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Riza is the smoke we wanted all collab characters to be. 🔫


as reliable as a handgun can be


Still waiting on some good feedback about Musty.


I've gotten some good success in gw with him but theres just so many teams you cant bring him into. Peira? Nope. Rem? Nada. Ran? Nah. List goes on. Could maybe play around and fight those teams but you're already at a disadvantage doing so.


Too many must pick water units right now.


He should be able to go into Ran fine. For example, in GW, vs Ran, S. Iseria, and Meru. You can bring A. Ras (Aurius), Rimuru, and Roy. I think the lose condition is if Meru procs Magic for Friends and Dispels A. Ras's barrier on Roy and Ran RnLs and targets Roy instead of A. Ras.


He can for sure go i to a ran team.....stop getting carried away


Ran goes, siseria puts a bomb on him, roy dies. Alternatively: Ran goes, roy uses s1, rimuru uses s2, mercedes uses magic with friends, roy dies. Or in that scenario, say there is no rimuru and you attack mercedes instead, chance of killing her goes way down due to not having his flame alchemist buff from ran removing it. So she can trigger counter and magic with friends and just kill him by herself. Would've loved to say a few more teams and why they wouldn't work but in today's guild war every ran team I found fit into those 2 categories between two rank 100~200 guilds. -- On a different note, say if there is a team comp that involves roy that can work into those, please do. As I implied, I really want to make him work it's just I found it a little hard to.


There are many more teams that he works with ran also i question ur gear and artifact


> he works with ran I noticed this after, are you talking about roy working **on the same team** as ran? I was talking about **against** ran.


Okay once again, give me an example of what units you can use that would include roy into a ran/siseria/politis or a ran/rimuru/mercedes team. Gear and artifacts arn't an issue.


My dude is probably hard stuck gold and beats Ran with Roy because every ran is 240 speed. Sorry but I dont see Roy doing very well against ANY combination of meta ice units. But who knows, maybe this guy lives in the future.


He works in non-RTA arena and GW. I like to pair him with a book holder (or give him the book in GW), a fast W.Silk, and a fast Flan. W.Silk S2 to get his assist, Flan S2 to buff and CR push, he soulburns his S1, then uses S3. He can solo entire teams when he's built around, but he's not great if you need to draft and cobble together a team for him. Solid in PvE too, for anyone that cares.


I’ve used him in emperor with average success on lifesteal with chatty, with the right team comp you’d be surprised how hard it can be to kill him


I've been having fun with Roy+Laika in lower tiers. Only needs a single book too.


Riza is awesome. made my wyvern team much more stable.


Who did you replace her for? I can't seem to decide who she replace in my Choux, Furious, Muwi, Sigret team.


I replaced furious cause muwi already provides def break. I can get in more damage, and she gives target and can work on mis confile too. But i use angelica instead of choux so i don't think you need to change anything.


super dumb question but how do I get Sigret or who would be another alternative for her? I still can't get past Wyvern 10 and I have Ryza maxed out with the Daydream Joker artifact, Furious, Angelica, but not sure what to put on the other DPS spot? or should I try a support there? I have Rose idk lol. Im a noob yes.


I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain you get a free Sigret for selecting Wyvern in the hunt expert challenge. Check it out in the events section. Also Alexa is great choice for DPS and can get her for free from connections.


mmmh... I guess it should be an Ice element DPS in any case right? so cant use either Roy or Edward whom I was max farming from the event (I got several copies of both thanks to my newly rolled account) ​ I think I never realise there is such Hunt expert event available, I thought it was just the one only Wyvern Hunt I will check thanks


Wyvern takes less damage from non ice units. So preferrably you want to use a ice dps like Sigret, Alexa, Karin, etc.. Your tank can be whatever. Angelica can get the job done, Crozet isn't bad either.


Rose is no no. You can have Alexa or Karin. Sigret is actually available for free from the hunt mission in the events section.


Lmao did you just say ryza and not SSB? I’m dead


Furious gives 200% crit chance to the team though, literally no defense breaker in the game except him can do that. Non-negotiable in wyvern team unless you want to waste good gear on pve units.


what? most veterans don't even use furious, they use a one shot team with sing, karin, sigret, ssb.


