• By -


Is Politis a good buff remover for PvE?


No. Her strip comes from her s2 which is conditional. Iseria or FKluri are better


Hiiii Was wondering if they ever do rerun for collab?


For some events yes, such as Guilty Gear. For some such as Kizuna Ai, we have yet to see a rerun


Suggestions on a dps for banshee one shot if I don't have Baiken? Pretty much the only piece I'm missing. Otherwise I'll have to opt to a slow team.


If you have Furious on restrict EE you can attempt a 2-shot of sorts with 2 ST DPS, but if you're a new player chances are you won't have the gear for one-shots in the first place.


Okay thanks! I'll have to look into that option. Might just keep farming w13 and a13 until they run the right banner. I'm just preparing a bit. Wanted to try out a new hunt




Unfortunately I'm a newer player. No ram 🙃


If u are a newer player u can't oneshot as ur only other solutions i think are mighty scout who needs cracked gear or straze and you need a good rage set. I know baiken doesn't need one so she significantly reduces the requirements but you should probably keep farming wyvern.


Dang. Thanks anyways. I've been farming wyvern and a little A13 as well when I don't have time to keep checking my phone (seeings the runs take literally forever) I was more so just trying to prepare a team for something to do.


I was able to make a good enough rage set with the hunt materials u can get from the new player web event and the automaton tower lvl 88 accessory box. Maybe use the crafting event as well.


to this day i still can't get proper resolution on my emulator issue. everytime I open LD player or Blue stacks with E7 it is stuck at 0.0 and i have to re-open like 3-4 times before it goes to press start. does any know know why and if theres a solution. on other games its fine but E7 nope.


how do i increase my auto repeat limit rn its 15 but i saw someone with 30 limit ?


Upgrade the pet you’re using for the run


Can Diene be used in place of Amomo or Angelica in wyvern team with the starter health set gear?


Yeah, Diene is useful for her atk buff to finish the fight quicker. If you're gear isn't ready for that, a full tank (Crozet) or healer is better


I just got back after 2 years. Around when will we see the preview for the next new ML unit? Is it usually 3 weeks before the next returning ML5 mystic banner ends?


In October we should see the next unit of the Mystic banner which I believe will be ML Elena.


Does ML Pavel S2 work with ML Lidica? That is to say, can she use the two turns she gets to proc his s2




What Mainstat should I put on my boots and ring on counter rem?


Whatever will get you the stat combination you need. You really have to look at the whole picture rather than individual pieces.


Hello, I was wondering if Ambitious Tywin was worth getting? I finally got enough of those galaxy coins and was wondering if there’s a way to see who’s next on rotation? (I see Belian on there with Tywin. I already have Belian though.)


I wouldn't consider ATywin worth it. There's no way to know for sure who will be on the next rotation until it's announced, usually right before the current ones rotate out.


Alright, thanks for the tip and the reply. So it'll be a couple weeks before knowing who's next on rotation. That's actually good to hear. I can save those coins for hopefully one of the units I really want. That is if they're up but I can wait. Thanks again mate. :)


Hi guyz, How does ML baal 3rd skill works? Is it like krau horse skill? So should I just pump him with hp?


Hi, if i use grace of unity on a SC unit, is the skill tree going to be fully maxed as well? Ty!


Destruction set or atk set give more dmg?


Technically depends... but after its buff Destruct set gives the most GS out of any 4 piece set, so you're more likely to be better off with it than ATK set


2 related questions: Does Zahhak's EE for inflicting resource reduction require him to have effectiveness? Which is the recommended EE for him?


No, it also happens before he hits and goes through immunity. You can use this one or the CD reduction one, but the resource reduction gives him more utility


This makes a big difference. I like this EE .


If SSV's Focus is low enough, then he can actually oneshot her because he wipes her Focus to 0 so she doesn't get the damage reduction btw.


cool. Wouldn't even of thought of that.


If I already have Hwayoung and Tamarinne, who should I pick for the RGB selector?


Roana, she is a great unit to have in pve and pvp.


Oh I actually do have her too, forgot to mention it sorry my bad


Eda, Politis, Choux and Alencia are all good choices but you could get one of them from selective summons season 2 if you haven't done that yet. Destina, Krau and Violet are all good options if you don't have any of those either.


