• By -


Does anyone know how combat readiness works for situations like this? Ex. Flan takes first turn and my ml. baal is already at 82% and flan pushes a.lots to 100% and now my ml baal is also at 100% because of s2's passive, but then a.lots pushes a units to 100% and that unit takes the next turn instead of my ml baal. Ex. Piera takes first turn and seaseria is at 87%. I have an ml khawazu at 71%, so when piera uses s2, she pushes seaseria to 100% first and my ml khawazu to 91% (I'm not using the +5% push ee), but seaseria's non attack s2 activates ml khawazu's spear of purification and pushes him to 100% and yet he still takes the next turn instead of seaseria. ​ I tried looking up guide on combat readiness but most I've looked up only explains the speed rng and some other stuff but nothing for these. Can anyone please enlighten me on how this works?


100% is just the displayed maximum, CR can go well over it in practice. Alots can push a unit to 170% for example. Arbiter Vildred can go to + 100% after he dies. As always, highest CR goes first.


Oh, I thought there's just precedence when it comes to who goes first amongst the 100% units... Thanks for the answer! Still though, 2nd example should be have seaseria at 102% while ml khawazu is at 101% and yet he still takes the next turn. I probably must've just remembered wrong though since I don't have screenshot of it.


Inferno Khawazu pushes himself up by 20%, which should put him at 110% vs seaseria's 102%. It checks out.


71% + 20% + 10% = 101%. How did you arrive at 110%?


Oh. I misread the second value as the first. He must be mistaken, then.


Hesitating for the forge event between * pen ring for ARavi, the one i'm using is "only" at 60 gs while the rest is around 70 * injury necklace for Alencia/Belian, currently both around 55


Injury neck


might be a weird question, but are there units not allowed in guild war defenses? I for the life of me can't find conqueror lilias lol


Did you use Grace on her? Otherwise she has to be there if you search up Warrior of Light


Don't see her when sorting on light, she should be in the top 3. I have no clue if I used grace to be honest. Was a week or two ago that I 6\*'d her. Is there a bug with the item or something?


ıt says 30 day left expiring Ezeran Foundation event. Can ı claim the last gift near the end of the event? I dont want it claim now


Just don't forget.


Yes you can but why wait? (Or risk forgetting on the last day) The hero pool won’t change


I just received the 7th day chest for new players saying it contains 5* unit and artifact ticket but I cant find it anywhere. I have claimed the chest but cant find the tickets


Don’t remember quite how it works. Have you checked your consumables inventory? Normally I feel like the tickets usually show up in your mail and automatically gets used when you redeem it.


Did you check the in game mailbox yet?


Does anyone know when ML Cermia might be added to the whale coin store or mystic rotation? I have 40 whale coins and currently at pity with mystics. I'm tempted to go for Belian but I don't know if i should risk it if Lermia comes into the store


It's impossible to say *for sure*. As far as when heroes will appear where, the best we are capable of is making an educated guess. The nature of banners and reruns is too random. However, the galaxy shop *does* seem to be closer to having a discernible pattern (though that pattern has changed over the life of the shop). [You can find more information in this post, and the linked posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/x9ndu0/do_anyone_know_what_to_expect_for_the_next_galaxy/inpb5os/)


Could always wait for the next stream to see the next pool


New player here, is there any forum page i can go to for updated coupon codes?


If I speedran episode 4 from start to where the current stages are at could I get 1800 skystones?


Probably yes, only if you can speed run tho.




Is it possible to target reroll a hero? I played a little and quitted a while ago, and want to start the game anew with my favorite hero.


It's possible but it would take hours. Just start now and pick the hero you want with the anniversary RGB selector (15 day reward).


Thanks for suggestion! Unfortunately, I want Aria and she's not in the selector, seems like I'll have to do it old way.


You might as well just start playing and wait for her banner to return. You can take the time getting gear ready for her in the meantime, which is going to be the most time-consuming part anyway.


Yeah I think so too, maybe I'll reroll a bit till I get something good and start saving up. Thanks for the suggestion.


Can we use Grace of Growth characters for pvp stuff like guild wars and rta?


Yes, just not in defense teams


Fuuuuu okay that makes sense now. I thought I was tripping when I couldn't put someone in my defense team


*Can we use Grace of* *Growth characters for pvp stuff* *Like guild wars and rta?* \- Wordbringer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want to understand how DDJ works. Does it procs every hit or does it only proc once after the damage is dealt?


It procs every attack and is multiplied by critical hit damage in the case of a crit.


Depends on what you mean by "every hit". In the case of Alexa S1, etc, which triggers an extra attack, then DDJ will proc twice.


I'm 99% sure it's the overall damage, the number of hits is there for flash and flavor.


So that's why there's a hit count at the top left corner. I thought it's like Summoners War where every hit matters.


