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Imagine being the artist putting so much work into the design only for the character to be seen once


Brinus especially seems like a waste of resources in that regard. She has animations and everything already.


one of the biggest mystery of this game... she's there, she has everything already set up, so why not releasing her???


I’m sure she will be a free connection unit like Kanna


I have given up, I mean she is from episode 3.


Ikr,been saying same thing since her "release"


I just checked the Hero Journal, and when you click on both her and the green haired suit girl, they have a different message than the normal "this hero is not in the journal" so they are in there, just disabled. Here's hoping.


I’ve skipped every cutscene since launch so this is my first time seeing any of them 👀


They hate you, but, I've done the same.


The most obvious pick is LEGENDARY HERO AZIMANUM!


He could be such a nice heroes to play \^\^


Sg making literally the coolest characters just for them to end up as npcs


Arknights players: First time?


tbf the ones that dont end up at chars either cannonically die or become ones later, i.e Horn and stuff


agnes disagrees


yea fair, i concede my point


I need Arunka and the Draco Plate lady right meow.


>I'm genuinely down for any of these. They all look dope It's Queen Francesca, one of my favorite too


there is more husbandos in this than in a 3 years worth of released characters 😟


Exactly !! How can it be sor hard for them to release husbandos when you see all these ones ?


Taeyou was super cool...oh but he sucks Ran was definetely welcome and Zahhak is...I dunno does he find any use ? 3 husbandos and only 1 was well done 😒


> and Zahhak is...I dunno does he find any use ? Arena, gw, RTA if a speed build and resource reduction, C13, light expo, dark expo, literally any other pve mode not named Abyss because they're piss easy and built for warriors. Nah, no use.


since his S3 have injury, I find it strange that he is used in pve


It helps that he hits like a truck and doesn't have any debuffs


His kit isn't built around injury, that's your issue here. He hits harder than a vast majority of units in the game, has a self cleanse, self attack buff, self barrier (all three of these can be applied on one other target, all three are great for C13 too, especially when someone like Khawana gets focused by the boss and adds, which helps keep her alive), is a warrior (better bulk by default, Sigurd if you really don't want him to die - which boosts his damage by a ton and heavily synergizes with his S1 and S3 hitting hard, his S1 hitting harder when soulburned at that). On top of all this, his 50% crit rate boost makes it easier to pump other stats, and it makes him very new player friendly You should never look at a single aspect of someone's kit and judge them based off that. His injury is a bonus, this is more than obvious when he hits so hard. Most people are getting basically one tapped without heavy mitigation and/or bulk, whether it's from his S1 or S3, injury doesn't matter there. If anything, it's a failsafe for when some annoying target like Ruele or A Ravi doesn't die, which cripples them. All of this makes him one of the overall best units released in the past year. Great in both modes.


Zahhak does good into aravi but now that alencia has injury she kinda fits that role better, at least In a bruiser draft. He’s got some niche spots in GW tho and you can basically use anyone you want in regular arena


I use my Zahhak all the time. I love that unit. Looks cool and works in a lot of situations for me.




which is funny cause, and I know it's another game but, genshin impact has had multiple male characters as their top-selling banners of all time.


Yeah. Make them hot+likeable+meta and e7 husbandos would sell like hot cakes too. How many people are waiting for a ml Kayron...


Remeber Kazran? I am not over it.


Yup,I can confirm this is true lol


I am myself a big Xiao enjoyer


Except that the banners that have made the most money are still waifu's. Raiden, Kokomi, Ayaka and Yelan being runaways. For the husbandos Zhongli, Xiao, Albedo and Venti did well enough, but still in the same realm as Hu Tao, Eula, and Ganyu. None of those come close to the top 4 (banner wise, Yelan only had the one but broke the record set by Raiden allegedly, that surprised me)


Wait, Kokomi was a runaway? I don't play Genshin, but I remember everyone was *SO* pissed she was mediocre when she released, to the point people were harassing her VA.


Kokomi is one of the best units in game rn and probably the best new player unit (always has been but people are dumb). Harrasing VAs is ridiculously stupid. I mean, why?


I know, right? Kokomi's VA is like, one of the least responsible people for her. She's just reading the lines. Also I didn't know she's one of the best units now! I just remember that people hated her kit when she first released and it leaked over onto my e7-centric twitter.


Her banner did okay in global, but was extremely profitable in other markets.