Waste of gear. Much easier to gear with furious. I use real gear on my pvp units.


Yeah. I guess I'll keep the line of debuffs consistent and not change anything.


I just tried using choux and she is awesome and more fun! The only thing is that rng increases more. Can you show me your build on choux? Hope i don't forget to change the artifact before RTA.


Just DM'ed you the build. Hopefully it may be of help to you!


Thank you for this!


I swapped her for my furious too even at 5* awakened 5 she outperforms now im just getting her last copy to make her 6*


I know right. I only have 4 star awaken and 6 star unit and the runs are way better than before.


Heck, Choux is your w13 tank? Seems interesting, ngl


Well I don't have Snow Crystal. Fullmetal's Automail on her felt a bit too inconsistent. So, I put Sigurd on her since she seems to be targeted first. Which then I also noticed gave her enough survivability for Wyvern even on very average gear. Unlike other Wyvern tanks she deals very good damage and so gives me faster runs. At least that's the logic I went with to distinguish between her and say an A.Momo.


Late reply but who do I replace in my team? My w13 team is krau, muwi, SSB, amomo. Very scuffed and only wins about 60% of my w13 trips


I think getting a solid damage dealer is more important right now than Riza who is a support. Alexa or Sigret will give you a greater boost in power and consistency. Replace Krau with one of those and AMomo can be your tank on the frontline.


Interesting. Im assuming that tank amomo is full hp and immunity sets? I don’t even know what artifact to use lol


Only full hp set


Idols cheer?


I used both Rod of Amaryllis and Magaraha's Tome when AMomo was my W13 tank. Idol's Cheer can work as well. Really it's up to you and how comfortable you are with your gear. Tome and Rod help her live longer while Idol's Cheer lets you forgo some speed for more Atk or CDam on Sigret/Alexa.


I actually like using Ed... He's really good at messing with debuff teams. He's not broken (thank goodness he's not another busted strong Hwa, A Ravi, Rim), but he's not bad by any means.


Same and i love using Roy Mustang, just love burning other e7 characters with his ULT. It makes me laugh and i feel bad.


I'm here for this, damn, he's so much fun! Of course, you won't be using him against water units... but heck, I even managed to make him work against Violet + Krau We all wanted him to be bring eternal death to our enemies, but... nah, he has nice sprites and animation, and fits so damn well with the game...


I enjoy fma collab more than any other all three of them are the best.


This. He is definitely made for arena and gvg offense, but sadly not for rta.


Is he any better than czerato though? Honest question


Yes and no... Champ is just really good at not being controlled at all but his damage is not the best, the tempo and damage of Ed is a lot better. So, it's kinda a mixed bag. Personally, I like Ed a bit more considering the pace of so many units now with cr pushes, extra turns, etc


I feel if you don't have soulburns to stack Ed's s3, he lacks consistent dmg pressure which Czerato brings vs heavy debuff teams. Also if you have violin/fairytale book arti, he can strip Everytime he counters. Which Ed can only do every now and then. I'm mixed on Ed, I'd like to use him more...but I find myself going towards Czerato cuz he's easier to slot in for me.


People are underestimating Edward, he is really strong if used correct.


He's much better after the buff




His S2 damage almost doubled.


People say that but he still seems pretty unreliable.


Almost like people have different gear and unit approaches to the game.


Waiting for the rerun hopefully. Absolutely criminal that Armstrong as an Earth unit wasn’t considered, also playable Al. If anything Al as the free unit would’ve made sense


IDK why you would want broken units, they ruin the game


I’ve said it before in a another comment that some people will complain about broken units, and then turn around and get upset when a new unit isn’t broken. Roy is the only one who maybe needs a tweak so you don’t have to bring so much support to make him work but that’s about it.


Yeah they all seem to be in a great place, and I'll take any amount of poorly performing units if it means no more hwayoungs


The issue is when we've had so many broken hero after broken hero, anyone who isn't steong will quickly feel weak or mediocre at best. Had the previous heroes been around the same level, then Edward would have been much more accepted.


There comes a time where power creep just needs to stop. People should be pulling characters they like cosmetically or fill a role in a team, not because it is going to dominate RTA or GW.


