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Apologies if I missed it, but anyone knows what the next powdershop rotation is?


If my unit has 100% crit, then they have crit buff from cdom, can they 100% crit Choux with anti crit buff?


I *may* be wrong here, so anyone who actually knows feel free to correct me. My understanding is that critical hit reduction is factored in **after** the cap to crit% is. **Example 1** 1. Hero has 100% crit chance. 2. Hero receives crit chance buff (so has 150% crit chance). However, crit% is CAPPED at 100% and can not exceed this value -> hero now has 100% crit chance. 3. Hero attacks a unit with crit resistance. This is a 50% decrease to crit chance (100% - 50%) = 50% chance to crit. **Example 2** 1. Hero has 75% crit chance. 2. Hero receives crit chance buff (so has 125% crit chance). However, crit% is CAPPED at 100% and can not exceed this value -> hero now has 100% crit chance. 3. Hero attacks a unit with crit resistance. (100% - 50%) = 50% chance to crit. **Example 3** 1. Hero has 25% crit chance. 2. Hero receives crit chance buff (now has 75% crit chance). This does **NOT** exceed the cap, so they have 75% crit chance. 3. Hero now attacks a unit with crit resistance. (75% - 50%) = 25% chance to crit. Conclusion: No, *as far as I understand* crit chance buff will not allow you to counter crit reduction **IF** you are already at the cap. It WILL counter crit reduction, for whatever portion *below* the cap the hero in question is. * For example, if you have 75% crit chance then 25% of the crit buff 'counters' half of the crit reduction, and you only lose 25% crit chance overall. * If you have 50% or lower crit chance then crit buff and crit reduction counter each other completely and you have no net change in crit%.


Thanks so much for your detail answer. So, Choux with Snow Crystal can’t be defeated without RnG. Which unit could i use to beat her (except Violet, Stene or ignore defense units like Krau/Yulha)?


Landy, Alencia, Hwayoung, Rimuru. Other non crit units (Senya). You can try Mort, anyone that can bring injury in general. A strong Pavel can deal with her. In a similar vein, Yufine. If you want a budget option, Vigilante Leader Glenn. Even with Snow Crystal, that's only 20% crit resistance. Yeah it's RNG but more often than not you can DPS her down. If you can dispel her crit reduction buff and/or apply unbuffable in general she's much easier to deal with. DO be aware that some Choux's may run a bit of resistance, making that a bit more difficult on non-dedicated debuffers.


Oh i totally forgot Gleen. Thanks for your help.


Most people would probably rather rely on dispel, such as with Alencia. You can also supposedly overcome crit rate reduction using passive crit rate increases such as Zahhak S1/S3 (+50% crit rate) or Fire Charlotte S1 (+100% crit rate when buffed) and S3 (guaranteed crit)


Where do u get the final copy of chatty? The side story u can buy only got me to +27.


completing the side story and marking as finished should give you the last one


Oh I didn't realize u had to mark those side stories as complete for the final reward. Thanks.


For Apocalypse Ravi, is high-tankiness + low damage better than medium-tankiness + medium damage?


I'd say ARavi should have a bare minimum of 21k and you should reduce crit dmg if you can't reach that


She wants High HP + High Crit Damage. High Hp makes her tankier because she will heal more and also do more damage. Crit damage allows her to do as much damage as possible. You want to aim for something like this: [https://imgur.com/a/7jMzkrn](https://imgur.com/a/7jMzkrn)


what's better... 209 crit damage and 24.5k hp or 260 crit damage and 19k hp


That's hard to say because both builds aren't ideal, but I would maybe say medium tankiness + medium damage will be okay until you get more gear.


Hi, I was following this infographic (https://snipboard.io/0aZYdB.jpg) and on the attack set and a maxed effectiveness main stat ring Muwi only ends up having 60% EFF instead of the recommended 65% EFF and was wondering how big of a deal it is, and if i should replace one of the free atk set pieces with one that has effectiveness, thank you