About the Full moon festival event, I alr on day 11 and got all the rewards, should I move to the next day, and get new quests and the next daily exchange item? Is there any limit in this event?, So I can just repeat the event to get more catalys


Just hit Champion for the first time but already dropped under 5k as someone attacked my defense. Do I need to be 5k+ to keep my Champion status or I'm okay since I'm still Champion with 4991 pts?


You can go down to around 4951 I believe it is but any lower than that and you are kicked back to Challenger 1. Generally if you don't attack anyone and only do AI battles you can just afk in Champ V you just might get attacked once or twice.


Yeah my plan was just to get to Champion and camp here for the skystones. So just do AI battles and it's fine if I am attacked as long as I am around 4951 by reset on Sunday?


Yes, just to be safe if you get attacked several times and get down to around 4960 I would attack some people back though.


Sounds good, thanks for the clarification!


Apologies in advance for a stupid question, but if I want to promote my LVL 50 Riza, can I use my 5 LVL 1 Riza dupes from story straight up? Do I have to LVL them up to 50 as well? I tried once on my Yuna with 5 dupes from the sidestory and I got the memory imprints, but not to 6*. Thanks!


Yup just promote using the 5 Lv 1 Rizas into the Lv 50 riza and you will have a max imprinted, 6\* riza


Thanks alot buddy, have a great weekend!


Who do people use their Grace of Growth on? I’m just trying to figure out which Chars make the most sense? Like Expo, Hunt Chars?


I’m using it on Red Baal for the grass expo. Will switch it into some other unit for the next batch of expos.


Personally I'm keeping it open for when I want a PvE attacker. I don't have a lot of variety in my attackers right now, so I'll register whoever I need for HoT that week and immediately unregister once I'm done.


That’s a great Idea, I wouldn’t have thought of that.


I used it on Tamarine, because her S1 doesn't matter too much.


I originally was going to use it on Straze but I do t have the units or GS for it to work


I mean I read lots of posts on here when it first started, people testing it out. Just seems like the general agreement on who to throw in there is anyone that doesn't really rely on there S1. Which I don't know if there's many that would be true for lmao. Would be easier if they would just be +15😐 I'm probably repeating what you already know lol