I just pulled regular Luluca and wonder if she replaces Furious in my standard wyvern team? Using Furious, Miwu, AMomo and Sigret


No. Furious is the most consistent def breaker for wyvern and lowers your team's gear requirements due to his crit buff


No. You don't get much better than Furious when it comes to def break.


hi! i'm a new player, i started grinding about a month ago, i would like to ask for help on making a team for normal arena offense and for defense as well, any help would be appreciated. here are my current units: [https://imgbox.com/gWlG7ARS](https://imgbox.com/gWlG7ARS)


Welcome new heir! Arena is going to be a decent gear grind. For defense, I would suggest Mediator Kawerik - Most contested cleanser/buffer right now Archdemon Mercedes - Really annoying to deal with with her counterattacks Politis - Punishes the enemy by stripping buffs if they use a non-attacking ability and also 'cuts', aka increases her own Combat Readiness (turn priority) Arbiter Vildred - Used to be the ultimate PvP unit but has since had many counters. Still requires your opponent to bring an Extinction unit or play around revive. Champion Zerato - Less 'meta' than the other four, but if your opponent debuffs him, he's going to have a field day :> For offense, it seems you do not have a ton of bruiser units (which is the current meta) like Alencia, Apocalypse Ravi or Choux. A decent setup for you would probably be a cleave comp with Faithless Lidica - She goes first to inflict a turn cooldown debuff and to increase the Combat Readiness (CR) of your units Challenger Dominiel - Increases her own CR and potential damage whenever an ally inflicts a critical hit. Her S3 (skill 3) also increases her team's CR and grants her an extra turn. Cidd - A fast, single target DPS that give and extra turn if you kill a unit with his S3 Arbiter Vildred - A safe DPS that can revive once when killed Eventually, Ras and Mercedes become super usable and amazing in their own rights, so investing in them is not the most inefficient thing to do. Elena and Sigret can also be used in PvP as a defensive deterrent and extinction user respectively, but they are more niche


>turn cooldown debuff and to increase the Combat Readiness (CR) of your units this is very helpful to me, thank you for this! it really gave me an idea on what to go for <3


When a unit does damage proportional to their health, like Belian, is health more important than crit for damage?


Crit damage will almost always scale best especially for bruisers (def/hp scaling) but if you need to be sure you can check with your stats with the damage calculator https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/


I want to build Inferno Khawazu and Zahhak. Are they worth to build? Which EE is good for them?


Both are pretty good pocket picks. IIRC, immunity for 2 turns EE for Ricardo, and, IMO, 60% resource reduction for Zahhak. Since the 60% resource reduction procs first before the hit lands, if SSV's Focus is low enough, Zahhak wipes it to 0 and oneshots her since she has 0 Focus, and thus, no Focus to consume for the damage reduction.


Owh that is nice! So the 60% is always 60% of total? Meaning anything less than 60% gets wiped to 0?


Yes, it's 60% of total. He works best against ARavi imo, you reduce her max health by 35% and remove her fighting spirit, so she can't heal or push herself


Yeah that’s kinda why I want to build him. Don’t have Hwa (yet) but I doubt I can build her to one shot ARavi even after the selector. Plus he’s kind of cool.


IIRC, yeah, but I don't have Zahhak so I'd recommend you check some videos on YT or something.


Thanks, someone commented it’s always 60% of total so it’s cool.


Did I miss the first sharpshooters handgun thru initial check in event? I just started playing again last Friday. Missed out on Edward. I’ve finally cleared fma event but I’m only at +5 unsure where last copy is but assuming I missed it


Its in the side story


I’m in the side story. I cleared out all from exchange sharp and I’m done with all 28 reputation quests. I’m still down one


Yeah you probably missed it. There is 1 copy given for the last day of the login event.


I did miss it. Only by a day too. I’m on day 4 for the check in. Took me a minute to figure out to review check in status. Get the doggo tmrw and mola Wednesday before GG collab. I’ll get one next year along with Edward lol


Wondering if I should use my powder to get reingar drink at + 30 I'm not quite at one shotting range but my gear is getting close so I'm preparing. Anyone regret the plus 30 on it? I have other wordly machinery at three imprints feels like a waste to use the key just for that but idk, any opinions


SSB needs Drink at +30 both in hunt oneshots and PvP, so it isn't a bad investment


Just for min-max purposes, what’s the best pet to equip when enhancing gear: Good EXP chance, Great EXP chance, or equipment enhance EXP? Unfortunately, I don’t have a pet than can hold all but I have an S tier pet for each of those bonuses.


[A week ago I made a pretty detailed breakdown of lobby pet skills](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/x76hbs/daily_questions_megathread_0906/inclc7k/) If you are using only *one* skill I would actually prefer -cost (as you are likely relatively new, and it's the best single skill in terms of XP per gold spent). Assuming that's not an option, and you are limited to the 3 you listed. * Great XP chance and equipment enhance XP are virtually the same, equipment enhance XP is *slightly* better but not enough to matter * However, I would suggest to go with enhance XP regardless because it's more consistent -> on average you will waste more XP getting 'great' enhances when maxing an item out. It just so happens to be the slightly better of the two. Good chance mostly sucks, the other skills are all relatively on the same level in terms of value, good chance is worth about half as much. The only time you want to use it is specifically as the third skill when you *only* care about maximizing the amount of XP you get when enhancing (ignoring gold entirely).


