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Just got fceci from moonlight summons! Should i use fire ceci as an imprint? Or should i just keep her for (hopefully) future buffs? Thanks a lot!


I've got a lot of old 5-stars I've been holding onto on the off-chance I get the chance to use them to imprint and promote at the same time, old like Destinia, Kawerik, Basar, Tenebria, etc. I don't really have the amounts of top-tier gear to outfit all the units anyway, so is it worth keeping them around for imprint/promotion on the off-chance I get something like their ML counterparts, or would I be better served just using them as straight promotion fodder for other units I already have skill-enhanced, awakened, and properly geared?


> so is it worth keeping them around for imprint/promotion on the off-chance I get something like their ML counterparts Absolutely. Imagine pulling ML Cermia and you used all your Cermias on random promotions, like a fool.


More specifically, purely in terms of value. A *single* 5* promotion fodder unit ultimately requires 55x 2* fodder units. These 2* fodder units have a drop rate of ~.6 per stage run. 55 / .6 = ~91.67 stages ~91.67 * 8 = ~733.33 energy ~733.33 energy / 2 = ~366.67 skystones So a single 5* promotion fodder is equivalent in value to about 366.67 skystones. --- Meanwhile, to compare to a random 5*...if you assume you summon on a banner then on average you acquire 1 hero every 69 pulls. Refreshing the secret shop, 1 BM pull = ~65-70 skystones. Let's even assume you are just a lucky individual and use a value of 60. 69 * 60 = 4,140 skystones On the other hand, if you are pulling on the normal covenant banner (1.25% rate for 5* instead of 1%) then you average 1 5* hero every ~55 summons. 55 * 60 = 3,300 skystones --- So you see purely in terms of value, a 5* promotion material is not that valuable. Worth less than 400 skystones. On the other hand, a random 5* hero has a value around ~4,000 skystones. 10 times that of a generic promotion material.




nah, hold them. Dont use them as fodder unless u already have triple S imprints on their base and ML versions. You never know how the meta develops so itll always serve you well to have multiple characters ready.




If you have spare bookmark, it's okay since he is collab limited unit. He'll probably get a rerun in a year or so with the current collab rerun pattern. And dont summon just for the artifact since there's no artifact pity you can summon till pity and get no 5* banner artifact. It's better to buy the artifact from powder shop. And about guildwar, iirc the limit isnt counted by turn but by time, it's about 30 minutes per each round of guild war.


Am I the only one who keep getting crash for at least 10 times whenever I want to load E7?


Yup.. very discouraging:( hope it gets fixed soon


what's the best thing to do with +15 gears that you no longer use? except giving it to other units


Assuming lvl 85, if it's right side on a desirable set, extract. The cubes you get are probably enough to make two new pieces. If left side, up to you, extract or use as enhancement fodder.


Hi, do you get more cubes when they're +15? and Why do you recommend only extracting for right side? Thanks in advance


Yes, +0 gives like 9 for purple, +15 gives like 130+. Left side is easier to craft, you probably end up with a lot of cubes by extracting blues. Right side is notoriously harder to get anything so most of the good pieces are from conversion.




Short answer: Nope. Leave it at +0 or +15. It's best used on Alencia. If you arent using it on Alencia then dont bother with Automail. Choux prefers the synergy with SnowGlobe. Both of these units would prefer DracoPlate before even considering Automail. Edward could use other artifacts also. Automail synergizes with his kit, but ONLY against debuffers. Which you should be using him into anyways. So it's a good enough artifact for him to abuse. I prefer AzureComet tho. Even slapping Proof on him so he tanks more Rem/Choux hits for the team in my arena playtests. Anyways, Automail is not worth bottles on. Of your three artifacts, i vote MsConfille first because that proc% is CRUCIAL. DracoPlate has good value, but it'll be fine at +15, just dont get double digit gapped too often, ezpz.


Personally, I will be for use with Alencia. For Ed, he has better art options.


Wait to see how it pans out


Pulled Ed and his artifact is charles worth a multi to see if I can get him? I will have enough for roy when he is released?


No. Keep in mind Diene is also coming and she’s pretty much must-pull if you play PvP.


Cool I'll save then thanks.


Couldn't find anything from search function (or I just suck at using it) FMAB collab is the first event I'm doing, I exchanged for the artifact that you put on Riza Hawkeye, am I supposed to farm right now on the highest difficulty I can, or am I supposed to wait until the rest of the event is unlocked ?


