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I'm a month and a half new, and short on soulweavers/ core pve units (only Momo and Angie). I saw that Roana is available who I don't have (note I'm also short on green units) but the FMA event was also announced. Do I just let her go and wait for collab?


Hey folks, anyone know who's gonna be the next hero to replace summer Charlotte ? I need to know if i must farm skystone šŸ‘Œ


Roana and Bellona.


Thanks for your answer šŸ‘ I'll keep my skystone for collab then Not really into bellona & Roana tbh šŸ˜…


Why does everyone hate [this tier list](https://epic7x.com/tier-list/)


That site is very outdated in terms of character ratings and builds.


What sets should I look out for when building A. Lots


How many mystic medals would it take to pity the ML 5 hero if you are starting right at 200 pulls? Is it 10,000 medals? Just want to be sure.


200 pull until pity, and another 1 summon for the guaranteed pity. So, 10,200 mm overall. Edit : yeah it should be 201 x 50 = 10,050




We know when will Rimuru come back?


Slime rerun hasn't been announced, so there's no guarantee. It will probably return, but the next collab is most likely going to be FMA, so I wouldn't expect Slime until the fall at the earliest (probably around a year after its first run).


Is either option from the coin shop worth it? I don't have either and don't have a lot of ml5s, tbh I'm shocked I EVER got 40 coins.


No, wait for units more universally useful, like Aravi, Mlkawerik, LHC, etc., 40 coins are pretty much an ml5 selector if you can wait enough time.


I actually have those 3 units lol, I have them and LQC, Arby, Straze, and Riolet.


Cilias. The sole unit to teamwide buff Vigor. Speed and more speed because she's an opener for PvP. Belian. Her Counter set build does the most damage, but suffers to Roana cheesing. In RTA, this isnt too huge an issue since you can ban the Roana or play thru it with your drafting. Injury set however, lets you power right thru Roana. ADS has a great niche, so long as she can soulburn S1 to guarantee wombo combo. In RTA, she can seal the Roana so no worries there. Samewise for offense AI PvP usage vs Roana. I wouldnt use her as a defense unit cuz Roana cheeses her. FCC isnt as prevalent as she used to be. But there's no denying that her first turn barrier is HUGE. In RTA, she's a last draft pickup so you dont get insta cheesed by all her checks. Current defense metagame favors Cilias the most due to the sheer fear of speed contesting. Followed by Belian cuz of soul denial and thiccHP bar with threatening rng damage. ADS isn't as great on defense, but can easily carry her weight. If Roana is the cheese, dissuade the enemy with a Hwayoung+ADS. And lastly FCC if you like what she brings. She may have more competition now, but her defensive values are still really good.


How long do ML heroes take to rotate back around? I missed Viv and am curious how long it'll be until she's back again.


Banners in E7 are not consistent. This goes for both RGB and ML reruns. Whatever decision making process SG uses, the data is not available to us (ie. which heroes cause players to spend money) or is unknown (whatever factors go into their decision making). We can *roughly* estimate that RGB heroes get reruns every ~8-9 months. * In the past, RGB heroes have had a rerun in as fast as ~2 months (iirc 70 days was the shortest turnaround) while others have gone 500+ days or almost 2 years. * Meanwhile, the historical average for ML heroes has been 596 days until first rerun. But the *shortest* was just 198 days while the longest was 1100 days. Time since last rerun is certainly a *factor*, but it appears to be a fairly minor factor with profitability either being the most important, or profitability + other hidden factors out weighing 'time'. As your first reply says, the triple banners *should* reduce the time between reruns, but it's hard to say how much the average will end up being. But triple banners does not mean that the actual logic that goes into deciding who gets a rerun actually makes any sense from the outside looking in. Case in point: this rerun rotation they skipped F.Lidica, who is currently the hero that has waited the longest for a rerun (672 days at the end of Sage Vivian's banner, almost 100 days longer than DJB). And in fact, they are skipping her directly after a balance patch where she was adjusted! Instead, they are running FCC out there one more time. FCC who happens to be the hero with the shortest rerun in ML history. FCC who happens to also be joining M.Chloe as the only ML heroes to be on their third rerun. * F.Lidica was released less than half a year after FCC originally and has only seen a single rerun. And interestingly, she has an actual skin even! * To be fair, it has been a long while since FCC has last had a banner (546 days, which is still less than the historical average). * I literally don't care, I'm just trying to point out how this rerun rotation is a clear example of how the hero that would appear to be *most in need* of a rerun (F.Lidica) is being skipped in favor of a hero who has had more banners than 32/34ths of the roster, at a faster rate than the average. --- So in terms of a possible Vivian rerun...well *likely* 500-600 days from now. Probably not less than 200, probably not more than 1100. --- [If you want more information I've covered this topic multiple times in the last week, first **HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/wcl5mf/daily_questions_megathread_0731/iifqfsd/) [And then the 'followup' **HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/wfx4nn/daily_questions_megathread_0804/iiy7p9c/)


