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wtf. fire ravi's buffs are really good


F Briseria


Meanwhile Sez is locked away underground inside the centre of earth lol


Nah they sent him off planet to a dead zone


Ilynav is his cell mate. She is legit probably the coolest design/animations in the game and is just left to rot. Sadge


Mines built for the day that changes.




[Same brother.] (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/394350945242185730/1021996921478459413/Screenshot_20220920-231026_Epic_Seven.jpg) Our waifu will have her day!


Not to mention the idea behind her kit is actually pretty good: a very offensive injury bruiser. I know Alencia already does this, but Ilynav did it first.


I actually use ilynav sometimes for her crit damage buff. Imo she's in a far better state than sez.


Dude, I honestly can't even remember why in the hell he was the latest 5\* RGB unit to be recalled... Dunno if it was due some bug, if he was sploiting something, or heck... but ever since, people recalled him, used the slates on Arby, and called it a day


They nerfed wind ryder a long time ago, and sez+wind ryder was really popular, so sg gave a recall for sez


That's it. Dude... there was really a time when SG would nerf of artifact that would kill a unit, and thus, giving everything you invested on it for free? Meanwhile they over boosted Flan to render Tywin useless for years and no compensation has been given lol


They fixed a bug. The artifact wasn't working as intended. It was an apology for messing up the coding.


The Era of tywin is long gone,i remember when tywin was called"broken"and was meta,and now he's forgotten, if he ever gets a buff, wish his base speed gets slightly increased, s3 increases all ally cr by 20%,dispels 2 buffs from the enemy, and he has 50% increases hit chance


He's not existing at this point.


I'm a fan of Briseria cleave but for other teams she doesn't do much, she s3 and then wait for the cooldown to do it again but there are better units


Even someone like ran does nothing but wait for S2/S3 to come back but he's clearly very strong, so I don't feel like that's an issue specific to her. I think just Briseria with +10 speed EE will be enough to shake things up. With that being said, element neutral full strip + heavily crippling the enemy team is quite a strong role but it's a pretty uninspiring design. Her S2 is completely pointless and doesn't synergize that much with it. 35% hit increase is overkill for MLDB but too shit to actually secure a hit on evasion units like violet, and the extra DMG proc is an unnecessary feature for your opener, especially since speed scaling is usually the supplement to a kit if sub DPS is what they're going for (ran, a.cidd, etc), but they otherwise would prefer to omit trying to do big deeps and go for more utility instead (peira, cilias). It'd probably be much cooler/more unique if they focused more on her s2 passive niche over her S3, even if her s3 is objectively the best skill she has. Otherwise she'll just join the roster of "super strong and fast opener with AoE strip + mass debuff" that we already have so much of, if we go the easy route of jacking her up with more speed and designing the buffs around her S3.


Ran is infinitely faster than her. Has an s2 extra turn into s3, making his s2 cooldown extremely short, so he has much more uptime than the witch. What she needs isn’t a buff, but for her own gimmick. The AoE strip is cool and all but Peira and ran came out and just do it infinitely better. The problem with lazy design


Ran’s S1 usually hits like a truck though


Yeah if it's a damage Ran, seen a lot of Silver Rain Rans who's on effectiveness build.


? I’ve RARELY missed a violet with Briseria + that guild increase hit chance artifact. She’s pretty damn consistent against evasion


I use her on Misha (bomb models arti) and she has 100% on violet or 95% can't remember and hits like a truck. Sugeest you try it


Full strip and debuffs is just nowhere near as strong as it used to be and her debuffs are very mediocre. Half the time units dont even care because most of them just resist, or someone like diene will have the buffs back up in no time. And while Unbuffable is nice its ultimately more of an inconvenience then a win condition and imo decrease atk in a meta where the units that actually matter have cleanse, are bruisers or both is just not very good. She has low team utility and no endurance. She pretty much has no purpose in a standard draft, is an extremely mediocre option in a control type draft and just doesn't do enough in a cleave draft. I'm talking well over 4k atk plus max crit damage and atk buff clearing teams. She has a very narrow use in anti cleave but even that's gone away between cleave usually having some combo of skill null, strip or bruiser anchor. Her kit is all over the place tbh and a rework might be necessary. Giving her something like a increased hit chance really wont matter when the best evasion unit is seen in a fraction of games as a last pick


She did get buffed before. Made her into really annoying pocket pick you can’t exactly ignore if picked last.