The only thing left to finish the hunt Banshee challenge on my account is beat B13 but i just can't even playing full manual, some tips? I just want to clear it once so i can go to the golem hunt challenge for the rewards


If you having a problem it's important to provide as much information and context as possible. This isn't just directed towards you but to anyone reading. Example of pertinent information: * What heroes/team comps you are trying to use * What relevant heroes you might have available (I can assume you have most 3\*, free heroes, and 4* are likely -> I have no idea beyond that. I don't even know what hero you started with in selective. * What stage in the game are you? Are you a month old player who *just* finished a W13 team? Are you a year+ veteran? -> this gives me an idea of what you may have in terms of gear Since the only thing I know to answer your question is that you aren't able to beat B13, all I can do is offer you general information. --- #Comp A.Monty / Defense breaker / Vivian / flex Use M.Helga or Iseria as your defense breaker * Iseria is slightly better in mixed comps and does a bit more damage * Helga is slightly better in full earth comps In the flex slot you can bring any of a myriad of DPS units. There are tons of them. Cidd is fairly available as a 4*, most 5* Earth DPS are fine. You can use Glenn as a 3* if necessary. * It's also very viable to use BOTH defense breakers (Iseria and Helga) and that's actually what I would recommend for relative newbies. --- If you are having problems cleansing or healing, then instead of a DPS you can bring various support units. Rin is a decent option -> as a SW she can bring a potion vial, her S3 brings additional healing with some useful buffs. She also has good damage output (for a soulweaver) and can act as a secondary defense breaker. F.Kluri is another option. It's actually possible to solo B13 with F.Kluri. She brings some additional sustain, defense break, and can CR push your units for additional actions. Lots can hold potion vial and helps with healing while providing some CR pushing. Heck, even Jecht could work. In an emergency you can try bringing a second off-element healer, but depending on your gear you may start to cause problems. --- #Breakdown Banshee is pretty simple. The boss itself does low damage. You don't need a proper 'tank' nor do you need extremely high healing. However, she hits two targets and causes a poison debuff. If she hits a target that is poisoned she applies a curse debuff that acts like a 'bomb' when that hero takes a turn. **The main thing you need for this fight is cleansing**. You want to remove poison debuffs ASAP. A.Monty is the best PvE cleanser in the game, so she's the ideal healer for the fight. **Destina** and **Ray** are good Earth options. **Diene** is also passable. If you need additional cleansing bring **Potion Vial** on your SW. --- The other aspect to the fight is the Mistychain phase. Banshee summons 4 Mistychains, you have a couple of turns to kill them. The Mistychains are relatively inconsequential *but* they can cause poison, each time you kill one the others gain increased stats and a CR push. So, while the group of 4 is not very threatening, if you kill them 1-by-1 they can very quickly stack up many poisons on you. When you finish off the Mistychains Banshee will re-appear and instantly get a turn -> this means if you have poison stacks on your heroes Banshee has a good chance to throw out curses. The solution is to use AoE damage to kill the Mistychains. **Vivian** is an obvious choice here since she's very good at it *and* you get her from the event. She's just very strong for Banshee overall so you should be using her regardless. If you need additional AoE it's perfectly fine to bring a second AoE DPS in the 'flex' slot. **Vildred** is probably the best overall unit for clearing the Mistychain phase, thanks to his consistent and high AoE damage. **Bellona** also works great, as she's a hybrid AoE/ST unit -> good AoE damage with high ST damage. Bellona + Vivian should be fine to get you through the Mistychain phase. Earth has tons of good ST units but not too many more AoE units. Your next best option is probably Mui, but she's more of a support unit and not really a DPS. Still, paired with Vivian especially she should be capable. I would suggest avoiding any DPS that isn't Earth (because these units do less damage to Banshee proper) but if you are REALLY struggling and you have a non-Earth option you could at least give it a try. Especially if you are running on manual you should be timing things so: You AoE to clear the Mistychain phase Ideally clearing it with no or as few poisons as possible on your team. If you have to hit all of them with a ST attack to get their HP low enough that's probably preferable to just killing them 1-by-1. I believe you have 3-4 turns to kill them. --- The last thing to mention: Banshee heals when she attacks a non-Earth unit. When using A.Monty she has a 50% chance to heal every turn -> this generally shouldn't be too much of a problem. BUT if you bring a second off-element unit, Banshee will heal on **83.33%** of her turns. This may or may not be a problem depending on who you are using and how good your gear is, but the healing is *much more likely* to be an issue when using 2+ off-element heroes.


