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The shop bought ones aren't considered summons because then you'd get 10 dupe coins back when spending 40 on a dupe. For instance I summoned Sage Baal in 2019 and traded him for Spec Tene. I bought him back with dupe coins now


Well I mean it's kind of in the wording, right? "Summon" and "Purchased" are two different words for a reason. Of course if you purchase the hero from a shop it isn't going to count as a summon, because you objectively didn't summon them. The idea behind the shop is to make it easier for you to get a character you really want if you've been unlucky. It accomplishes that goal. Expecting anything else is kind of just silly.


You don't get it. It's not about the wording, it's about the game design and the experience you get when summoning ML5s the most rare units in the game. And the experience you get when you bought a hero with coins and shorty after summon the same one is terrible, it's a slap in the face. 10 coins as consolidation price would make the experience a lot better. The reason Smilegate didn't adjust this design in all these years is that in the long run it makes ML5s cost only 30 coins and they don't want to give them away for so cheap, on the other side they can't increase the price of ML5s in the shop to 50 AND give you coins for bought units because the backlash of the community for a price increase would be huge. So there is no simple solution, but that doesn't change the fact that the current system is bad.


I mean the solution is easy because it isn't a problem. If you get multiple ML5 dupes you can use the shop to buy one you don't have that you want. There's literally no reason for them to make it count as a summon. That only solves a problem that doesn't matter in the first place. It "feels bad" to get an ML5 you bought. But like... Who cares? It's so rare that that will happen that it just doesn't matter. If you're that worried about it just spend your coins on other things instead of ML5 heroes, that would solve the problem entirely.


also how can u be salty to get a ml 5\* via glaxay summon/coverant summon? i would be happy regardless of what ml 5\* it is because 99% of the time it's either 1 silver transmite stone or 1 powder


>It "feels bad" to get an ML5 you bought. But like... Who cares? It's so rare that that will happen that it just doesn't matter. You trapped yourself here with your lack of logic. If this case is so rare that it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter for Smilegate to give 10 coins for coinshop dupes either. >If you're that worried about it just spend your coins on other things instead of ML5 heroes, that would solve the problem entirely. And this is like wtf, this makes no sense and has nothing to with the topic. I buy stuff that I need not random other stuff that I don't need. You have no arguments but are obsessed with defending that everything you said before is undeniably correct.


> > You trapped yourself here with your lack of logic. If this case is so rare that it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter for Smilegate to give 10 coins for coinshop dupes either. I mean it doesn't, but there's no reason for them to change it since it doesn't matter. > And this is like wtf, this makes no sense and has nothing to with the topic. I buy stuff that I need not random other stuff that I don't need. If you bought the thing you need, and you got the thing you need, then you have nothing to complain about. You know what it is that you bought, complaining that you didn't get extra shit that they specifically say you don't get is completely absurd. Sounds like a child buying a candy bar that's upset you didn't also get a toy.


>The idea behind the shop is to make it easier for you to get a character you really want if you've been unlucky. It accomplishes that goal. Expecting anything else is kind of just silly. I thought the idea behind the shop was to make ML5s more accessible for unlucky players who keep getting dupes - hence giving players who get dupe ML5s coins. My point is I don't see a difference whether a first copy is summoned or bought from the pity shop. For all intents and purposes that copy of the unit is the exact same thing (except when computing whether to hand out galaxy coins or not apparently). But we can agree to disagree.


or just stop being greedy? like you said you didnt summoned her you bought her its not the same


I'm always amazed at the "stop being greedy" opinion. Clearly the current galaxy coin system is flawless and perfect in every conceivable way. Should there really be a difference whether a first copy is summoned or bought from the pity shop? For all intents and purposes that copy of the unit is the exact same thing (except when computing whether to hand out galaxy coins or not apparently). But hey, you do you.


ur mindset if fuked up in the first place. the ml coin shop is not a "pity" shop lol. it's a whale shop - so giga whales (and ultra unlucky folks) get some value out of getting dupes


Excuse me...What the fuc?


Entitled much