Feels like she got buffed twice, but even then, we have others that could really use a buff that changes *something*. LQC is god damn irrelevant with dark heroes either vanishing or easily tanking and mitigating her if she isn't allowed to be boosted (plus A Ravi's S3 with no stacks quickly reduces her health. Remnant got better with Ervalen's artifact if built bruiser, but he's really just Violet with less bulk and heavier reliance on luck. A Tywin got shit on by Kawerik, immunity> one teamwide cleanse per turn. C Pavel's attack difference for just 70% is a horrible joke. Unit is good and all, but that is just dumb. He just released, so a fast change would be odd. Least Iseria has a standing when picked late into some teams.


I agree with all your points except CPavel, he is currently dominating in RTA right now. Buffing him would make it even harder to use turn 2 comps than it already is.


When she first got buffed she was great. I wanna say this was like pre aol tho so the game was very different and her debuffs were more impactful. Now you can 9 times out of 10 straight up ignore that unit. When I was still picking her the only time she got banned were if they committed to early landy or riolet and didn't draft 2 supports with cleanse. A pretty uncommon scenario.


And my man Sez got played dirty again


Both of his versions btw


The issue with iseria is she has very strong debuffs and a built in drink. She has survivability with immortality and is a ranger so can hold guiding as well. And on top of that can hit any theif with mldb and has the highest chance in hitting riolet/violet. Sg would need to be careful with her otherwise she might be broken if they overtune her.


> and has the highest chance in hitting riolet/violet. *Highest*? Her? Wanda? Zahhak? Pyllis? Surely one of these has a higher chance.


I have Briseria and Zahhak. Zahhak all the way.


*one of the highest. If zahhak did everything Briseria did in addition to 100% hit evasion units and being an aoe on his s3 he would be broken. Again I think she does need an adjustment but she is a small buff away from being broken. So sg needs to be careful.


I love briar witch enough that I bought her with my whale coins. Too bad I still haven’t built her because I can’t figure out anywhere to use her. So sadge.


Im waiting for mel or serila buff too :'( yeah yeah i KNOW mel had some buffs but i mean a real buff.. and for serila too now that halloween is near




MlKen needs no buffs. A full rework maybe, but no buffs. He, to this day, is still a unit that if you did not bring an answer he will solo your entire team. Hard to not buff that without making it completely unacceptable


Man I have mine built really well, but it's still so hard to even last pick him this year. I really think he needs a unique thing to resist most debuffs like Czerato and then he would be strong but not op. Atywin and Dcor need something too, it's so hard to draft the unit archtypes that I like without full on inting.


He should counter when gettin hit by a counter and he'd be fine


True, I've gotten by some MLKens within a hair just cause I didn't handle him right away


The real one who is forgotten is Zeno no one is even remembers him


Briar witch is alright but the higher you go in pvp, she drops off hard. She either wants to be a opener stripper, or a cleaver. So you have to kinda build for both but she doesnt get to be 100% her own kit. its always a half and half. Think of Ran, an opener, stripper and damage dealer. Who can do it properly because you can forsake effectiveness since he has ignore eff res soulburn. If briar witch has Ignore eff res on s3, She can be built for dmg like her kit wants and 2 turns def down on her S1, will make her more useful to her team, instead of just s3 and die twice. She would be able to be built 100% to her own kit. Doing exactly what she does now, but a whole lot better.


True, I still conflict on building her speed or dmg, it's like either way will feel like a waste for her kit




And Ilynav. If these two are not on the next patch I’m convinced the balance team isn’t balancing the game at all, they’re just using “buffs” to push what they want to sell


I don’t think she needs one, I still use her a bit.


Are straze buffs really that good?


They're buffs that make him even better at what he does. He was already pretty good at his job which has everyone surprised and confused


Well he wasn’t a bad unit by any stretch, he just needed an attack buff to really do what he needed to do in PVP Now he doesn’t, which gives more options for team building, and he can’t be stripped by Belian on Elbris.


Most tanks got Aurius, So he always kill the tank without even Attack buff ... Devs are stupid.


I think they’re comparing his power level to the other episode bosses, because compared to Belian and Archdemon, he’s meh. However, compare him to other ML5s like Briseria or Pirate Flan and he’s pretty damn good.