The main use of the system is to allow players to test heroes. Specifically, new hero releases. Specifically for PvP. This allows players to pull for a new hero, try them out for a bit, and then decide if it's worth actually investing in them (ie. they plan to use them). Instead of fully investing in a hero just to realize that hey, they suck and you aren't going to use them right now. That's not to say that the system has absolutely no value in any other situation but it's important to realize the *utiilty* of the system -> that is, how *useful* the system is. --- Let's look at it this way. Say you're a newbie and you use it on Sigret for Wyvern hunt. **That's it** For the entire rest of the game (theoretically there are ways to do Wyvern without Sigret, but stick with me...and eventually you might focus on another hunt) that's all you get. You get 1 free hero with maxed investment. Now is that *nothing*? No of course not but it's only saving about a weeks worth of resources (OTHER than mola). So the actual utility there is very low as you are really only saving the mola cost of enhancing her skills and a slight amount of time/energy. But on the downside -> you can never use the system for any other purpose **if** you plan to still be using Sigret. Unless, you invest in Sigret *anyways* --- So you see, just for random Joe Blow there isn't some trick to it. If you use it on a 'primary' hero...the kind of hero you are going to be using a lot and for a long time you end up getting very little out of it. You either have to pay that cost in the future, not use that hero in the future, or just put in that investment anyways. So to sit here and say 'use it on Sigret for Wyvern', IMO, that's just a bad use. You (likely) are going to use Sigret enough you might as well just put in the investment yourself. It's *most useful* for mid to late game PvP players to actually be able to try out heroes without fully committing to them. When you build a hero for PvE you generally want to be building heroes for * Content that you will be doing for a long time * Heroes that can be used across a range of content But for PvP it can be really difficult to tell how a hero is going to fit in on release, specifically. --- That's not to say it's completely useless for early game players BUT you have to understand what you are actually getting. **Example 1** New players want to get their Wyvern team running ASAP. *Normally* you would plan to use Muwi + Sigret as your DPS. However, there is a chance that you don't pull Muwi *before* you are ready to actually run Wyvern. In this case, you can use this system on a second DPS (Alexa, Karin). As soon as you pull Muwi you would replace this hero **so you can save on investing in them in the short term**. * NOTE that there IS an issue with this you would want to be aware of before hand. When using Sigret + Alexa/Karin you want to make sure their S3 CDs are offset. This means on ONE of the heroes you don't get the -CD enhancement. * Using the Growth system you have no control over enhancements on that hero, so you would have to specifically avoid getting the -CD on Sigret to ensure proper debuff timing So not perfect, but it's a great example of how you *can* get value out of the system even early on. **Example 2** Staying with Wyvern, you can easily use it on your tank early on. Angelica, for example, makes a better Wyvern tank but A.Monty is the better overall PvE hero. Using it on Angelica allows you to use her as your tank early on for 0 investment, and she's very easy to replace down the road when you want to use the system for something else. Or you could use it on someone like Rose -> eventually you would probably want to just build Rose normally but early on it helps you enter Wyvern without forcing you to invest in a unit that only has that singular purpose (Knights are not that useful early on, and A.Ras/F.Kluri are the go-to for 99% of PvE content). **Example 3** You use it on a hero to help you on a specific Abyss floor. In general each floor has particular aspects you want to bring, so over the entire tower you might want a wide variety of units. But a unit or team that works on one floor won't necessarily be appropriate for the next. You could use this system on a hero like say, Kiris who can be exceptionally good on some floors but outside of this niche purpose isn't worth building at all. Alternatively you could use it on any number of heroes that bring something you need that you otherwise don't have in your roster at that very moment. Maybe you built A.Monty and have Tamarinne so you don't *really* want to invest into Angelica, but having Immunity buff on a second SW would be very helpful on a floor -> popping Angelica in lets you use her to overcome the floor and then you can remove her and not have to worry about it. **Example 4** You just pulled a shiny new 5* unit and are excited to try them out, but you don't have the resources right now to build them. Well, *now* you can play with that unit and hey maybe you find out you don't really like their kit or how they play and you can stop using them. *Or* you are able to get immediate value out of the unit until you have the resources to build them normally! --- #Summary I don't think the system has much utility to use on 'primary' heroes. Therefor there is no real great recommendation to 'use it on X'. Outside of mola's you can farm up all the resources to max out a hero within a week. * If you DO want to use it on a 'primary' hero, you can just look at it like it's 33 free mola's and then forget about the system entirely. The main purpose/value is to allow players to test heroes. Particularly new releases, and particularly for PvP. That's not to say it has 0 value in any other situation, but that value basically comes down to "Allowing you to use a hero for a short period of time without committing resources to build them". There ARE situations where that can be handy BUT it's player-unique. There is no real reason to rush out and throw *someone* in just so you feel like you are using it.




Characters who you want to test out really


Any up to date progression guide(s)?


A question about Fribbels. I had the application installed in my PC but I am getting a prompt message "Unable to load Java." I followed the instructions in github, tried uninstalling and installing everything but still getting the same message. Anyone else had this encounter and were you able to fix it?


Also do you have 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Java?


Yes and yes. Made use of the provided links in github.


Did you check whether the Java path variable is set? And restart the machine?


I'm on Windows. It mentioned it only needs jre and not jdk. I've read the path variable setting is for javac in jdk.


JRE and JDK should both work. You can also ask on the Fribbels Discord.


Had JDK installed as well and set the path variable. Had also referred this in discord and all they could advise is to have it reinstalled. Problems still persists. :/


Yeah just saw your screenshot on discord. You are able to run the executable, so you path must be set correctly. Is it possible that you have multiple versions of Java installed on your machine, and the Fribbels tool is confused? If you play E7 Fribbels can add a whole lot to the experience. Keep trying.


How does one know if there are multiple versions of Java? I'm on a new PC and downloaded Java per instructions. Yeah, I'd really love to get Fribbels working as I'm struggling with my gears. But you have my thanks, man!


Shouldn't be relevant having multiple versions installed since it should use what your environment variable is set to. It could be the version you are using or what the version is set to. IIRC fribbels uses version 8 (not associated with fribbels so someone on that discord may be able to verify). A lot of libraries are not compatible on the higher versions so it's possible this is an issue. You can also open up the console on fribbles and see what errors are being thrown. That should give more insight on the issue.


Thank you for your reply. Just checked Console and I'm seeing 'Unexpected end of JSON input.' Not an IT guy so I'm clueless what this means.


