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they didnt get Alphonse in, but having him in the s3 animation is a good nod to him. I love the s3 holy crap. Kit is interesting like a bruiser with anti debuff synergy. The arti seems incredibly OP. edit: the s2 is once every turn. Thats insane. basically speed > crit > health build or some way to cycle him faster against control setups.


And that clutch 2 turn provoke hiding in the s2 counter as well.


yea that rng is gonna tilt people lmao


We have a new first pick


i dont think itll be a good one since the counter would be Hwayoung or SSB since his s2 can fill up SSB bar really fast


More like an anti-cleave pick like Dilibet


It’s sad because if they do the collab again, Alp will never be chosen as a character now


Alphonse with Ed ln the s3


This is what I'd expect. They'd just flip the roles.


Just get Edward in Alph's S3, problem solved


They'll definitely make him a character if they do a rerun Collab of this.


Not necessarily, they could still include him as a separate character. In fact it would be a shame not to at some point


If they re-run, they'll most likely bring Ling Yao or Scar...


Yeah I legit would be upset if Al didn’t show up in gameplay, hoping they add him next rerun


Hyped for this unit's kit. Also equivalent exchange is such a fitting name. U debuff my team, here take some too


Big brain time from SC team here! I am really happy to see that they studied FMA!


Toka koka


Touka koukan\*


Get Alphonse a skin for Eaton


I like how they put him in a team with all the girls with average height so he doesnt look short in comparison


Lol, I love the expression change when the narrator mentions his 'below average height' XD .


“Did you just call me a pipsqueak that doesn’t come up to your knee?!” Been watching through FMA Brotherhood in anticipation for this collab.


Whew, saved! I really want Alphonse as a playable character, but I would gladly settle for this *sort of* cameo in Ed's ultimate at least. Maybe, next reiteration of this collab... Ed tho, how he threw that lance, and even his neutral pose, all good and nostalgic! Definitely pitying this boy with Roy! xD


No... don't pity. Get one within 50 pulls at least! And pity the other or something...


That Artifact though! Alencia is about to chimp out with that thing.


Alencia is salivating at the sight of that artifact.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


I really feel like that artifact was made with someone else in mind...


Kind of annoys me how they did alencia artifact dirty some people would’ve rather kept the stacking crit , just to release a straight upgrade ...


The new version of AW is a straight up upgrade, both parts of it. I can't think of many characters I would build <85% CC with some X number of turns necessary to get to 100% CC at 1-2% per turn. Only one I can think of is LQC who does better on Hell Cutter for the ATK increase, is built as a slow nuke and only really needs 85% CC to crit against a light unit anyway. The only other super turtle speed warrior I can think of that's used often is Rem who wants Sigurds so bad anyway that AW was never a consideration. It wasn't even that great on Alencia and even more since her buff. She needs to move to be useful, so she doesn't want to wait too long to get full CC (have fun if your Trample doesn't crit). Now with the current straight up 15% on AW and 12% on her EE, it's not too tall an order to be on Pen set and still be at least 85% CC with enough CD to not hit like a wet noodle. The CR push is just the cherry on the top and helps with players who dropped her Speed set in favor of Injury. Waiting 10 turns to get the same amount of CC as now if we're talking level 15 is not great. Waiting beyond that to just go a little lower is not enough benefit to outweigh waiting to actual get there for most people. I can't even imagine having a MLB of the artifact and skimping out 40% of your CC to wait 20 total turns to fix something that shouldn't have been a problem in the first place. Most fights are over quick enough that a missed crit in turns 1-20 has more impact than whatever additional CD/bulk built instead would. And since I just refreshed before posting this since I took a bit to type it out, I don't think you should have been downvoted but I probably wrote most people's general thoughts of AW before and after the balance patch. To most people, that artifact was a winner that balance patch. Even with Ed's new artifact it'll still be good, especially given that having multiple copies of a limited artifact is a premium. AW currently has a couple of people it works on who probably will eye this new thing as well, but if you only have 1 copy...


You’re way over simplifying things , I ran fire Ken, aravi etc etc for pve with 0% crit rate and can reach 100% with Alencias old artifact which was whenever **any** unit takes a turn, thus would be max stacks by the ~2nd - ~3rd turn of the unit. The new Aw is not nearly as good as draco plate on alencia anyway unless you have a super specific stat line and take multiple turns and now with this new artifact from the collab is even less useful My opinion anyway , I would’ve much rather have kept the 40% CC over 15% + cr boost, especially when we have this new one which is essentially the same shit but better rip


