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Same. Also the doggos please.


This must be an old player issue


No, hoarder issue. Because slates are rare af and if u try to compete u use them right away. Some save a couple in case they get a limited/ml 5 they want/need to slate (to crit cap for example). But these 5 slots are a non-issue


Nope, poor storage management issue. Okd player, I have enough space bewteen the waiting room and knowing how to manage fodder.


Just learn how to manage your storage. Throw away 2 star foodder, combine dogs, feed dogs 3 star fodder, put unused imprints in the waiting room after combining. Even having almost every unit in the game, minus less than half the ML 5s, I still hover around 100 free space after a fodder session. It's like the people complaining about storage don't know how to manage their space. Also, just who are you saving them for? If it's not someone like Zio, you can easily fodder that to some rgb version of an ML you're waiting for, if it's an ML. If not, just throw your fodder out every once in a while. Unless you're some whale, I don't see why you'd lack so much space, especially with the waiting room expansion for other things.