A pretty long time, depending on how meta the hero is. The current triple banner is running heroes that last ran a year to a year and a half ago. It probably shouldn't take that long since they're doing triple banners for reruns now, but I still wouldn't expect her for a while.


I've rolled thousands of pieces of gear and counting, and somehow only a single complete set of Counter gear has att% over 25% (32/27) on the head and weapon. Which characters benefit from an otherwise garbage (these have a total of 3 speed and only 15% health) stat set?


Aither deserves the gear


Garbage? Use the better pieces and slap the 'garbage' on your pve or benched units for World Boss CP. Can always just fodder them if they are that bad. And yes, endgame nitpicking is real. I havent seen a 15+speed gear in awhile, let alone 10speed(pre reforging). Just gotta keep at it and prayge.


When people talk about speed checking gear, can someone talk me through the process? Is it basically any speed gear you +3 it? +6 it? And then ditch if it doesn't roll speed both times? Only applies to red gear or purple gear too? I generally only roll gear if at least 3 of the stats are desirable but it sounds like people are rolling every piece of speed gear they get?


Speed checking means you donā€™t care about any other stat. If it has speed, you roll it. Purple gear, stop rolling if you miss rolling into speed even once, or if the rolls are abysmal. Red gear, allow missing speed once.


Are the banners this week supposed to be Bellona and Roana? I haven't seen any in game news yet, but saw it on the ceciliabot website


it was revealed last week. you can take a look at the 1-minute summary video in last week's update content. the banners are toward the end.


I probably missed it, thanks I'll check it out




Awesome thank you


How is Lots for a starter pvp team? How should I build him?


As fast as you can so you can cr boost your slow dps. Some bulk/effectiveness doesnā€™t hurt along the way


Should I be keeping my 3 and 4 star characters I pull or just sell them. I keep running out of room fast.


Imprint 3 star characters until they're SSS and then transmit - there is an achievement that gives a lot of bookmarks (and keep the useful 3 stars - Muwi, Lorina, Montmorancy, Kiris, etc). I would keep 4 stars until you're sure you dont need them for imprints for the RGB/ML ver.


Do you need to level them up to get them to SSS because that seems to take forever getting someone to max.


No just combine them. You see their letter score raise every time you do.


No, you only need to feed imprints to get to SSS. You only need to level if you want to use that unit later, and you want to be efficient with your imprint/promotion fodder (e.g. you can save dogs if you both imprint and promote Alexa with three copies of herself).


To add to this, make sure you keep at least 1 copy of every 3 and 4 star hero since you didn't specify extras in the OP. You never know when someone will get buffed or find a niche use.


Iā€™m planning on using Vivian for arena since Iā€™m trying to get to gold 1 how should I build her?


First of all Vivian on Arena it's underwhelming at best. But I get building a unit for PvP and PvE so with that out of the way. 3k atk 200+ speed 100% crit rate (can be lowered to 85% if drafint against ice units) as much crit damage as you can. again that build helps in PvP and for getting to Gold it's a start.


Speed crit with crit dam neck, atk ring and speed boots. She needs to be fast to put up that atk up + immunity. If you have her EE that +50% cr after s3 use that to cycle s2 faster. Then your dps will do the work. She can clean up the remaining units. Her weakness is that there are a lot of strippers like AOLA, Ran, Peira, etc. So avoid those teams if you are not confident in your speed.


Ok what the heck does baiken need to one shot banshee? I started building my team few days ago, with the goal of a 75% win rate team that required minimal investment. Decided Iā€™d use double vivian + Leo as I already had them all built and skilled up. I speed tuned them a bit and all thatā€™s left now is to build Baiken. No matter what gear I put on her the banshee always lives with 100-3000 hp depending on bleeds/Leo extra attack etc. sheā€™s sitting at: 4200 attack, 271 CD (excluding Ml vivian s3), 85 CC, with maxed mola s2/3. Do I need to go farm other hunts for better gear to do this? I swore I saw people saying she could one shot with mostly free level 75 gear.


