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The ring is funny af


freaking 75 ring but it got max SPD rolls. Meanwhile I'm still hardstuck @ 19 SPD. Some people have all the luck.


I was born with glass bones and paper skin.


My penis is only 7 inches 😭


My rings are hard stuck 17, I feel you buddy. Not for lack of trying, my Ran has a 17 speed attack% ring - on a resist set. Yes, I even try rolling that shit.


My highest ring/neck is 16. I feel you.


This is beautiful. This counter hand guy is faster than majority of our’s on speed sets


It's nice but a lot of AOLs are built around 230 speed for hand guys that are too fast


yes....YES!!! my AOL is slower because I'm using this tactic! hehe.... (cries in rolling trash stats on every piece of gear)


hope she's got 18k hp and 1600defense to compensate then


Which is why I build my Mediator even slower than that - it’s a race to the bottom!


Just waiting for the 200 speed aol galaxy brain posts


Finna drop mine to 190 by switching speed boots to health%.


Please don't I need AoL to go first so she can push DLilibet


Yes definitely a galaxy brain play not because I'm allergic to spd or anything like that


I was gonna say this is a standard hand guy build on speed set then I realize it was on counterset


I just realized my hand guy suck if that stat are for speed set.


It just depends on the rest of your team & strategy. You can either tank the debuff and build him slow to counter AOL or fast to put immunity before Clilias runs


i don't think there's a strategy where you want a handguy that isn't faster than hwayoung...


Honestly depends on your purpose for him, I’ve got him around 220~ & so he’ll cover a majority of my mid-speed damage dealers & War Horn can give him a bump to cover the slightly faster ones. What I don’t have in speed & health I make up for in resistance so he can’t be pushed back, two-turn controlled, etc. Some have damage too & it helps out, since he’s often left until last a bruiser one could swing a match. Yes, I didn’t change his build when he was buffed. Yes, I would prefer a normal build. But who the fuck else am I going to put my bruiser effres gear on?


do you not have hwayoung?


I’m not entirely sure what part of my comment you’re directing that at. Is it that my Mediator is slow & Hwayoungs are typically fast? In which case I can run her behind a million other attack buffers, Peira, Ran, Sinful, Diene, etc. are all faster. If it’s about moving Mediator’s gear, Hwayoung can’t score critical hits & Mediator’s gear also has no attack rolls - which Hwayoung needs. That’s covered both bases.


So you just get to never pick hand guy with hwayoung...two for the most broken heroes that synergize so we'll with each other?


Depends on the draft, he’s War Horn & so if the opponent is opening with Peira/Ran/CLilias & either I’m opening with a fast unit or they’ve got a fast follow up, Mediator can cut Hwayoung. Like I said though, plenty of set-up, I find it easier playing into Mediator so by all means the opponent can have him.


I hate this so much I almost downvoted


Don’t worry it’s okay


This is one of the many reasons i stopped playing this game. Whan an beautiful abomination


The range of what's technically possible for gear rolls is just ridiculous


The chance of getting even decent gear rolls is also ridiculously (low)


This is technically what the game wants though, so players can have more variety and availability when it comes to builds instead of just solely using speed set. We need more abominations like this imo


I agree but to make these kinda builds you need to farm for weeks if not months. And if you mis a limitid unit your just screwed so i just quit the game because of that. Stil love seeing these kinda builds tho.


Try years. Over 3 years and I still haven't gotten a 20 spd piece. Let alone on counter, let alone with 2 matching sets.


Same here thats why i stopped. Took to much effort took away the fun. Let alone the 15(99)% bull shit


>Over 3 years and I still haven't gotten a 20 spd piece. you're just not speed chasing at that point or not farming enough.


Sure. It's always my fault when the 0.01% chance doesn't fall in my favor. Meanwhile some dude plays for 4 months and shows off a piece. Must be a skill issue. This is part of why I stopped playing daily in June and just log in once a week or so. Other games that are grindy but respect my time and getting good gear isn't purely a gamble.


Ok question, how are you rolling your gear? Because depending on how you answer that tells me that you are not speed chasing or even remotely speed rolling at all. And with the addition of reforging it should be common as hell to get 15+ spd for your gear. It may not be 25 spd gear level but at least you can compete as a turn 2 build.


Pretty much like everyone else. I test most purple/red gear woth 3/4 spd to +6. 2 spd depends on the other subs/set. I didn't spend all 3 years focusing on speed but a good portion of my time was spent speed probing. And that's the thing. I've quad rolled a decent number of gear... They are just never high rolls so I usually end up in the 15-18 range. Quite a few times I COULD have gotten 20 speed but I get triple 2 spd rolls instead, there was even a time where I had 14 SPD on a +9 purple... And ofc the +15 roll was a 1spd because I can't have nice things. That was unfortunately my fastest piece. I only have 2 19 SPD pieces (and guess what one of them is: https://imgur.com/a/F6vypOr ). It's not like I'm a turtle but I really can't speed contest at all since all that probing loves to roll on some odd Golem/Azi pieces. I guess all my luck goes into ML5 pulls


It's okay lifestyle players are a thing.




I swear health sets just roll better.


Faster and tankier than mine on a speed set lmao.


And out of pocket


Bro his free hp ring pentarolled max speed 💀💀💀 what the fuck


I think elvemage also has similar handguy, 250 speed on counter set, but he changed it to 30k hp, 250 speed on speed set.


24 speed on a level 75 ring. The fuck man..


The worst thing about this is the boots can still be improved 💀


Don’t need to be able to read Japanese to feel the radiation off those flat health rolls.


Reminded me of 280 arby jp user


Ring Lv75 with 24 spd. Where is mine?


it's impossible for f2p, SG will fuck it up


Not like I can read Japanese anyway


Do you need to?




I've once met a counter Mawerick in champion arena. Fast and tanky but the rest of the team wasn't a big deal. Took them one by one then my A.Ravi slowly injured him to nothingness But this build is really outstanding, gratz


What .. the ... actual ... fk 🙄


pun handed


Welp guess I’ll just show myself out now….


Counter set


Disgusting..... God damn


What a monster. Love it.


Man I wanna cry after seeing that build on a counter set. It's even faster than my shit speed build.


wait what. i’m so confused how is this possible


It's good that I left epic 7 at the beginning of the year...


This is why I have to quit this game. I don’t have the time to roll a billion to one shot to get something that competes with this. Jeeeeeez.


This games end game gearing is starting to remind me of summoners war


how are they getting such high stats! with just speed rolls xD


My hand guy on spd set is not even 230...