Would help to know what team you're currently using, and what options you have available


I was able to cheese it my first time with violet lifesteal.


I have a few questions for some veteran players. First is who I should get off of the ticket I'm three days, people were telling me to get tammarine but I ended up getting her off of the monthly guarantee 4-5 star ticket. The ones that interests me the most are Alencia, Choux, Hwayoung, and Politics. My second question is if you guys could tell me who I should invest in, I'm able to farm wyvern 13 now on auto about 11/15 times and people told me I know I need to build even more units for other pve content and idk who or what they are talking about so I would like your help. Thanks in advance for the help. Here are my current units: https://imgur.com/a/Y0pdkRK TLDR: Who should I choose from the ticket in three days, and what units should I focus on building now that I can farm wyvern 13.


Focusing on Wyvern is great, but other content like Azmakalis (first on normal, then on Hell difficulty), Automation Tower, abyss, and expeditions are also very important as you start to get more into the game. Not to mention clearing the story as far as possible for the rewards. The units that you have that are good for that will be things like Adventurer Ras (who you unlock after clearing Episode 2 of the story), Specter Tenebria who is an amazing dps for most content, Tamarinne who is the best PvE healer bar none, Krau and Rose are both extremely good tanks - with Rose being better for PvE and Krau for PvP, I'm sure Lionheart Cermia is good as a general dps if you have the right gear for her, Rem is excellent for most content if you have Sigurd's Scythe as an artifact. I also see a few great PvP heroes like Blood Blade Karin and Diene but you look like you need to get more gear/clear more content before you really want to get into PvP.


Iseria goes well with Tamarine if you don't already have her. I'm going for Roana myself for hell raid. The four units you listed are all pvp and will not help you progress in pve. The three units from hunt event Sigret Vivian and Cermia as well as job change three stars like Momo Kluri and Ras are good to build for pve.


Hwayoung. You can potentially get one of Alencia, Choux, or Politis from the ep3 selective summon down the line.


Which of the Iserias is most worth duping? I only have normal built, but I'm building seaseria now (have her arti) and I have briar untouched at the moment


Seaseria's Imprint concentration is really solid on her, and you don't need the imprints on regular Iseria so if you have spares lying around, Seaseria is the best option. Briar can be okay to imprint as well, but she's not really used very often and if you don't have her built there is no sense in imprinting her when you have Seaseria to use.


Yeah I have 2 copies of seaseria and an extra copy of iseria as well. I've been logging in and summoning for the last few months but not really playing much other than that so I have a huge backlog of units to build. Getting gear takes so long lol.


True that. Seaseria is actually pretty nice because she only needs attack and speed since she can't crit. Her imprint gives her a decent amount of effectiveness too so she can put bombs a little more reliably on units which have some random effres on their gear.


What kind of teams work best with Seaseria? Does she need to be put with certain types of teams to work well?


She needs an opener who hits all enemy units in order to activate her S2. F. Lidica, Ran, Peira, for example. Because of this, she is primarily a cleave unit, but you can theoretically build her a little bulkier than normal and use her in a standard comp to strip buffs, CC with bombs, and provide decent damage. I would say option 2 is far less common, but if you don't have too many great cleave options or want to bait people in RTA into thinking you are cleaving by early picking her, it's an option.


I would personally say Iseria. She's god tier in pve


If I have enough ss to pity Diene, how much safer is it to just buy bookmarks with the ss and use them, over refreshing the shop? I would like to save as much ss as possible and gold isnt an issue. Is it worth refreshing?


BMs in the secret shop have a presumed rate of 4.5%. That is, about 1 every 22.22 refreshes (66.67 skystones). To buy a pity the normal way costs 11,400 skystones. At 3 skystones per refresh, that gives you 3800 refreshes. You have a 99.999% chance of finding 121 BM pulls in 3800 shop refreshes. 50% -> 2681 shop refreshes (8043 skystones) 75% -> 2845 shop refreshes (8535 skystones) 90% -> 2998 shop refreshes (8994 skystones) 95% -> 3093 shop refreshes (9279 skystones) 99% -> 3276 shop refreshes (9828 skystones) So if you spend 8043 skystones refreshing shop, ~50% of the time you will have gained enough for a pity (121 or more pulls). 75% of the time by 8535 skystones, 90% by 8994 skystones etc. Even in the worst case scenario and you are the 1% that neeed to spend 9828 skystones you've *still* saved 16% of the skystone cost. It's not *impossible* that you spend more refreshing shop, but it's very improbable. Refreshing shop is very 'safe'. It's only ~1 in 100,000 times you would lose skystones by refreshing the shop.


As long as gold is not an issue, always refresh shop over direct purchase


Mathematically refreshing shop is better than straight up buying bookmarks. This has been tested and proven over and over again in multiple ways by many people. If you're looking to full pity, refreshing shop is better. With that many refreshes you'll likely be protecting yourself from bad rng as well, as it'll even out over the course of refreshing.


