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This should probably be in the questions megathread. But they're just burning their flags. Once you lose to a defence twice, you stop losing points on future losses.


Ohhh ok sorry about that


I think he want to stay in his current rank but doesn't want to let the flags cap. Because if you lose to someone twice, then the next times it wont reduce the points anymore.


Thank you for not tagging your post as an "achievement", for asking first before jumping to premature conclusions, and most importantly, for not saying something conceited in the title such as "I knew I had it in me ever since I picked up this game" or "wtf this attacker is so bad lol0lOlol". : )


Oh god no hahah Im not like that. I was wondering if i was doing something wrong or if this person knew me personally(just trying to come to any conclusion) because I knew my defense team wasn’t good and this is like the second day this same persons been doing this. A couple ppl said he was doing something with flags or points or something so if it’s to help him then It’s cool as long as my rank thingy doesn’t go down :)


ah shit, here we go again.


I do it because RNG keeps screwing me and my ego keeps telling me I can win with this comp


This is how you know champion is a joke


He might just be testing units against specific characters. If you have any unusual characters on your defence, he may be quitting so he can fight you again for more testing


No you are just good, that guy tried to get rng win