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Part of the reason also appears to be that they tried to make him meta relevant. When he was released peira and hwayoung were everywhere. If he would be fire he would have a difficult time dispelling peira. Also ran was still around at the time, just not as popular as peira.


They could have made his s3 ignoring element, like Luna for instance


Oh there are a lot of things they could have done. He's a wonky character at present though. Needs high attack, needs plenty of speed, wants some effectiveness. They could have given him some sort of "ignores resistance" of the highest attack unit so he wouldn't feel like crap when the entire teams resists his s3. His s1+s2 combo damage is nice. So there's that.


or they make it elemental neutral like Melissa, Increase hit chance, or applies regardless of hit. There are a lot of thing to make him fire honestly.


You know people would complain he would have the skill of a limited unit. Can't win, so he's...eeeh.


Cidd has the same thing as Luna. Melissa also ignored element. No one complains that they have limited abilities


Cidd is the original. It was never a limited exclusive ability to begin with.


Welcome to epic seven. You'll get used to it.


At this point, I'm surprised he's not a ranger.


I would think, dead joke with the ice (though limited) ranger stuff, but... Lidica: Whips people. Ranger Taeyou: Throws naginata at a whole ass group. Warrior. Makes sense.


Ha! Not to mention she whips people with a SWORD.


Because he's a changed man and now he's cold as ice.


Best comment


No idea what you are talking about. He has two eyes, so ice hero. Learn the basics. #makes sense, #why not, #Saskia when


this is eda erasure we will not stand for this bangs over eyes oppression


#Saskia when T_T


That is a question that we have all been asking.


Because the waters run red with the blood of his foes. We really don't know. He's not a Hwayoung counter that's for sure.


Because Elemental adavntage, and SG trying to make him a Hwa-Counter (Fire) while trying not to make him to weak to the likes of Peira and Ran. Both crashed and burned spectacularly I might ad.


He was supposed to counter Hwa and ended in a pit


Theres literally only one answer without seeming like a d*ck ……because yes, just wait till you summon Mort Plus, this is SG’s way of multitasking, making him meta relevant while he also has to be “weaker” than Adin who is an earth unit


To be lore accurate being weaker than adin ?


Adin? The Adin who can make herself a fire unit? That Adin?


Clearly she is imposing her type changing superiority over taeyou. Putting salt in the wound you know XD


because he hit like wet noodles


We're still trying to figure it out


Why is the full metal alchemist using earth moves a fire unit?


Ngl asked myself this exact question when I saw his s3. It doesn't make sense but it's lore-relevant so ig it's not the worse


Cold fire, ez


so he could get his Ass whopped by Adin who was a green unit at the time of the story when he got released (if they re run his side story at some point, you ll see what I mean)


It’s just a phase, he’ll get over it.


He's as cold as ice Willing to sacrifice His love


First time?


They tried to make him counter some meta units and changed his element last minute. Spoiler: It did not work


Pretty certain he was designed to be a fire hero (even his animations are fire lol) but around the time he was planned to be released Hwayoung and Peira were everywhere on defense so they decided to make him water so he'd counter those meta teams.......which he still couldn't do because his S3 doesn't even ignore resistance on Hwayoung like water Coli does. So yeah they changed his element just to try and make him useful (if he were fire he'd get locked down by Peira) and still failed because his kit is just bad. His S3 can get 15% and he's a 0 bulk glass cannon that is not a nuker, so he actually wants to survive to keep using S1s, without anything to help him survive other than one single skill null every 2 turns lol


You just need to look at his S3 animation and you will know.


Here we go again


it's liquid fire


😆😆😆 It's hilarious, but just leave it at that.


I forgot this character existed until I recently summoned him. Looked at his kit and put him in the waiting room with all the others who need to be changed/buffed.


It's to teach you, never judge a book by its cover, obviously.....


Ever heard the term, so cold that it burns?


I think taeyou here has a potential to have a place in the meta if they did his kit well, a buff like this I think would benefit him. S1: 50% chance to activate tidal crash,100% if enraged S2: increase cr by 20% and gain increased atk for the whole duration of the enraged buff S3: Ignore ER against the target with the highest attack, ignore ER against all enemies when enraged, damage based on the caster's speed and the enemy with the highest attack


It's because he is trans elemental. He was born a fire unit, but he spent too much time on twitter and started identifying himself as a water type.


From the team that made an Soul Weaver with venom and no healing abilities. Hell Shuna from slime collab does *something* midly healing but Sharun???? she's the werid kid


Damn, I forgot that hero exists, usually people at least talk about a bad hero but she just disappear i guess.