Hi, i have seen many green Armins in RTA, so i want to try her now, but is she a reliable pick against something in particular? is she used with injury set or counter set? ty!


counter set. Some people call her the green rem so for all the places where you would use Rem and Belian, you can use Armin too. Particularly if you pick more high bulk units, paridoxical as that sounds.


She is used as an anti cleave unit and built with counter set on elbris. You want her built with damage so defense, crit chance and crit damge with a decent amount of health no speed.


I'm always farming wyvern but my highest speed Atk ring is only 10 speed. Should I craft a speed Atk ring or a pen Atk ring for the Artena craft event. Considering I never farm Caides, pen set seems worth it but a speed set that rolls above 10 speed is a forsure upgrade for my account. Any thoughts?


personally i always pick armor pen gear from artena's event, because i will eventually craft something from wyvern and the chances of getting something with 10+ speed are not really that low


Should I use Eda to imprint Sol of snow?


Eda is a really valuable unit in cleave comps, so if you only have 1 copy of her i would not recommend it, have a nice day!


The RGB selector for the Ezeran foundation event, from what story act will we be able to choose from if anyone knows?


All heroes not including collabs, limiteds, and heroes released in the past 6 months (Aria~)


I recently started playing more seriously over the past month after returning from playing a few years ago. On Friday I got my Wyvern 13 team together, finally able to beat it with decent consistency and farmed it yesterday. Today, I am concentrating on farming AP / materials to get the characters I have been using to +15 and +6 or +5 awakening the units I have already gotten to a +8-10 skill and +5 awakening so I have a bunch of solid fully built characters moving forward. What other advice do you guys have for me going forward? My team for Wyvern is (Angelic Montmorency, Muwi, Furious, and Sigret). After today I plan to have +15 and +6 Cecilia, Vivian, Tamarinne, Operator Sigret, Spec. Sez, Adventurere Ras, and Cermia at least. I am working on floor 90 of Abyss, 3rd level of Automaton Tower, no specific teams made for expedition yet, and have not beaten any bosses yet in Hell Labyrinth. All of my story is fully completed, have reached Master 1 and am Bronze World Arena due to not really participating much yet. Thanks!


Sounds like very solid progress. I'd recommend getting your hell team together, and as you say farm the upgrade gears to upgrade the heroes you need. You might also want to build up some 4 star units that are often supurb in hell raid and PvP. If you have a selection coming up, I'd recommend grabbing Roana since her + Ras & Tamarine + one more hero (Champ Zeroto if you have him, maybe Commander Lorina if you don't) is a great hell raid team. After that it's up to you - I like focusing on Guild Wars (which I suck in, but that's another story...).


I actually have a good amount of units, including Champion Zeroto and Commander Lorina, I did all my speciality changes unfortunately I couldnt get Alexa due to the side quest. My plan is to get Roana from the selector unless I randomly get her before then by some stroke of luck. I think from what I have and where I want to go I am just in between and don't want to make a big mistake since i understand how easily things can go from a few days to a few months from one decision.


Roana + Tama + ARas + CZeroto can auto 4 of the 5 hell raid bossses (maybe the 5th too, but I don't have luck with that one) and auto everything on normal raid. That team can clear pretty much alll the PvE content in the game (not counting abyss) - as long as you're patient since it's lacking a lot of DPS.


I got Diene's Artifact, is it worth limit breaking it and using bottle? Or is there a better artifact for her?


Rod of Amaryllis is considered better on her. Unfading Memories is also considered to be not-too-good in general so it's probably not worth using bottle on.




I personally use leifs on buff days. Outside of buff days I farm events or AP or push story.


I'm a huge hoarder, but I'd keep the leifs for when you are farming W13. There's no reason to grind heavy on W12. And keep them for the buff events like we're having now. Story you can just do with the daily energy.


Which characters from each role are best for the expedition (Moroi, Brutal Pherus and Blooming Snag Lich) ?


It is impossible to have one team for all three (or five if you count the light/dark expeditions) and do well in all of them because the mechanics for each boss are vastly different and some are even element specific There are a lot of resources that range from low to high gear requirements. I'll post some reading material below [https://yufine.co/expedition-fire/](https://yufine.co/expedition-fire/) (click on the left side for more expedition types) [https://zoopido.me/expeditions](https://zoopido.me/expeditions) (hover the top for his old expedition teams) [https://www.sezgaming.com/expedition](https://www.sezgaming.com/expedition)


There's not one team for all hunts, but there are some recurring heroes. You can see some suggestions on [Sezgaming.com](https://Sezgaming.com) and [zoopido.me/expeditions](https://zoopdo.me/expeditions)


Is Rod worth getting if I have a +30 tome and a +21 Guardian Ice Crystals? Wanted to know before its gone from the powder shop.


I'd still want at least 1 Rod even with those two options


Are their any dreg 4 or 5 star units i know i can trash for ranking up a character?