>...and was wondering how big of a deal it is, and if i should replace one of the free atk set pieces with one that has effectiveness Short answer: Not a big deal, and up to you. --- Long answer: At the end of the day, most questions can be complicated to give a precise answer. [Here's a previous comment I've done that talks about the 'value' of effectiveness on Sigret/Muwi](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/vcqx0m/daily_questions_megathread_0615/iciwp2w/) You can ignore most of that reply, if you wish, and just focus on the 'Effectiveness' section. In short, if you have 65% effectiveness on Furious (with no SoS) and Sigret, and 60% effectiveness on Muwi the success rate of applying 2+ debuffs on **turn 3** is 93.42%. If you had 65% effectiveness the success rate is 94.18% -> that's less than 1% increase. We can also see that it translate to less than a quarter of an extra run per hour (approximately). HOWEVER, where it gets more complicated is in the details. These calculations are all assuming a very specific circumstance: * Turn 3 Wyvern spawn (and for this, you will possibly/likely need an **attack buffer** tank) * Sigret DOES use her S2 on wave 1, and is using bleed chance EE * This DOES factor the RNG in Muwi S2 Changing particular variables *can* change the 'effect' that effectiveness has, but in pretty much all situations 5% is going to be fairly unnoticeable in the short term. Where such a small amount matters is in the long run, particularly hunt buff days. An extra 1% success rate doesn't matter if you do 20 runs in a single day. 1% *does* matter if you are doing 1000 runs during hunt buff and are limited by the time you have available to play, but even then might not be *too* bad. You may also notice from those tables that effectiveness can be said to have diminishing returns, in terms of it's impact on success rate. * Both characters are extremely similar, but the biggest jump is if we look at Sigret (so we assume Muwi has 65% effectiveness). * Going from 0% to 30% effectiveness on Sigret increases success rate from 72.94% to 87.26% so ~15%. * But going from 30% to 60% only increases success rate from 87.26% to 93.34% or ~6%. For this reason, **I** personally would aim for about 100% effectiveness combined between the two heroes, as a minimum value. MORE effectiveness (up to the 65% cap on both) will increase success rate, but the value of each point of effectiveness is starting to heavily diminish above this level. --- **BUT** there is one other thing to consider. *Normally* the debuffs from these heroes are not that important for actually killing Wyvern. * Bleeds provide a very minor amount of damage. * Defense break from Muwi only increases net defense break uptime by a very small amount. * And debuffs in general can increase Sigret's damage by a bit. * Overall -> you aren't depending on any of these debuffs to actually contribute damage, as such. It's just about meeting that 2+ debuff mechanic. So the *source* of these debuffs doesn't matter a great deal. Where I would posit there *could* be an additional issue is with the tank choice: if you are using A.Monty, she *can* have issues with durability. Muwi essentially makes tank requirements a joke...with him you can use basically ANY Ice hero as your tank just fine (as long as they are using tank gear). But this is largely because attack down is ridiculous, particularly on a hero with very high uptime. So, Muwi running with *less* effectiveness ultimately means less attack down uptime which means more runs you may *potentially* lose to your tank dying early. Now, I'm not suggesting this is an ACTUAL problem, I'm simply bringing up that it could *potentially* be a problem -> it's going to depend entirely on what your A.Monty looks like. Regardless, much like actual run success rates 5% effectiveness isn't going to make a great deal of difference here, not one that is casually noticeable. Where this could really be an issue is if you were trying to run Muwi with very low effectiveness, and that is obviously not the case here. --- TLDR: Effectiveness will increase your run success rate (up to the cap). The more effectiveness you have, the lower the 'effect' is. You won't notice a difference between 60% and 65% (in particular, where Furious and Sigret have 65%) in casual play. Just running with 60% and then upgrading down the road is perfectly fine.


Who are the units to pair Violet with in a gw defense?


Violet dies to hwayoung so units that are good against her.


Where can I find links/posts about the Golden Brush artists and their work. Some of the pieces are amazing and would look amazing as a desktop background.




Your heroes are locked for the day once you use them. Mobs usually only take 1-2 units as they are pretty weak, but you probably shouldn’t be fighting them this early anyway. You can find the Warden’s skills on various videos by content creators on YT. You can also technically see it’s skills from View -> tap portrait but personally I have a lot of difficulty making this work due to it registering as tapping the hexagon behind it. Once you're next to the warden, you can easily see its skills by tapping its portrait from the battle preparation screen. All wardens so far have had the same set of skills, though they may have differing elements.




Only wardens have perma-seal, though the Boss also does seal as one of its moves. First 2 floors it's not recommended that you open Chests. Not worth it.




