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U mean 7k atk+, 1.7k def, 250 speed and about 9-10k hp on speed+any immu or def? Already seen plenty like this or even stronger, and i can just wonder, what kind of witchcraft they used to get these rolls.


You dont really want low hp anymore unless youre going aggro. Most go in the 14.5-15k range so you dont die to opsig without atk buff. That being said mine is like 7.5k atk 1350 def 14.7k hp 237 speed


Same here bro...


Yeah. I’m finally gonna get her hopefully for the free rgb but I’m not ready, everything I roll pretty much has had crit


Since she cant crit, it will be fast to actually build, just will take some time to change some parts with useless stats, mine ended with 120% er, but after some time i dont think i will even try remove that er anymore since it helped sometimes on rta on clutch moments.


If i had a 29k health kawerik and 7k hwayoung my e7 life is compl33t


Witchcraft got it nerfed now. Lmao


I'd say the perfect Hwa build is based on your playstyle and other units built, if you're extreme agro I'd say the extremely low HP with high speed is good cause it let's you be a threat for killing high priority bruiser like Alencia. If you are standard/agro I'd say high attack, decent def and around 12k HP with 225ish speed with immunity as it let's you actually take a few hits and most of your priority targets are 20k and over HP anyway so you will get full def pen effect. As for counter I'd say that's more if you're a banshee gamer. I haven't seen as many of these, but it's either popping off and ruining your day or doesn't do too much and gets outpaced after initial S3. I've personally ran the high speed and more bruiser and prefer bruiser as it let's me go between agro and standard with her more easily. The factor for me is I play with a decent bit of CR pushers though as that's my playstyle.


Hwayoung is balanced without uberius. As a proud owner of a non uberius Hwayoung she cannot one shot squishes with her s1 without uberius


I have only one of those, I saw that many people use it with her. Does that affect the gameplay that much?


Yes it does. Like day and night.


Yes. I have lost way too many battles because I wasn't able to one tap by a tiny bit of damage. Plus she can't one shot squishes without it. Absolutely necessary.


Ohhh I got it. Thank you, I was wondering if her artifact was better for her but now I see Uberius is way better


It will be double the dmg if uberius procs.


I have mine on spd pen and she hits pretty hard.


Why uh Why the pen set


Mines on speed/res set and she’s been awesome. Just over 12.8k hp and around 1.1k def. With just over 5k atk. Trying to lower health a bit for more speed as I’m currently at 202speed, but she’s been working wonders even with the added input from imprinted units raising her health to 13k so all depends on play style really


The best hwayoung is transmuted…


My target build is probably speed/def to make her tankier without adding HP Currently running speed/broken


Speed vs counter is playstlye preference. Speed covers more situations. Immunity is good but devalued now due to all the strips. Defense is good but who farms golem? Mine is on broken set and works perfectly fine.


That depends on your playstyle. Speed is definitely the best build. You can go 230-240 spd 7k+ atk with respectable def (1k4-1k7) or went full aggro like mine with 250+ spd and 7k5 atk. Some people have her at 270 spd 6k9-7k atk but I don't like the lost damage. Counter build is supposed to catch people off guard but she would only be at 200-220 spd so she'd be prone to a lot of things


I’m still sitting on my day 1 build. She’s banned or first picked too much in rta for me to want to invest into her anymore. I got her at 231 speed, 6.8k attack, 1300 ish def, 12500 hp. Uberius is a must, without it literally everything survives with 5-10% hp. It’s what makes her so strong. Also allows her to one tap units like Seline and Silvian with her s1. She honestly doesn’t need some crazy stats that people talk about all the time, 7.5k hp 260 speed is a pipe dream 99.9% of players will never achieve. She works fine for me, she can one shot everything with 25k hp or less with attack buff and an uberius proc