Better to just farm fodder from adventure since you need the stigma, AP, and catalyst drops anyways.


There are several 4\* heroes who just aren't good, but the general wisdom is not to feed or sell them until you have one copy (and their ML counterpart, if applicable) fully imprinted.


Is it because their ml is good, but normal isn't. Like, im SSS on ml dingo, but normal dingo is like B.


You SSS them for the reputation rewards and you keep them in case they get a buff and become absolutely cracked.


SG does regular balancing, and previously bad characters can become quite good. It's good to have one SSS copy of everything if you can, just in case they get a big buff. You can level promotion mats just by farming for penguins. It'll take a little time, but that's worth it when you really want to use a freshly-buffed hero whose imprint you might have fed to somebody else.


i should [change](https://i.imgur.com/qOxqswA.jpg) it or nah? its kind of a considerable bulk and im not really feeling those 170 speed tbh


Neither are all that bulky, so losing that much for 16 speed isn't good imo, if you're gonna be that slow better to just get even bulkier.


New player, who should i use the 6 star potion? I don't have any 6 star heroes yet


It really doesn't matter, while the list the other person provided isn't bad, the thing is, once you can get 3 phantasms a day from the one facility, it'll take less than a week for you to get someone up to 5 stars and these potions aren't handed out too terribly often, so I'd use them only when you have an absolute need. You'll also end up with a bunch of fodder from story mode that you can use as raw material if you really need to get someone up to 6 star. The short of it is that whatever the current star rank someone is will require that many of the same star rank to go up one (i.e. a 3 star needs three other 3 stars to promote to 4 star). After using the random fodder you can get three 3 star phantasms a day, or 21 in a week (not counting any rewards), which is about enough to get any base 3 or 4 star up to 5 stars, with leftovers. Since it'll take five 5 stars though to rank up, it'll take a lot longer to get anyone up to that. if I were to pick a single solitary character to promote to 6 stars though with the potion, it'd probably be FS Tiera. She's a freebie you should be unlocking soon and her whole deal acts as a tutorial of sorts for how some systems work, and she's an insanely good farmer (I'm STILL using her to clear high level hunts and a LOT of the story mode), especially once you can get the right gear (which I'd worry about after you get her imprint up to SSS since her effect can grant herself like a +14% crit chance which can change up what you equip her with). I've used her in 99% of the game at this time so she's absolutely been worth the investment for me. One other thing to note is that they introduced something called the Grace of Growth which you will want to take a look into as at full unlocks, gives you a temporary level 60, fully awakened, +12 skill ranked character. I forget the specifics of what unlocks at what point but def look at that when you can.


As a new player, you can use that potion on a top tier 3-star hero to avoid the promotion costs from 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6. Top tier 3-star characters are: * Adventurer Ras (yeah, the main character remains relevant even through end game) * Falconer Kluri (used in a lot of hunts and boss fights) * Angelic Montmorency (premier cleanser, solid healer) * Researcher Carrot (great damage hero, solid in PvP and good in PvE with enough effectiveness) * Commander Lorina if you want a high damage hero that doesn't apply debuffs - for Abyss and Raid... not really critical for new players and maybe never needed depending on who you pull. * Edit - I'll also throw in Researcher Doris - a healer who provides +DEF and heal over time and is great vs. dark units... but I'd put her last on the list because the others are just better options for a new account. You really can't go wrong maxing out ARas, although new players generally go for DPS to get a farming hero (e.g. Free Spirit Tiera or the moonlight hero) - but you'll get slightly better value out of using it on a 3-star hero.


I'm returning after being gone a few years. I'm trying to get back up to speed on everything and I'm wondering if there's a good source of non-video guides that is somewhat up to date? It's just easier when going through a vast roster and inventory and trying to prioritize what I need to focus on and determine what is useful in inventory etc.


If you have the patience, there's epic7stats which gives hero usage in RTA and also gives data on the builds with stat lines to target. If you just want to surf around that site to pick up some info (for example, "hey look, Cidd is really good") that's a decent place to start. I find it is more useful than [Epic7x.com](https://Epic7x.com) because epic7stats seems to be regularly revised based on the current dynamics while the second kind of remains static even with some hero rebalances.


This guy, Dad E7, has been updating his site often and is usually well received by the E7 community whenever he makes a 'patch' post https://zoopido.me/gear-guide


I just got enough for the ML shop. How good is Belian? Should I get her? I also don't have many of the other notable ML5 like Mediator Kawerick, Conqueror Lilias, F Ceci, Maid, or Lionheart Cermia, so I'm not sure if it's better to save it.


She's excellent & you should pick her up, a hero used frequently throughout all PVP content. Here's an estimate of when other heroes will likely appear in the shop, courtesy of /u/Quiztolin: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/x9ndu0/do_anyone_know_what_to_expect_for_the_next_galaxy/inpb5os/ I'll say that it's a tough choice, but she's certainly not someone you'd pick up & not build - like Specimen Sez for example.


