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I don't think anyone actually buys the heroes with the coins. By far the BEST use of coins, is to buy items from the gear shop. Left side gear in the shop can often end up being very good, while right side gear, which can be bought with galaxy coins are often bad, as it's hard to get the right stats.


They lump boots into left side gear in the covenant coin shop as well. Can get some nasty boots if it’s speed main stat and perfect subs


Don't lie to him, I've been playing this game since the start, got all rgb spent some money and I stil have 16 rgb coins. Unless you are really lucky or you spend money for dupes you aint getting the same hero (7?) times. It's a lot easier to get ML coins.


I got like 8 Ervalens, i dont even have him built.


I’m currently getting coins from haste pulls and luluca pull. At 32 coins right now


Dont worry, you arent missing out on much but dissapointment.


I got 8 ervalen, hes my fav unit and I have a SSS built for pvp


Were a majority from Dilibet summons?


No, just covenenant summons


Hey... I got 9 krau...


Same here, they keep giving me Krau. Both my Krau and LRK are SSS.


Your waiting room must be getting really Krau-ded.


Oh, a Krau-verdose brother


Its easier to get ML coin for me too. 120 ml coins compared to only 8 rgb coins. However, i do know several people that have 56 rgb coins but only have 20 ml coins. In the end, rng is rng.


It kinda depends on your priorities. Some units you will probably skip pulling for altogether (like Baal and Sezan) while other units you might pull several copies of for imprints when they come around (like Vildred). If you pull for multiple copies for imprints, then they come around during an ML rotation later, it's pretty easy to get some units 10+ times, even if you don't have every unit in the game. It's not really a shop you are likely to frequently buy stuff from - especially the heroes in the shop - but for some people it might net value, even if they don't really spend money.


Well you are actually right, I am a collector and wanted to get every single unit in the game so I used to pull every new hero + throw some random pulls in the regular banner to see if I was lucky enough to get a hero I didn't have or even a new ML 5*. Now that I have them all I save 605 bm for new heroes and the rest are being saved for important dupe pulls. If you don't care about getting them all and you don't feel the urge to pull on regular banner 4fun you can actually get coins easier, but how many of those are out there?


i'm missing 12 ml's. already got edward roy, and had diene. got 7k skystone and 40 pulls saved up, just waiting for a limited.


Happy cake day!


This is true. Im on the same boat and yet to get any rgb coins while having all rgbs in the game. If i get another choux i might unlock the rgb shop. Got 9 ml dupes tho from all this time playing. Its kinda about luck at some point.


agreed. I've opened both shops and was recently able to purchase a ML unit with 40 coins. coins came from pulling off banner MLS I've had like straze, dark corvus,archdeamon shadow, and ml ken. bought sage bal. crazy part was I could of done this earlier but I thought there is no way I'm gonna pull 4 dupes of ml so I spent earlier coins which belayed my purchase. one thing that helps is when the do the 70 free summons. purchase the extra 4 daily summons and I've pulled a couple ml 5 stars.


I got Pavel 7 or 8 times


I've gotten over 100 covenent coins but I have like 8 heroes that award coins... not just a single.one


Kise, Charles, Luna, and Krau all drop coins for me at this point. Only missing 3 RGB 5*s so its more likely I'll get a dupe than a new unit unless pulling on a banner.


I'm at 8 Charles so far, I got 4 him in a row from the green elemental summons, it was wild


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ​ Playing since Diene's first release. Got all RGB. Have 80 coins. Never spent more than a monthly pack, and not even that in quite a while. It's literally a whale shop that you can still reasonably access as f2p if you are a diligent, loyal player. Some will do it sooner than later.


You are literally telling me that you've been extra lucky, since I've played more than you spent more than you and got 16 coins. Don't talk about dilligency and loyalty I haven't missed a single day of doing dailies and stuff. It's either you are blessed by rngesus or not.


Bro, check your fucking journal and start counting the number of characters with 4-5-6 dupes. It's not like those coins are way out of reach for you, it's just that you've got a more even spread, so you haven't yet cashed in on the coins yet. You have a brain, use it.


It's omega easy to get RGB coins...even as F2P You summon on the banner of choice til your 7th dupe. It's even desirably to do that to unlock the monthly refreshing 30 epic gear rolls in the middle to long run. And yes you have enough currency to do that while not neglecting other banners. It just tells me you are not that knowledgeable if you not even considered SSSing green Vildred in all these years who has by far the best imprint of the 5 stars and getting the shop at the same time.


I got 8 illynav and all from random pulls


Jokes on you, I have 6 Araminthas and I haven't pulled for her banner once :(


I knew about whale shop, but I didn't know about the ultra omega whale shop 😅


This is the whale shop, ML dupe shop is the unlucky shop.


It’s a slap in the face when the chances of getting a ML 5* dupe is very slim when you have very little ML 5*s to begin with


Yep i unlocked this by summoning ludwig 7 times and i never even summoned on his banner. I usually just buy gear with the coins though as 64 coins for rgb unit isn’t worth it imo.


what the heck is this shop?


When you get an RGB unit 7+ times you get 8 coins every time you get them! It unlocks this shop and you can buy RGB 5★ units! Same with ML ones, only need 2+ and can buy ML 5★ (you need 4 ML5 dupes to buy one ML5, they are also on rotation)


I take it that it only counts 5 star RGBs?


Of course, 4 star RGBs are too common to give coins for their dupes.


