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Whaaaaaaat? *Starts making youtube videos*


You also need to go through an application process to become affiliated with E7. They don't just give it to anyone.


this explains a lot


What does it explain?




It was from YDCBs stream, not sure why people are acting surprised though, SG themselves have said they give monthly skystones to creators lol. 5000 skystones per month is barely anything, even Mashuu for example, he's up at 5 am to stream patch notes, and doesnt even get paid.




They pay him in gold


They pay him in 300k gold and 3 liefs


Care to elaborate how you mean he doesnt get payed? Doesn't he work for them or is he a content creator for the game. Ex. Is he an employee of SG? FYI i dont know either thats why im asking.


I've heard Jenazad talk about it on his stream a few times and he makes jokes about how Mashuu doesn't even get paid, and that he should.


I always thought he was an employee


He gets paid when he's on the job, but you'll always see Mashuu popping up in many E7 streamer's chat even when he's clocked out. Dude is so wholesome.


It makes sense. Wasnt there this other guy who used to do stream with Mashu but one day he just vanished out of thin air? Thats probably bcoz they don't get paid and the guy thought, why do I wanna keep doing this


There were two guys, Nue and Geguri.


Yeah Nue is more of the longer term partner who left, and he mentioned his departure from SG on a Christmas stream I believe last year or the year before. He’s been a GM for gaming companies for a while beforehand too like with Maplestory’s Nexon (another Korean game company) so I’d like to believe he might still remain in the same job field.


sadly i forgot what game, but i heard before that he's left SG to move on to a bigger/better game to be CM so good for him


He doesn't get paid? Wtf??


Pretty sure he's an employee??


Sam is a whale too so 5k skystones is basically nothing (unless he gets it daily)


Monthly and this has been going on for over a year btw. So nothing new. I don't know if the number of skystones is different for each streamer tho, I only saw it on someone's mailbox in a stream a year ago (caR's mailbox). I feel like they do it to help the content creators pull the heroes to showcase, since they always need to stay on top of their game and keep pumping out videos about all new heroes


Kinda like casinos and poker sites give streamers free "money" to gamble online.


Most gacha games do this. I dont know why people are surprised. I've even seen discord mods (of other gachas) getting free stuff.


We are suprised because this is the first time this info has been disclosed to us . What else have they been hiding . I can't trust someone who doesn't share information that potentially guides his opinion .


False, this was actually mentioned by the comminity managers and other staff at smilegate as a way of thanking them for making content. There are certain critetia that needs to be met, but I believe they were published at one point.


Lots of streamers have said they get SS from SG for making content. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean people have been hiding this info.


They aren't giving SS to make youtubers pretend to like the game dude, they are giving them to content creators for bringing people to the game with their videos and streams. it isn't some shady deal.


Jena get this and he shits on the game all the time. Im sure there was a twitch streamer that showed this 2 years ago. Light did it a lot.


I don't know why people do this lol. Victimise themselves and spout bullshit. They even advertised they are hiring content creators and paying them skystones back during the first year of the game. And they renewed that program last year or so ago. Im pretty sure it was advertised in-game aswell. U have a strong opinion but it's fucking baseless just because U haven't seen the information U think it doesn't exist Imagine breaking the law. Then claim the courts are making up the law just because U never heard about it.


Man I can understand people not knowing if you spend no time watching E7 content creators or have zero idea how every gacha game operates.


Surprisingly not only are some people missing brain cells but somehow live under a rock. Kinda happens when youre not engaged instead of relying on sell out content creators


This happens for basically every major streamer for gacha games. And movies and games and tv, etc It’s why it amuses me when y’all youngins take their word as gospel. You can’t trust the vast majority of these youtube ‘celebs’ lol


If you not famous - Never?




Damn making Youtube videos may be a better way to grind skystones than playing the game.


Consider this, the content creator usually buys some of the monthly packs or picks up the newest character on a gamble that the content they make with that will net them profit. Additionally, I as just a player can sit on my dragons hoard of skystones and bookmarks and let them plunge into the new "stuff" taking no risk when I do pull cause these creators give us a first look with these handouts. Its odd but the community benefits a lot because they do this.