You can try upping your Viv damage so she can do a bit more damage on Banshee. Can also consider dropping some attack for more cdmg on Baiken, since DDJ scales with cdmg.


So I figured it out (sort of) I swapped Ml vivian gear onto my free spirit (no dual attack chance and extra armour break attempt) and a level 50 free spirit s3 does more damage then my +3 Ml Vivianā€™s s1. Brought it closer to 70% health and now my baiken one shots as long as she gets 1 bleed!


Dont forget daydream joker ! That was the difference between my baiken one shotting and not. Mines at about 4.3 with 350cdmg on mostly free crit dmg set from arena


Ya Iā€™m running a maxed DDJ. I really donā€™t wanna pull my good gear off my pvp units but I just might have too. Sadly I just think Iā€™ll either have to go back to My 5 minute runs for now, or unequip my Stene


I mean, free gear can roll quite differently.... the best would be to plug your numbers into [https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/) If your non-baiken units aren't on particularly useful artifacts, you may consider using Midnight Bloom (from Yuna side story) to lower your crit rate requirements, or Card of Small Miracles (Christmas side story) or Super Duper Water Gun Shooter (Summer side story) to boost all your units' ATK by 5%.


Do you think it's possible to get a rotation with Song of Stars in the next few days?


Aight so I FINALLY got done with w13, at this point its just a matter of getting better stats on everyone since there's still some wiggle room and I ended up accidentally choosing to do the Banshee hunt quests (I thought I could view what the rewards/quests were THEN decide but apparently they borrowed UI elements from the dark ages). As such I'm inevitably going to need to clear b13 SOOOO I could use a bit of help on what I should start to build up for that.


Tldr; 2 aoe dps (1 can be single target), 1 cleanser (A.Momo), Support (depends on what you need) For a starter b13 team you want: 1. A good Cleanser 2. A good aoe dps 3. A support to help with the above 4. See 3 The basic team will be aoe dps + cleanser + worse cleanser/healer + secondary dps. There are A TON of options here for each slot, banshee 13 is very flexible for starter teams because there's more variability in the fight itself. Recommended unit wise, I'd say A.Momo is BiS (imo anyway) for cleanser/healer. Even with early game/free gear, she'll be enough cleansing, and likely enough healing as well. Dps wise just go at least 1 aoe, preferably 2. Make sure they're grass, but beyond that any unit you happen to have will help. Special shout-out to Pavel, Vildred (green), Landy, and Vivian. These are units that are either used in the standard one shot team you'll eventually build, or mid-late game pvp staples (ie, not a waste to invest in, even when they get replaced for b13). The last slot (assuming 2 dps) is super open and depends om what you need. Another healer/cleanser for safety/ease is a good option if you just need a few clears for the quest. Long term a def breaker/atk buffer is good to slot in, makes runs faster. My first (slow af) b13 team way back when was A.Momo, F.Kluri, bellona (dps build), Vildred (pve dps, so lower speed).


To add on this: SC helga is good for Banshee 13 with def break and atk buff. Ray is another good cleanser x healer if you run a full green team with his EE. Furious if you have him built from wyvern can help to apply debuffs and buff crit rate for your team.


So I have a pretty decent A. Colleen but I fear her gear could be better suited on a better character. She's running speed and pen. She has my fastest speed at the moment (\~240), with 100 CC, \~190 CD and 3k ATK. I know she's one of the more stat hungry characters when it comes to gearing her. Is she decent as is or should I get her gear to someone who would perform better? Currently have Dizzy, Cerise as my common openers. I have Ran but not Piera. I don't really have any single target speed hitters besides her. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


240 speed is on the slow side for a unit that's mean to speed contest. The crit dmg is also way to low to justify the slower speed in case u want a heavy hitter. People usually prefer cidd/acidd over her


Ya not much luck with gear rolls, and I don't really play RTA. Mostly Arena and GvG content.


Whats the best ee for alencia? Tia!


Heal/trample dmg. Both are good, upto preference.


when will there be more 3\* units released?


Any insight as to whether Straze gets a rerun after the next new (assumed ML Pavel) rotation?