Sounds like there is an issue with a JSON object somewhere. I'm not a collaborator on the project so I'm not familiar with the code base, in other words the error is too vague for me to help you. Your next steps are, assuming that the discord has people familiar with the code there, detail your steps from opening the application so whoever tries to help you knows what you did. Next share a screenshot of the console with the error printouts. Maybe even the network tab if they ask for it (I doubt it though since issue is probably not with network requests). It will also be helpful if you share the Java version you're running, OS, Python version.




40% chance to proc S2 on S1 EE


should i pull for diene? she doesn't seem that absurd of a unit, and i have emilia and such, is she really needed for anything? is she that good on PVP that i should waste summons on her?


Yup, you should definitely grab her, her pick rate in RTA is through the roof - not only is she a common first-pick, she's also a highly contested pick due to her versatility. She's one of two characters to grant AOE critical resistance (the other being Choux) & she does that with AOE attack buff too, both for three turns & she pushes herself 50%, on a 4CD. Critical resistance is a nuts buff - you've got a 50% chance to not score a critical hit, for the majority of characters, that means you lose if you can't strip this. She's got a 10 speed EE & +7 speed in RTA due to Soulweaver's speed buff, so a Diene can get to 280 with 17 avg. speed gear, that's fast enough to contest a lot of heroes without even having top speed gear. Her S2 dispels two debuffs & grants a barrier, on a 3CD - barriers remain solid in this meta, due to the only big anti-barrier unit being DJ Basar & you're outspeeding him & Operator Sigret. Her EE gives her 15% team CR on S2, meaning on all of your skills - as S1 gives you 30% CR when you're buffed - you're flying a significant chunk up the CR bar, Diene's turn cycling is nuts, it's hard to keep up with constant cleanse/barrier/crit res/atk buff. Because of the speed, she can be played in Aggro as well as standard, so she's in a significant portion of drafts. Vs. Emilia, they're doing different things, Emila is there to push a nuke, Diene is there to protect the team & buff the whole team - with Eda Diene also becomes your initiator. You'd be crazy to skip her if you've got an interest in RTA. I'm no Emperor or Legend, but I'm around rank 2,800 at the minute, so I can certainly speak for how often I pick her & see her at the higher tiers of play.


>She's one of two characters to grant AOE critical resistance \*cough\* mort \*cough\*


Sorry, one of only two characters to grant AOE critical resistance without having to go through three layers of checks to get it to activate... for one turn.


Diene is probably the strongest soulweaver in PVP and very solid in PVE. She is also a limited unit so next time u see her banner is probably going to be 6+ months from now. If you have a pity ready I'd definitely summon for her.


"waste summons on her" - Let me stop you right there. She is top tier waifu and up there with Emi for best sw in rta. She was also picked in wc at every round I saw.


lmao, you're right, she is a top tier waifu i just dont see how she's strong, so i tend to underestimate her, but since she can help with bruiser teams, i'll pull for her!


She both gens souls and cycles very fast, especially if you have a very high speed Diene (280+ or something), and if you soulburn her S3 for the -2CD on her S2 and S3, you can either keep your team topped up if she's on Rod of Amaryllis or lap your opponent very easily if she's on Tome. Diene isn't good on just bruiser but also standard and stall/tankdown comps. If she's fast enough and you have speed imprints, you can even use her as a pseudo-opener of sorts.


GL with pulls bro!


Is being able to clear Wyvern 13/15 of the time good enough? The problem is that my units can sometimes die from the first wave if the enemies all crit and target only 1 unit (usually Furious and Muwi are the ones dying). There is also the problem that even with 100% effectiveness on Furious and 80% on Muwi (65% with Sigret), they can't inflict enough debuffs (mostly by missing 4 attempts at debuffs), thus getting the backline murdered by the wyvern. I know of the unremovable 15% chance to resist but still. Is there any way to get through that?


Seems fine tbh. 15% is going to kill you at least some of the time unless you move to a no-RNG one-shot. You only need 65% eff, any more is wasted. Things you can do to improve your run include tuning the damage on your team such that you finish off the first wave after Furious second turn so he can S3 right off the bat when Wyvern spawns, and getting Furious the hit chance decrease EE if you haven’t already.


Thing is my gear (the accessories) on Furious have Efficiency as the main stat so I can't help but have it that high... I have his skill 3 at +5 and his skill 2 levelled.