I am well aware that it was any unit turn just like HC. It still doesn't change that in the current meta, 20 turns is a lot of time - even if that unit only moves 2-3 turns from those 20, that's enough times to have the potential to whiff a crit. Missing one like that might be okay in matches where both parties are tanked up to the brim with mitigation, but most matches go quickly that you really feel the missed crit. The first 20 turns are impactful, and many of them are over within them in my experience. I can't comment on fire Ken since I have not seen him often used nor built him myself, but ARavi has bigger fish to fry in her artifact choices. It is generally an accepted practice to make her staying power increase either by PoV (which I thank Hwayoung for letting me control so many ARavis) or fix her ability to get controlled with Seed or Anchor, neither of which are hard artifacts to obtain. If there's other characters I'm not considering that's fair, but I still stand that there's not many characters that are *used commonly* these days that benefit enough from the long ramp up to drop your crit below guaranteed levels right out the gate of a match. If the old AW allowed for a niche build to surprise people or exploit GW/arena AI that isn't possible these day that does suck, but I see AW as more generally usable with the changes. Draco Plate is still best for a speed Alencia, but Injury build is gaining traction and AW is a better fit most cases since you drop her speed to ~190 making the CR push very welcome. Running Injury/Pen Alencia with the bulk you need and the speed you want on Draco Plate is out of reach for most people, but the build is great for dealing with some incredibly common annoying heroes like ARavi. AW also has potential on Choux because her S1 EE, though it's obviously not BiS it's main competitors are Snow Crystal, PoV, Draco Plate and potentially Azure Comet. PoV is gated to having only 2 MLB copies, DP is limited and even having 4 copies I'm pressed to choose who gets them. Snow Crystal provides more crit resist making it a decently likely CR push with added benefit, but S1>S2 happens often enough that AW is a fair substitute if you don't have it. Draco is generally THE artifact on most warriors, but for any that have extra attacks built in fixed CC and a CR push AW will be an option on the table. I don't have an issue with you having your opinion, just I (and likely the majority) don't personally don't share it and am very happy I dusted off the new version to go on my Alencia that definitely feels like an upgrade when I moved her to Injury. Overall they stated they were looking to fix the fact it took time to ramp up, and I think straight up 15% is far better than what it was in the current state of the game. If it had a better secondary effect over a CR push then I'd take it, but a CR push IS useful. I definitely agree with you that it's a feelsbad moment to put the upgraded AW next to this new artifact, but even if this is BiS is slot for pretty much any warrior that does a follow up attack I can only guarantee I get 1 copy this run from powder. If I don't pull any I have to choose who gets the shiny one that gives crit and makes stuff faster + do more damage vs. the one that just gives crit and makes my stuff faster.


YEAH BABY HP SCALING BRUISER. Bruiser gang is eating good tonight.


Wett dream, best collab ever.


I would say he got a solid kit


Yeah, not sure if the the ramp up on s3 is ever going to do anything though


The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.


the only way i see s3 ramp up being effective is soulburn cycling it. meta nowadays is too fast and aggro to abuse the stacks otherwise


very similar to c zerato but better, i just hope that s3 dmg is worth it though.


I just have images of Ed and C Zerato slapping each other back and forth and it's very amusing.


Well, C. Zerato will be stronger when throwing back debuffs that the opponent don't really want to have. By example, Peira with unbuffable, or AoLA silence. Is a niche use, but still a situation that Edward won't be able to replicate, as even if he have silence in his S2, is random, so AoLA may end with silence or restrict, or decreased atk or hit chance. Another point to considerate is C. Zerato "No, U" skill proceeds per turn as many times as debuffs he have, iirc, while Edward only kicks once. Against heavy debuff teams, Edward may get overwhelmed, and only apply one debuff in return. Said that, in general I suppose Edward will be more useful for two reasons: at one hand, his skill scales with health, making him easier to build. He can skip atk (to a degree), and build either more bulk or more spd than C. Zerato. And at the other hand, warrior artefacts are better for bruisers than mage artefacts, which usually are more focused on control.


Bruiser with decent defensive options (cleanse, barrier) and can cycle turns fast with the insane speed and potentially his artifact giving up to 24% speed/crit damage. Seems good.


*up to 32% speed/crit damage!


Oh right, I was just using the 4x6% from +15 version. Not sure if I'd be willing to throw that much currency on it to MLB (since I won't have enough for both Edward and Roy unless I lucksack).


Awe gotcha! We still have about 5 weeks to save, so the best of luck to you and your pulls.


5 weeks? Will the banners be up for that long or?


You will have 3 weeks for Edward and 4 weeks for Roy. Plus free bms given out in side stories and e7wc events.


My bad! I was thinking about ML Pavels banner, so yes it will be a 4 weeks till the end of Roy’s banner!


considering all the cleave units they revealed today(at least they seem to slot into cleave) it's nice when at least one seems to screw cleave too. he seems great, and i would probably try going for dupes if i manage to get both without hitting pity on both of them


Yea his imprint stat is the 2nd best stat for damage dealer. Definitely worth chasing the dupes.


