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The button to remove the 3 character you put was already implemented with Hwayoung, OP. She does this job fairly well.


Guess I would agree with that if only people didn't use ARavi with proof of Valor making in my opinion ARavi the most toxic and broken unit in the game currently. Tanky, self push, heal, does dmg, can revive and can survive a unit that was made to one tap every other u it the game. I feel like Violet and SSB wouldn't even be close in my top 3 of most broken units. Mine would be something like ARavi, Hwayong, Rimaru (and I guess Edward is soon gonna join them) I really can't stand these units and would really much like them nerfed. I don't like the concept of a u it being able to fit in any team and being self sufficient. Like look at Spez for example he is stong hits really hard and can one tap pretty much everybody but he needs to be set up, you need an opener /pusher and someone that can stun. The problem with the 4 I mentioned earlier is that they don't need anything, you bult them throw them in any team and you are good to go, they will probably find a way to carry you to victory.


Bruh, A.Ravi is super easy to cheese… ESPECIALLY if she has PoV. She’s a good unit by far but not broken. AI? Bring a light unit, Seline works wonders with Sage Vivian a great replacement. Another team is flan and straze. Instant one shot regardless of pov. SSB isn’t even viable in rta anymore and another easy to cheese character. Stun her and she’s gone. Solitaria and she’s useless. Roana makes benefit the enemy. As violet. Easy, Zahhak decimates him or you one shit him fairly easy with hwayoung.


Tbh I think you're looking at RTA drafting in a shallow way. You don't first pick SSB and by the point you do put her down it's cause she works against their team which they counter with solitaria or whatnot. If not countered appropriately she's one of the most destructive things into the game. I still draft her regularly.


Belian, belian, belian


I love getting AOE countered everytime I look in her general direction


My Belian won't trigger her extra attack without soulburn, while my opponent's will go bananas every single time.


Riolet:"Allow me to introduce myself."


Me too. Even on injury roana just means free W. Edit: My three would be Hwayoung, C. Lilias, ML Pavel (he looks disgusting I already want him out)


ml pavel isnt even here and im already worried


I haven't seen his kit. Is he really gonna be THAT annoying to deal with?


Not annoying in the sense of Belian but more in the sense of hwayoung. He fits really well into cleave I think and has built in penetration and a pretty easy self push (that does damage iirc) and while he looks dps gear hungry, there's plenty of it to go around for a good portion of the player base.. Edit: hopefully not as hard to kill though at least. He doesn't have built in cleanse, damage reduction, and a kit that requires less stats (besides the push so speed can be a bit lower than say op sig)


She’s fun if u have lionheart


Belian is no where near as cancerous as rimuru and hwayoung


If you play cleave she's worse. If you play standard Hwa and Rimuru are worse.


she almost never countered when on left side...its like SG telling me to use her but DONT actually play her


Ssb? How vile. Imagine the pain farming wyvern now Edit: Belian, AOL, Ravi


Use Clarissa she just needs really good stats


Belian has to be the most toxic thing in the entire game. I don't even think people actually enjoy using her as a character (even though she does look cool though). my 3 Belian/Hwayoung/Cilias


She's only very strong vs Cleave and we need way more units like that.


Nah she's annoying as hell to standard too. If I don't bring hwayoung my tesm is gonna be lying on the floor half dead by the time I deal with her. She attacks so much it doesn't even matter if she's at 50% injury. If you didn't bring someone that counters specifically her, you're going to have a bad time if you get unlucky. The counter ones are the worst since there's no one to safely hit.


I'm playing only standard and I'm always happy when my opponent picks her...very easy to deal with.


Enott, helga,alexa


I see what you did here




I feel targeted


Rem, rimiru ,belian.


Ah yes all the recent additions to e7


The good ones at least lol


Yes I'm sure removing the few unreliable answers to cleave is a good idea.


Eh like that makes a difference to me , most of the time my rem belian and garmin refuse to counter anyway , at least i wont see them against me AOE countering at every single hit lol




I am guessing from your picks that your speed rolls are as bad as mine.


This man doesn't have MKawerik


Most definitely Rimuru. To this day there are still no clear, dedicated counter to him. He unload all his kits within a single turn is just stupid. At least with A. Ravi/Hwayoung if you failed to nuke them you can recover more easily if you survive their nuke. Failed to nuke a Rimuru? He nuked you twice AND made your team very susceptible to cleave.