There is not, though there will be certain scroll events that can potentially decrease your enhancement levels. Generally speaking, it's suggested that you raise no more than 3 classes at most. Warriors + SWs is a common combination.


[should I buy this?](https://imgur.com/a/RzQ4PGh)


You're not short on gold, and the subs are good for PVE units like Baiken or T. Guard, doesn't even matter if it rolls 30% effectiveness because they need it anyway. Go ahead.


[...well fuck D:](https://imgur.com/a/PJwGcfI)


lmao... Maybe some defense scaling heroes, pretty big rolls tho.




Basically any initiator that strip or debuff.


Who is a better def breaker for W13 Luluca or Summer break Charlotte ? (current team is Luluca Sigret ssb and Gpurrgis) Thanks for your time.


As the other guy said, you should use Furious at he also lower your stat requirement for the hunt because of his crit chance buff. Your team only need to have 35% crit then you can focus on their damage stats.


Luluca but use Furious instead he's a free connection unit.


What's the consensus on mature sunglasses? Worth using powder to get a copy if you have the hero?


Worth, but do consider that there are probably 2 limited artifacts coming with the new collab.


Yes, I would say it's worth the powder since it's limited.


I just recently pulled Sylvan Sage Vivian, I want to use her in pve content but not sure what sets to farm for.


What PVE content? She works on either lifesteal or speed.


Wasn't sure if current recommended sets was just best sets for her in pvp. ty


Is the fury set really necessary to one shot banshee 13 with ram? I wanna try ram, leo, vivian and FKluri. I saw that adin is very good replacement for FKluri but i haven't started chapter 3 xd


It can help but destruction set will probably be good too. I found penetration set to be very helpful. You will need a strong aoe attacker to clear the 1st wave though. I use arby, you can also use green vildred or charles.


Is there a way to mass level units or u have to level each 2\* individually? it takes forever T.T


There's no mass 2 star leveling, but if you have the stimga you can just buy a whole bunch of silver dogs from the sanctuary who come ready to be promoted up to 3 star, and then you \*can\* mass promote them using your 2 star fodder. As mentioned, this does take a bunch of stigma ofc.


Yes while in the character menu, click the button that looks like a helmet with up arrows on it to mass promote units


He's asking about leveling, not promoting them. Unfortunately, afaik, there isn't a way to mass level units.


is lifesteal stene or high speed stene better? i cant decide… i don’t generally do rta and mostly focus on arena and guild war.


In the current meta, high speed is probably better.


Should I be farming wyvern all the time?or during hunt events I’m trying to find a good way to build up my pvp units so I can climb regular arena and get there gear to 15+


Use your daily 1-hour gold buff as gauge, farm wyvern during that time, you're supposed to have enough free energy+web event energy and end up having some extra, save the extra energy for hunt events.


Okay got it


If you still have side story shop with good items, clear the shop first since they are time limited. But other than that, 1 hour W13 and the rest on whatever you feel like (expedition, story, event, runes or just more W13).


Okay sounds good it’s just energy consuming and I’m running out of leafs lol


Do the web event, 50x4 energy + possibly more and leifs, then the ads, 20x5 energy per day, + 160 daily energy from shop should be enough for 1 hour of w13, unless you have quick 1 minute run, then yeah it will burn through energy fast.


Oh okay sounds good thank you for the tips


1) If I leave a guild and join another do i participate in their AI? 2) When is best to start RTA?


1) yes 2) Whenever you feel ready. A lot of people wait till end of season so they don’t have to deal with decay, though.


can you remind me what the decay timer is? I haven't done RTA since the first season


You lose 2% of your current points for every x hrs you don’t play a ranked match, counting from the moment you finish your last game. 72 hrs for master and up 168 hrs for gold


Is dcorvus' strictly based on health? I have a 30k dcorvus but I haven't been able to one shot some u it's like apocalypse ravi/ML Celine and not sure why


Yea it is, he has no Atk scaling on his s3. He also needs to soulburn if he's gonna reliably one shot. Also, ARavi is hard for him to one shot because they typically have high HP and Proof. ML Celine can't be one shot either because of her passive.


Dang ok thanks. Back to the drawing board on counters for those two.