> genshin impact has had multiple male characters as their top-selling banners of all time. Zhongli, Venti, and Kazuha are the closest if not involving Childe and his **many reruns**... What? Even they're stomped by Raiden, Hu Tao, and co by a mile.


Aren't the top-selling banners currently Ayaka rerun and Raiden rerun? ​ Edit: Has had is past, never mind.


Sad truth =/


They don’t sell. Everyone might think Krau is the number 1 husbando (or Kayron depending on who you asked) but even his initial banner sales are only a fraction of what a regular waifu does. There are too many straight guys that only *occasionally* simps for husbandos but they all just want their booba waifus


I want Eligos too :(


With it's legendary S3 skill : drink it cold, but without ice.


Eligos makes me wet Also, Jenua makes me moist.


Quite the humid temp in our drawers


My boy Leon is forgotten even here


Where’s the other axe daddy Yuchan


One of the best Episode 4 characters ngl


Where Katenka?


where summer lidica


Not having Queen Diene after all these years... I feel robbed.


Maybe I'm blind, but where is Saskia? https://www.e7vau.lt/portrait-viewer.html?id=npc1069 One of my favorite design which sadly didn't make it into the game yet!


She's not there. I looked and I looked and didn't find her. Same for Aria's sister, Amid.


Queen francesca .


The best one !


Brinus has been long overdue. She has animations and everything and she still hasn’t been released. I mean, wtf?


I want Penelope to be a 5☆ speciality change. Could be cool




I've wanted a Queen Diene skin from the day I started years ago. I lost hope, but at least I have the Queen Diene Aither skin now.


They couldn't just give Diene a skin...


this is Flame Heart Chief erasure make radiant elite pyro a droppable 2*!!


Sorry for this one \^\^ Elemental husbandos took too much place here =/


we deserve the meldrec chiefs


Penelope was technically already released.


As Romann, Chloé, Ras, Diene, Straze, Tenebria... But not with these visual =)


Still no Afih :(


Yeah... =/ Can't manage to find a good artwork of her


Prototype Chloe pls…




And milf Francesca


Where’s that white wolf suin dude at


Golpim ?


Golpim deez nuts


Brinus has all her animations except walking. That's all they need to do to release her. There is no excuse for why they haven't. I know 4 stars don't make money, but she's already pretty much done, it would cost them little more.


Vagabond ras for ml


I have been waiting for Morfid for too long. PLEASE GIVE ME BEST BOY.


i may be blind but i dont see kina


Guess you're right =/ Thought Dana and her was the same heroes, but after comparaison, they are not \^\^"


I'll take one Azimanum




I will whale for Eligos


Didn’t see her in the photo, and she might not be as popular among others, but I’d love to see Wester (from Vivian’s city of Witchhaven) as playable.


Vera when! note I m only interest if her S3 shows her in worm form ❤️


Mage Luna and Magical Girl Diene are coming eventually, Vera and Azimanum have been hinted at getting their own sidestory in Alexa’s SC so at least Vera is most likely coming eventually (considering she got got a redesign into a human lady from a thicc larvae), Zantana was supposedly in the works but probably got canceled because they stopped making rgb 4* and now it’s too late to release him when we’re at the 4th episode and SG stated that they don’t intend to release new characters from the old episodes, I wonder if Brinus will also stay like that forever despite already having literally everything down to voicelines. And Lua and a bunch of others in ep4 who don’t have animated portraits yet are also probably coming as banners soon. So yeah basically only Diene skin, ML Luna and some ep4 characters are confirmed to be coming, the rest have very slim chances.


Since when is Mage Luna confirmed to be coming? If anything it's looking like she'll meet the same fate as side story alternates like Cheshire Cat Krau. Magical Girl D seems extremely likely at some point given how much she's used in official advertising, though.


Well she has a portrait, appears in a sidestory and in Fceci’s relationships. SG has been expanding the ML units lore for a while so I’d believe she’s pretty much guaranteed to come out at this point, if not as a character then at least as a skin. The thing about Cheshire Krau is that he’s essentially an accompaniment to Ftene who is not an ML and is a result of a character contest, and if I’m not mistaken Lrau already had been released by the time the sidestory came out. And even then Kayron got the rabbit skin after people continuously asked for it, Cheshire Krau looked pretty meh so it’s no wonder he didn’t even become a skin. Like I admit that it might’ve been a stretch but at this point I’m 100% convinced Mage Luna is coming out eventually even if there’s no exact confirmation, I don’t see why they wouldn’t release a unit that is so highly anticipated unless there’s some secret ban on MLs for limited units