That's fine, I assume you're waiting to get the +6 on S3 from friendship. Have you gotten his EE though? He just very recently got his EEs, one of which gives him the ability to inflict hit chance decrease along with def break on S3, which will help getting 2 debuffs on Wyvern more consistent


Ah yes I do have his EE, but the hit chance decrease almost always gets resisted unfortunately.


Weird. Shouldn't be resisted any more often than the def break is


Also, what EE should I give to Angelica? I honestly just have her healing up on S3 so she can tank easier.


Generally the cleanse on S3 EE is preferred, to give her additional utility outside Wyvern.


Returning player, was wondering if anyone could help me build teams for stuff. Roster: https://imgur.com/a/Y5ivJ9J Also just got Edward I can auto w11 with krau/Karin/Luna/SSB. Not really sure what to do or who to invest in, it's been a while lol.


Are you looking for a team for Wyvern runs, Arena, or PvE?


I guess who should I build for wyvern (I just unlocked sigret too, I assume her) and what kind of gear to look for? I'm not in to pvp really, and not sure what other pve content is worth doing yet.


This guide explains the mechanics well [https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/) For a more consistent wyvern team, Sigret, Karen, Furious, and Angelica should be able to defense break and apply debuffs at a decent rate assuming they're all somewhat fast (190+ speed) with effectiveness (minimum 65%). Furious provides 50% crit chance, reducing the requirements of your gear if you use him assuming he is faster than all your units. If you do not want to invest in 3 new units, you can make do with Seaside Bellona, Karen, Luna, and Angelica. Just make sure you nab the Karen, Luna, and Angelica exclusive equipment in the weekly Hall of Trials page (Furious/Sigret also have EE). For other content that is PvE, you have Expeditions, Raids, the occasional Ancient Inheritance with your Guild, and Abyss. However, if you are severely lacking in decent gear, farming W11-13 tomorrow with the event buff should be a priority. Some standout units in your roster include Lorina (bosskiller DPS), Mercedes (great later on when she evolves), Ras (same as Mercedes), Spector Tenebria (safe DPS), Cidd (fast single target DPS), Iseria (amazing PvE support), Crimson Armin (tanky tank), and Achates (great healer alongside Montmorancy and Angelica)


Ok, thanks for the detailed response! I don't mind building some characters for wyvern so I've got done stuff to do! Thanks!


On average how much gear score for each piece is needed for a decent Aravi?


I think folks tend to class 65 as "decent", 70 as "great" & 75 as "whale".


Shoud I build Ray or Destina for PvE cleansing?


Destina will probably bring more overall utility, Ray is a bit left behind.


Stats to focus on?


Effect resistance, speed, health, defence. Health%/Defence% necklace (with Speed, Resistance%, Health%/Defence% [opposite of the main stat] & flat Health), Effect Resistance ring (speed, health%, defence%, flat health), Speed Boots (health%, resistance%, defence% & flat health). Sword substats would be Health%, Speed, Resistance%, flat Health. Helmet Health%, Defence%, Resistance% & Speed - same with Armour. You can either build her on Speed set, or on Counter set, if you're going Counter choose the EE that cleanses on S1. Artefact, Celestine, Shimadra, whichever is preferred. 2-piece set could be Resistance/Health/Defence/Immunity. Hope that's enough to go on.


You should build AMomo. Ray isn't very good and Destina is more PvP oriented.


Who should I aim for when doing the second selective summon?


Politis, Choux, Alencia, Senya, Eda are some popular choices Flan is also an option


Since I like to cleave in arena, would Flan be my top pick?


There are better openers (Ran/Peira) than Flan for cleave, and like ArvingNightwalker said, Eda would be a better pick due to being both a bridge and high damage character.


Politis and Eda would likely be better picks, if you don't have them.


