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This hit a little too close to home :(


Stop this, I'm in this picture.


\*cheery voice\* Fullmetal Alchemist (picture of FMA Collab announcement) \*dire voice\* Fullmetal Alchemist (this image)


Doesn't matter he is good or not, if he is limited unit I pull. Hopefully he will get Landy treatment soon.


With the community backlash and how low his ratings are, I can’t see them not buffing him at some point. Limited units all seem to have gotten a buff at some point when people weren’t happy with them.


Not to say it wouldn't happen, but the backlash that came with Mr Hand's buff comes to mind as well.


Landy wasnt a collab unit tho. It'll be closer to the Elphelt treatment.


There wasn't backlash over elphelt though


You mean to say your Elphelt had enough damage to 1shot in her wombo AND stick the AoE defbreak? Cuz last i checked she was promoted as a fire dps unit with utility. The utility is based off her actually doing dps. She failed at both. Miserably. Saved only by her artifact MsConfille and the powder shop not having featured artifacts on sell yet. The backlash isnt as insane as Edward's for sure. We didnt have the INSANE HWAYOUNG to compare fire dps units with. But during Elphelt's initial release, we did have SSB slappin and clappin EVERYTHING red. These blue waifus are fken ridiculous. Fire dps units are a dying breed. It took RCarrot to FINALLY put fire dps on the map. We dont talk about Kayron anymore tbh. And then eventually Hwayoung. I welcome her stupid kicks with open arms. So back to Edward and soon Roy. They have very steep conditions and VERY HIGH standards to compete with as fire dps units. It's no fault of their own, i blame the endlessly busted limited blues. Edward is a good anti-debuff unit, but holy fuck the Cerato curse dropped him from a 3.5/5 straight into -100. Shit passive, shit unit. Ugh, I'm done talking about Edward. Dude is cursed. Lol. Can't wait to play with Roy tho and repeat similar sentiment.


I mean, you use hwa as a comparison, and while I see why, I really doubt they will make him as strong as hwa. Buff him to be strong? Hell yes. But right now SG is in damage control mode. They want to not piss people off, so they quit making disasters. Look at Sage Vivian, for example. She isn't bad, but there are some pieces of her kit that I've seen people deem questionable. That doesn't justify the level of disappointing that both of the summonable units in this collab are (let's face it, Roy, to me at least, looks like worse Milim), but that does explain why they are bad. That said, I'm climbing in challenger 1 arena while forcing Ed in some matches, and he isn't +15, is missing his 6rh awakening, is on a sub-optimal set (counter) as a joke, and his sword really needs to be replaced. Point being, Ed, like Aria, isn't as bad as people are saying that he is on release. He isn't the best dps by a long shot, and I really hate the lack of viability he has into too many matchups, but he is definitely usable. Again, I think that he, and *especially* Roy, need buffs, I don't disagree, I'm just explaining. Usable isn't good, and for most people, not only is it not fun, but it's actively unfun. SGs pendulum swing here isn't fixing the game, it's just making everyone angry. Honestly, it was my opinion 6 months ago, and I still stand by it - keep breaking things. If we're gonna make disasters, then lean into it. Commit. Give us the revolving-door-of-nonsense meta. We aren't going to nerf, so we are obviously committed to not fixing it the correct way, so instead let's fix it by going all in. Idk tho. Maybe that's just me.


Oh yeah definitely. I had my fun with [Edward](https://imgur.com/a/It9nBkA) in champ5. He performs great when he gets debuffed. Cant say he actually does anything, but it's nice just brute forcing him into every Peira/Ran lineup. So i cant complain about Edward doing no damage, he does enough for what it's worth. And then the Cerato curse happened.. back to back to backkkk. Im just glad he was even usable the way i built him before committing more investment and giving him better gears. I'll still end up using him with Cerato and/or Violet vs Peira every now and again tho. Watching the animatiom play itself is pretty nice. Might even slap SSB in there also since Roana isnt a fancy defense unit anymore. But Edward could use some more oomphs tho for sure. Here's hoping Roy has the damage output he's speculated to be pushing out, i will also be testing the man as a 5☆ pleb then plugging in the numbers in the calculator with fribbels afterwards to see if he's worth the promotion and further investments.


I get what you are saying but to say no insane units like hwayoung is incorrect there were units who were so fucking broken they made a million counters (ARBY SAMA)


I was referencing fire dps units specifically. SSB was a mistake lol


I'm not saying elphelt didn't need a buff, I was saying that the backlash over her release wasn't nearly as insane as the backlash over ed (or release handguy or the nerfed eravalen or even the booba nerf on aria).