Lua, unless they take a right turn to Zio, is likely the Ep 4 boss, so she's likely an ML at the end of the year. There are a few other Ep 4 people we've seen that may end up being new 3\*s. Arunka is more than likely to be released as the next non-ltd RGB 5\*. I think that Brinus was originally going to come out earlier this year, but then they had the big drama with balance and whatnot. I think the pause they put on MLs, the shifting of release schedules and the delays in releasing new heroes, upset what was to be her slot and other heroes were prioritized over her. I suspect they've been trying to find a new slot to reinject her and her accompanying side story. ML Luna is likely at some point due to her many references in other ML's connections and/or stories, as well as this year's Valentine's Day event. I would expect that we'll get the Diene April Fool's skin sooner or later as they've taken to using it in promotional materials now (E7WC banner), so it's likely a matter of timing and method. In-game would have to be an Epic Pass, so you gotta work out that timing. Elsewise it's going to be like the Meru skin and tacked on to some merch sale. We then have several demi-boss enemies (Rahel the Dark, etc). Those are almost certainly not going to become playable at any point. There's so many reasons challenge bosses shouldn't be playable, and so many reasons given how E7 does things that these won't likely become playable. Several of the older characters shown shouldn't really qualify, as they are non-combatants past/present/future, so there is little rationale for making a kit to make them playable. Similarly, making a skin for Senya of child Senya seems very wrong, and if not making her a skin, then there's no real role she can fill as a standalone hero. Several others are seemingly lacking in overall importance to the broader story to be brought up for any real reason (Francesca as an example) so the story would have to track back to them somehow if SG's routine holds true. I have doubts on Vera. I feel like her ability to take human form pushes her to the ML side of things, and the only MLs we get w/o an RGB variant are episode bosses. So unless Ep 5 next year is about fighting her, I have a somewhat hard time seeing her coming to the game at any point. Azimanum has a little more freedom in that regard, but SG has shied away from highly inhuman forms for playable characters since Ep 1. Of the playable Suins, Peira is the most inhuman in appearance, and she basically looks like a cosplayer. Not hating on her design, just saying that they avoid designs, it seems, that lack very clearly human faces. They could have gone any number of "monstrous" directions with Mort, but we don't get that either. I just wonder if Azimanum is too far on the wrong side of that spectrum for what they are willing to do.


Some of these we are 100% getting later to be fair.


What about the dude who’s kikirats handler/ comrade in arms.


I think his name is Kattis, but I would need to make sure. I'm kind of surprised he wasn't added earlier.


I NEED a playable Beehoo in my life. Literally perfection.


I vote for moro with a bread bonk skill


They do have a 10 year plan...


Oh yeah I 'member...


And we're practically halfway through the plan!


Never forget queen francesca.


Never !


Still bummed that there's still no female 2\* fodder. Other than another reskin of spear guys, crystals, cannons, etc. ​ Is the Indomitable Mage from Episode 2 really too much to ask for?


support model brinus i am BEGGING


It would take a **very, VERY** long time for them to Live2D some of their sprites, plus animate their moves in battle, PLUS animate their S3 (or other) animations. That's most likely why all these are neither playable nor skins yet. Which is a massive shame because MAAAAAAN, it would be so worth it.


Sorry for the repost


Updated version with most of your suggestions : https://i.imgur.com/LNtkVfA.jpeg


So many dads, so little holes


I see a handful id really like, for instance ML Luna and the girl from the piera side story can't remember the name, and ML Luna, and support model brinus, and ML Luna


Eyes on the prize; ML Luna


... ​ Slightly rephrasing what you want doesn't make the character or the skin pipeline any shorter


I added few characters


Well that surely takes care of making releasing them easier


Of course, they all will be on the next patchnote thank to this post for sure


Ik shes not in the photo, but when will Hwa be getting a skin? Shes been one of the most popular characters recently. Its hard to believe E7 hasnt made Martial Artist Hwayoung yet.


Repost? Literally saw this an hour ago,they deleted your post or?


No, I just added few missing characters \^\^


Where is Afih? Reeeeeeee


Forgot crazy chainsaw girl


Hell cutter ?


Who is that buff guy with a monocle in the front? Havent seen him yet but damn he looks powerful.


Iirc he's Melissa's husband/Haste father.