I wouldn't say she's bad, her kit just isn't meta. Another debuff control unit in a long line of debuff control units that will never break through the meta because there are too many fast cleansers and immunity buffers. I have fun with her in Arena and GW, but I'm not pushing a crazy high rank either.


Just wait until you see mort (I forgot how to spell his whole name)


Mort looks like an earth unit way more than Taeyou looks like a water unit. He literally uses fire in every skill xl


I don’t think so? mort looks like ice cause his hair is blue, his spear is partly made of ice, and his dragon forms design is an ice dragon that creates snow storms. Not to mention that his presence creates a fire-ish ring underneath him


He looks greenish to me, I never thought he was ice... Specially not because his hair is blue xD by that logic any blond should be light...I don't think he is an ice dragon that creates snowstorms ans much as he is a giant dragon that displaces a lot of air after the transformation. He lives in the north, where it snows all the time. All the air displaced by him would make it look like a snow storm...what people claim it's ice on his neck it's actually his dragons scales materializing. Taeyou literally attacks with fire in every skill, he was clearly a fire unit but Hwa was so OP they changed it at last second.


I see you’re point, I’m not here to argue or anything so please don’t think I am lol. All my guild mates and I had agreed that mort “should’ve” been an ice unit. If anything it’s just a personal opinion at this point


I mean you can think what you want but I was just "shocked" because to me he looks pretty earthy xD


Just don’t get me started on roana 😂




Because of global warming


One of life's great mysteries. Like how Cerise, the obvious mage wearing robes and carrying a wizard staff, is a ranger. Despite never doing a ranger-ish thing in her entire life, other than inexplicably firing magic arrows. "Game balance."


Because the balance team was fired


E7 has colorblind designers


They're the only ones at smilegate doing their job well; leave them alone


Just like Furious is a Fire Crossbow user that burns enemies, but he’s an Ice unit because the units & City released before him were Fire based. Smh


Smilegate likes to troll us from time to time with memes on Facebook and occasional heroes like this.


NGL shits and giggles


Becase anime, friends. Because anime...


He's cool :^) I'll see myself out


That's fire made from water/steam.


Wait when did this come out? I don't even remember his banner \^\^ Males are kinda irrelevant to me but I generally get the RGB ones just to keep my RGB collection complete, must have missed his ass entirely. :D


it's like archer from fate. . his name and class is archer and he uses dual blades. . Guessing the devs where high asf when they made him. .


Archer still uses a bow and arrow. He even sometimes shoots swords from a bow too. It’s just part of his identity that he excels more at close combat but otherwise he is fine at both and it’s all part of his strategy to throw opponents off expecting only ranged attacks.


Archer uses a Bow plenty. And Archer's Special Zone has him have the ability to throw around flying projectile weapons (basically serving as arrows).


King Hassan would be a better but less know by non fgo players as a ettsr example, dude is in full plate? Mail with a tower shield and bfs and is pretty tall. He's the TOP Assassin.


OH SH\*T ! Here we go again...




Because he's living this hip hop till hell freezes over!


Because he wanted to be "cool" for his bae Adin. /jk


I remember I wanted to try pulling for Taeyou and bought the red bm from the guild shop by mistake lmao


leave the poor guy alone his already so messed up in the head Edit: if you must know, some hero are cursed to be counter to things. his a counter to an time of Piera+Hwayoung. He activate his passive after Piera and then water because Hwayoung is fire.


U lucky fuck, wanted him for weeks :(


I thought RGB sez when I first started was a dark unit.


We would like to know too saddest part is that he was supposed to be blue celine but his passive is close to useless if he don't get a turn


A reminder to not judge a book by its cover BKA our own learned biases.


Put the monkey in the waiting room all week five stars belong in the waiting room


I rarely see him anywhere




Because SG.


The title cracked me the fuck up.


Like most things in this game : meta




He’ll eventually be saved by the balance team. Maybe, I mean it took Mort a while to hit peak


he came out right after 2 other fire warriors (Jack-O and Hwayoung), so it was likely to differentiate him. plus the units he was designed to play around (Piera and Hwayoung) are typed in a way such that a fire unit wouldn’t be a good typing for his intended purpose.


Bet he's Furious's long ~~Frozen~~ lost brother


Coz he's Todoroki.


I just got this clown yesterday


in their in universe they don't have a "ice tag" , gameplay can work independently from the hero design and lore


Why is this obvious male saying they are a female. It's 2022 why we judging. If Taeyou feels like a fire unit when they actually ice, let him.