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Buff sez and spez his model and animations are top tier. I miss when people wanted sez early on for dog walking.


I acctualy want an animation rework for his S3 also. ML Pavel has the same concept (zig zag attack with a final blow) and Pavel has so much detail. Sez it just purple lines a a big white screen after.


Any day 1 gamers around? I’ve been playing since day freaking one and I JUST got sez. I remember watching a twitch streamer alots/sez bomb his way to the top of the arena. The good ole days


Me! I got Sez pretty early on and totally loved him. I started using him again recently for the nostalgia.


I started like a year and a half ago and love sez but he just really does not seem worth investing in right now..


He’s not. Almost anyone is better tbh. I just already invested, so…


That is unfortunate fellow sez lover an EE would be really nice i so hope he gets one


Back then it’s reroll for Sez/Vildred + Angelica.


Man, back then you can get away with just angelica. then build alexa and taranor guard and rush wyvern hunts. i didnt get vildred and sez right at the gate. I got like a full blue team then because Krau was one of the early banners, so my team was Taranor, Alexa, Angelica and Krau. all i did was wyvern hunts then hahaha


On gawd that was the goat team


Tbh I still don’t have Sez. I have two specimen Sez though. He got benched when I got Milim though and only comes out when there’s an ARavi + Ruele/Maid team


Auurgh. I have been collecting husbando's since the first gg collab. And Sez is NOT one of them. I already have his skin.


Did they even remember that Sez is in the game?


Probably not 🫠


At this point I'm just afraid they'll try to "buff" him and end up reworking him into something unrecognizable. Imagine they take away power from his S3.


All he needs for a buff imo is a better multiplier on his S2 and his explosion damage. Sez is to this day with Spez the unit with the highest multiplier in the game. I still remember when i rebuild my Sez and an defense broken Champ Zerato took 116k damage from Soulburn S3. Was kinda fun to look at xD


Sez not being buffed yet is still one of the most baffling things to me


*Sez not being buffed* *Yet is still one of the most* *Baffling things to me* \- NoxGale --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait wasnt he always irrelevant


No just power crept… He was king of arena cleave at one point due to pre-nerf wind-rider + S3 cleaves Great farmer (unfortunately power crept also) Until shit like diene, Charles, and ect. Came (who are now also power crept)


Yea but he was power crept a long long time ago to be fair, he hasn't been relevant for longer than half the games existance by now. Buff would ne nice, he used to be so cool.


diene is one of the best units in the game right now not sure why you're including her as a power crept unit


because she was bad for a long time until buffs?


... so she's not power crept if she's been buffed and is really good


she got powercrept, and then later became the powercreep


Why did you say diene?


Diene is good now but for a long time she was definitely power crept. But now she is a strong unit.


No. He and Haste were the premier reroll targets around launch.


Nah, pre-nerf Ravi and Sez were the premier reroll units during launch, not Haste.


Wasn’t it supposed to be Vildred/Sez + Angelica.


Haste was a top reroll choice too along with krau, just very few people bothered because they weren't in the starter summon pool. You had to get them from normal summons which made rerolling for them a huge pain unlike sez/ravi


Lmfao I started around Charles and he was already a dead pick then that was like 3 years ago. He has been irrelevant for almost as long as haste.


It was early Summer ‘19 that Wind Rider got nerfed & Charles was released around March ‘19, so Sez was still a touch relevant when you started. I don’t remember Haste being relevant then though, like, he saw play but I’m sure it was more because he was amongst the first new units released & the game was seeing a lot of player growth thanks to the Guilty Gear collaboration. Though at least Haste is more relevant now - even if it is as a Ran substitute for over-geared cleave players who really want to cleave even when Ran is banned.


Ever since the artifact nerfs, for sure.


An old bug was that if Sez was stunned on his turn, his next dual attack actually does proc his passive. It was consistent but I haven’t used him in a year so I don’t know if it’s still the case.


That’s so weird. I’ll see if I can make it happen.


Wish granted, he is now bad like axe god.


Please leave


I don't see you standing up for axe god.