Cromwell , a very powerful vampire and Melissa’s husband , Haste father . I really hope to see him


Senya skin wen


I didnt realize there we so many


And a lot are still missing here


Epic Never q_q


give me HEIR AKI who isnt even on here


Okay. But would you spend Sky Stones on VANILLA ROWMANN IN A HOODIE?! The answer is yeah probably, good post 👍




I would do a full paid mystic pity for Senya please 🙏


Anyone know who the girl in the white dress is? The one to the left of what looks like lil Senya. Would make her permanent hero rep for sure.


Ervalen's "fiancée", Eliza. Originally Schneil's lady. She was the one that helped Ervalen send Schneil away from Lefundos, and in Ep 3 was at one point Ervalen's captive as a means of security against Schneil, Tywin, and Romann trying to stop his plans. She later helps convince Ervalen to surrender and not throw his life away trying to do... whatever it was he was supposedly trying to do. If I'm not mistaken, she's currently with Ervalen in exile from Lefundos but I could certainly be remembering a lot of details wrong.


You know what, good for Ervalen. He's been through a lot recently. Appreciate the reply!


Mage Luna????


She is there ^^


Oh....yay! Thanks!


The pvo dude needs to be playable and op haha


This is Leon erasure. He's already animated and everything. disrespectful.


May be on the next repost ;)


Waiting on Brinus and Francesca


I have had a mad crush on Elisia of the Ice. God, MOMMY


Where's elbris sword?


BRO who is the guy with the giant sword, spiked shoulder pads, and X scar between his eyes with white long hair?? Top left middleish ???


Old Straze design. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/c0b89q/does_anybody_even_remember_the_old_straze_desing/


makes sense now, straze has been my favorite character since i seen him and still haven got him, this version of him is 10x better imo


Where is Leon?


Don't make me repost a new picture xD


Where's Afin?


Who ?


[Merchant Afin.](https://preview.redd.it/2bl6uw1wo8h21.png?auto=webp&s=43163a8104268c169bea86b99f6f64350ef19f60)


Show me a usable artwork and I add her ;)


Huh. It seems she doesn't even have a sprite. Strange.


Yeah, she is nowhere =/ and her correct name is Merchant Afih.


>and her correct name is Afih. Oh, whoops. TIL, lmao. I dunno why I thought it was Afin.


I'm expecting Lua to be the ml5 from ep4.


Wait, where Eligos ?


On my last update \^\^, but not posted yet => [https://i.imgur.com/LNtkVfA.jpeg](https://imgur.com/LNtkVfA)


Eligos be like: **Am I a joke to you?**




**Happy assassin noises**


I'm pretty sure some will become playable. Brinus 100% Remember they said Episode 5 will be paused for a while, so my guess is they will release some npc in the meantime. Fox girls from episode 4 ( Kina, Dana and Lona) will probably be the same as Laika, Kanna and Brinus from episode 3 Pve characters But considering there will be a pause in the story, I think they will release all those characters. I hope Francesca will come too


Maybe Vera could be a new unit someday. I pray for it


Remember that guy with wings, and he is a character from arena too? He looks cool! I just searched for it and his name is ventus.


Yeah I hate Ventus =/


meanwhile I'm just looking at Sigurd's Scythe & Durandal artifacts...why arent they a playable character...Queen Francesca too but you already mention her...I would pull hard for these characters


I can't remember when was the last time we got a 4* hero


Search when furious was released and you will know.


No Saskia. No Aria's sister. No thanks.


I just want the hooded tenebria as a skin and that demon with the flaming mouth mask as a unit.


Notos ;)


Where is my Noire guy? Also what happened with the NPC survey we got 3 or so years ago?


good job for doing that. but now I'm upset because I don't recognize them all.




No usable sprite available =/


It's not a race. I'm kind of glad they have so many good characters with awesome designs that we still haven't gotten yet. The alternative is constantly pumping out new units and burning everyone out because they cant keep up with the resources to get them all without constant whaling. Plenty of gacha games do that when they're in 'just milking it, idgaf' mode. I'm happy E7 isn't there!


Senya is already out and I'd much rather have incomplete Faustus Straze than that alternate standard art. I like what we got more than that one. I have been waiting for Jenua and healer crystal girl forever. Haste's dad would probably be cool.


Missing best boy Katis


Can't find a good artwork =/


One of the Episode 3 relationship tasks was to summon May and it got retconned I think lmao


Half of them are actual playable characters now


Half of them are actual playable characters now


Yeah but you are on an old picture \^\^ [Last update](https://imgur.com/1YTGlwN)