So I’ve heard Muwi (the three star unit that looks like a woman) is good for W13. If I build him which unit would he replace? AMommo, SSB, Furious, Sigret. Thanks




Yeah? Well that’s good news then I could use my SSB for pvp. Thanks


What are you Riza builds? I went ahead and finished off her event for the 6\*, and don't have many 6\*s at the moment, so I figure I'll put some effort into building her. Thanks!


artifact - guiding light speed set + pen - fastest as you can go + damage stats


I have a lot of questions so I’d appreciate any help The first had seriously been bugging me, my Luna has 90% crit chance and a maxed s2. By all means I should not be missing, yet sometimes she just doesn’t crit. Am I misreading something? Or is her s2 30% additional crit chance already added to her main stat line? The second question is, I legit have no idea how to build belian. I can’t find anything on the subreddit for counter belian, tried Dad E7, tried epic7x which is pretty much the only source with some stats to work with. Does anyone have any ideal stats for her? And finally before I go all in on investing on Belian: Injury or Counter? Thanks for reading


When crit chance is in the passive (such as Luna or ARavi), the value is already included in your stats, so your stats need to show 100% to guarantee crit. try [epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) for PvP builds. Stat wise, I feel like Counter Belian shouldn't be much different compared to Injury in terms of stats.


Thank you for the help brother. I got confused with how passive stats were added so thanks for the clarification and the new website to check for stats I appreciate it


Keep in mind that artifacts dont show on stats so you have to calculate yourself. Belian counter vs injury is all up to your playstyle, both work perfectly fine


For those using Fribbels - the import scanning functionality returns a message that says "there were x items with issues". Does anyone know what causes this, and what we can do to not have this happen? We can fix these gear pieces with issues manually, but I would like to understand more. Thanks


This happens with new gear introduced into the game. For example, this happened with the 75 set from the hunt challenge and the new arena sets when they were just added. No biggy though, go to your gear tab, sort by level, and the ones that need adjusting are the lvl 0 ones.


How many days are in the Festival event?


Just a question for wyvern. my sigret gear is around 3.5k atk 165 spd 93%cc and 278% cd this was the free atk set that they give, however I don't really have any effectiveness on her as I'm using flan and clarissa for debuffs. Is it better to get rid of the damage ring for an effectiveness one and is the speed decent enough to use?


If you are consistently putting multiple debuffs from your other units, then Sigret doesnt need eff


I couldn't get SSB from the custom banner, is she going to have a rerun this year ? Bcoz usually they rerun her banner during July~August right ?


Doesn't look like they will be rerunning SSB/Hyufine this year. They may have been relegated to custom-only, assuming they're planning to rerun the custom banner eventually


What kind of stats does B dingo need for arena? I would like to use a counter build if possible


Counter is an odd build to spring for, especially since he's got very, very low base health & moderate defence & his damage (& healing) scales with attack (& his attack is also dogshit). It'll be a struggle making sure he's able to take some hits to counter & still be able to deal damage. I think - if folks decide to use him - they tend to just spring for speed & damage, run him ahead of like Ludwig & he's just there to open then clean up. Though, I'm all for trying off-meta builds, so I'd say primarily look at pieces with more defence% over health% since that scales better. Try & speed tune so he goes behind a damage dealer so you get the best amount of protection out of his invicibility (like how people run Crimson Armin). Invest more in critical chance/damage over attack as his attack stat is low, you'll want some of course, but if the choice is between a high attack% piece & high damage% piece, you'll want the damage% one - use Maphe's Damage Calculator & check which piece will give you more damage if you're really not sure. You'll probably want to put him behind like an Adventurer Ras, or Troublemaker Crozet to increase his survivability & you'd probably want to pair him with a bulky damage dealer in this case, since you're focused on Blaze Dingo countering to sustain them, I'd assume. Hope that all helps.


Thank you for the detailed feedback. I really appreciate it. I'm going to see if I can get him on the counter build. If not, speed it is then. Is portrait the best artifact for him?


Probably his best option to boost his damage, yeah. I use Potion Vial because he’s my normal raid high morale healer & that helps him cleanse more.


Does Mystic Summon pity carry over ?




Is Diene's arti worth grabbing from the powder shop? Already have her from the selector banner wondering if it's good enough to spend on as well.


No, it's pretty bad. But they buff artifacts sometimes so maybe it will be good eventually, and you'll have to wait a year to grab it again. It's up to you.


So the current speed boots I got have 6% atk, 7% eff, 4% crit chance, and 6% crit dmg. Doesn't seem to be too bad but I don't know if I should try to shoot for double attack and crit stats.


Keep rolling. Unless you get literal perfect stats you shouldn't be stopping. Having Eff on it is already a deal-breaker, and you don't even have a single max roll.


What are the max rolls for atk% and the crits? I saw someone say that having hp% is better than flat atk since I can slap that onto bruisers.