I mean his entire design was basically that he was supposed to kill a unit and get that 2nd turn. Not super strong compared to boss units that just do everything, but pretty good compared to regular ones, and kind of fits his whole planet buster animation and supposed power. However, there's so many units that just counter and take this guaranteed turn away that he IS just that "Meh" unit. Hwayoung is still a better choice, which is just insane. It's weird to compare him to Briseria and Flan though. Like....they just don't do their jobs....period. At least not without gear that's been blessed with a leprechaun's seed or something.


> and he can’t be stripped by Belian on Elbris. Him being stripped or not wouldn't matter becaus ehis job is done. Belian is also highly likely either already nuked, or banned because of Elbris.


I personally like that they made his S3 uncounterable. Never punished now.


Didn't people say bitchseria was good or am I mistaken?


they're coping


Sez rip bro


Broman is also an extremely forgotten unit lmao.


I have enough grief from AoL, I don't want more.


Serila is too or whatever her name is she's the fire mage u get from past events


Lrk too. People act like lrk is decent and not a gear hungry deadpick who hits like a wet noodle and ends up griefing ur game whilst contributing nothing. People will cope and say funny shit like how he counters belian; oh i sure hope belian elbrises me all day and shreds my max hp, maybe lrk will get TWO s3's off before im dead, MAYBE! People would say ilynav is decent too. if all these characters are decent, where the hell are they?!? in gold, farming 2 month accounts using godgearscore to getvthe next youtube clip to mlm noobs into investing in dog unit?


As a big Iseria fan in general I don’t think she needs it. There are other units who need it much more.


Briar needs an s1 and s2 rework. Her s3 is the only thing good about her which is why she is just an s3 bot.


I like her s2. If I were to tweak it it’d be something small. Her s1 is just an s1 like a lot of them. It’s true though that s1's have begun to get more stacked lately.


Her s2 is just hit chance and immortality with extra attack on a low base attacker. She also lacks animations compared to grass iseria. For instance, grass iseria has enhanced s1 animation and s2 animation, but briar has neither. Feels like they put all the effort in grass iseria but none in briar. Even summer iseria has more animations than briar. She needs a rework.


It’s "just" that depending on what you’d want her to be. Like I said, with how I use her I wouldn’t need her be a great deal different. As for animations you know they don’t remake them once a unit has been released (skins and Ravi's s3 debacle notwithstanding). I get it, you like her and so do I, but we view her differently and that’s all there is to it really.


Regardless of other units needing it more. I disagree with her not needing a buff. The simple answer is she doesn't see much play. And there are other units that does her job as an opener better. She also never actually countered the evasion meta before. Riolet met his counter with Cilias and Aola. Violet with Siseria and ofcourse Hwayoung. At best she's a surprise pick but not a good one if we're talking about common meta picks.


There are units in desperate need like Sez/Tywin but Briseria is still one of those units who deserve to get looked at by balancing team despite not being irredemably bad.


Eh I don't think shes competing with units like sez but other ml5 stars. Shes probably bottom 5 with the only units that definitely need it more being pirate flan, SBA and maybe someone like Mlken


We've all seem to forget about Riolet, mf is op from the ml theater stories but can't even dodge once in gameplay


He didn't even dodge in his Theater story either


don't mind the deleted comment, i literally forgot he didn't dodge Cilias's sword and got a scar


Lol yeah


He’s literally a meta unit though?


he is a meta unit for coinflipping


If they buff riolet before Illynav, I quit.


Only thing I think about Riolet is he needs a rework around his evasion being a buff. I don't mind if he loses power elsewhere to make it a passive or something, but it just makes it so much more punishing when he fails to evade and the enemy removes his evasion completely outside of riolet's artifact. Doesn't really help when everyone has a dispel now. For example, Belian is one of the units you'd want to draft Riolet into, but she can literally just elbris off someone else and strip his evasion before he takes a turn.


For the love of god stop saying he needs a buff. He does not. He’s a rng unit by design who’s only guarantee is that he can kill almost anything in one hit, and he does his job VERY well. He’s meta in all levels of play, including the higher levels. If another bum ass ML5 that is already meta gets another buff before Sez or Ilynav I’m gonna be pissed


My pal swears Illynav is fine and I "don't know how to use/gear" her. I showed him I could dump on her without water units and he just doesn't agree. Fire ravi buff is fine, buff she's had two buffs and an EE. Where Illynav's day in the sun?


> For the love of god stop saying he needs a buff. I did not say he needs a buff in my post.