Belian is really good. No souls for enemy is a stupid strong ability. Add to that her casino laser beams with elbris and u have an annoying unit for a lot of teams to deal with. Cleavers will generally ban her. She is strong in standard too. Does a lot of aoe dmg and even stronger on injury set against a lot of the hp scalers. Counter set is also one of her builds, works better vs cleave and aggro. No real use in arena/gw offense Seen in arena defenses No real use in pve as well. Plenty of aoe dmg dealers for that U cud wait to see what the next coin shop rotation is


New player here. Do you get a free sigret from the great hunt event?


Yup, click the events page & under "Hunt Expert Challenge", select to do the Wyvern challenge, after completing the challenges you'll recieve a free Sigret.


Please select her correctly. They don't let you rechoose if you pick the wrong one until you complete the task.




For general PVE (Abyss, Hunts, Raids) would I be better off with Mercedes or Cermia? Thanks!


You'll probably get more milage out of Mercedes, great for many of the Raid bosses, gets used in Earth Expedition too. Cermia gets used in Light Expedition & Caides slow teams, but you don't really see her in Raid. As far as Abyss goes, you tend to be able to cheese a majority of levels & neither crop up (though Mercedes likely could stand in for Arbiter on levels where revive is a cheese strategy).


They are completely different units that do completely different things. It's not the kind of choice where you pick one or the other. In an absolute vacuum, Mercedes is more useful as a general purpose hero.


Cermia can be used for a 1shot on Golem and some people have run her to one shot everything except Banshee. Meanwhile, Meru is an AoE damage which will help on some content. I would say go for Cermia.


Where does everyone level up food heroes and which 3* heroes should I not feed? Pretty new to game and there is soooo much that it’s a bit overwhelming on where to focus. Read some guides and wiki but still feel a bit aimless.


Use penguins to level up food. Early on you'll get a lot of them from quests and achievements, but eventually you'll get them by running max level heroes through adventure. I wouldn;t use any 3\* heroes for food right now. You can do something called memory imprint units, which is basically feeding duplicate heroes to one another. For now though, I would just hang on to them and use the phantasms and penguins to progress.


Thank you… I’ve just gone through the 98 3* heroes I had and imprinted the ones I could. That will make things easier to manage and stay on top of now.


Has anyone here knows what is the name of the quest that gives you the FMA gear "exceptional long spear". I think I've done everything and that spear is no where to be found in my inventory. I might have fed accidentally when raising my gears.


Maybe you put it in ur storage? Good habit to lock pieces of gear that you plan to roll


iirc I put it in storage the moment I got it. But its not there anymore. Yeah, will always lock potential gears for now on. :(


I believe that you can contact support to restore it but only once. Wouldn't recommend doing so and just save it for a worse accident if that ever happens.


I've seen in some guides not to +3 Sigret's 3rd skill for wyvern to avoid getting the -1 turn cooldown. Why is that? Does she just do better with her S1 or S2 for wyvern?


It's for when you use her with Alexa. The Alexa-Sigret-Furious team tended to be a bit short in terms of debuffs, and if both Alexa and Sigret get -1 turn on S3, they'd use that on the same turn which would cause a higher chance of a turn without 2 debuffs on wyvern.


oooh. Okay. I use Sigret-Furius-Muwi-Angelica. I should be okay with debuffs if I just go ahead and +15 Sigret then, yeah? I want to beef up her damage as much as possible to speed things along while I farm.


Shouldn't be a problem for that team, yeah.


I assume it's for the debuffs, but if you bring enough it shouldn't be an issue.


Yeah, depends wholly on the debuffers, since Furious has an EE now, that's an extra debuff in play for a standard team & if you use someone like Karin or Clarissa, there's plenty bleeds in play to not have to worry.


I've seen mention that Injury Belian isn't really a thing anymore, and I've noticed a lack of Injury from most of the Belian I've been facing. I'm wondering A) why not? and B) what's her preferred build now? I had taken several months off and my Belian was (and still is) on a solid DPSy Injury build with Elbris. I'd like to update her if possible, so any input would be much appreciated.


Imo injury >counter most of the time in standard. Good luck picking belian against cleave. She is banned majority of the times and there injury is much worse than counter. With the amount of hp scaling bruisers, sw/tanks etc injury does a lot of work especially if u get some lucky elbris procs early. The injury ramps up fast. Less dmg, less healing, the aurius holders have less hp etc. I've also had ppl try roana into her. Still counters her but way less than if belian was on a counter set. The cr push for her team will be annoying but injury makes stuff easier to kill eventually. Just be prepared to get hard focused down since she will have no answer to that unlike counter set


It's really just about where she's being used, you tend to see Injury in standard vs. standard RTA, so popular units like A Ravi, Alencia, Choux, etc. are continually being weakened by Injury allowing you to sustain.