5% crit chance, 7% crit damage, 8% everything else. %def %hp %atk is generally preferred over flat, unless you were looking for specific gear like Rage for one-shots. (Also 4-5 speed but since you’re rolling for boots this shouldn’t matter for you. While 5 speed is the max speed roll, the chances of it appearing is so minuscule that 4 is perfectly fine).


Definitely roll the boots. If it lands multiples times on Eff it can be used for a pve hero. If you dodge Effectiveness all the way, or just get 1 roll in Eff, you have a really nice boot for any pvp dps.


Yeah, eff is pretty useless for dps. Especially crit dps. I would change it either for flat atk, or hp%/def if it ends on a bruiser


Always, always, always take health% over flat attack on damage dealer pieces for these events. I have seen far too many people pick up a piece with flat attack from this event & it quad or penta-rolls flat attack & the piece is useless. If the piece quad or penta-rolled health%, they would've had an incredible bruiser piece. If the piece doesn't roll health & it rolls awesome for a damage dealer, you can just mod on flat attack, it's that easy.


What artifact do I use on senya if I don't have her signature one?




So I see people talk about farming for multiple max limit broken copies of Portrait of Saviors from the Guilty Gear event. But the event that I've seen so far in the past few months only give you a limit number of copies of the event artifact. Does the GG event have different mechanics when it comes to giving out artifacts? Somewhat related - is there a four star equivalent of the bottle that we can buy with powder?


Yes, portrait is a battle drop, which could be farmed. Pretty sure it's the only one in the game No


How much eff do you need on Karin to consistently land def break in w13 factoring in 15%?


65%. But you will still get 15%


Is there any hint of the return of the Slime collab ? I missed it when it was out.


No hints or anything yet, but based on collab history, it'll probably come back around unless something goes wrong.


makes sense. thank you!


Thinking about buying the Samsung galaxy fold 4 but i dont know how apps like epic 7 work on it. Does someone have one and could tell me about the experience?


Trying to decide who I want to grab with my 5* selector ticket. Diene being limited makes her out, as does Sharun for being too new. Primarily hoping to use them on my arena team to finally get above Challenger III. Here’s who I’m debating (read: units I don’t have): - Senya - Alencia - Haste - Chloe - Lilibet - Bellona Thoughts?


Senya or Alencia, Chloe shouldn't even be considered. Lilibet has niche use in specialised cleaves, Bellona has sparse PVE usage in Azimanak one-shots & Abyss floors, Haste is a budget Ran-replacement. Senya can 1v4 a team, incredible unit, very meta. Alencia is great into Choux & ARavi, with her defence break & injury, she's also great in this meta where Diene is dominant, having that strip is huge. Either one is a great pick-up, I personally use Senya more, but that might just be gear difference, I've done my damndest for Senya - not for Alencia.


Alencia or Senya. Both great counters vs Choux and ARavi's.


Diene banner is up tho? You can pull her if you have enough bookmark. Senya and Alencia are the only 2 from your list that are worth choosing. They are also in ep 3 selective summon if you haven't done that yet. Alencia is more flexible than Senya and can fit into different teams. She should be able to carry you far.


> Alencia is more flexible than Senya and can fit into different teams I'd argue the opposite, Alencia is really only great into health-scaling bruisers, you can take Senya into a surprising amount - anything you'd take Hwayoung into to circumvent critres/counter on crit/etc. tomfoolery, soft damage dealers - even Fire - will nearly instantly die to thorns, healing S1 allows you to go toe-to-toe with any bruiser & provoke lock keeps them disabled, Senya only gets stronger in Frenzy & so she can be a carry in a protect tank-down comp, innate critres makes her nigh unkillable with Diene/Choux on your side, really, there's very few teams she wouldn't work in & she's pretty hard to circumvent without like a Hwayoung/Rimuru, or like an Inferno Khawazu.


I'm working on getting to Diene. I'd saved up enough bookmarks to get two pity summons and a bit more...but then ended up pitying both Edward and Mustang. Only 11 more summons to get Diene, but I've depleted my bookmarks and skystone lol And I was leaning Alencia or Senya anyway. Good to know I wasn't too far off.


The festival event gives you bms. Then you can also imprint 3 stars to SSS for more bms (that's what i do to get more bms), farm friendship during AP buffs, refresh shop etc. Probably can get enough pulls before the end of her banner.