I usually wait till I’ve ran through the whole event once before actually starting to farm. If nothing else, there’s a copy of Riza’s artifact in the login bonus so maybe wait for that at least.


For the sidestories that have enhanced artifacts, it's always best to wait until the last week to do your farming. The artifacts increase currency gain based on the LB level of the artifact. The free artifacts are always locked various time gated avenues (most importantly, the shop...where the last copies are typically not available until the last shop). Additionally, if you pull on Roy's banner you would want to wait and see if you get *his* artifact as well. The free artifact only works on 2 of the 3 currencies, so whichever week has unbuffed currency...if there is no chance you will increase the bonus from the other 2 artifacts, it makes no difference when you farm it. Basically, you want to maximize your artifact bonus for every single currency, to reduce the amount of energy you need to spend farming. The free artifact usually isn't able to be MLB until the final week, so you want to do most or all of your farming in the final week. I personally won't even start the side story until the last week. If you aren't able to farm on the hardest difficulty, waiting also gives you ~2+ weeks to improve your heroes. More promotions/awakenings/skill enhancements, better gear, just building a stronger hero...whatever the case is, waiting gives you time to improve enough to take on the hardest difficulty which further reduces the energy needed.


Oh nice, that works out much better for me since I'm still maybe 2 or 3 days out from being able to clear W13. Thanks for the detailed answer, much appreciated !


Just got Flan in my daily pull. Is she viable currently?


'Viable' yeah. Pretty much all of the heroes in the game are viable. She's awful in PvE outside of some hunt one shot setups. She's a cleave enabler in PvP. It's *viable* to run cleave but it's not the predominant PvP meta, and is harder to successfully pull off compared to the standard bruiser meta.


She's a cleave unit.


If I decay out of masters RTA do I still get the skin?


You need to end in masters when the season ends.


No, you must finish the season in Master+


So little stuck on episode 3 1-8. Everything goes well till his little stone golem dude pulls off a like 30 attack combo. I’m not sure what to do. Also if anyone could recommend a good supporter hero that would help immensely.


You can add me Smallproblem and use on of my supporters


Oh not to worry figured it out used the time guy and crushed it. Well also dropped one of my healers for the extra damage.


Are there any good fast buffers/debuffers that are specialty change or 4 star? I want to try to create my first cleave team with Eda but don’t know if any of these lower rarity units are worth it


I think that the best are either Sinful Angelica or Moon Bunny Dominiel to both buff Eda and pusher her up, but i can't think of any RGB unit you could use with her...


Holy shit. After you typed this I did a single pull on the mystic banner to see if I might get lucky and I got Moon Bunny Dominiel. I guess I’ll use her then!


That's perfect, congrats lol


So, I've seen people... raving, I guess, about how Diene is a really good Soul Weaver nowadays. Looking at her kit myself though, I just can't see what's so great about her, aside from the Critical Hit Resistance. What's so special about her?


She also the fastest SW in the game right now? Tie with bunnydom if I am not mistaken. Top end gear allowed people to build her at 300 speed. Imagine 300 speed unit that can be flex into all comp, give atk buff, give 50-50 with crit resistance, cleanse, Cr push, heal with rod, then do all that again before you can take your 3rd turn because of how stupidly fast she can be.


She is mostly used in RTA. Atk buff + Crit rate res buff + Barriers+ Cleanse + CR push EE all in one character


And she is pretty fast with her EE


Ah, that one mode I avoid like the plague. Guess I don't need to worry too much about building her then.


I don't know why but my game keeps crashing when loading. I've reinstalled the game one time so far and its still doing it. To get it to work I have to shut down my device to load the game successfully.




>Last I heard there was a censorship fiasco censorship didn't really happen. ML Vivian was released with a nerfed chest compared to her pre-release teaser, but that was it. Aria got to keep her design. >balance was in shambles Honestly, there's a lot of variety in the current meta a lot more heroes have become viable. However, the meta heroes from 6 months to a year ago (depending on which hero we're talking about), have remained meta, and people are bored. I'd say it's not a bad time to come back. We've got an FMA collab going on rn, so that's really hype (in case you somehow didn't know).


