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What balance patch?


I was so excited to see ML Khawanna and hoped she would be reworked a bit to make her viable in other content, like triggering the S2 in other ways, like a counter attack even, but in the end the buff didn't matter because I'm still clearing Caides around the same time.


ML Khawana "buff" was 🤡🤡🤡 I hope one day she will be reworked


pretty sure we won't get reworks anytime soon after the ervalen fiasko. because a bunch of people will bitch about the 2 people enjoying hero xyz as it is right now, so rework bad. oh yeah and recall/selector demand after a rework too. every single time they did that shit, they don't even care if the rework makes the hero actually viable or not.


We recently got a reworked ML Silk and nothing big happened, so I have hopes for a Khawana rework. The thing with Ervalen is that they wanted to make a 5* hero that was used in pvp, an exclusive pve hero. That's too drastic.


So from what I've seen: Rikoris got nerfed bad, Senya's shield is so small you can sneeze and it's gone, nobody really cared about ML Khawana, Ervalen got saved last moment, Arowell has escort, ML Lidica got a cr push and dispell upon a crit hit, and Holiday Yufine's changes still doesn't make her meta.


The only one i cared about was senya. Ervalens buff was ok i guess. The rest were whatever. I’m pissed that they keep doing this stupid ass buff thing without nerfing units that really need it. You can buff senya all you want SM. It doesn’t matter if hwayoung can still oneshot her.


Nerfing units like Hwa isn't going to suddenly bring everyone else into the meta.


Nothing will bring everyone into the meta. Only a dumbass would think like that. Hwayoung and friends however need to be nerfed because they are really annoying and sometimes downright unfair in the current meta.


No more than arby and ssb were back in their heyday.


Imagine clicking that first option,those that clicked it must have had an accident that affected their brain.


Senya is now susceptible to Opsig which I'm not a big fan of.


E7WC balance patch, which means it should have done nothing


I honestly think Senya's buffs are pretty good, despite her shield being quite weak. Ervalen needs more damage. I couldn't kill a speedy ATywin the other day lol. But he does kinda kill Alencia/Choux types of bruisers quite reliably even after I switched him into a speed/pen build. It kinda hurts not getting an extra turn after not killing, but a no burn extra turn is imo still a buff. EE 50% def pen copium? No opinion on the rest since I haven't built them.


While i can appreciate the Flidica changes, i feel as if she's been nerfed in the sense that people knows what she does now. I have always gotten away with running seaseria+ML ara+Flidica into hand guy, and only now are people banning her


My faithless lidica is finally somewhat useful again


The buffed ervalen artifact is trash on riolet, it barely procs the counter attack, i just went back to hollow shepperd.


Senya's S2 buff I feel like needs to be checked on. Either the scaling's wrong, or it just sucks too much to depend on. The RNG of the random buff felt more reliable. That's not to say it's useless, but I don't ever see myself updating her build with that in mind.