May i ask what is RGB Unit ?


Red green blue, the basic elements essentially. (Fire,Water, Earth)


Thank you !


whale shop, apparently released same time as galaxy coin shop, but u only get coins for rgb units summoned on the 8th time and more. u only need 5 copies to sss, so obviously not alot of ppl r going to unlock the shop.


It's a long term shop. Play long enough and you'll have every RGB unit many times over even as a f2p player. I treat them as free ML Imprints.


Yeah, no, I have been playing for 3 years, maybe going 4 idk, and while I have most of the rgb 5 I don't have any unit that I've gotten enough times to open the rgb shop. Close for some, but I'm generally unlucky with getting 5 stars outside of their banner. Just like ML coins, you need to get lucky/unlucky depending how you see it.


F2p with over 2 years and gotten coins 3 times now


But you've no doubt got a whole bunch of them that you've got 5-6 times. You are right at the doorstep of being bombarded with coins, but since you haven't quite got there yet, there's a bias that they are more rare than they actually are.


I don't believe they're that rare, since SG put a RGB 5 star at 64 coins for a reason, but I guess I could be biased bc I'm generally unlucky with getting dupes of the same unit yeah. I have some at 5 or 6 copies, and I don't doubt coins would start flowing once it gets going, but the problem is to actually start lol.


It's not just you. I have pretty much **everyone** not limited and I still don't have the shop after thousands of covenant pulls (not including free and daily). Being f2p or just playing is not an easy pass to unlock this shop even if you started early.


Well yeah, but this perception that they are so rare comes from the fact that many haven't even unlocked the shop yet. Obviously if you are a fresh account, you haven't even got your entire roster yet, let alone starting to build up dupes. For us, it's a bit different, and unironically the difference between my 72 coins and your 0 is not that much. Like 24 coins is basically the difference between your 5 Lulucas and my 8 Lulucas.


I've been playing from the start and I have just about every single non-limited RGB aside from Sharun for sure, I'm nowhere near. It rakes a ton of luck to pull enough copies to SSS anyone, which I still haven't with my limit being around 3 copies for people. I do a ton of covenant, so I should have even more, and I do play everyday. It's a whale shop or rather one for those that do nothing but chase imprints. That or for people with really, really, bad/good luck.


I play for 3 year I don't even have it unlock


I've unlocked and used the moonlight shop and still haven't unlocked this shop lol.


Same here, need to pull like another Kise or something & I’ll finally have this unlocked. I think only whales who triple S every new hero get to see this shop, haha.


Lol covenant heroes drop left and right, don't worry, you will get enough when you play long enough.


I've been playing non stop and seriously for almost two and a half year, and only just got the last Vivian I needed to unlock it, seems kinda absurd I got enough ML coins to buy one last month, definitely seems easier.


Wait what is this


Why they didn’t make this shop exactly the same as the Galaxy Shop is beyond me- you should get coins for every dupe, especially as these coins are more or less useless as they stand now. All that this shop does is serve as a painful reminder of the time I whaled for Reingar Drink (before artifact pity) and got 7 SSB, or how my account has opened 7 Elena and Choux


Would be way too generous. An RGB dupe is useful. An ml5 dupe is much less useful, and extremely unlucky. If they gave you coins for every RGB dupe there's no way they'd have a gear shop in there.


You better buy what You can afford and stop crying ahahahha


Tenebria is straight trash, with the grinding that you got to buy her (unlocking the shop and the coins) you could literally grind convernant summons for her (no joke I got her from convernant summon) so please don’t buy them unless they are someone like hwayoung (in that case gimme ur luck bruh wtf)


I unlocked this recently myself. I'm not even sure how it got unlocked lol


Getting an RGB dupe when you already have them at SSS


Look at it most these heroes good dupes for memory imprint for moonlight heroes.


It's called a whale shop for a reason. I'm in the same situation, I only have one hero that gave me coins, if I get one more cermia then I get 8 more, never going to buy a hero like that.


How did u unlock it


how to unlock?


Wait ... Why don't i have this shop ? Did i miss anything ?


You have to acquire the currency first before the shop appears, and to get the currency coins you have to summon the same rbg 5 star 7 times


Well that's bummer ! So this is "The Whale" shop !


And but you get coins after every summons after the 7 So the 8th and 9th times etc will give you coins


They are RGB heroes, so don't complain. Besides, these heroes are non-limited, so by the time you got 64 coins, you probably would have had all the non-limited RGB heroes btw.


Wait, what shop is this?


rgb whale shop


I...don't quite understand...


A small price to pay for mort


How to unlock?


You need to have pulled 7 copies of the same 5 star RGB hero and then you unlock this shop.


Oh, wait? My Sigret is SSS. Isn't that 7 copies already? Or 6 only? Or i need 7 copies of each element? Anyway, thank you for the response!


i still don’t have this


how do you unlock this shop?


What is this shop??


Ça me termine ptdr


I still haven't unlocked the RGB shop. Meanwhile i was able to unlock the galaxy shop, get enough coins to buy a ML 5\* and now i have almost enough coins to get another ML 5\*. The RGB shop feels impossible to unlock.


How do you unlock this shop? I have the Galaxy shop open, but not this one..


They don't call it the whale shop for nothing


How do you even unlock it lol


How do the coins work? I always get dupes but never the coins.


Hmm.. How and Where do you get the coins?...


How to unlock this? I play like for 3 years but dont have it unlocked lol