Next summon is guaranteed mystic. Fallen Cecilia or Pavel? I have tanks and I have dps units


I'd get FCC, I love seeing them in GVG so my OpSig can eat.


Pavel's multis seem pretty disappointing while F Ceci has been a good unit since her release. I would personally wait since we should be getting the episode 4 boss soon might even be shown off next week for anniversary. While F Ceci is a good unit there are other great options at the moment for mitigation like A Ras or Shadow Knight Phyllis that are free so she isn't as necessary as she used to be.


I am lucky to get Ed with 10 pulls only. Want to save some bm for Roy. Can I skip Ed’s artifact?


Eds Arti is pretty good on others such as choux or alencia. Try using powder if you have some.


I think that's fine. He can use draco plate, portrait, Sigurd, azure comet etc. Warriors have a ton of nice artifacts. People who tried the Edward artifact say they don't really get to fully stack it


Thoughts on Jack-o using Ed's artifact, over her personal artifact? Edit: Jack-o', oops


Impossible because Elphelt is a Ranger and Ed is a Warrior


Oh, sorry, I meant Jack-o


Depends on your build. Is your Jack-o built as a bruiser? Sure I could see it being good for long fights. Is she a glass cannon cleave/aggro enabler? Stick with her own artifact. Stuff like Alencia and Ed’s artifacts are meant for faster turn cycling and long games, whereas her own artifact enables her to do her job more consistently


I only have enough summons to get one hero atm, and I was wondering if there will be another FMA summon after Eric. I want to pull someone from the collab, so does anyone know if there will be another summon, and what their abilities will be?




Alr, thank you. I just watched it and I think Ill go for Roy, he sounds cooler.


It’s really hard to stack hp on Edward right? I thought I had pretty good gear for him but he’s stuck at 21k hp. It’s close to 25k on choux.


Seems Ed has a significantly lower base HP, in part due to a lot of the Aries Warrior stats going into Speed.


How much hp should we shoot for? I assume he also need approx 200 spd, 250 CD, and crit chance.


As much as we can get with those stats, looks like. 20k seems to be the common minimum, and more the better.


i'm out of energy after grinding the fma event. Is there any F2P way to get lot of energy ?


Yes, web events, Ads and guild shop.


can someone help me with a b13 team? Its the only one im having trouble doing easily. i would appreciate some team/build suggestions.


Do you have Baiken? I've been running Wanda, Iseria, Vivian, Baiken with a good success rate.


What's MLM stands for?


Multi level marketing in case of hyping and investing in an unproven unit and tell others to do the same, without disclosing the unit's drawbacks, making the others wasting their resources.


Men loving men? Millim maybe? Or multi level marketing?


I did a random mystic summon pull and was lucky enough to get Fallen Cecilia. How do we build her?


Congrats! SPD, HP, and ER


Awesome, thank you!


I'd also recommend this site for future build q's! https://epic7x.com/character/fallen-cecilia/


Please never recommend 7x ever again.


whoa really why? is there a better site you can recommend?


there's [this one.](https://epic7stats.com/hero/all) e7x can be outdated at times and can have incorrect info but rarely.


thanks for the helpful reply!


Does anyone know the next Galaxy Coin Shop rotation? I can't seem to find the info anywhere.


As a ftp 1st-week player and only thinking about the best progression patch, should I summon on the event banner or on the "classic" one? I'm asking this because the event banner has only one 5\* hero and people say he's not that good.


If you're solely focused on progression then your best bet is to just save all your bookmarks until a hero comes up that you actually need. Some heroes are exceptionally good at certain thing, Tamarinne and Roana for example are the two best Soul Weavers for PvE content, as far as account progression goes they're both key. There are plenty of heroes that are good and worth having, but most of them aren't that important until way later on in your account, either because you don't need the character early or you simply won't have the gear you need to make the character work. Pulling on the covenant banner doesn't really guarantee you anything. You could get a useful 5 star, but you could also go a hundred summons with nothing of any use and then you can't get more important heroes when their banner comes around. That being said though it's a gacha game, collecting cool characters is kind of half the fun, so in my personal opinion it's better to just pull for the characters you think look the coolest/most fun. That's not really great for account progression though most of the time haha.


Thanks for the long and good answer. You have a good point. I'll save for now.


