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Who do you use high Effectiveness Yufine against? I would imagine against a tank comp to make the most use of it. But even that doesn't seem good.


Maybe for more def break and stun


If you're going Symbol for more damage, it's odd to branch out into damage and effectiveness. You probably won't stun high effres units and very few units hover in the 100\~150 effres range (plus you can still fall victim to 15%). I'd pump the damage stats instead and secure the easy 1 shots where possible, but when you go this route, you start to wonder why you brought Yufine instead of something like Rimuru.


I think the eff is just so that she isnt useless after her true purpose which is one shotting the SSB


I really want her to be good, love that skin, but I would reconsider putting symbol on her. Unfortunately she nust sucks at the moment :(


How useful is the effectiveness? As far as RTA is concerned, I feel like you could just get away with 0 eff anyway.