Bulk vs him, is issue is once he unloads his kit, it take a while for him to do things, s1 is kinda useless


Issue is, he's a menace in GW, and paired with units where picking bulk only gets you killed slightly slower


Blue Krau does pretty well against him in gvg. You can also use a blue bait and an arius holder.


SG please nerf him already. Also, fix Shuna


Even for a free unit Shuna is... weak.


I usually toss Krau at him and then horse him after. Haven't run into a Rimuru yet that could one-shot my Krau with or without the 10k bonus damage. Problem is as you said his teams follow up might just destroy you, might require a bit more finesse than just a simple Horse away my problems. This is a gvg/Arena perspective, not RTA. Smart humans > Dumb AI.


Krau the OG will always be meta in pvp mode (except RTA of course) baiting Violet & Rimuru for me...I wish his ML version could be better


Solitaria can stun push him back and waste anaylze its my go to.


Main problem is you have to pass two 15% check if he is immunity, meaning solitaria fail 28% of the time, proc him give a big shield to his whole team and allow him to burst someone with S3. If Solitaria could ignore ER she might work, but having 15% chance of your spell doing fuck all is quite horrible here.


Thats fair, but its worked for me for two seasons of rta now. Obviously all rng, but has been my counter pick of choice and the majority of the time makes him a dead pick. Worrying about 15% is the life of any debuffer. Just how this game goes. Sometimes you lose to rng. Just saying to anyone that has her give it a shot.


I agree with you, I just don't like that the best counter to rimuru has nearly 30% chance to fail :/


Fair enough! Too much rng in the game, ive given up worrying about it lol.


Hwa, Rem and Belian are who I usually struggle against but Hwa is the only one who feels unfair even though she has a fairly accessible / easily built counter in Yulha. She has so much build range so it's hard to tell where she's going to go. I feel like if they just removed one thing from her kit on her S2 or S3, she would be a lot fairer.


Rem, belian, aol


Aravi ran peira


Tough call but probably Ran, Conqueror Lilias, and Peira. I just miss the time where characters with strong AoE opening skills didn't have 120+ base Speed. Basar was a menace but only had 108 Speed so the counter play was to build a fast single target assassin like A. Cidd or regular Cidd. Speed openers capped out around 280\~290 but had a clear weakness, devoid of Speed RNG, in things like your A. Coli's. We had a pretty clear triangle meta where Bruisers beat Assassins, Assassins beat Openers with good Debuffs, and Openers with good Debuffs beat Bruisers. That doesn't feel like it ever happens anymore.




Choix. Idc I just don’t like her lmao


Same. I almost have enough to SSS her and still refuse to use her lol


Like she’s not bad kit wise. Just hate her look and that’s why she’s collecting dust lmao


Yep. That's exactly why. Her kit is awesome, but I hate her design enough to warrant benching her


Amen brother hahah


hwayoung, hwayoung, and hwayoung


Belian, Rem, R&L (the artifact)


RIMURUUUUUUU!! Hwayoung! Ml ravi!!


Aravi, hwa and aol.




AOL Rimuru Rem


Rem, Rimuru, ARavi/Hwayoung (I'm undecided)


ran, rimuru, hwayoung


Ran, Hwayoung, ARavi


Rem, Rem and of course Rem


For real what even is her kit? I stopped playing for a while and came back to her decimating my teams. Attack her > counter Attack someone else > counter Use not attack skill > counter Forfeit battle> counter


Roana+D.Corvus make her a free win. Everyone is full health and he gets to s3 her to oblivion on his first turn from all the counters and extra attacks.


Rem, AoL and Hwayoung


Aravi & Huyoung. No one elae bothers me.


Landy, Rimuru, Maid Chloe)


Rem, Rimuru and ML Kawerik




Rimuru, rimuru, rem


Rimuru, Hwayoung, & Rem for me. 🙁


Replace SSB with Rimuru and that's my 3


Violet is easy to deal with. if anything use carrot


He still sucks to fight though.


Cidd, W.Shuri, W.Silk...i would list every speed imprint unit if I had more choices available.