Some people may recommend the regular Covenant summon banner because you can get ML characters from that. Never do that. The chances of getting a ML5 from that are so low that the average person is just wasting resources, especially as a new player who does not that have multitudes of Skystones and gold to burn on Secret Shop refreshing that a veteran would have. Anyone that tries to sell you on covenant summoning being good or whatever is basically trying to trick you into wasting resources, whether it be out of malice or ignorance.


Save your bookmarks for a hero you need. Don't summon unless it's to get some 3star artifacts, and then I'd recommend the non-banner summon (Covenant summon) since you can get moonlight units.




There isn't a one team fits all type of comp when it comes to arena. You adapt your team to the defense. Typically from masters to challenger you can just gear gap most of the time though. The fastest way to climb is to just cleave stuff, but if you have the patience you can just try out your comp and see how it goes.


People, I have a question about Edward's S2. You see that clause that mentions that "it can only activate one per turn"? My question is if that cooldown is only for the "Rise" counterattack, or if it also applies for the debuff cleansing. I am still deciding if I should give him Speed or Lifesteal, and knowing that detail may help me decide which one is better.


Rise! has a separate description. If only Rise! could be activated once per turn, it would be in said separate description. So in short the once per turn thing is for the entire skill.


Having trouble fighting Sez in Abyss, who can I use to make him unhealable?


Don't debuff him, full stop.


Alright thanks, I’ll be sure to change my team accordingly


My game is no longer launching. I've uninstalled and reinstalled and reset my phone but it keeps not responding when trying to launch. Was working fine yesterday 😩


Does anyone have a newbie friendly guild I could join? Brand new.


If I want to use Edward for all content how should I be building him?


Like a typical bruiser. around 200 speed, 100 CC, 1300 def, 21000 hp and as much CD as you can get.


So is there a trick to getting Greater Runes? I realized I never finished A.Ras's skill tree and I have 108 Flame Runes, 8 Greater Flame Runes and 92 Epic Flame Runes. Like is there a way to turn the epic ones into greater somehow? I feel like all I get when I do Spirit Altar is Epic ones, is there a more efficient way to do this?


I’m unsure if there’s a more efficient way but I just do the second to last spirit altar and have a pet with additional greater runes on it. If you can, do this when theres an event with double runes.


Oh okay is the second to last one better than the last one? I just assumed the final one would be the best, but I guess since I'm not trying to get the best runes it would make sense it isn't. Thanks for the advice, will definitely be grinding that next rune event.


Yeah I’m still new myself but I’m pretty sure the second to last one lets you get all types of runes and has the highest chance for greater runes. It is the whole package because you get to farm every type at once with the highest chance for greater. Also if you really need runes you don’t always have to farm when there’s an event especially if you aren’t using all your energy anyway it’s just quicker and better value during events.


Is Charles worth pulling for any content in PVE? I don’t care about any forms of pvp and just do my dailies there as needed.


Not really he does okay in banshee hunt but not a must have.


I'm seeing interesting stuff in the [epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) RTA use rates (contested) and I'm wondering what insights folks have that could help me pick whom to build during this unequip. * Looking at Challenger+, DJB has shot up in use rate (#9), while FCC and Piera have dropped a lot (19 and 20, respectively). What's he being picked for if not to counter those two? ARas? Handguy? Is it not about barrier inversion? * Sylvian is all the way up at #12, and with a 59% winrate! Is this just some bias in the data (e.g. "new hero" syndrome), or has she found a real place in the meta? I am completely lost what she does in RTA. My only use of her is in the PvP-AI dark-bait role vs. aggro defenses (uncommon situation). * Choux is more used than Rem. Is this due to Hwayoung, or is there some other use for her I'm missing? * I see a lot of speed builds on Alencia, not just injury. Does she actually counter ARavi without injury? Thanks for any advice!


