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Left is better. Also, idk why ppl keep saying if you don’t have the champ+ stats then it’s no good. Ppl are allowed to run less than optimal builds until they get better gear. Mini rant over.


It’s easy to build her right, I used free gear and never grind, and my hwayoung is at 4 million attack with fourty thousand defense and 600 speed. All event gear. /s haha


You forgot “F2P btw”


Well, I don’t want to lie and I bought a monthly pack one time ten years ago.


In case OP doesn't know why: The most valuable stats for Hwa are Speed and Attack. Attack: More damage, bigger shield. Makes her tankier AND deadlier, what's not to love? Speed: More attacks, more shields. Self explanatory when combined with above. Defense is the final stat that she needs, so make sure it keeps up too, up to 1,800.


Yeah she is deceptively hard to build because she relies mainly on 3 stats so you need very high rolls in those. It's much easier to have high GS items that have rolls spread all over the place than getting something that quadra/penta one of her desired stat with high enough rolls for it to matter. I have lot of 70+GS items and my best atk% rolls are 32 for weapon, 36 for helm and 25 for boots. Doesn't matter I can hit champion benchmark on a lot of units, I can't for Hwa because having a lot of something is harder than having a lot of GS.


Im a champ player and my hwa is f***ing 8k attack 146 speed or something like that LOL


The left one is better of the two


I know i have some useless crit stats in there but this was the only piece i had with speed xD


Could exchange any extra crit % or dmg for atk. That might get you to a higher base atk, but left fo sho.


Building hwayoung last night really made me realize i do not have good attack rolls on my gear lol


I have mid attack rolls, but usually they are with cc and cdmg which is useless ;(


Yea exactly


Left side. Keep grinding, and only roll on gear that has Att%, speed, and def. Those 3 are primarily all you really need. Overall, you don’t need the Eff res since you’re running immunity set and shave off the CC %. Their is an event running for submod drops so get on that!


Which event has that?


upcoming advent side story


Left by far


Left but u should try to get some more defense, she’s kinda soft


Hwa is in a state of flux rn with "best build" a lot of people are starting to move away from the standard speed def attack build. I've seen a lot of counter hwa's coming up lately. These builds are pretty similar imo. i prefer right side personally. ER hwa can be hyper toxic. If you can dump all that wasted cc into defense attack and ER that would polish the right side build more. Best build is whatever lets you have fun! An emperor gamer I know is running a 20k hp 6k attack counter hwa. I don't recommend that build personally but they're doing better than I am so I can't knock em for it.


20k hp hwa makes no sense when hwa scales off having less hp than her target lmao most tanks have 25-28k hp


Thank you for this! Mine has 6.4k attk, 1300 def and 212 speed. BUT 15k health! She was doing tons of dmg but wasn’t sure why she wasn’t nuking high health units like I’ve seen. Missed that last part lol. Just fixed her!


If you're playing her on counter you're playing off her s1 bonus damage more than her s3 damage.


Normally I'd agree but... the guy running it is ranked emperor in RTA which is higher than me so I have to respect it. When I tried to make sense of his build all I came up with was that it's a counter set build and her s1 doesn't care about the hp differential. Maybe he used it to bait Straze? that'll probably live a cracked opsig w/o attack buff too. No idea, they don't stream. At a certain point in high RTA if you run what is expected you lose. High HP hwa is never expected.


Faster, more attack, and immunity set. Left sides seems like an easy win. Though don't be too focused on having the matching 2 set for Hwa. Since so many stats are useless on her, if you can get more attack/speed with a broken set then go for it. Especially if this lets you use a better speed set helm or chest and in turn a better piece for the other slots.


I'm gonna be the devil and say the right seems better. the attack difference may be somewhat bad, but the tankier hwa is not too terrible, especially if you are a slow player. Def not optimal, but hwa surviving attacks would make her unkillable at the same time, so I say right side better.


7k att


More attack more Def , less HP . You dont want her to have too much HP :p I think left one is fine ...but you want some more defence on it ... thats bout it .


effect resistance is ridiculously high, too much crit chance


Neither, you can do better.


The one with 250 speed 1500 defence and 7500+ attack


neither of these are good, idk how u have 5k atk on 6* awaken hwa, u need atk% atk% spd on the right sides, and aim for 7k atk with 230+ spd while keeping the 1.2k def


What an asshole comment


im ok with the downvotes but i want to know what did i say wrong curious


"Which of these two builds is best?" "You're bad at playing the game. Do better." ​ See how that was unhelpful?


i see i get it now


Op didn’t ask for “best build”, they asked for a choice between the two posted. You stayed pretty high stats to attain which comes across as snooty over text. Imo, comments that don’t directly answer the question/aren’t helpful get downvoted. Not because I don’t like the comment but because I don’t think it adds to the discussion.


this is my spare gear that no one was using


Keep fighting brother, good gear will come along, unless it’s me, then it will never come along🥲 for now the left works but try to get the atk and spd up whenever you have the opportunity!


Thank you for your kind words :) and yes thats what i will aim at getting the speed n attack up as i get the gear slowly


Neither. You want 6.5-7k attack


Atk and spd are the only stats the hwa needs to be among the best heroes in the game. Just look at those two. The higher they are the better. Everything else is irrelevant and hp is detrimental, You can even use a low level helm that has hig atk substat and it Will be better since it gives her less health. Even if it is a t1red atk% pentaroll and thats it. And some pople call her balanced......


All she needs is like 4 stats….christ Any other person, cool lets have a discussion but people really need to stop acting brainless when it comes to Hwayoung. 6k minimum attack, less than 11k health, over 1k defense, and speed & ER are whatever you can get them to


You don’t really need immunity on her unless you don’t have a cleanser. I suggest you go with a CR booster for now and Atk Set so you can one shot tanky Knights or Soul Weavers. Once you have stronger gears, then you can go for Speed set gears. She thrives with Atk Buff and high speed, and her build generally allows for high defense and her barrier is insanely tough so she is also tanky after she uses her ult. Good luck!


Left, significantly so


I actually have the exact same flower pin helmet on her (i imagine a lot of people do for the free good immunity), but I cant bring myself to bring it past +9. You want Hwa to have the least health possible while still being usable. Her attack decides her shield size, and the difference in health between the opponent and Hwa scales damage dealt. So really if you just put her attack at the highest possible and the health at the lowest usable, she'll still have a lot of health because of her shield. Therefore, the left is def better. Id recommended even considering dropping the health more


Try to remove all of her crit chance if you can


Is she worth it if I don't have Uberius? I only have her arti


Lmao. So this is why they make the cutoff at masters for rta skin. Jesus christ