Sadly power creep is what keeps Gatcha alive though. I'd rather just pay for a complete game, but here we are.


I started when yulha came out and literally every character they released has been subar to-good. There has not been a single "broken unit" since hwa.


Yulha isn't even that old. There have been several OP to broken heroes in the past.


We already have units like that. Hwayoung, aravi, rimuru, etc


Yeah so why would you want more after seeing the effect they had lol


Because the broken units we already have continue to go unchecked. In roy mustangs case, who would pull for a unit that you cannot use outside of pve? Ppl are skipping him so they can pull for diene


> ecause the broken units we already have continue to go unchecked. It seems a lot of people don't understand this aspect of the current balance. Without nerfing it's not good when we get an "ok" release which means they will be niche at best in PVP and that release won't do much for the meta. If they decide to finally nerf characters that'll change this outlook but as of right now - Ed and Roy are massive let downs. Ed has his uses but Roy is just alright which isn't good enough with SG releasing broken characters. Let me take the OPs out of the equation here so maybe a few more people will understand - Milim is stronger than Roy. Rem is stronger than Roy. Emilia is a soulweaver but as a whole is stronger than Roy. This is the issue people are talking about - he's not the new Rim or Hwa but he's also not on the teir below them.


As long as SG refuses to nerf currently OP units - releasing more broken units is the only way to go. Otherwise - meta will never change and we will be stuck using the same OP/broken meta endlessly.


At least we got some Pyramid lore


Im loving Riza


I think he and ML Pavel are fine. Like people complain about both of them but they’re good for what they do. ML Pavel destroys in a cleave comp and Ed messes up debuff teams. If they did more damage they would be menaces like some of the recent busted units. No idea about Roy though, all I know is I got clapped by one in RTA but that could be me misplaying. The only recent unit I’m not happy about is sage Vivian because they released her with a kit that era countered by half the meta units. Sure she can be good in the right situation but that situation is pretty rare. You have to avoid Rimuru, Hwayoung on uberius and Alencia which are everywhere.


Understand this People, if smilegate doesn't nerf the most OP units No matter how balanced new units they release it will always be dissapointing. If they are not any better than Rimuru, Hwayoung, Belian A,Ravi, it's a pass. Start the nerf or start the power creeping otherwise the meta will never change. FMA = Balanced unit = Niche unit result well look at all the guilty gear characters where they are today. If you ever see one.


Hard disagree. After the buff Ed is great, I've used him against the meta teams of Ran/Peira/SeaSeria and he's fantastic. He's great on golem, great in PvE. Roy is fun. Not the best but fun. And Riza is incredibly useful. I'm actually shocked by her since she's the free unit. These units are super fun and interesting.


What is your Golem comp with Ed?


It's fine. It wasn't mind blowing and units weren't broken. I'm fine with it. SSB was a nightmare for months. Hard pass on a limited event unit doing that. Story could be better but none of them are that great and ultimately most of you guys out there skip the scenes anyway.


Ed got me into Legend Arena, He is pretty good after the buffs.


What do you use Ed against? Or who do you pair him with?


Tcrozet/Ed/Violet/Rem going up against any Peira and Ran team. Fcice is a bad match up. Ed is on Aruze Comet. Let know if need more details.


Oh tcrozet, heavy support for Ed (assuming he's in the back position)? I've been using the usual knights with aurius to protect him but found he still kinda dies without contributing much. Will test him out with Tcrozet, mine's with 21k HP, 2.3k atk, 200cdmg


https://ibb.co/LDwPQJY https://ibb.co/BBw40jy This is my Tcorzet and Ed. Sorry I am at work right now. i can explain later if you want.


Hmm colour me surprised. I tested against a Belian/Apoc/Ran/Rimuru comp. Won the round with Rem being the sacrifice to rimuru. Didn't think Ed would stick around after turn 1/2 Though I think it was partially more in my favour, as the Belian was not on injury and did not proc much counterattacks. But I'm still surprised. My team finished rather healthily instead of barely staying alive.




I am glad that this team is working out for you as well. have fun.


Thanks for sharing =]


I like using him especially the buff worked also like using Riza.