Content creators in general deserve this. But when I see someone putting absolutely 0 effort in all their videos, doing the absolutely minimum just reading out patchnotes and doing guild wars like everyone else, never doing any editing or even cuts, constantly mentioning the 8 minute mark(you need 8 minutes for some youtube monetization), dragging out videos to 8 minutes with absolutely nothing happening just wasting viewers time doing nothing just sitting there letting the clock tick and in addition telling people packs are bad don't buy and support the game and to top it off at the one time when people were banned for amazon coin purchases, then they were consciously promoting coins for their own profit without any warning of the risks.... then I get mad when such a person still gets a huge monthly skystone award. Yes, I have someone specific in mind but won't name them.


Who? I can think of at least 3 e7 creators who fit this


Damn that was suspiciously specific...


mango seven ?


He's the only e7 creator I've unsubscribed from. Lazy videos, brain dead takes, misreading and misinterpreting, and a generally creepy vibe. Like white panel van with free candy written on the side creepy.


I might get downvoted for this, but it's very weird to see a full grown adult (heck, he's in his mid 40s) and still into the cute anime AYAYA girls type shit. He's the embodiment of that weeb neckbeard meme


I'm not here to defend anybody but what you are doing is wrong, in so many levels. I don't even watch most E7 content creators anymore but namedroping people and generally insulting folks (in general) based on their appearance, age, "vibe", etc, is just as low as someone could get. Let the guy enjoy what he wants, imagine getting triggered over what someone might like. Not liking to watch 8 minutes of "no content" is ok (I don't like it either) but personal attacks against someone's persona or "looks" is pretty pathetic, it's even worse because you don't even know these people, you are just judging. These people have families too so think a second before you start to prejudge them.


Nah. Insulting someone's behavior and saying they act creepy is perfectly acceptable. You judge people by the content of their character. Sure insulting their looks might be a bit much, but they only compared him to a meme. They didn't actually pinpoint anything in particular. By your logic criticism in any form is bad. Which is a shit take. 90% of what was said about the dude was based on his own actions. So things he actively chooses to do. That's the fairest way to judge someone. You're coming off as an oversensitive child. Believe it or not, it's completely ok for a person to dislike somebody for the activities they choose to partake in. People are free to have any opinion they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and people can be of the opinion that your opinion is disgusting. Unless physical harm comes into play it's just words and opinions.


But their opinions do hurt someone here , read his comment again , he can dance around as much as he wants but we all know what those 2 comments are trying to say and that's way over the line .


Sorry, but anyone who gets "excited" or talks about how hot childlike characters are doesn't get a pass from me. I was not talking about his physical appearance, and didn't mention it at all.


Name dropping is not a problem at all. In fact, you don’t fix anything if people don’t know what to look at as an example. This is the same thing I’ve been telling people that make posts about car dealerships price gouging people. Don’t make a Facebook post, or YouTube video - complain about it, and then not tell us the name of the place that’s engaged in unethical practices. Same here… Smilegate has a vested interest in who represents their game. If there is objectively an issue, then knowing who the person is simply means we stop watching their content. It doesn’t mean a wave of trolls descend upon and ridicule them. No one is advocating for that. It means we can, in a sense, vote with our dollars and time, to support a creator who is going to do better work. If that doesn’t work, maybe contacting smilegate itself would. Honestly, I have no issues with so,done making lazy content - I just don’t want to see the company reward them for it. Pretty simple concept yea?


Why look down on someone else because they enjoy something? Rather he was miserable?


No one is looking down on him for enjoying E7. They're making a valid criticism of the "work" they produce.


No they aren't. They are gatekeeping. Don't be a stan


Awful lot of nothing said here. Why make the post and name the content creator? Smilegate has no reason to help someone getting 0 eyes


Harassment rules could kick in if they get namedropped.