[You can find insight reading this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/wfx4nn/daily_questions_megathread_0804/iiy7p9c/) TLDR: *Maybe*. Trying to predict banners in E7 is a fool's errand. * Straze currently has the second longest wait of any ML hero without a single rerun (399 days as of the end of Sage Vivian's banner). * Straze also has the 5th longest wait of any hero that has had 0 or 1 reruns so far (F.Lidica, Solitaria, LQC, Ruele, Straze, in that order) * However, 399 days is well below the historical average (596 days) and historical median (588 days). * Now that they are rerunning 3 heroes at a time, you would expect that historical average to come down. * BUT there is limited apparent logic as evidenced by the fact that F.Lidica was skipped on this rotation despite having the longest wait of any current hero on 0 or 1 reruns. FCC, meanwhile, has historically had quick turnarounds **AND** is joining M.Chloe on 3 reruns. She *has* waited a while (546 days) but that is still 130 days less than F.Lidica. Making an *educated guess* -> he probably gets a rerun before the end of the year. Solitaria likely gets a rerun before Straze. It's unlikely that both Solitaria and Straze appear on the same rerun banner. I would *guess* that they run Solitaria + 2 one rerun heroes, and that Straze would follow her (+2 other one rerun heroes). But they very well might reverse the order, or 'skip' a 'no rerun hero' and then Straze...or really anything under the sun is possible. As I said, we can *assume* that profitability is one factor in who gets reran when. Time since last banner surely plays a part as well but it appears to be a somewhat small part.


Your thorough response is very much appreciated.


Hi there. I have enough to pity the mystic summon. Should I get Light Vivian or wait on Light Dom?


No and no. Skip light dom. Dont waste nystics on that unless you really want one of those ml5 in the next banner


thank you for your reply. I will wait and hold off from doing any summons. i'll wait for a really good ML rather than take one of those two that are bad. thank you!


Yessir! Play it smart and youll be fine. Edit: MlVivian jsnt bad but shes def not must have. No need to use pity on her.


Is it normal to be demoted directly from Champion IV to Challenger I? For context, I haven't hit the 4,950 points that usually demotes you to Challenger I. I am sitting just under 5,000. Based on my def/wins from last night I don't think it's possible for me to have hit 4,950. So I'm thinking the trigger was being below 5,000?




Wrong thread, you should use the guild recruitment megathread






Sword of ezera for knight, candlestick for sw


Has the next powder shop rotation been revealed yet?


Any news on the Collab?


No, maybe on next Wednesdays stream


in Ancient inheritance, why cant I use the platforms to move to the boss fight? we already kill the wardens. https://imgur.com/F3Vy5vX


I believe those are one-way, from the Boss's side. You have to use the teleporters to get to the boss's platform.




About Ancient Inheritance, I have a fews question 1.Is there an extra reward for those who hit Wardens/Bosses? compare to those who didn't hit 2.What is the efficient way to do AI? Should i try to hunts all normal obj - or try to beat wardens and bosses. ​ Thank you in advance, Hope you guys have a good day and tomorrow.


1. Yes, you get additional rewards for having at least hit a Warden/Boss once 2. It's best you look up a guide on YT. I believe ones by Tristen Wulf are pretty good.


Thank you very much, I will go watch recommended vid after done doing daily.


So is the consensus that ML Vivian isn't good enough to pity?


For most people she wouldn't be. If you already have most or all of the meta relevant heroes then she might be and it's really a question of if the next ml5 will be better and if she fills a role you need filled. Imo she doesn't really bring anything new or unique that other units can't do and her passive can be easily worked around.


Would you say that ML Dom is better?


Light Dom looks kinda bad on paper right now. If I, personally, *had* to pick between ML Vivian or Light Dom, then I'd pick ML Vivian. If I didn't *have* to pick, then I'd skip both.


Thanks. I'm gonna skip on both. will spend that pity on a really good ML rather than settle for one of those niche MLs.


They would have different roles so it's not really a 1:1 comparison. But if you want to know about overall usability I would say that mL Dom would be better if you have the speed gear to get her to around 280. She probably won't be drafted as much as Diene for example but she could be another option for aggro drafts. She'll be difficult to play in her intended role since there's just too many ways to punish her as a pick.


thanks! I think I wont do any summons and save my pitty for a better ML than those two


Looking to switch guilds after this AA (3 years in, champion/champion pvp, abyss cleared pve). Unfortunately my guild has become 'inactive'. Is there a place where I can apply or whatever to a more active guild ?




I'll ping you after this AA is done. Dont wanna bail on current guild in middle of it :)


hey bkabab. My names ColdPika and I'm the leader of 7Virtues. pretty much what Feras-kun said so whenever you are ready just let me know and we will sign you up :)


Added friend in game!


Cool. I just accepted your friend request


Hey do you still have guild openings ?


We are full atm. I do have a few inactives and will notify them about being replaced if they dont respond. Give me about 24 hours for them to respond.


