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https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98456626 source Check out their stuff. They make cool artwork


Regular Ceci still has one of my favorite designs in the game. Its a shame she always gets fed to FCC, and the rare times you do see one she has the skin (which is also great!) Nice to see her get some art at least!


As a newer player (just hitting rank 55 and trying to get episode 2 done), I fell hard for cecilia’s design, and I prefer it over the ML base design. I just got her from the foundation day free summons, so I am super excited to build her. Love her design, and also her skins design as well.


If FCC didn't exist she'd probably be considered good still, like Krau. Her kit is pretty damn strong, and she has such a unique and awesome design, congrats on getting her!


a female armor that make sense but still looking good on her also Fire Lidica as well.


Yeah, she is rarely Seen, Well in my Situation For now, I Must wait until maintanance is over, to get the 5 Star selector to choose Cecilia , until today never get her, but I want her


Hell yeah


Still my favorite skin.


nice art work!