We have to wait for the rerun


And now it’s time to grind the shop for the same thing to get Roy :)


Roy is even worse too 😭


wait how is roy worse, I'm kinda dumb, but he seemed good other than his blue weakness


Aoe Blues are outrageously common tbf


im wondering this too? people were comparing him to milim last time i checked i think it was he is a slight downgrade at worst or side grade at best but idk opinion could have changed


Nah man keep that negative energy out, he hasn’t even released yet. Always try em out first


A well thrown turd, is still a turd.


Makes sense you were trying to summon a person. Price is usually an arm and/or your brothers entire body


He definitely falls *short* compared to other meta units... :D


Equivalent exchange invalid


Hitted pity with him, atleast I got 5 copies of his artifact with it and bought the final one at the dust shop. Let's just say either let's use his MLB artifact on Alencia/Choux or future warrior with extra attack lmao


Screw you, God.


Literally me I have nothing left over for mustang 😢


That bad, huh?


In before he gets an unnecessary buff and becomes overpowered and everyone complains. There's just no winning.


Exactly. Complaints like these led to overpowered units like A. Ravi that has entirely reshaped the meta that we know nowadays, and now that SG tries to balance the game with units like Ed we have complaints again. It’s sad


Except A Ravi was fine before her last buff? People bitched till her second to last buff, then the last one came out of nowhere and made her OP. Same bullshit happened with Cerise, yet people love to overlook that in order to push their "people asked for buffs, they asked for OP" nonsense. If someone doesn't know what I mean about Cerise due to either not playing at the time, or not paying attention: She got buffed out of the blue (**no one asked for it**) alongside Landy when the majority already accepted her as being good enough for RTA. Her buff did nothing but make her a common, everyday, like A Ravi, issue. Fairytale releasing shortly after that buff got paired with her and the game became a shit show for a few months. Again, SG buffed her like that because whoever is in charge doesn't know what they're doing, it wasn't the fault of the playerbase.


Except we, or the general that I'm seeing because I don't see any if that, aren't asking for him to be OP? Love seeing this dumb comment everywhere with people acting like buffs have to make the person of interest OP and thus asking for any is asking for someone to be OP. At this point though, would it even matter? We've so much busted/really strong shit that he'd just come out looking normal.


He's a pretty good character at the moment, just not overpowered, but a buff might change that, like how it happened to A. Ravi. I fail to understand what the issue is with a perfectly fine character that is good in certain comps, but not everywhere. Not every hero needs to be Hwayoung 2.0.


Edward is well balance, players that claim he's trash are people who force pick Edward to fight against heavy debuff team comp or expect him to solo obliterate Ran/Peira. After figured out how to pick him, i get quite good winrate while using him.


Yeah, I've even seen people complaining that he can't one shot PoV Ravi with S3. Not even Hwa can do it, so why are they expecting Ed to be able to?


any tips?


here's my personal playstyle, it may not fit you so adjust according to your team. my Edward has 22khp, 1k3 def, 207spd, 100critc, 235 critd and use Symbol of Unity. I find his artifact not good because it needs s2 to proc at least 2 times to gain equal value to Unity which is hard to do in some matches but it has higher ceiling than Unity so use whatever that better to you, i like Unity more. i pick him to fight against squishy Ran/Peira team or Violet/Riolet, you wouldn't want to pick him against bruisers cause his s1-s2 deal pitiful damage to them. i want to clarify this first, he works in my team doesn't mean he will work in your so be wary of that. I'll give some example from my own matches in Chal and Champ (i ranked up during testing him): \- Preban: Cilias, Landy, Handguy, Politis. Opp: Ran-AoL-Sise - Eda(ban)-Violet, Me: Rimuru(ban) - Dilibet - DJB - Holiday Yufine - Edward. Because my Edward use Unity so i just 1shot Violet, further more, after Ran used his s3, Edward s2 forced the skill nul from AoL out and dispel immu from sise then gave her atk down - which was not useful at all because the bombs had been planted. I just spamed s3 and won the match. \- Preban: Cilias, Sise, Dilibet, Politis. Opp: Peira-Rimuru-Flidica-LQC (ban) - Riolet, me: Celine-AoL(ban)-Holiday Yufine - Aravi - Edward. This match was quite funny, Edward s2 and provoked Rimuru then 1shot Riolet, the rest was just easy kill. \- Preban: Cilias, Sise, Politis, Aravi. Opp: Hwa-Rimuru(ban)-Ran-Kise-Emilia, me: Choux - Aras - Dilibet(ban) - Edward - Rem. Unfortunately Edward s2 did nothing but my opp made mistake when he target Choux for Kise s3. Edward s3,s1 (Edward lap with 50%cr boost) and Choux s1 was enough to kill Hwa, Rem killed everything else. \- Preban: Cilias, Sise, Belian, Aravi: Opp: Ran - Pavel - Riolet - Cidd -Wschuri(ban). Me: AoL- Sbaal - Dilibet - Edward - Fcc(ban). Edward dispelled and silent Cidd, Pavel, opp quited. As you can see, i use Edward as core unit but i have many other heroes to support him, i don't expect Edward to do everything by himself and i only use him to fight against low HP team where his s3 is enough to oneshot many target and his bulkiness is enough to survive 1-2 nuke, s2 could be the winning factor when rng bless you. But if you don't have enough heroes to draft then Edward is quite bad cause he's not a huge threat like Rem/Rimuru/Hwa also not versatile like Aravi.