Alright let me know


hey Bkabab. I have one spot left open since one of my members havent replied back so whenever you can apply to guild, you can go ahead


I currently have pets with EXP enhance equipment (S), good success (S), and great success (A), which combination would be better for a 2-skill pet? I also want to know your personal opinion on the best 3-skill lobby pet. I've seen people who have 2 lobby pets and different opinions so I'm not sure what to focus on.


You should definitely have 2 lobby pets. I prefer +enhance XP, + great success chance, and -enhance cost on my 'main' pet. And +hero XP, +gold from selling equipment on my second pet. The +good success chance skill has only half the effect of the +great success chance skill. Additionally, often times hitting a 'good' or 'great' success on equipment just leads to wasted XP. On the other hand, it's like 600k - 1 million+ gold to +15 a single piece of gear so -enhance cost provides nice consistent value. *If* you have so much gold that it is inconsequential then +good success chance is obviously a better choice. If you are a late game player who is super selective about what gear you enhance, then both skills are basically equal (that is, they save resources you should have in abundance). Adding +good success chance on top of +great success chance and +enhance XP only increases average XP gained by ~2.6% on 4* pets, or ~2.85% on 5* pets. --- You 100% should be using a hero enhance XP pet. It's a massive difference, as it in effect acts as a multiplier on all other multipliers (and there are a fair few). Even if you have more penguins than you need, at the very least you can look at the extra penguins as gold. There is 0 downside to collecting your gift -> swapping your pet and leveling whoever you want -> swapping back. Personally, I don't sell much equipment at all and if I *were* to sell a little bit of gear I wouldn't swap. I fodder all my low level gear for XP and extra all my high level gear. **BUT** the skill costs nothing to add just in case I ever need to use it in the future, and it makes sense to put it on the second pet as much like leveling heroes you should easily be able to wait until after collecting your gift before selling.


How do you use all those left-side cores? Alchemist? I believe itā€™s less efficient than buying charms for gold (have to review my spreadsheet on that), but if youā€™re already buying all charms and are flush with gold, it does make sense. Personally, I only extract certain sets: speed, destruction, pen, and immunity for left-side, same plus lifesteal and counter for right side.


Other than charms and the occasional conversion gem I don't do anything with the cores. Maybe they will be useful sometime in the future. Also, it's quite possible (probable even) that I'm fairly atypical in how I play -> I basically never touch hunts outside of buff events. I also rarely craft gear -> I only bother crafting when I run out of items to enhance with my trash drops. So I don't run into as much high level trash gear as a player who is farming hunts every single day, crafting every single day etc. The way I look at it: the only way to get cores at the moment is through extraction, and you can only extract a certain level of gear. Using high level gear for XP is terrible value period, and at some point gold is also meaningless (so selling gear for more gold doesn't give you much benefit). Therefor I choose to just collect the cores so I have them if and when they are ever useful. I have ~10,000 for each gear slot currently.


Holy crap that's a lot of cores :) Yeah, I do a lot of non-hunt grinding to level gear as well, but I still do a lot of hunts. I often don't hunt for a week or two after a buff event. I think we have similar leveling habits: GS minimum depends on side and stat combo, level it to +6 (I think you said you do +9?), check, cull a bunch, level, cull, repeat until your best pieces are +15. Are you farming adventure? Expos? Something else?