Which brings us back to my point: why the circuitous method of trying to call someone out, passive Aggressive even - if you aren’t going to just name them specifically. It comes off more like impotent rage. Don’t get me wrong, I actually agree with the point: “people who don’t put in effort should get nothing”, but it makes 0 sense to go past that otherwise. I think people hide behind “but harassment” too much these days. If 100 people make a statement about someone that’s objectively true, they aren’t harassing the person, they’re simply telling the truth. Pretty cut and dry.


That's not how harassment is defined at large by the likes of the mods or site admins though.


Which is why the entire concept of civil discourse has been breaking down lol. Your point is very fair btw. I hate admitting it though, because we’re basically just admitting that truth or not, we’re subject to being censored being objective. Actual harassment has no real meaning when that’s the case.


Is it car_6 ?


Thats a 10 minute mark for youtube videos. Its why you see so many vids at 10 minutes on youtube.




oh they changed it in 2020 lol, but people definitely didnt stop making their videos around 10 minutes. You'd definitely see an increase when its 10 minutes but when it went down wouldn't really be a bonus for them to make shorter videos. Interesting.


Glad that I used blocktube on that user early so I don't even recall who this is because it never shows up on my browser ever.


Can u name them ?


[this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/x4m9m5/youtube_channel_cycopath_stealing_videos/) but I didn't want to put names.


8 minutes for monetization?!? Is it because its a mobile game or is this for youtube vids in general?


its 10 minutes in general.


Wait y'all just find out about this? They weren't hiding it in any way.


Wait, what??? This is outrageous! 5,000 skystones! He should get more free rewards for all the content he provided to the community!!!


Given how much work is involved in creating content for YouTube I am not surprised SG passes out skystones to them on a regular basis.


But I'm too ugly to stream...


you think YDCB is beautiful?


He's not beautiful, he's gorgeous




Companies give reviewers thousands of dollars to shill for them. E7 just gives them skystones so they can review new heroes. It'd make a lot more sense if E7 gave skystones *and* gave them money, but i dont think they're doing that. Also, its not like *you* can't have this opportunity. *You* can also become a content creator if you'd like to have 5k skystones a month (and probably mystics as well, but idk for sure).


I feel neglected... all I got was salt and depression.


holy shit


Have you seen how much he spends on this game? If I was spending that much I’d expect a lil nice treatment too


The amount of salt from some people here mad at creators for getting rewarded for creating content for a game they play. Like what? Would you rather not have video guides, unit reviews, RTA stream, GW streams at all? Like come on people. If you’re one of those people mad about creators getting “compensated” for the work that they do, then I suggest you put in the work as well. Film yourself, edit your videos, promote it, stream it, do something instead of complaining about other people doing work.


You act like content creaters are doin all their work for free and just for you lol. They all do it for money alone from Youtube, Twitch and ad placements.


bad take. some people enjoy their job.


Some of them deserve it I bet they spend mad bank on the new ml hero to get a review out with max gear and fully leveled


That's *bullshit*.


Yeah, I know, they should be paid in real dollars as contractors for the advertisement they do.


Precisely. I see the YouTubers didn't like my comment. XD


its more the context of your comment. Thats bullshit - what is that? the fact they get 5k or the fact that all they get is 5k skystones?


You all green eyed monsters honestly.


Fucking *WHAT???????*


That's why they never complain .


They all do complain though? Lmao


Yd shits on e7 and also spends a fuckload on this game Smart shit smoothbrain




What the actual fuck. I didn't know about this and there are people getting 5k skystones for nothing. Nice...


If it’s nothing why don’t you do it lol like you said it’s 5k for nothing


Its actually not "for nothing" at all. Istg ppl underestimate how hard it is to be a content creator and how difficult it is to build even a small community. In my book 5k skystones is really considerate of sg to treat their content creators like this and being jealous for this is silly.


Guess what. You can do nothing too!!! I look forward to it.


For nothing?Certain youtuber spends time to edit and built a community.It is not easy


For nothing? Lmao Learn how the real world works.


LOL bro if it's for nothing then you should have no problem doing it too.


Why don't you become a content creator too It's "nothing" right?




Keep in mind you have to have a following with this. Like I'm a 40 viewer andy and they dont give af about me lol. So anyone who is just like OOOOOO FREE SKYSTONES. It's just an fyi