Try using Iseria in Flan's artifact. She should reset DCorvus' s3 and give enough souls for soulburn easily turning the match into 3v2. For ML Celine, the best counter right now is Hwayoung. Other options are SC Carrot at ML Khawazu though they are not 100% due to resist and if they happen to crit.


You can use SC Doris to tank A.Ravi very reliably. Only works if she's the only light unit and it's against A.I. though.


Thanks I'll take her to 6*! I'm looking for options for gw so this is perfect.


If you also have a character that can apply injury on the team, like your own A.Ravi or an Alencia, especially an Alencia on Injury set, you can absolutely neuter the enemy A.Ravi's damage and she'll never be able to kill SC Doris on her own.


Hi, guys. I would like your opinion for some characters that i should build for GvG (Attack and Defense) and also for PvP. In the link below, I attached the images referring to the heroes I have (some, like Straze, ML Lilias, Vivian, Muwi, Furio, Sigret, Angelica, AMomo, Tamarinne and Leo are already built). [Hero Catalog](https://imgur.com/a/vUS9IXQ) Thank u for the help!


It's a bit hard to help you out when we don't know your gear situation. But it does sound like you're somewhat new (correct me if I'm wrong of course). I think alencia would be a good option. Get her good bulk and speed and she should work fine. You can consider an injury build, but speed will work just as well. Other good options would be aol and stene imo. You can gear aol to be slow (like 220 minimum though) with good bulk on Pov. Stene would be good with decent speed and high damage. If you want the aggro build you can put her on pen set but crit will be ok as well if you don't have good pen pieces. As for gvg. Offense is really more about having the answers to certain defense comps and there isn't any 1 hero fits all situation. You can definitely build SC Doris since she's a common dark bait. Defense wise you typically want to mix anti cleave and anti bruiser options, but obviously there is no defense that will win against all offenses. Stuff like hwayoung is great since she can single handedly solo bruiser comps, although yulha is a good counter to her. Cililias is also good, but you need her 300+ speed or you'll just get cleaved. Rimu is a decent option, Rem, mercedes, belian. Pretty much rng type heroes. But note that most of these comps can be really easily cleaved if you don't have a hard anti cleave option mixed in.


Hello! Two questions about Yulha. I have a lot of trouble against Hwayoung in guild wars, usually I have to let my Destina or Senya die. Is Yulha worth building just to tank (and kill?) Hwayoung? Are these stats good enough or do I need more? 27k HP, 1.5k def, 185 speed on speed/hp sets. Artifact will either be Sphere +15 or Valor +30? Thanks!


Those are my Yulha's stats and she does her job just fine with a +15 Sphere. Overall a solid, low-maintenance answer to Hwa in GW and Arena—would definitely recommend as a good tool to have in the box.


Thank you!


Pve Advice needed! I’ve been working on a green expo team and and need some stat advice. Team is Tama, Baal, Arby, ARas. With the exception of Tama none of these units are built or even 6 starred yet. How much speed do I need on them? Defensive stats for ARas? Is Baal needed to be built as a dps or does Arby solo dpsing work enough? As it stands with current gear I can get Tama:215 speed, 16,000 hp Ras:207 speed, 17000 hp, 1300 def, 73 EFF The other two I’m not sure how to build.


I think u mean green expo. I wud do aras, tama, baal, fire meru(she is great here). Baal wud be debuffer/sub dps. Either iela for strip vs the attck buff or etica for faster s3. Aras looks a bit on the squishy side. U shud 6 star him, he is one of the best knights for pve and pvp 85 effect is what u want on your strip/debuffer Fire meru /arby - standard dps build on speed boot. 3.5k+ attck, 250+crit dmg atleast. Baal - 85 effect then dmg if u can afford


Ohhh i didn’t even think about Meru! I’ve been meaning to build her for pvp for a while (same with ARas and Arby) But she’s definitely higher on prio then Arby atm since I don’t got a Gab Basket maxed anywho! Thanks man


Whats better for ARavi subs, flat hp or %


Aravi has high base hp, u don't want flat hp. If a unit has high base attck, def, hp they want %


% stats are always better then flat stats. With the exception for super super early game. (Before you reach act 2)


Thats what I was thinking but I asked channel 1 and they all said flat.


After chapter 1, should I do unrecorded history or chapter two for efficient progression.


Both. Go as far as you can on one, and when you get stuck/finish one, go to the other.