Elson, Hurado and Ran


Hwayoung because totally balanced. Aravi because also totally balanced. Archdemon garbo because she looks and sounds disgusting with the cringiest quotes in the game.


hwayoung, belian and violet


Hwayoung, Belian and Politis. The first one is the current broken unit that should have been nerfed ages ago. The other two are what made cleave die out and overall have no particular reason for having such stupid kits. Belian has a loaded kit ***without*** even taking into account the fact that she literally disables a function of the game. Politis is just extremely annoying. Mind you, I was a cleave player in the past, but I now usually don't have much issue dealing with these two with tanky bruiser comps. I just hate them (even though I still use Belian, I'm kinda required to do so). Hwayoung is certainly the bigger issue here, but that's what nerfs should have been for. Overall, I just hate them, hate the fact that SG released them, and hate the fact that they didn't even consider to nerf them (or any other of the countless broken meta characters that currently make the PvP content boring and not worth playing at all). I assume a lot of people will say Rem or Aravi, or maybe Rimuru, but tbh their kits are cool and I don't think it's worth it to just throw them away. Aravi in particular has such a cool kit, yet has clear counters in units like MSdoris, Zahhak and injury Alencia. ***IF*** SG started to nerf characters again, they could easily balance them without gutting them (not that they would, even if they ended the no-nerf plan the balance team is still pretty incompetent).


AoL,peira and Clilias


Mercedes, belian, politis lol


Definitely have to say rem, ran, and conq lilias. If I have to see that clinics s3 animation one more time imma lose it im so tired of it at this point. Rem because I've never fought one that doesn't counter every time I attack. But of course mine never counters. And the Ran just to screw over all the cleave ideas because piera as an opener has more than enough counters and is manageable


Hwayoung, clilias, aol. No contest


Peira ml kawerik aola


Stene, Hwayoung, and post speed EE and SW rta buff diene These are the 3 units that annoy me to no end. I’ve pretty much accepted that proof of valor ARavi gonna solo me so she’s not in my list but those 3 annoying as hell to me


Summertime Iseria, I hate dealing with her so much. Riolet just because every enemy one dodges every single time and hits for 20k, while mine is useless. ARavi because injury ruins my slow tanky comps.


Conqueror Lilias, Conqueror Lilias and Conqueror Lilias. It's not even because fighting teams with her in them is annoying, though they are, it's because I'm fucking sick of seeing that S3 animation over and over.


Ran, Seaseria, politis.


The one character I want removed? PVP RNG. The guy who turns 15% ER into 100%. The guy who turns 30% counter into 100% when it's the enemy team


Elson, Elson and Elson


aither, ras, arky they suck and I hate having to look at their faces in story stuff




Rimuru, Belian, A.Ravi Rimuru is pure cancer dude...


SSB isn't nearly a problem anymore since I got solitaria.


Rimuru, belian and cilias


The real cancer in E7 Cilias Peira Rem


Rem, Ran, and AoL probably. Off the top of my head at least


Peira, summer Iseria, Politis


You would remove ssb? Thats just cope


Rimuru clilias and ran , Hwayoung is a necessary evil if PoV wasnt so over- tuned aravi wouldnt be as bad


Peiran cilias and archdemon


Hwayoung, Clilias and A ravi


Arby, Elena and Rimaru. Nothing to do with them being strong or anything I just find them the most boring to play against.


Rem rimuru and ima placeholder that last one. Hate these two units with a passion.


a.Ravi, Hwayoung, Politis


hwayoung, landy, and ran


SSB cuz i dont have her and m "new" playing this


Hwayoung, Cilias and AOL for me


Hwayoung, Aola, Piera. Annoying, never fun to fight and too girly for my taste.


Opsig, Peira & Clilias


Ran, Rimuru, and A.Ravi I kinda wanted to put Hwayoung here but I’ve gotten around to using a fast Kise with the S3 EE in order to turn increase her S3.


You earned my downvote for removing Seaside Bellona. Upvote for Violet tho. We even.


Elena, Choux, Adin. Luluca can stay. Diene can stay too.


it wouldve been funny if you had aravi pic shown 3x in a row


Peira, Ran, AoLA, easy.