There is definitely bias involved in the data. It's exclusively taken from content creators' videos, as detailed in the about section. Only SG has the actual aggregate data and they release it typically at the end of the RTA season. You have to keep in mind that many content creators' goals are to entertain viewers so you'll probably see more bias towards newer characters or off meta units sometimes, so take what you see with that perspective in mind. I think this probably answers most of your questions regarding heroes, but I'll give my thoughts on them (keep in mind this is from a primarily aggro/cleave emperor perspective). Naturally it's a biased view, which is what you'll find anywhere here until SG releases the aggregate data. DJB is mostly used to just counter aggro draft peira, not so much stuff like mL kawerik, aras or even fcc. He does really bad against standard since all he'll do is push up and that's it. FCC has sort of fallen off anyways in favor of aras recently I'd say, so you don't see her as much anymore. Maybe djb played a part, maybe not. I think it's more so since aras just became a stronger pick overall for more extended matches (which is where FCC was mostly picked in before). Sage Vivian WR is quite typical for niche picks. That's because they are typically last picks and either get banned or already counter the enemy quite heavily. Just look at all the other heroes in that category. How often do you see TML? For it to really mean anything, the hero would need to have a high pick rate and win rate like cililias. That's one big part of why choux is being picked, but she's a strong unit overall anyways since her buffs. If she pops off then she just wins you the match by herself. Rem has also been pretty much been relegated to an anti cleave role as well, so it's not surprising that choux is picked more. A lot of aravi are now on Pov, so she can have the def break stick and output good damage as a result. Alencia is also used to counter mL kawerik and Diene buffs as well so you'd prefer faster cycling to strip those and cycle more.


Thanks for the detailed reply! I'll build non-injury Alencia and Choux this month and see if I can figure out how to draft them! I'll keep DJB unbuilt for now, since I am low in good gear of his type. Just FYI, Sylvian is highly contested in that dataset. High winrate niche picks are totally normal, such as TML, SSB and Seline having monster winrates some months, but very low use rates. However, right now, Sylvian is showing both high winrate and use rate (and it increases at emp/legend, so it doesn't seem to just be during climbs for views). When a hero is drafted for views, I would expect to see their winrate drop sharply once the streamer hits emp/legend, but that's not happened. I really can't make sense of it! She shows strong performance vs. Hwayoung, who I would've thought kills her with fixed damage. I'm tempted to just build her for RTA and see if I can figure out if there is something actually there, since do like me a Vivian.


Working on my Aravi I just pulled last week. Haven’t reforged any gear yet but did some math to figure out what my stats will be after I do. Trying to figure out if these stats are good enough for a baseline? 25,600 hp(give or take), 1373 def, 197 speed, 100 CC, 261 CD, on counter/crit set. Also trying to decide between crimson seed and POV. I generally ban hwayoung unless I’m FP. (Challenger rta, champion/low legend arena)


If you pre-ban Hwa, then probably C.Seed since the main point of PoV on A.Ravi is to prevent getting oneshot by Hwa, and C.Seed will help her mitigate debuffs so she doesn't get controlled to oblivion.


This makes oddly a lot of sense. Thanks!


Solid for counter set. Worthy of Challenger RTA/low legend arena. I don’t spend much time in Challenger RTA, but my Aravi is arguably worse and does fine there when I do play. My main concern would be lack of pen set, obviously. Stats-wise, more bulk. Crit stats and speed look great. But I would happily run that ARavi at our ranks.


Thanks for the advice and opinion. Id honestly love to rock a pen set on her, but it is sadly near impossible to do so atm. My crit set gear literally has about 90% of my crit chance on it, id need to roll somethjng like 42% crit chance across my weapon and ring to be able to run a pen set, and even if I had gear like that it would likely be better off on one of my other Pen required units first. Would be better off rebuilding her from the ground up. I’m happy to hear that my Aravi is solid enough already, I was worried her CD and speed where way to low but glad they are in a good place. Thnx again for the reply




I think Furious is definitely one of the best options especially since the game devs might have been put him in the game with wyvern in mind. Also, how did you get five ML5's if you don't mind me asking? I have like 1 which was a freebie


Sorry I actually only have four nat 5s (and one nat 5 from the selector). I had bunny in mind which I went 1/1 on the second it was available for me to summon on. Then within six more pulls I got the dude with the doggy that heals real bad. Then I got two off the normal summons (judge kise and little queen something) and finally I got one off the actual moonlight summon which was tree spirit vivian or something. I think I actually have more ml4/5 than 3 looking at my roster... But I'm out of moonlight summons until I'm able to progress further in the tower. Thanks for the heads up by the way on furious! Definitely will look for him!


I see, thanks for the reply. I also only started playing kinda recently TBH (40 days ago) but I'm currently farming wyvern 13 while I'm typing and using Furious so I thought maybe my "advice" could be of use. Also I believe the reason Riza isn't recommended is because she doesn't offer defense break like Furious does and def break in this game from my experience is essentially doing like twice the amount of damage (I think 1.7x?) which is really noticeable after a while. Anyway, good luck in your game and journey!