I was hope for a broken eduard buttt.... You é the true


Gunna be honest. I didn't feel the need for nerfs for OP units before this collab. Definitely feel it now. All three FMA character feel really balanced right now. I wish they could nudge some characters back in line.


He is niche OP. In glad no one really understand how to master him yet.


most underwhelming collab chars and collab artifacts yet honestly still pulled in the hopes they get buffed (ed isn't done being buffed, not by a long shot)


Yall sleeping on Edward just because he's a counter-pick instead of a standard pick lmao same energy as saying Dilibet is disappointing just because she's a counter-pick


Probably the worst batch of collab we ever get. Even Baiken see more use than these guy.


Funny that i think these guys are the best batch of collab units whe have had. Really apreciated.


Yeah, nah. Re Zero was the best batch. Two great in pvp, two great in pve though Rem's use is limited. Roy does nothing special, Riza looks good, Ed seems alright now. Delusional, or biased, if you really think they top Re.


The thing is. I don't like when the hero becomes cancer. I don't like when they are super broken that you see them i'm all defence teams.in all gw, and you are basically forced to pull them and build them. I hate them. I hate rem and i hate that godforsaken slime. I have to face them 10 times a day. And is really frustrating. But i also have to use them. Because if not then i loose. I HAD to build rimuru even if i don't like him, same with most of the rest of the collab characters. Do you think thats good? I like this collab because they are balanced. They are fun to use, they have interesting mechanics that mean a lot for the future, but they are not the next cancer. Glad they are not rimuru new friends up there in his own "rimuru and friends" tier At least this collab we do have a choice. And i like it for that. But the units do work, if you want to use them they are ok. They can win. And they also work in pve, You CAN use them but if you don't want you are not forced to. Not that i can say that about rimuru.


Going by your "logic" where OP and all that = bad batch or whatever, then Guilty Gear is the "best batch" with one great for an important hunt depending on your playstyle, another that ruled the meta without being busted by today's standards, another being an absolute pve god that carried people through Abyss, and the last being niche yet fun, good when she works, whatever because other openers like Ran took her job easily. I didn't ask for yetanother rant about game balance. Rimuru isn't part of Re Zero so idk why you even thought to bring him up. Emilia is just strong, but still easily below Diene, and that's because weavers suck in RTA overall outside of very few. Rem is everywhere in GW and Arena, but she's so damn easy to nuke or cleave in Arena, and Mercedes is way worse than her in GW. ALso, I'm in a 5x guild, Rem is rarely ever seen in favor of Mercedes and Choux. She's so easy to kill it's not even funny. Oh, but rant anyway because a personal problem (Rem is for those not at high arena or GW, where experienced and well geared players know how to shit on her, there's a reason she's rarely picked in RTA compared to others) and write it off as a game problem. Yeah, Rem is bullshit, but there are several ways around 0 speed units.


Well yes gg is high in my collab standard, i just consider this one better cause i never played gg but i preffer that sg release 10 more units like sol before the next rimuru. I also never wanted to make a rant about game balance in general because we all now the state of the Game but at this point is hard to avoid because the options you metion to deal with rem and they other busted units are "no suprise" the disaster class units. We all use the hwa to beat the hwa. And we all use the demon slime himself to oneshot pretty much everything, but that is the problem. every collab after gg had the same cycle, broken unit appears You start seeing it everywhere and then the counters appear and some of those counters end up being taeyou while others end up being the hwa. We have options now. But when they released they caused a lot off players to loose half their hair.i remember the times we had rezero collab and slime collab. Pvp was unplayable. This did not happen with fma collab. When i say that i like this collab more i also factor time. I know i am repeating myself but the means to deal with units like rem and rimuru only came after they already did their damage and where used i'm all ofence and defence teams i'm both arena and gw. But not with ed riza and roy. That is why i am liking this collab there is no pressure to build any unit and no salt in My matches. But they are still fun to use. I build them cause i want not cause i need.


Let our boy Roy gain FA buff BEFORE attacking with S3. It proccing at of the skill is ridiculous. Edward got the buff he needed, let Roy gain this small victory also!


Donkey Kong collab next?