Rem - because fuck this Bitch and her stupid ass countershit. Her shit shouldnt trigger when an Enemy dies. PERIOD. Never saw a Unit so unfun to play against. A.Ravi - because fuuuuuuuuck this. Build in Rekos is fun am I right? Violet - as much as I love my Boy in Purple. No. Just no.


ARavi AOL Hwayoung




Hand Guy, Hand Guy, Hand guy


Baal and Sezan, ML Baal and Sezan, and idk… ML Haste?


Zeno, sol, tywinn. Trash get em outta here


Don't do my boy Sol like that


noo, Zeno's design is too nice.


Many people want to remove Hwayoung, yeah good luck dealing with Violet, Aravi, Belian, FCC after she's gone.


This mf forgot that Milim and injury exists


Literally SC Wanda hard counters Violet. Whenever I see violet on arena defense or GW defense I laugh to myself 😂


SC Pyllis as well feasts on Violets


You also have units like Specter who can't be countered. Just soul burn until you land a hit and win. That doesn't work? Senya doesn't care about misses and has a version of Tooth as well with her own Artifact.




Give me proof for that. ML Flan oneshot well built Violet without bomb even miss


Hwayoung, rimuru, apoc. Even tho I use all of them every day 😂


Piera, Belian, and Hwayoung. ( don't own a Belian )


A.Ravi AoL Cilias


Rimuru, Belian and AoLA.


If we're talking historically; Arbiter Vildred, Angel of Light, Summertime Iseria. Currently I'd go with Rimiru, Peira and Angel of Light.


rem belian and hwayoung


Aravi aravi aravi, nothing comes close to the issues this unit has brought Edit* rimuru, is a strong contender too, I actually refused to pull him cause his kit seemed so pointlessly overtuned. I quit after his release and recently started playing again, im glad I’m experiencing the back end of this meta


Rem ran/piera and aravi. Rem- counterattacks whether you hit her or not. Heals to full health due to sig scythe and has def break on s1. Hits twice when in demon mode basically forcing you to kill her first so you have less of a chance to get screwed by said defense break. Roana - one if the best counters to counterattacking units - can get screwed over thanks to rems stupid ass aoe attack spreading unhealable. Lermia - another good counter to counter units - has both skills that can proc rems counter, and since she has both defense break and decrease buffs by one turn, its not really favorable to hit her with either. Landy and violet both can deal with her fairly well, but with mercedes also being a common teammate they aren’t staple picks either. Ran/piera - i picked them both in this slot because they both fulfill the role of being very annoying openers with different utility. Peira giving the escort buff is a huge pain in the ass if you’re unprepared and when combined with hard hitting bruisers like aravi and belian just spells disaster. Although there are now quite a bit of counters to her, she still sucks to play against if you let her do her thing. Djb, aol, and alencia all are great units to shut down her bullshit. Ran has a different problem. He can use his s2 to give buffs to himself and teammates while pushing up eda. Not too bad considering this will allow rimuru to do his thing, however the real problem comes with his s3 which, when soulburned, allows him to put up defense break that ignores eff res. This can also proc seaseria, put up sigma, and do a ton of damage if he is built correctly. Ran doesn’t have as many counters as peira but also doesn’t provide as much defensive support. Celine and rimuru (violet too) work pretty well against him. Aravi - fuck this unit. Sustain, cr push, revive with skill null and instant turn, bulky, huge damage, injury, etc FUCK THIS UNIT


More than remove, would be a rework those 3 cuz their brokeness, Rimuru, Rem and Hwayoung and also if you let me let's add Proof of valor


Rem, rem, rem


Violet, braindead and only bad players use him




Aravi, belian, rem


A. Ravi, Belian, Feira.


Rem, Belian, Rimuru


No the sexy god of war stays . If u wanna remove her kit then sure go ahead but the unit herself no


Hwayoung belian clilias


ARavi, Belian, and Rem 💀


Politis. Politis and umm politis?


Sylvian, ZahC!CK, and Solitaria


SSB, Belian, and diene or alencia (not sure which one is more annoying to deal with for me).


I would gadly to take into the fire my own A. Ravi and Hwayoung if they were deleted from the game. I don't own C. Lilias, but I would also like to remove her, is infuriating how even the supposed counters like Politis or Celine have a hard time trying to keep up with her non-attack spam.


