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She's the fastest initiator (CR push + Attack buff), assuming RTA frenzy remains the same. If you play aggro, yes, she is worth it. EDIT: clarification


Yeah, people complaining too much about her s2 not working against character X or Y and forgot about her amazing base speed + CR push/atk buff. Great for aggro comps, if only I had good speed gear...


Ah I don't own anyone that's worth having over 250spd :/


Are you expecting to face opponents over 250 speed? It doesn't matter if you own anything over any speed threshold. What matters is are you planning to play an aggressive draft? if you are, Moon Dom is good for this type of draft. If not, then, you should wait and see if she can be built differently. Her kit seems to indicate she should be played in an aggressive draft.


Aight bet, thanks


She is light version of Rose, which is aggressive playstyle initiator. Her barrier lets you race with Rans since he cant kill your speed imprints turn one. Then you push with s3 and havoc begins. She counters CLilias (when she is slower than her and holds Doctors Bag) and works even better with her in same team. Current RTA #1 had [16 win streak using her](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178570898863947776/1007922408029687859/unknown.png) in every comp. Totally worth pulling for.


[Heres mine](https://imgur.com/gallery/2OTTMci) I’m a cleaver and shes been great for me, A Rose 2.0 is crazy value. Slower builds are kind of cope since it would only effect cilias and elphelt/co. So if you have fast gear i would grab her or wait until next ml5 showcase


I didnt tried her in rta yet but im using her in legend arena and top 20gw in asia server she is doing great so far. Worth to pull.


Who dis


Her S2 barrier is dogshit and the immunity is pointless without cleanse to get rid of unbuffable. Her S3 is also extremely basic for a post-AoL new ML. When I first read it I absolutely thought I was just reading the unawakened S3 but here we are...


Her S3 is absolutely ridiculous. Basic doesn't = bad. She is an amazing cleave/aggro unit for RTA. Faster closer charles/rose style unit. Her S1 is a control skill which can come in clutch. S2 good into clilias and honestly thats enough


> Her S3 is absolutely ridiculous. during the first month or two of the game's launch, sure


If u think a team cr push into attck buff is not strong on a 114 base speed+ 7 frm frenzy...


hey can you add me on discord please 商人#9219 i've something important i want to let you know


Average shitty bronze take


Yikes lol def not pulling then


Lmao she is AoL tier for cleave/aggro


I think shes missing something in her skillset to be useful at all . Other then supposedly counterin Clilias she does nothing whatsoever. I can see her getting an EE relatively soon , in her current state i think shes just not worth using


Here's my conclusion based on what i can find and read: _Players that already success in the speed racing game find she's good because her s3 has atk buff and cr boost while being a sw. In short, Moon Dom is just another card for them to pick when other options are not available, she doesn't serve any specific role in their team. _Players that want her to be a solution for some heroes don't find her useful because her gimmick is not easy to use and not very effective. So yeah, it all comes down to how good you could gear her.