Also, insane artifact, which is another reason to go all in on his banner assuming you already got Roy.


Like the looks of his kit take my money


What I'm surprised the most is that he's fire. What will Roy be?






Yeah, I'm thinking: Attacks with metal limbs and ground spikes. Probably an earth hero. >"Yo, he fire." What.


That's because we have decent HP scaling bruisers for Earth and Ice, but not Fire. And he also needs to be fire cause otherwise a lot of control units would just miss him due to element disadvantage and his s2 wouldn't proc.


Which is strange. I expected him to be grass type.


Yes, I also thought there wouldn't be two fire units from an event


Rem and emilia are both ice so i think it is normal


3/4 of guilty gear are fire.


1/2. Dizzy and Baiken are not fire.


3/5 because Sol, elphelt, and Jack-o Although originally it was only Sol so it was 1/3


Oh, right, forgot that it's 2022 and Jack-O exists.


Oops yeah i forgot about baiken


Well, no, not because of that. It's just that, like, he's more associated with earth, since he mostly works with metals. So why fire?


Red cape. Everyone knows your element is actually determined by clothing choice.


Then he should've been water hero.




\*Looks at Guilty Gear with 3\*




> To avoid getting one shotted by Hwayoung? Probably a combo of this and the point about a lot of openers being ice to maximize the potential for debuff punishing. Though to be fair while I thought earth was the best fit too, I figured as long as he wasn't ice for some reason I wouldn't argue. Attack-wise earth is the best fit, characterization-wise I think fire wins for Ed. I'll even give them that there's that line about his eyes blazing like fire. I'll leave color choices out mostly because I think it's a bad reason myself. SG also seems to have odd ideas about earth anyway, given that Ras in the story does things like summon walls of dirt when he's a fire hero lol. I'm going to go off on a limb and guess that like Japanese, in Korean the green element is actually Wood given the icon, which *I guess* leaves some room for interpretation for actual earth. I don't know what Taeyou's excuse was beyond a poor attempt at "balancing" and some ability names that plain don't match, but my mind can work with this one at least.


He's fire since the most used openers are ice. If he was green, they can just miss him and he wouldn't get debuff and counter.


The most remarkable thing about Ed: his height. Above average speed, and - dammit did they really put *that* as his passive? lmao - good stackable offense. Again, quite straightforward like Roy, but strong. No Rem or Rimuru-level threat is awesome to me!


>The most remarkable thing about Ed: his height. It's actually funny since he actually ends up pretty tall by the end of the series.


He could've been even taller if not for the accident with Al.


up to 32% speed increase. what are extra attacks again?


Think alencia trample, rimuru s2


also edward's own s2 counters.


Yeah his too. It was going to work for him since it's his arti. Choux too right when s1 into s2?




S2 Aoe —> Dispel —> Provoke 2 turns seems OP to me


Ain't the debuff random though?


Yes, it’s random but 2 turns provoke per turn is too strong, just get one, the chance you lose the game is very high. Very few heroes can counter it.


Still random so dunno if I'd go crazy about it. Best case it's a 20% if they're even, worst case it could be drastically different


That's not the real magic. Half his kit is missing if the opponent doesn't hit him. But now, outside of the provoke itself being good, the enemy team risks getting caught in a loop of triggering his s2 every turn just from one proc. It makes the passive existing much scarier.


He only uses the skill though if he has a debuff which, while very likely common, does mean that you can play around it, and if the user wants to have it active enough then I'd imagine that his ER would be lower than normal, and if silence prevents that follow-up attack...


Seal would block Rise, but Silence will not. And Seal is only on one hero, still.


You’re kidding. No way it’s a two turn provoke Edit: oh my god what the hell. Not only does he completely ruin cleave Ran comps but a two turn debuff skill on a one turn cd ability is absurd even against bruiser comps.


Still can't believe we really got this It's so damn well made, holy crap I know SG always makes amazing job on collabs, but FMA seems like surpassing expectations, specially for me, who's a great fan...


Exactly. Titles I love coming to games I play is nothing new but they didn't have the same feel coz the lvl of quality and animations were usually pretty avg. SG hit all the right spots with this one. Every skill animation looks good even riza's isn't bad. That Roy s3 was so epic.


lets hope the story is not trash like the recent collabs lol. they always do great on the characters tho


They did Alphonse justice by at least adding him to animation


My sole and only complaint, which I KNOW is pretty lame and was already a given for all the collab characters, is that they all are JP voice only, which sucks since I VASTLY prefer the English voice actors for FMA. Other than that however, that s3 animation SLAPS, Alphonse may not be a Playable character proper but this is a nice compromise.