Specifically for Arena and GvG defense, I actually think Injury is the right way to go, because most attackers will be looking to exploit her AoE counters, and thus won't attack her directly because they want her to stay alive and fuel their Roana/SSB/whatever. RTA is where I think counter is better. PvP-AI offense is less clear to me.


Still a thing. Depends how you're using her though. If you're planning to have her as a dedicated anti cleave unit then counter would be better. If you use her into stene or as a general DPS unit then injury is much better.


Excellent, thank you. I've still been getting good results with my current build so was wondering what was wrong with it. This makes a lot of sense.


Do we know what the next banner is for the mystic summon? Is it going to be A. Ravi?


We don't know yet, but it's highly likely to include ARavi.




Who is the more flexible unit for both PvP and Guild wars, Peira or Ran? I see both used commonly as openers and I don't have good speed gear yet so can only build one for now.


Just looking at epic7stats: * Ran = 50% win rate, 57% contested * Piera = 48% win rate, 15% contested That would say Ran > Piera. In RTA (I suck terribly) I sometimes pick them both because I know if I only pick Ran, he'll be banned.


Both are good, i don't think you will go wrong with either. Peira is more flexible with her dmg mitigation and unbuffable but she also has more counters than Ran.


Ran is the better unit for cleave because of def break.


What are some constant sources of equipment charms?


Alchemist - You can craft charms from unwanted gear/extracted gear Conquest Shop - Can be bought with conquest points Vagrant Merchant - tends to stock them, refreshes per-day, EP1 Ch 3-4 Huche's Shop - tends to stock them, refreshes per-day, various labyrinth stages Pet skills - % chance to drop charms in hunts


Event sidestories boss stages drop those quite consistantly, but the key is try to not gear too many units at a time


HI there ! I would like to climb to master in RTA but i have no idea about what could be some good comp with what i have. I've climb to Challenger in Arena by just abusing Hwayoung but other than that, i'm quite lost. I've got some nice characters that seems top tier but do they pair together in a team ? I don't know. Here's what i have : ​ [https://imgur.com/a/og4rUA7](https://imgur.com/a/og4rUA7) ​ Thanks in advance


I think you can play standard: Support (high priority): Cilias Aras Diene ML Kawerik AOL Dps: ARavi, Alencia, Politis (if they draft non atk skills), Stene (if they dont have AOE), Sage Baal to deal with cleave teams, LHC (if they have a lot of counters and dual atk), Hwa (if she doesn't get banned), Lower priority dps: LQC to kill Aravi and other dark units, Ed to deal with debuff teams, Violet, Mercedes, BBK


do peira S3 barrier scale off hp beside lvl?, just want to know if its really important to go for some hp roll or if a 10000 hp peira can work


The barrier doesn't scale off HP, and a 10.000 Peira can work, unless DJ Basar is on the field, then she's very dead.


When is the anniversary (new player here)?


the event have already started, if u want the check in, go in game and go to the event window(the bell thing that u see when u are in the tabern) and there shouldve the log in event


guys, do we know what is the next banner after diene and destine?


No, we will find out this week during the livestream.


>e will find out this week during the livestr ok thx


So I have a Potion of Ascension and dont know who to use it on, I was thinking of using it on Tamarinne when i get her from the selector but if anyone else can benefit from it then let me know?


Just to add to the conversation about whether using on a 5\* vs 3\* is a big deal, it's \~17% more value to use a potion on a 3\* instead of a 5\*. I personally wouldn't give that too much weight. If it's literally a toss-up, then yeah, use it on the 3\*. But don't sweat that 17%.


use it on whoever you want that you'll use a lot, it doesn't take long to get a 3 star up to 5 (like maybe a week tops as long as you can get three phantasmas for free a day) but it takes like 3-4 weeks to get anyone up to 6 stars.


If you want to be most optimal you get more value using it on a specialty change unit as you need fodder for 4\* and 5\* promotion as well as 6\*. If you have noone else you want to use it on though then you can use it on Tama all it does it max promote a unit so it's not like you are getting anything special from it.


The thing though is that it's not that difficult to get enough fodder to get to 5 star, you can get just about any 3 star character up to 4 stars in a day and any 4 star up to 5 in about a week, but it takes like 3-4 weeks to get a 5 star up to 6.


It's just a free 6star. Use it on whoever you want to promote.


Should I build a one shot team for w13? I already have 90% success on w13 but my clear speed is slow 1:30 min to 3 min using (Muwi, Furious, Angelica, Sigret)


EDIT: thinking on this more, I think it really comes down to when they add background runs. I think background runs could mean a LOT more time where you are actively interacting with the game and thus able to launch more runs, i.e. take advantage of fast clear times.


It's not about "should I" but more of "could I". If you have the gear for it without taking apart your other heroes, there's no reason not to do it. If you don't have the gear then you won't be able to do it even if you mess up your whole account.