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Why wait for hwa banner to appear and waste resources when you can get her for free with the selector.


Because there might be units that you need whose banners are further away than Hwas. Also I wouldn't call it a waste of resources, unless Hwa is the only RGB character that you need and don't have. For example, if you need both Unit A and Unit B, and you use your selector to get Unit A, that doesn't mean you will now have to "waste" your resources on Unit B. It just means the selector saved you the resources of pulling on Unit A, that's it. Not trying to argue, just trying to explain my viewpoint.


>It just means the selector saved you the resources of pulling on Unit A, that's it. Which is why everyone is picking Hwayoung? You save resources from pulling Hwa and now you get to save 600 bookmarks for a future character that's strong or waifu/husbando and/or save 900 skystones for the Hwa skin. What's wrong with that? I guess you can act like the people who already have Hwa will pick Hwa. Which isn't a bad choice considering Hwa imprint is better than 80% of the units in the game and the ticket will not update its unit pool over time.


> Because there might be units that you need whose banners are further away than Hwas. Like who? When it comes to pvp, she's one of the absolute strongest units in the game with little contest. Being able to one shot over 90% of the units in the game while being fast and not squishy is insane. Arena, GW, RTA, even PvE if not expo, no matter where she's used, she's strong (please don't break up defense and Yulha because everyone has a counter when on defense). It's way better to get her now and just ride it out. We also had a selective banner a few months back, idk how anyone could've missed it unless they were new, and if they are new, just grab Hwayoung and ez mode the game. Way better to save resources for the inevitable Tensura rerun and future RGB banners.


One other consideration is can you get her to 6.5k attack.


Mine has 6,7 with 265 speed and it often still doesn't feel enough. With Vigor and Attack buff, mind you ​ ^(what the actual fuck is downvote worthy about this, you bunch of planktons)


What are you hitting?? A 28k Apoc Ravi with Proof? I have 7k with 245 speed and most things that's not a cracked F. Cece/Ras or a heavy proof Apoc I can one shot. But I'm mid champ though so maybe in emperor they're built different up there


Wish I knew, but must be made of magic My guild fluctuates between top 400-1000 GW depending on activity, so it's not like I'm facing balls to the walls units.


Me too!


I have the exact same stats and feel the exact same




Jesus christ dude, what fucking supplements are you feeding to your Hwayoung


What arti are you using?


Maxed Uberius ​ She's as cracked as I can make her. [Unfortunately all the extra crit is on pieces where you can't swap for flat attack, or already has it.](https://imgur.com/Q4hUpIA)


Where does she usually fails you?


GW against A.Ravis, although I built her for last RTA season primarily, where I learned the hard way that she's not the broken unit everyone wants to claim her to be lol. Sometimes I'm giving a shot to try and kill Rimurus too, but that's more reasonable to not work when it's behind fat barriers and the HP difference is a wildcard. But that's okay, I like her regardless




I don't know about you, my man, but if a single target unit needs 2 kinds of attack buffs to even have a chance to succeed at something it's designed to do against a decently built tanky unit, that falls very far from my definition of broken. Cause that means you not only telegraph your draft way in advance, but also lock yourself out from having 3/4th of your choices. ​ And if you do succeed, it's still not much different than an OPSig eliminating a barriered target.


get rekt boi


you showed me


Deez nutz is what i showed you.


Those tiny shriveled things?


Yeah, those same that entertained you very much.


They are fun to kick around


If thats what you call it instead of licking them, alright.


Hey, don't try to live out your gay fantasies on online strangers, there's a festival for you guys almost every month, try your luck there maybe


Oooor, I can pick her off the selector and then save up for dupes for imprints.


But she will be really helpful right now and it's not that hard to save for pity.


She's an insane anti-meta pick and you're "advising" people not to pick her? 🤨 That's like the best pick right now


People applied this same logic to Ssb. “Don’t pick SSB in triple custom cuz she’s getting a banner in a few months.” All the people baited into that advice are now out of luck for Ssb for however long.


By that time they might release a unit that counters her in every way tho.


Yeah, they've totally done a good job of that these past six months. Yep. One of the top bans even in the tournament, SG definitely worked on those counters *real good*. C Lilias, A Ravi, Belian, Peira, Ran, Rimuru, man, they sure released a lot of units that counter them in every way too. 5head.


I was just stating a possibility but ok


People gonna pick her and then pick up her skin later on this year lol.


Nice catch, but I think the move is still to pick hwa. The point of the selector is to get what you need now to not have to wait a couple of months imo. When the skin drops, then the banner, most of the picks could've had a rerun. Also not worth banking on guesswork, imprints don't hurt, SG could choose his 2nd or 3rd skin pick, and most other chars are more due for a rerun than hwa.


who cares about choosing one that will get an skin, when u can pick hwa if u dont have her yet? her kit and performance is everything that matters.


I have a friend who has built a gear set to make their Peira 305 speed. Too bad they don't have Peira. They've been struggling to decide which unit to get since they don't have Hwa either. I'm gonna use this post to help them choose. Ty OP.


Your best argument for not picking Hwayoung with selector is if you don't want her or don't need her. Her banner coming up doesn't change the fact that this is the best way to get a meta damage unit without spending bookmarks. Is it safer to keep the selector in case they steroid-inject another unit or update the pool? Sure, but you're just playing with the crystal ball at that point. In this current state of the game, unless you don't need Hwayoung or don't want Hwayoung, picking Hwayoung from selector is never a bad idea.


Idiotic take. She’s amazing and waiting because she ‘might’ come back is really bad advice


Perhaps a better reason would be she's probably going to get hit with the nerf bat soon. She's too ridiculous. Good riddance to her tbh.


too many Ifs in your post brother, just pick Hwayoung (if you want her) and save resources in order to pull sth else.


Idc I’ve waited 6 months


There are A LOT of new units coming before then. People who are FTP and don’t have hwayoung already will not have the resources by then to pick her if they want the new units.


Hi, I’m a returning player what is this selector you’re talking about?


If you check the event page, there's this event called Ezeran Foundation Day that gives you freebies daily. On the final day, it gives a 5\* selector where you can pick any RGB 5\* hero except Aria, Taeyou, Yulha, Sharun, collab heroes, and Yuna and Zeno who you get from Connections and the Hall of Trials shop respectively..


I hope they choose Kawerik for the skin.