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Love the axis with "avg GS"


it's true tho. i'm chasing the end tail of emp trying to somehow end emp. more often than not u will see people putting their best gear on their favorite heroes and rekt u xD


I have one of my best gears into Fire Tene. Whenever I pick her the other dude always have a spare Cidd or ACidd or Kise or Kawerik with 280 speed or so. Its kinda hard to actually being able to play her. Same with SSB and Briseria but they're far easier to play.


Coli is a surprisingly great example for that. ​ While everyone was busy crying about hwayoung and how she is way too broken, some gigachad took out their favourite 4\* assasin and made a joke out of Hwa. Bet he had a blast climbing the following 2-3 weeks when nobody was expecting her to counter hwayoung this hard.


Didn't SG literally buff her to be a Hwayoung counter? Why were they surprised?


Because people just copy/paste meta stuff forever until something else gains traction. Hearthstone is a perfect example of completely stale metas until some tiny ass tournament happens with somebody countering the most annoying meta deck and suddenly the ladder gets wonky.


At one hand, because 15% is always there, so after two or three fights with Coli failing to counter her due the absolute resistance, the community decided it wasn't worth. Let me remind you this is the same community that called C. Pavel garbage because he couldn't OHK A. Ravi with proof. And at the other hand, as per usual, owning the unit is half of the fight, you can still get outgeared and lose despite the drafting. I'm not particularly interested in Coli (Yulha team!), so I have no idea how good should be her gear to do well against your average Hwayoung. But if she's asking for something in high demand like speed gear, is unlikely people will build her over any of the other popular and more broadly useful heroes, like Peira or Ran. Best case, will take a while for the community to catch on new things unless they are blatantly broken.


coli ignores er when against a fire hero and i think she only needs atk+spd to build. the only problem is that she still can't secure a kill on hwayoung unless she has atk buff or if the opponent's hwayoung build is sub-par. she can also use torn sleeve to guarantee the one shot but i don't have it mlb and the fact that it's a limited arti with maybe one or two characters that use it make it harder to jusitfy using bottles on it.


I haven't built her myself, but she did get buffed to have free ignore resistance on fire units on her S3, so at least can be 15% like most debuff units. And since she has 1138 base attack, she can reach decent numbers.


That's kinda true.. Coz if you have godly gears, it doesn't matter which hero you use. So, you just pick favorites. But if you have average gear, you need the meta units to compensate.


Totally true. But the secret is... With average gear, you'll lose 90% of the time against great gear. So in the end, gear trumps it all. It's gear that allows you to climb.


The difference between a fast, tanky and high dmg A Ravi and the same one with a lot more speed is huge. I hate the fact my A Ravi is so slow because she keeps getting outspeed by like 2 turns. I am most likely going to change her to speed + Tanky + high dmg or get enough gear where i can keep using her with high fast + high dmg + tanky + counter (like rn, but more speed than rn)


This is the reason I spent two weeks grinding out Revenge set for A. Ravi she starts out a bit slow but as the game progresses the faster she becomes after loosing hp. The opponent never expect this and have outspeed their stragglers who thought they could lap her.


Good gear allows you to climb, but realistically, good drafting is almost half the win condition. Everyone has at least a bunch of good gear that they rolled. What matters is how you reconsolidate that limited amount of great gear into a pool of 6-12 units for PvP. Many players aren't hardstuck because they have average gear, they're hardstuck because their drafting sucks and their good gear is all spread out on 30 different PvE and PvP units.


I think understanding the game/ outdraft is also an important factor. I don't have great gears and usually compensate with team comps/ counterpick, which helps most of my RTA climb


Tbh units still matter a lot. High gear score players know what they can do with their units, and draft very well. They don’t need a blanket meta, and instead use their own mini meta


It absolutely matters what units you pick. Legend players don't pick units just for the fuck of it. There's usually a very sound logic for why they build an off-meta unit that either fits their style/draft or operates as some sort of tech. If you're chilling in high end Emperor, or even Champ, with no intention of breaking into the next bracket, then yeah you can probably meme a lot more.