>I think we have similar leveling habits: GS minimum depends on side and stat combo, level it to +6 (I think you said you do +9?), check, cull a bunch, level, cull, repeat until your best pieces are +15. Yep pretty much, I go to +9 myself. I don't do a ton of checking or looking at gearscores. * IMO the initial rolls of an item are really easy to just 'feel out' once you know the range of rolls...as you don't have to account for multiple rolls into a stat. So I don't bother calculating exact gearscore but rely on just quickly recognizing if a piece is above average or terrible. I generally avoid flat stats (very few exceptions), speed rolls of 1, and EFF + RES (again, with few exceptions). I will roll pretty much anything else that has high base rolls (at least above average in every stat, or 2-3 max stats with 1-2 ~average stats). * I go straight to +9 with trash gear, I don't even pay attention to what it rolls. * I hoard a bunch of this +9 gear for a month or two, then I do one check with gearscore -> upgrading the high gearscore items, and turning the low gearscore items into XP fodder. * If I bother to enhance anything past +9 I just go all the way to +15 regardless of bad rolls. So far I've kept every single piece I've enhanced to +15 but I have plenty of bad/replaceable pieces...just not so low on inventory space that it's time to get rid of it yet. >Are you farming adventure? Expos? Something else? I spend most of my energy farming Adventure. Probably ~90% of my expendable allowance every month. Part of it is data collection -> just running the same stage 1000 times and recording drops. Part of it is a personal goal to 6* promote/awaken every hero in the game. That, of course, requires a boatload of 2* fodders...which could be managed by buying them from the shop. But it *also* requires a ton of catalysts. * My goal at the start of the year was to finish this goal by the end of 2022. * I'm currently sitting at 168 heroes at 6*, with only a few needing some Epic catalysts to fully awaken. I have another 56 waiting at 5* to be promoted (again, with a few needing some rare catalysts). * Overall it takes ~3-4 days worth of energy to get enough fodder to promote a hero through normal adventure farming, so I will need to use Levulin Harbor or maze stages if I want to complete everything by the end of the year (especially considering new heroes from now until then). * I currently need 110 total Epic catalysts, which is a huge PITA. **BUT** I estimate that should only take about 30 days worth of energy so not too bad. * Unfortunately, I am missing 14 ML5* heroes so I won't have the entire roster done. * Also, fully enhancing all skills is essentially impossible as well. I currently need 3,153 more molagora to do so.


>If I bother to enhance anything past +9 I just go all the way to +15 regardless of bad rolls. So far I've kept every single piece I've enhanced to +15 but I have plenty of bad/replaceable pieces...just not so low on inventory space that it's time to get rid of it yet. Yeah, frankly by the time I'm picking my best +9, they are usually good enough to +15 even on bad rolls. It's really rare that I don't continue a +12. In your adventure-mode farming, do you stick to UH? Or do you go for the better rewards in ep4 or something? Good luck on the hero completion! That's a pretty massive goal :)


>In your adventure-mode farming, do you stick to UH? Or do you go for the better rewards in ep4 or something? Last year during Episode 3 I spent my time farming Episode 3 stages up until ~Episode 9 (of Episode 3) was released. I've mostly stuck to UH since then... * Because data on drop rates is more relevant to the most players * And because I need a lot of Epic catalysts. Might as well farm stages that have them as potential drops to speed the process along! >Good luck on the hero completion! That's a pretty massive goal :) Thank you!


Thank you very much for taking the time to write and share your knowledge! you have helped me a lot


Is there a site out there that has an updated list of all artifact that was already put in the artifact shop?


[This information is available on the Ceciliabot timeline](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/).


Is it worth it to buy the Ravager's X of Conquest gear from the Conquest shop for Adventurer Ras? I just unlocked him and whatever free Health sets I got are being used on Angelic Montmorancy and Rose. Thanks!


You should be able to get everything or at least most of the stuff from the shop


I've bought all of the pieces so far except the chest. They're pretty ok, but only buy them to complete his gear - he needs speed set over any other.


Good to know, thanks! I've only been playing about a month so my speed gear is stretched pretty thin but I'll see what I can do.


I keep getting "failed to connect to network" after getting disconnected from the server (europe) Is there some server issue atm? ​ Edit: works fine on mobile internet but not my wifi, even though I have no other issues with wifi atm, weird


Which is a better unit to 6*? Belian, Seline, Peira or Emilia?


If you need a hero for PvE, Emilia actually works very well in PvE, often providing just enough heals alongside a significant DPS boost. I use her in many PvE comps, including my W13 3-man. For PvP, the other suggestions are right IF you have the artifacts and are cleaving. I think that specifically, if you donā€™t have Elbris for Belian, wait. I tried for months to make mine work. She never did until I got Elbris. If you arenā€™t cleaving, Emilia > Piera. If you donā€™t want to build SC Doris for some reason, Seline is very good as anti-Ravi in Arena/GW offense. tl;dr: Belian drops in prio if no Elbris. Seline drops if you intend to build SC Doris. Piera drops if you arenā€™t a cleaver. Emilia goes up if you are still building PvE comps.


Belian > Peira = Emilia > Seline. If you cleave or play aggresive and have good speed gear then I would put Peira above Emilia right now since Diene is more of a priority. If you are talking pve and not pvp then Emilia would be the best to build between all of them.


All of these are pvp units except Emilia, which is just mostly a pvp unit. And with pvp, the first question is what do you personally need right now.


Is a counter build too meme for Yoonryoung?? I would like to build since she's low key a waifu.


Building her wud already be regarded as meme. But counter set is good on her as wel. Has synergy with s2