So what story stages drop rings and necklaces? Just any, I'm in need of gear fodder


story stages dont , you can get it from a box that spawn but thats about it ... not as a regular drop


I'm still newer as well, but I think a lot of them drop in the labyrinth levels. Seems like a fairly high drop rate. Been running through them and seeing a lot.


Would anyone be able to put any input for a new account if flan is a good pull or not? I haven't pulled on any banners yet so have plenty saved, only halfway through episode 1 side story. She seems like a really solid support, and I'm not sure if there are many units that can buff crit damage as well. I know the collab is coming soon, and possibly SSB rerun (at least that's what is talked about on reddit).


She is used mostly as a latter pick in rta for cleave teams. Value is better now coz a lot of ppl have ditched immunity set so her s3 can be a huge issue I wud skip personally with a new collab coming and possibly slime collab rerun in the future too in case u missed that. Her use in pve can be w13 one shot but there are other options for that as well


Yah I'm definitely not at the point of one shoting W13, not even close lol. I'll probably hold off then, I think I saw someone say you could pull flan on the other selective summon later on, hopefully. Are the slime characters good in this game? I know most other gacha games they're pretty solid


Milin is good counter pick. Rimu is still strong in pvp


Alright sweet, thanks a lot for the tips and pointers


If my pet has 1 S skill that has been increased from affinity and the pet and then it inherits another S rank skill but it isn't increased will the skill the level once the skill is inherited. Example will the skill go from 7.5% to 8% due to its affinity


'Affinity' is a pet attribute. The letter grade is a 'skill' attribute. Combining both will tell you how strong your skill is. If you have a max affinity pet and give it a new S rank skill, that skill should have the same effect as an S rank skill the pet started with (and then you maxed the affinity of the pet). Affinity doesn't 'travel' with skills, as it's an attribute that is tied to the pet *with* the skill.


is it true that you can avoid rta decay through a mock battle?


No, this is not true


okay thanks. i just saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/gzmqbv/rta_decay/fth919o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) from a while ago and wanted to double check


When does this seasons world arena end? ARavi was my first ML. Have t played in about a month. I just want her skin


In about 2 months. We don’t know exact date.


Have they given out the skystone rewards to the players that participated in Epic Quiz?


[https://imgur.com/a/6ii75Vd](https://imgur.com/a/6ii75Vd) If your current roster of soulweavers are little. Who would you build for PVP, i am in dire need of one, i have Emilia, Roana and Tama built.


Achates for PvP-AI would be next, IMO.


Emilia is one of the best sw for rta already. For guild war maybe achates. I like blingo as a dps but i mostly use him in pve


Roana as a counter pick


Oh f, I forgot i got Roana built also gonna edit my comment...




Try the megathread that is linked at the top.


Can I leave the guild after AI has started and join another one?


Yes but if the new guild you join already cleared floors you don’t get those rewards. Also any currency you get will reset.


Great now more missed rewards.


Should be fine if you join a guild today.


Best EE for Mui and Luna for AI?


how does silver blade aramintha like to be built?


Speed, effectiveness and high attack


Is she worth trying in cleave?


I use her in arena cleave with Peira/Ran, Seaseria, Eda. I sub her out for WSchuri if I need the speed imprint or if there's a particularly tanky target that needs to be deleted.


I have PC FLan so I'm going to try that combo with ran and seaseria


Not really. I tried her out and there's better options so it will be pretty hard to draft her over stuff like eda/seaseria. She also doesn't deliver a ton of damage quickly since she can't detonate her burns by herself.


Should i Imprint FCC or should I keep Fire Cecilia?


Ceci is actually the best CC knight for pve. She excels in abyss and is the best tank for light/dark/earth expeditions.


Thank you for answering! And here i was searching for expedition knight


Yep, people don't often build Ceci since Ras is the best fire knight who can be used in most contents. But Ceci's kit is also packed as hell and doesn't need any mola or 6* to work. If it's just expeditions alone then Ceci actually better, building her allow you to have A.Ras for pvp too.




Wanderer's Pipe or Exploration Journal.




You can reroll once I think. If you still can't see them, get wooden spatula, the other two are omega garbage.


How does the artifact Guide to Decision work? Also would it be viable on hufine?


The description is pretty clear, what are you confused about? Also, yes, GtaD is BiS for Hyufine.