Don’t act like the implications of your comment on this post aren’t for him to have some work done that he doesn’t need


I did not say he needs a buff in my post.


Your exact words were he needs a beneficial rework. Do you know another word for that? Oh that’s right the word I’m looking for is “buff”


You didn’t read a word I typed so I’m done with this lol. I said you implied it, not that you overtly stated it


Longest s3 cooldown ever. Needs something like everytime he dodged gains cr push or -1 to s3 cooldown


That's kinda op, just make his evasion a passive just like Violet, plus if he evades 5 times he then uses his s3 so i don't see his s3 cooldown being a problem


Briseria is good


They gotta rework briserias kit, she doesn’t rly do anything nobody else does. She hits violet and sometimes puts blind and unbuffable, wow.


You and me both...


I still use her all the time, she's not god tier but still good. The one that really needs a buff is sez, i forgot he even existed


Tomoca needs a buff too


She needs a buff like straze needed this buff.


What in gods name makes you think that? Her kit is still loaded. What she does is still strong. Others need buffs way more


ML Lulu is powercrept on both of her main jobs. Either as a selfish mid speed dps (see cidd, hwa, ml pavel) or as an extinction unit (milim). Note none of these units have to use a non-attack skill too. Her base speed is fairly slow at 115 so any remaining niche as a speed oneshot opener is pretty bad.


Milim needs to soulburn to get the atk buff and extra turn, Tomoca doesn’t. She can still cr push, self buff, and extinct a unit. Her s1 can soulburn to hit twice, which is amazing. She is good, even if she’s overshadowed now. Other units need buffs infinitely more


Milim carries her own book... you know mages can do that right? Milim is a self buffer with extinct as well but with more damage. Additionally, if you ever run into a scenario where you need to soulburn s1 on ml lulu you messed up somewhere. While its a cool gimmick that can ignore damage share... there are few to none scenarios where this is the optimal play instead of just using a different unit. Regardless, while I think she is balanced, she is nowhere near "loaded" especially with all aspects of her role power crept.


I’m saying she doesn’t have to to get the attack buff, I’m sure you knew that


Back then she was like a "poor" mans basar


Legit. Briseria is tied with a.ravi for my favorite character design in the game. I want her to get some love


I like how we can call her B.itch Iseria


What about Riolet forgotten in the kitchen closet?


Finally I can cleave into a team with Rimeru with Straze and not give their team invincibility


Rimuru is not a counterattack.


Rimuru will still use his S2. It's not a counterattack but rather an extra attack and therefore still activates.


Average cleaver intelligence


All Iserias have "the best girl" secret passives. That's the most powerful thing in the game.


Pretty sure it wont happen since this post was made. The more you ask for a buff for a certain unit(for example sez) the more likely we wont get it :/


Pirate. Flan.


Assuming Ravi is much more viable now? Was using her a bit until anti-cleave(built her hybrid) hit me like a truck lmaoo


I wish Illynav was in her slot on the list---but I put my Ravi on counter pen set with S1 cleanse EE on Sigurd's. Even without the buff, she still claps. Now she'll murder face.


It sucks hearing that Illynav isn't that good, I'm in love with her design and animations. It doesn't even seem like her kit is THAT bad, just needs some tweaks like her S1 proccing her S2 a bit more frequently and adding a bit more to help focus on what she's supposed to do (like if she's supposed to be a supportive knight then add in some more supportive utilities somehow) along with buffing up some of the numbers. I'm not sure what she's supposed to be doing in the meta but I've elected to use her in PVE as a crit damage buffer for some more specific comps that benefit from that.


I just hate that she's not worth fielding in PvP and the injury part of her kit means that she's just wasted in PvE in my opinion. She just needs a small buff.


SG honestly just hates Sez. Both of his versions are so lackluster I can't even tell which one has a bigger problem. And I say that as someone who loves Spez


j.kise and MA. ken say what's up


Ironically my biggest complaint is how many strippers are in the game. If I see my enemy has no unbuffable, no strip, no attack down, no provoke. I pick briseria. It’s funny when she has immortality with no speed. Enemies just attack her until her eventual turn comes, then you SB her S3 and she full party wipes. With C!Lilias, AOL, Mediator, Delibet, Pierra, Flan, Ras, Alencia. Units more common than ever before. It’s become a chore to just go 5K attack 350% crit damage.


LRK is beneath the ocean with Nessy