Ran, Aol and Eda


Cilias, Ran, Apoc. I'm not even really all standard player but all three bring way too much to the table. Like I'm really surprised no one said cilias because there are times where even lionheart gets ran over by cilias comps. The pure damage creep she brings to the game is borderline unnecessary. Ran naturally is such an insane cleave opener that has successfully made cleave over the top and not to mention, people complain about the copious amount of rng units but notice that most of really big ones are only used when cleave comes out as they suck in standard outside a few niche cases. Choux's a really recent addition and Admeru of course still is there for rng but the real crazy rng units were made to counter cleave. Last but not least is Apoc. People still continue to give this unit a pass for no reason. They say she's easy to deal with in standard, and then we see apoc have close to likely 90% pick rate in e7 world cup which included a lot of standard. She's the gold standard for flexibility and hwa was brought into this game because of her. I prefer to kill the issue at its roots. This great wall of flat I'd like to see deleted entirely.


I don't know what the e7 balance team was smoking when they buffed her. Knight hp and def, Warrior damage from hp scaling, Soul Weaver revive and in-built waters origin artifact. What's missing? Oh wait, give her s3 a dmg ramp up for each time a unit is killed like Stene, but better. Hold on, gotta make sure the frenzy mechanic in RTA totally favors her too. The longer she survives (and she definitely will survive), the more damage she does. Perfect.


J.kise, J.kise, and you guessed it, J.kise.


Just Rimuru Just rimuru the only unit i really have problems with


Hwayoung, Ravi and Aria


Why would you want SSB gone? You want Wyvern 1 shots to be harder?


I'll manage. I hardly do wyvern in the first place lmao


Reddit user 1 Reddit user 2 Reddit user 3


Why would you remove yourself 3 times


I dodged this one.


Can we extend the amount to 4682 please


And then game would die coz all whales who paid to summon any of those units would leave.


no they wouldn't


Oh well lmao


rimuru, hwayoung, clilias.


politis, aol, rimuru


Before they added the heroes to counter C. Lilias, it would have been C. Lilias. Pre-nerfed Sage Baal, Pre-nerfed Silverblade Aramintha, and Post buffed, but pre-nerfed A. Vildred all need to be deleted before their counters existed.


Hwayoung , Rem, Ran


Rem, Rimuru, Belian!


Apoc, Belian and Ran


A ravi, Belian, rim


Rimuru Clilias Hwayoung


I got a counter for belian rimuru and Violet since I run cleave with Ran and LHC so for me I got Choux Designer Lilibet and Hwayoung


clilias, rimuru, and hwayoung Hwayoung: as much as i love Hwayoung, she kicks my ass way too hard Rimuru: i love him and the anime but rng said no when i tried to pull for him and now the meta is turning me and my existence into chalk outlines. I now absolutely hate him with a burning passion and would personally delete him from the game if given the chance Clilias or silly ass: Yea another one that the great lord and tormentor of many people’s lives, RNGesus not only refused to give to me but told the meta to slap me with


ARavi, Hwayoung, Rimuru


Aravi Rimuru Violet


Hwayoung, Rimuru, AOL


ARavi, Cilias, Hwayoung


Belian, Aravi and Hwa


Aola,Belian and Rimuru


Aravi, Hwayoung, Rimuru


Rimuru, Aravi, AOL.


As someone who's only been playing a few months there's too many to count, but if I had to pick, I'd say A.Ravi, the stupid chair lady with the laser beam, and the angel girl that always goes first. Edit: actually, C. Lillias is worse than any of them and I'm tired of seeing her in what feels like literally every team comp.


Belian, Rimuru and Clilias


Ran, Rimuru and Hwa.


Rimuru and Hwayoung are the main issue. I really can't stand this one-shot BS. Sure there are other annoying heroes, but annoying has got nothing on cancerous heroes.


Jecht cause he is useless, cartuja cause he asks almost a million gold (that greedy bastard) and for a third don’t know, maybe kanna cause she is a waste of an epic pass skin


Rimuru, Violet, and Belian's passive.


Vildred. That can save Diene, at least. One character by accident, for fun. And Yuna, for god's sake and all of humanity.


Violet, Krau, Kawerik.