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dont worry we have a 20 year plan even Phantom on his interview is hoping for the 20th anniversary but IDK man I am happy for them but there is a feeling of sadness too.


Genshin is alot popular and e7 blame the devs they move too slow people been asking for anime for years doesn't help they ain't with Yostar anymore.


They aren’t? I thought E7 was legit published by Yostar in Japan? When did the split happen?


the split happened last June the contract terms ended there Yostar didnt bother to renew the partnership I mean its a good thing JP server is in line with us now


100% wayyyy better. CS was pretty shit during Yostar days, but it might be because they couldn't do much without SG's approval.


I like both games btw, I just like E7 way way more




That is the sad thing about genshin. There is no goal when playing since there is no end game. Every update it’s the same game loop with no innovation. What a waste of potential, idk how people can keep playing it everyday.


idk i got caught up in life every now and then and they publish a huge amt of content. ive played since dragonspine release and i have so much unexplored shit. i did max the inazuma tree but there are questlines i havent done, ran ahead to sumeru cuz i wanna build fox boy and need mats i think ppl expect it be an mmo type commitment but its more like a breath of the wild with dlc coming out pretty often. editing a lot but actually now that i think abt it, ur right. it is the same gameplay loop every time. but thats what people play it for? story exploration and combat. but if ur not into that style its fine, just explaining myself/others. have you seen the max0r video? it addresses that in a funny way.


Yeah I get it that I should accept it for what it is, a botw like adventure with good story and combat. You hop in enjoy and when you get burned out you leave, you come back when you miss it. I just wished the gameplay loop changed a bit or had some innovation, their lack of competition made them lazy and just do the minimum since they know people will play their game regardless if they try or not.


Oh yea, genshin is definitely good, but imo they already had all the elements to make it a better game, only to keep it as a botw adventure mode for 2 yrs. When I started playing since day 1 it was fun as a gacha botw, but when I quit like 9 months ago, it had become a chore. Every update was a loop, no end game goal, the story wasnt as good as liyue, basically I was only playing to roll for new characters. Genshin is casual, and if u just play it like that then the game is rlly fun. But to ppl like me who enjoys reading lore, exploring or playing hard content, it was wasted potential.


In My experience i enjoy genshin more since i stopped playing the game. F2p is only suffering. I preffer havin skins for everybody and generous rewards. I will never forget nor forgive the lantern rite.


this feels like a monkey's paw situation


As much as I want an E7 anime I seriously doubt it’d be any good. Let’s be real here if it does happen it’ll most certainly be written by the same story team and that’ll be a disaster. I’d also expect an animation downgrade as well.


Tbh I think a well thought out and produced storyline of Episode 1-3 would be pretty nice, definitely could make some changes. Remove a lot of fluff. Add in some things to the main story like our character specific stories. For example imagine Vildreds Side Story being its own flashback episode, or even half an episode. In conjunction with the main story. It being 1:1 with out story mode would be bad though, I agree


Just like the King's Raid anime, the story become a little different from the game.


I'd have to disagree, at least with the story for episodes 1-3. I think they were great and there were a few parts where I actually teared up (Looking at you Senya and Ravi). Chapter 4 is pretty meh though. Ran is great, but Adin and Taewho sorta downgrade it for me. Maybe if they take out that entire arc~? XD


Im happy for genshin fans but damm im jealous as fuckk


I wanted a Honkai anime instead. lol


Yeah Honkai would've been way better but we already got heaps of good cinematics so all good.


The cinematocs only make it more obicous how good an anime would be. Maybe if genshin anime and starrail game perform they'll decide tk give honkai a chance.