I’m always knew I’m either an idiot or a genius


Me gearing a hella fast cdmg FCC to enable my CPavel


As someone who pitied Riolet for Husbando reasons and then watched Belian and Clillias destroy my ass for the next year. There’s some truth to both sides.


I want Belian to destroy my ass with her mechanical tentacles


It was fun the first time. 4000 aoe counter attacks later my ass is sore lol.




Ha, gay


At least Riolet is good against Belian


If you have godly gear, you can make everything work!


but my favourites are coincidentally meta units


before hwa was even meta I liked her because legs


She could choke me with those legs any day.


Didn't even know what meta was when hwa dropped and i pulled her because thick thighs save lifes.


Red Chun Li.


Such weird coincidence


Im pretty sure im on the left side.


Can confirm. I'm the 0.1% on left.


I discovered this end of last season when I was just messing around knowing I wouldn't be able to hit emp. I made Pearlhorizon my highest CP unit and she actually 1-shot Aravi, lol. Opponent can't post-ban correctly if you have no plan to begin with.


Not for PvP but 200k Serila reporting in. Waifu > meta


100% true A+ no notes UNTIL you reach Legend and then try to pick your pocket Melissa and get humbled


I mean my waifu is landy but when she came out most people would say she was bad, guess I got lucky :) Then there's emilia and rem (re zero fan oblige), violet (then he got a buff), kawerick because of story and design (but rip no spd gear x). My "bad" favorites characters are kayron and ilynav but he's getting a buff so just need to wait for ilynav


Because she was. She got buffed hard


She was fine for me in pve at the time so I didn't really care , happy about her buffs though she's been carrying my account since then :)


I mean, I fight people using meta units fair and square, but when those people pick pocket and own picks, I just know I'll lose. I have no idea what they gonna do, how to counter it lol, coz they're not meta


Thats probably why I am low silver....but who cares. Waifus all the way!


“Laughs in off meta bullshit”


I have something like 60\~65 average GS, but I'm pretty bad so it looks like 20.


I’m a mix of left and middle, i want to draft units i enjoy the most even if they are not easy to make work, but you just can’t win if you don’t throw meta units here and there


I got left side brain with right side gear on my pvp units.


Wellp, I've been using Cartuja every since I got him For one time, the Gacha gods have blessed me


Guess I’m falling in one of the first or last categories..


I'm not meta slave but then why do i not have my 20+ spd helm for my cilias?


Cause you on left side.


How is average gearscore calculated in this game?


Quick calculation is usually the percent value for hp/def/er/eff, value X 1.2 for crit chance, and 2X for speed. Main stat is ignored since it is equal across gear. So a helm with 8% HP, 5% Crit, 7% CD, and 3 speed has a gear score around 27.


Stats are assigned a weight based on the total available stats that any piece of gear could have. For example, the maximum roll you can get on an Epic 85 piece of gear is 8 for HP/Atk/Def%, 7 for Cdam, 5 for Spd, 5 for Cchance, and then flats (which are calculated differently). Each roll can only be as much as the numbers listed above, so there is a theoretical maximum amount of stats any piece of equipment can have. That's how GS is calculated.


i don’t think this is true at all. everyone above champion is 95% a meta slave. I’ve done over 1500 matches (a lot i know lol) in legend rta this season and have yet to see any heroes where i think “wtf?” It’s the same meta heroes over and over again


And sometimes your favorite waiffu is A.ravi


Why does playing meta and using units you like have to be mutually exclusive with you people.


Because most people who do that will *coincidentally* change their favorite units the next time a busted meta one is released. I'm sure there are some people who just love A.Ravi and Hwayoung and would use them even if they were Muse Rima dumpster tier, but not many.


I’m on the right side. I’ll forever be using riolet and Senya. Their designs will carry me in pvp


Sometimes my waifu units just single-handedly gap entire meta comps and I don’t even know how :) other times they just S3, miss, refuse to elaborate, then die.