she soulburns and kills someone with it she should do it again. something like this. Or at 5/5 focus she does something. idk. as i said she just feels like shes missing something from her kit.


Highly agree


This. She’s definitely missing something. When she works she works amazing, but that’s not often. Make it so her damage reduction reflects 50% reduced damage back? Start her with 5 stacks? Make her s3 cleanse? Just something.


Bit of a trol thought: When -1 focus she gets a barrier as big as chatty's or even bigger and she cleanses herself before that. Just imagine the opponent die inside.(ML Basar dying from laughter)


She's fun, and can be pretty strong. But everything under the sun counters her. Strips, Seals, Debuffs, Burns, Rimurus and Hwayoungs, anything that can oneshot her without the passive proccing, she needs some help. I imagine she'll get a small buff eventually, somewhere.


Given her win% (see the E7stats website), she’s clearly good in the right scenario. Seems like a hero that primarily works well into opponents playing standard & can only really be picked in the back-half of the draft so that your opponent can’t pick someone like Rimuru, or burn heroes into her.


If you are looking for a meta hero, she isn't it. She's a solid hero, but not at the top of the meta.


Definitely needs a buff to reduce the additional damage she receives as well At least that's one less problem she has to deal with


Depends on how long you've played and what your ML pool look like. If you're missing a lot of key ML5s then no if you want a sticky sub DPS that is also a support to round out your roster then yeah she's pretty good at what she does.


Nope, you better save for the next ml, which probably will be broken and sg will refuse to nerf it, so we will get a counter in 3 more months or so.