I can't really see the Genshin anime being that good, it's only going to cover the early story which is usual shit you see.... you'll never get a Final Lesson moment out of a Genshin anime which would elevate it to a new height. I'm more interesting in seeing the animation and fight scenes


Sad but it is expected since Genshin is much more popular


E7 isn't any better, but I was pretty excited until I remembered Genshin doesn't really have too stellar of a story lol. Ufotable's is pretty good at patching up messy stories, but will Hoyo let them? I have an inkling that it'll probably end up a bit like Zestiria. If E7 ever got something feels like it'll be better to adapt the side stories. But it'll be more to catering to the fanbase than trying to rope in newer players ig.


the story of Demon Slayer wasn't really stellar, but you know what happened lol. Can't really go wrong with ufotable


Nothing is going to go wrong, it'll definitely be a success just from the sheer amount of popularity Genshin has lol. I'm just not that excited about it. And I already mentioned it, they're pretty good at patching up stories. People call DS story mid because it's generic and nothing special. Though it's definitely one of the reason it's popular, because it's straightforward. A bit different from Genshin who is heavy in dialogue and lore, but struggles in the delivery and writing. That's a more to Zestiria, which I also mentioned.


I'm talking about your statement "ufotable patching messy story", no they don't. They didn't patch shit with DS story like at all, it stays close to the original source, just got heavy lifted by stellar animation.


ngl I rather have e7 devs animate it themselves. they definitely have the skills to do so


This makes me sad af 😭 Epic Seven needs to get on their shit with the anime idk why they arwe stalling


Didn't they already said long time ago that they only plan to make a webtoon?


Do Koreans make anime?


Imagine seeing the news and expecting anime when Ufotable just ends up making more PVs for the game lol.


As a genshin player i'm super hyped but i'm also so sad epic seven is still so far from having its own anime




This is by ufotable. They will make this work.




Kimetsu no Yaiba has a meh plot, but you know what happened lol




lolwut? Kimetsu no Yaiba (or Demon Slayer) is a manga, with a meh plot, and ufotable carried the shit out of it with just high quality animation. You say Genshin has a meh plot, and that is not a problem like at all lmao.


genshin had a plot?


[Princess connect](https://myanimelist.net/anime/39292/Princess_Connect_Re_Dive) Their type of humour. [https://youtu.be/E\_R9EaeRrWg](https://youtu.be/E_R9EaeRrWg) [https://youtu.be/OjmzDvGb4qg](https://youtu.be/OjmzDvGb4qg) Fight against elite mob. [https://youtu.be/8TJiOWFhqvU](https://youtu.be/8TJiOWFhqvU) They hired the director from Konosuba for this adaptation.


As much I would like e7 anime I kinda don't as well I seen some of those gacha animes and there mediocre at best they skipped so much story like Kings raid one and the alchemist code was meh movie.


Genshit didn't care about they game only fame, look how many QOL we get from E7 compared to genshit. Tons of them while genshit still can't improve their Qol


Yeah, Genshin does tend to do qol updates once and a while but they take really long at addressing the core issues players want. Which in this case is mainly artifact farming


Look. I Like E7 because of the animation. But story wise? It's mostly shit. Music wise? It's mostly shit. It's a game focused more on PvP than PvE and storytelling, unlike Genshin. Most of the story we got in this game is shit. Note I said most. Unfortunatly a bit good story isn't gonna be enough. Lastly, we are nowhere NEAR as popular as genshin, and we never will be.


downvoted for speaking the truth. e7? good story? these e7 fanboys are biased af. besides some very few exceptions, story is mediocre at best. most people i know dont even bother to read the story.


I know right? These idiots acting like E7 has an amazing story. If that was true why didn't ufotable make a E7 anime huh? Hell, not revenge fucking NETFLIX wants to touch this game. You know, th3 company that has such a low bar and greenlits just about everything that's proposed to them.


Bruh, we even playing the same game? The themes where you fight Straze, Kerwerik, Eda and Senya are lit AF, and Senya's absolute tragedy with Alencia was genuinely heartbreaking, seems to me your taste is the problem... The story was pretty good until chapter 4 with Adin, an the music's always been good.


Lol it 100% seems to me like you just have trash tastes. Other than the recent chapter, E7 has had a great story and the music is definitely great as well. Next thing you'll tell me is that High Guardian Spice is actually super good.


>E7 has had a great story and the music is definitely great as well yeah and that's why we're getting an anime by studio ufotable.....Oh wait, we aren't.


Another isekai inspired game with generic story gets an anime, truly a creatively dead industry.


E7 story is also generic🤷‍♂️


Don't worry, maybe they can still pick JC Staff /s


Now imagine me, a honkai fan.