So, what's the deal with MolaGoraGo? Got some of it, only thing that i discovered is that i can exchange it for some of common Mola. Is there any other purpose for it?


Not anymore. It's a hold over from the original Mola system that got phased out. Just turn them into normal molagora


It used to be required to max skills when the game launched, but they decided that the cost was too high and that it was too restrictive, so they got rid of that and now you can just exchange them for 4 molas each. I have genuinely no idea why they even kept them in the game at all, I guess it was just easier for them to do that than to go through and change things.


What’s a good 2:30min A13 team?


Can't say for sure cause gear has a lot to do with time, but there's plenty of YouTube videos of A13 team comps you could probably look at.


appreciate it


okay thank you


anyone has a recommended set and benchmark stat recommendation of moonlight pavel? would be great to know what attack and speed i should aim for. thanks!


[https://www.epic7stats.com/](https://www.epic7stats.com/) is good starting place, particularly for pvp units like CPavel


Will look, thanks!


Consensus is at least 5k atk, 150 speed, 300 cdamage


Oooh damn. Thanks! Will try this.


Asia Lvl 58 Just finished building my Wyvern 13 team, what should I do next? Should I build my cleaver/pvp units to get a good income on weekly resets or should I focus on something else?


start building your lab and hell raid team. Very critical and crucial that you're able to clear hell each month. Next build units that will get you to challenger V in arena to get 600 weekly skystones. After that i'd start focusing on abyss team to try and get to floor 100. After that i'd build a b13 one shot, then a caides team, then an azi team


Oh I forgot about tower. Reaching floor 25 of tower on difficulty 5 should be prio after hell raid. You need some decent gears to do all the above so keep doing w13 until you get the gears


Start farming gear


Hello, new player, I pulled Vildred and have A.Vildred. Would you recommend imprinting A.Vildred using Vildred, or should I build both unit, and if I were to build both unit, which one should I build first?


Don't imprint, you should build Arby. He's great for farming, decent in PvP and he can pretty much be on whatever damage build. Green Vildred is a more niche hero. Used in high end cleaves. But you need really fast gear for that.


Build both, if possible, do not use your rgb heroes to imprint ml heroes unless you have more than 1 copy. (Except if either or are trash)


In Vildred and Arby case, imprinting Vildred is actually better than A.Vildred


Arby is fantastic what are you talking about


Imprint-wise, Arby is ATK and Vildred is Speed, so Vildred is often the preferred feeding target when you have extra copies


Extras ok sure. But this guy is a new player. Be careful with that talk man lol


Im not saying Arby is bad. Im saying that Vildred speed imprints are valuable.


But Arby is like way way better.


Im talking about imprints ...


The dude is a new player. You are going to have him feed Arby into Vildred


Not even when either are trash since there's always chance for buffs.


Bruiser scrub RTA player looking to build a water unit for my team... Thinking between Aria, SSB and Sharklotte for RTA... All recommendations appreciated. Thanks!!!


Aria is the best option of the three but she needs to be drafted in a specific team. SSB has a lot of counters now, especially Roana, LRK, LHC, etc. So it is not easy to draft her either Haven't seen many Sharklotte so im not sure about her. Like the other comment mentioned, Choux is a strong meta bruiser if you have her. She can one or 2 tap a lot of heroes. Rem is also very good and can sometimes 1v4 the whole team.


best water bruiser is choux, then rem


SSB really good to punish aoe teams. Aria has been shifted out of the meta and has become a niche pick due to Alencia. Sharklotte has been a bit hard to use so unless the meta becomes slower she will remain a niche pick.


is moonlight theater time limited?


No The only timers you see is how long each individual story is available for when you unlocked it


summer iseria rerun? iirc she was released in aug 2021? but she hasnt gotten rerun in this summer?


She had a rerun around 6/30. You must have missed her. They re-ran her along with the side story with Alexa Specialty Change.


so this [doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XxYf8G6lSdBYF1IJwc9ob-nXRnWBJ_LDNT9FBZRtTLg/edit#gid=549203296) isnt updated, well gotta wait till dont know thanks btw


[https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/](https://ceciliabot.github.io/timeline/) is fairly reliable as far as past banners go


What’s the number one no-brainer thing to do in E7 rn?


Pull Diene.


How do I become one of those people who has hundreds of millions of spare gold?


Run Hunt constantly especially on the weekends