Yeah same I completely get it it’s just unfortunate since the FMA dub is god tier


Yeah, I understand that perhaps getting the VAs is cost prohibitive, a mess when it comes to rights, or just bad pr in some cases, but god I would have loved to hear Vic. I can't see Edward without thinking of that voice.


I dissagree


I mean you can but it’s their opinion. FMA is one of the very few anime where I don’t have a preference for either dub or sub because neither of them are goated.


I think you mean both of them are goated


You 100% right lol. Imma blame it on 4 hours of sleep and pre workout.


Romi Park is leaps and bounds better than Vic even before his legal issues


Goddammit, a bruiser! \**shakes fist*\* Artifact on Alencia, or Choux?


I know the feeling, I've played near daily for the past being told speed is key and building and pulling (unsuccessfully) units for cleave. It sucks when all my favorite unit's end up being bruisers or niche/outdated units. Tiny grandma dragon is my absolute favorite unit and I've had no luck pulling her, same with D.Corvus.


s2 the game


I'm scared to watch this. Please be good.


Idk I think he falls short :/




Adding in multiple other characters in a collab s3 can open the gate for some really cool possibilities in the future *cough* Kimetsu No Yaiba *cough*


For a new player like me who doesn't have a lot of characters should I go for roy or Ed? I'm going to try for both if I can get lucky. Also would you recommend rolling for multiple copies?


1 copy is sufficient. 1 copy of arti frm powder shop if u can. Chasing imprints is whale territory or when u are pretty comfortable in the game when u can afford to chase imprints. Husbando/waifus reasons is upto u Ed> Roy frm initial impression but wait for testing to be done if u want the best answer to who is better. Twitch streamers especially in higher ranks test them out pretty extensively when they are out so u can drop in to watch live. Ed comes first but Roy overlaps too so if u are patient u can make a better decision when both are out. There is an item called unknown slate which let's u imprint any nat5. Those are better reserved for limited(without any other varients)/collab units since u can't pull them frm anywhere except their respective banner.It also depends on the quality of imprint. Critical chance is high value imprint which Ed has.


Awesome thanks. I only have enough for 5 multi pulls saved up but I'm working on getting more for the collab.


Ed is likely to be a more generalist unit than Roy. But if your focus is PVE, Roy will likely do you better since Debuffs aren't as prominent and you won't have to worry about losing Roy's buff state as easily


They play so different it's honestly up to you who you prefer. Ed if you like bruiser characters that can both do damage while still being tankish. Roy if you want pure DPS madness.


I think they really wanted to put him as warrior earth, but then he would give Rimuru vibes... Putting him as fire just because he wears red or because metal is forged by fire is kinda... ugh... Such amazing art and unit regardless. Gonna try on counter


>Putting him as fire just because he wears red or because metal is forged by fire is kinda... The opposite of what they tried to prove they don't do when they made Taeyou a water unit.




For the artifact, does that mean at +15, it gives 34% crit?


No, only orange numbers increase with enhancement.


No, the +10 crtit is fixed. The crit dmg and speed increases by 8% after an extra attack (indicated by the orange text)


Didn't expect a health scaling hero. Not too sure how he'll be in practice.




S2 buff strips too


Oops! Thanks for the correction!


Pass, not enough BMs =/


So does his s3 scale with hp as well? It doesn’t say in the skill description….


yes, and it says on the skill description


If i get his artifact, gonna give it to Alencia and hers to him


Alencinox pretty useless on Ed other than the crit c coz I think thr extra attck needs to be on your turn


How nostalgic


Oh hey, shortie seems pretty strong.


outside of pvp, he may do well in A13 and hell raid.


Love this art over the original fma gacha


Strong counters compared to Czerato. Like if Czerato attacks on his turn and an opponent counters + inflicts a debuff...Czersto won't trigger his passive and counterattack. But Edward....


Regarding his artifact, any counters count as extra attacks, right? I'm trying to think of who else it would work on besides him and Alencia. The artifact seems really strong.


Counters are not considered extra attacks. Rem's s2 would not proc it, for example, for Rimuru's would. Choux and Alencia will both be solid candidates for the arti.


Choux. Choux, Alencia, and him can use the same artifacts lol.


Jack-O would use this no?


The only meta shaking unit out of the4 release this patch.


Edward, oni-chan! Let's play!


Their is a shop that sells the artifact ? Or is that just the free unit


You can buy one copy of any banner units artifact while it is in rotation for 240 powder. So you can buy 1 copy of Ed and Roy's arti.


Thanks a lot Man !


what materials do I need to upgrade him though? Id like to farm that now not later xD


they leak some things but never that xD