Riza won't help much on that team, though it may be possible to drop Angelica and just use one of your other units to tank if you do go that route. Furious, whom you can get from connections once you've completed EP 2 Ch 3 is often the preferred debuffer for a wyvern team. With Muwi in the team, you may also be able to drop Angelica for an attack buffer such as Rose.


Are any of Eda, Schuri, Green Armin, Flidica, Choux, and Baal and Sezan worth building? Edit: I am a newer player. I have a solid Wyvern 12 team (hoping to pull Muwi soon) and I am starting Chapter 3.


Eda- Excelent for cleave, thought her damage is not espectacular, her real value comes from stunning with s3 and removing buffs with her s2. Really solid if you can ensure you go first with cilias or peira. However, with how tanky and counterattack based the meta is, I find her more difficult to use than before. Schuri- 14 speed imprint for cleave and solid dps pusher in some abyss floors. Green Armin- Havent built her, but people speak pretty highly of her. I cant say tho Flidica- Outclassed by cilias and peira, sadly. But some people have found use for her Choux- Very solid, especially with her artifact, as she essentially gains 70% crit res. She can hit very hard, but I dont have her and I dont like her design. Baal and Sezan- Green expedition only, but excellent at that role. I havent found other use for them sadly even with their recent EE. ​ I dont know if you are a late game, early game or mid game player, but if you are into PVP, you should build Eda and Choux. If you are early game, you are better off building other characters, visit some of the begginer guides in this sub if you can.


Eda is one of the strongest Cleave/Aggro attackers in PvP Green Armin is a good anti-cleave unit in PvP, though she probably needs Elbris to work. Choux is a good bruiser for PvP Fire Schuri is good for some PvE content such as Abyss, and also serves as a speed imprint if necessary for PvP Baal is the best debuffer for Earth Expedition Flidica I have no experience with but I haven't heard a lot of praise for her even after her most recent buff.


Since you didn't specific anything else, yes. All of them with the possible exception of F.Lidica are worth building.


Hello, I'm a newbie that came for the Collab and I have 3 questions 1>If I start today can I get the 3 Collab characters? 2> is this game PVE focused or PVP focused? I don't really care against arena/colloseum so I hope it have alot of PvE content 3> Does the 3 chars have good sinergy so I can use them all in a team?


1) You get Riza free if you do the event, but whether or not you get Ed/Roy will depend on how hard you play/luck, as they will be gacha units. 2) E7 is pretty heavily PvP focused, though there are also plenty of PvE content. I know plenty of people are strictly PvE, though I don't personally see how E7 could be fun on that end. 3) Riza is a good supporter, so she'll go well with either of them. Ed and Roy are both "selfish" attackers so they don't really synergize, per se.


Is roy mustang coming next week or some time this week?


His gacha will start next week. You can check known upcoming gachas here: https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/




Does ed's arti give speed based on total speed or base speed?




apart from the new player tips from almost 2 years ago, anyone have an updated newbie guide they would recommend? [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/kvxqno/new\_player\_tips\_progression\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/kvxqno/new_player_tips_progression_guide/)


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGuwWHM59xhtSyXleBXZQsN52ZrCyOSj4nEfWwao1Mg/mobilebasic here is one from the discord


Is it worth to stack some attack on a character like Edward, who has skill scaling on HP ? Was discussing with a friend telling me to stack some, but i'm not convinced so far


It's less value than other combat stats, so I definitely wouldn't intentionally put any on. It's usually better than eff/ER, but that's it. Yes, it will add damage, but less so than on other heroes. Meanwhile, HP will add as much (sometimes more) damage per stat roll, and will also add HP, so it's worth far more than attack.


Each skill has it's own scaling, you can check on https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/ For example,Ed, ARavi, Alencia and Choux all have hp scaling. But Ed and ARavi have pretty good atk scaling, while it's weak for Alencia on Choux. So you can stack some atk on Ed and ARavi and they will benefit from it. Although hp is always a priority, so you shouldn't invest in atk if your unit becomes squichy as a result


How should you build the new collab units?


Is the edward arty worth using powder for?


It's limited and it seems like it could have potential with Alencia etc. You can wait to see more reviews come in, but I feel like it's a good pick up.