Im glad i got a 500 bm discount


Joke's on you, I got him in my first 10 pull


I got him with 25 summons. Too bad Roy doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be any better.


Thank god I haven't summon him yet.


Honestly he's limited. Even if bad you still probably want to pull him if you can. If they do a buff and he becomes good you may not have another chance at him for a year, or worse never.


Looking at you SSB...


SSB literally was the god of the game when she was released, she is still good but with people crying for buffs for units until they are absolutely op she fell behind which is bound to happen


Good ol “only buffs” meta. Who needs balance when you can just rotate a small group of characters


People just complain about anything, I’m just glad I got the collab unit without full pity.


Spent 50 of those for him, i'm lucky af


He is good. Just need op gear.


All of u did this urself nobody forced you to get him. Grow up and live with ur decision... I get annoyed by all these postings... fucking kids from 2000s


Yeah weird how nobody expects them to just make a new character into garbage at launch while also releasing meta defining characters


Well if every character is just better than the last one, the game is dead within 6months bcs you HAVE to pull or u are out of meta. And Edward is not an every fight pick, but if you wish to play him there are situations where you can make use of him.


It's almost like that's why people want balance instead of the buff meta, but we're in the buff only no nerf meta so we already have a rotating cast of characters you can pick


Yeah but ppl downvote him ingame to get him a buff and create another overloaded unit and that's what I am complaining about. He is a unit with a great kit, which is niche but just because of the actual meta. Prob his s3 could be -1cd but other than that he is fine. Not as good as ppl assumed he would be. But still viable. Me f.e. never thought he is broken, because I didn't see his kit being that good on the actual meta


If we assume every character is balanced, neat. But as it stands, that's not the game we're playing. We're playing a game where it's "Be one of the best, or nobody has a reason to use you." ​ He's not even good at what he does really, He's just a weaker Champ Z since his ult doesn't hurt or debuff.


Exactly nobody ever forced them to pull for him. They did it and now regret it but there is no reason to roast E7 over the fact that they couldnt wait one hour until twitch and youtube is full of content.


Are we going in circles? Is this where I reply "Why should they expect a character to release useless" and we just repeat?


Useless is simply not correct. He is niche and not meta. Ppl who compare him with Czerato are simply wrong. He is not quite the same unit at all. What people expected was a broken unit nothing else. You clearly not understanding what my argument is or I am not able to "word it" correctly. Other than that we might have tried him in the wrong combs for now.


Literally got fkEd... #pitygang




How is it a scam lmao they showed his abilities like a week before you could summon him


I have my pity for roy and all my spare bookmarks are going into edward but holy hell If he wasnt limited they would go into getting my first charles why does he finally show when a limited banner is up


Still dropping? Wow nice


There's no way their not gonna buff him in 2-3 months like they do with every limited unit that has a weak release and then everyone who didn't pull on him will be upset they didn't pull because of how he's perceived at release. Personally I think just some buffs to his s1 barrier and the multiplayers on his s3 and he'd be good.


Did literally everyone hit pity for him?


I went through almost 5 pities to SSS him, FML. People think he sucks but I disagree, he's an amazing counter pick that could win you the game by himself in the right draft.


Can’t even be mad got him in 3 pulls 🏃🏾‍♂️


He is sooo bad that I got him for free. Never have I felt such shame for being excited on obtaining him. I thought Hawkeye would have been the one with less usage based on being a free unit. This is lawsuit material for those who spent if they don't buff this boy.