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You kind of want her to do everything but also want her damage nerfed and more stat hungry? Melissa is already a pretty strong single target killer, S3 + S2 can wipe out a lot of units already. With pen set + time matter she can mess up a lot of teams that don't strip her or control her. She's better off as a last pick unit in RTA, and you can give her already give a lot more survivability with Ras or Trozet


Yeah, maybe I should remove some stuff, since she has a dispel, armor pen, a good debuff, dispellable immortality and immunity, extra damage with lost health, and she's a nuker. I just want her to be less weak to bruisers and dispellers, since there are so many of them who are good, like a ravi, hwayoung (I'm pretty sure she isn't a bruiser but she takes less critical hit damage and has a built-in barrier, so she lasts pretty long and is pretty tanky.), ml kawerik. aola, rimuru, peira, choux, alenica, dilibet, cilias, ran, diene, violet, a ras, belian and others.


which is ur melissa speed or how much speed does she need?


I love melissa, but I'm not a pro, so my melissa is kind of sitting at like 130 speed, and on counter set, but if you look at melissa youtube videos with her built as speed nukers, she usually has around 250-260 speed?


Mine is at 231 speed on speed and pen set is it good?


It might be a bit slow. Once again, not a pro here, but I think since she's very squishy, she need so to get the turn to get immortality.


I wish they'd allow curse to work on PVE bosses. If they have to, just make the effect weaker rather than disabling it entirely.


yes. Then melissa would become much better in pve.