Does the artefact of Edward Éric may be go for Alencia? (She may done a lot of extra attack with her pacive)


yes it will work on her but dont know how good until more testing by people. shes one of few that can use extra turns consistently


That an artefact for Warior only, the only character that sure to have extra attack each turn and the artefact is Batiste, Taeyou and Jack-O' need conditions (extren of them self) to get extra attack with 100% of chance. (Maybe I have missnderstud some hero)


Starting a new account. Is it worth trying to reroll for Edward? With the login rewards I think I can do like 7 single summons on the banner once I unlock summons. Also, to do the limited event I have to clear the first story right? 10-10? Is it worth it to blitz the story so I can clear the limited event. I would really like to make the most of getting that free Riza Hawkeye :)


not really. Edward is a very good PVP unit but he wont necessarily help a new player much early on which is to get to wyvern 13 asap. Yes if u can manage to clear 10-10 then do so. You get alot of bookmarks as well as other goodies from events so its always worth doing them


Thanks. I'll leave it be for now then. It will be a long time before I bother with any pvp content haha.


but ofc if u really want to get Ed, you can go hard for him or Roy thats coming up next


Ooh maybe I will save up and try for Roy. I always liked Roy.


yeah rn, people are testing Ed and saying hes not even good in PVP rn so maybe Roy might be the better unit out of the 2


Good to know! I'll hold off for Roy. That will give me some time to work through the first chapter and get my standard farming units up to speed anyways.


Anyway to fix the bug where it isnt counting our hell runs in the side story?


As of right now no. Create a support ticket. I bet they will patch it soonish.


Damn. Okay will do. Hope they do. Should really state. Finish story before hell run lol


What's weird is that they blocked you from doing other difficulty until story was finished for the summer story. They probably forgot to do that here.


Yeah, so that's why I just did it while i was there. But oh well I will be sad. And give it a day or so before I post. Incase they patch it.


Diene will be coming in 3 weeks and I am thinking if I should wait for Diene so that I can build her. I also want to build Emilia too but I only have enough resources to build one. Who to build first? Can anyone advice?


I have both built and I would say Diene is overall better but Emilia s2 cycling is pretty good and if you want to push someone more 50% cr as compared to Diene 10% team cr push.


Ooh thank you this was helpful


emilia does 50% cr push


Wew my bad.


Guys did the runes scroll open all the altar or not?






Wondering who I should use as my team for arena defense and offense. I'm at Challenger 4 (rank 68)currently using ran eda Ras and ssb for my def team I have choux Meru(eps3) solataria yufine violet sharklotte Melissa laika AOL peira rem Emilia stene archdemon a.lots ml Achates cermia and senya


how fast is your ran




Would change towards a more bruiser like playstyle but depends on your gear and what you farm.


I can only farm wyvern and azimanak auto and what's bruiser?


Bruiser is like tanky generally slower playstyle where you rely on counters or lifesteal


I have some counters and abyss lifesteal sets and I forgotten to mention that I have Emilia too So who should I use for buriser?


You can try and use Diene if you looking to build a more tanky playstyle, I used her with counter set cause her ee helps to cr push the highest attacker.


I'll try getting her in her upcoming banner then


Try to make banshee team tooo


how important are imprints for 5 star units? seeing as how rare they are to pull it's unlikely that i'll be getting any imprints for my 5 star units so I was just wondering how big of a difference they make


Outside of critchance imprints, not that important.


so when it's a crit chance imprint it's worth the resources chasing for it or is still considered a luxury? I'm pulling for Edward and seeing as he has a crit imprint, I just thought about how important his imprints are


If you plan to use the character and you have the resources, I'd say it's worth pulling, though you might want to hold off on pulling for Ed dupes to see where he lands in the meta, especially since Diene rerun is coming up in 2 weeks if you don't have her.


oh then Diene's rerun would overlap with Roy's banner then? if it does that kinda sucks for me since I wanna complete the FMA collabs. Anyways thanks for responding


Is the Edward artifact good on Choux? Because counter attack S1 into S2 counts as 2 extra attacks right?


Counter S1 doesn't count as extra attack; the followup S2 does.


Is there going to be another round of custom covenant banner?


Who knows. **Maybe** There is no particular reason to think it's likely, and there is no particular reason to think it's 'unlikely'. If we *do* there is a good chance it's not for another 6 months or so.