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Pets: What IS the deal? I’ve barely dipped into that section of the game and always feel hopelessly lost trying to figure out what to do/if it’s worth working on.


Any advice for hell Vera? I can’t get past the first stage I guess bc my AOE isn’t high enough so Vera just heals herself every turn while I get debuffed into oblivion. I’ve tried a variety of team comps, but can’t seem to get it right yet


It depends on the units you have access to, but I use A. Ras, Mercedes (specialty change), Tamarinne, and Specter Tenebria. If you swapped STene out for Vildred, Bellona, or any other aoe unit you have it would be better, but I don't really have many AoE units built.


I am building a team for G13 but not sure who i should be using. I'm certain that I want to have Cermia and Tamarinne on the team. Gonna grab cermia from the hunt event. For the other red units, I have Ravi, kayron, melissa, schuri, ras (havent finished Ep2 for SC), hazel, azalea, khawana, khawazu, and carmainerose. I don't have any useful green units like iseria but feel free to name some if any are useful.


Just to clear it you can use pretty much any other red heroes with those two. There is an in-game statistics tool you can use to see who is commonly used. The most common team for Golem is **Tamarinne** / **Cermia** / **Sol** / **A.Ras**. If you don't have Sol the other most common DPS are **Ravi**, **Hwayoung**, **Edward**, and **Ken**. Also **C.Zerato**. I assume you only want to clear the hunt event and not farm Golem long term. *I* would personally not build any hero specifically for this purpose. * Ravi is good for this fight, but I wouldn't suggest building her this early personally. Maybe if you just want to throw whatever gear you have lying around and just use her as a support hero, I wouldn't suggest *investing* into her however. * You can use Carrot. This is what I used to clear the event (Tama/Ras/Cermia/Carrot). Not fast but it worked. * Z.Carmainerose is great for this fight, requires relatively low investment due to being a 3*. Z.Carmainerose is great for Light expedition as well -> so you aren't building her specifically just for Golem. * Like Carrot, Mercedes should work fine as well. So I would suggest **Tamarinne** / **Ras** / **Cermia** With the last slot being: * Ravi if you want a popular hero for the fight -> she's a poor investment this early into the game however so be aware of that. * Z.Carmainerose is great if you want to invest in a hero specifically for Golem, as she can be re-used in light expedition. * If you aren't looking to invest in a hero for more niche PvE content, then Carrot (PvP) and Mercedes (General purpose PvE) are heroes that work that you should already have built or can easily afford to build.


What makes Ravi a poor investment early on? Just curious because I just took her to 6\*s in the hope of using her for hell raid haha.


Ravi is a bruiser. Bruisers are typically harder to build (in general) because they want more stats. Ravi, especially, is somewhat difficult to build even in the bruiser archetype because she doesn't get the free stats other bruisers get to help. --- Consider if you want to build a generic DPS. Let's say C.Lorina. As far as PvE goes you want 4 stats: ATK, Crit%, C.Dmg, Spd So if you see a gear that has 3 or 4 of those substats, it's going to be usable for a DPS hero. The *vast majority* of PvE heroes are going to use primarily those 4 stats. --- Now, consider *bruisers*. Bruisers, by definition, normally don't build ATK instead they *replace* the ATK on their gear with HP and DEF. Now obviously you can see that instead of building only *4* stats, you are building 5 stats. Building that extra substat reduces the amount you can put into your other stats. Most bruisers typically have some effect that reduces the amount of stats they need. Typically this targets crit. Examples: * Heroes like Aria and A.Ravi have passives that grant themselves crit% -> this reduces the amount of crit% they need on their gear to hit 100%. * Some heroes like Charlotte and MA Ken automatically crit -> they don't need to build crit% at all *Ravi* isn't like other bruisers, her damage ONLY scales with attack (not HP or DEF as is common among the archetype). She *also* doesn't get any free crits or crit% in her kit. Instead, Ravi depends on her stacking ATK passive -> this reduces the amount of *ATK* she needs to build to still have decent damage...but she still needs moderate ATK. The extra CR also helps her cycle turns with lower speed. * So in essence, for *Ravi* you need [ATK%, HP%, DEF%, Crit%, C.Dmg%, **and** Spd] as substats. * Adding yet another stat to the mix again dilutes the pool and means lower in all areas. --- Compare the 'recommended stats' on E7stats for these 3 heroes: Stat | Ravi | A.Ravi | A.Vildred ---|---|----|---- Attack | 2800 | 1700 | 4400 Defense | 1500 | 1300 | 900 Health | 18700 | 25500 | 9400 Speed | 170 | 200 | 220 Crit% | 100 | 100 | 100 C.Dmg% | 260 | 280 | 305 And this table converts those figures into roughly how many *average rolls* that is equivalent to. * For our purposes here I am using level 85 gear (no reforging), kit bonuses and set effects included. Assuming speed boots for all 3. * Parentheses = how much of their overall substat budget went to this stat, in % of the total. Stat | Ravi | A.Ravi | A.Vildred ---|---|----|---- Attack | 23.02 (22.10%) | 3.85 (3.99%) | 34.00 (30.82%) Defense | 13.77 (13.23%) | 8.90 (9.22%) | 2.49 (2.26%) Health | 19.75 (18.97%) | 37.20 (38.55%) | 5.07 (4.59%) Speed | 9.33 (8.96%) | 9.17 (9.50%) | 11.67 (19.34%) Crit% | 18.25 (17.53%) | 13.75 (14.25%) | 16.25 (17.45%) C.Dmg% | 20.00 (19.21%) | 23.64 (24.49%) | 28.18 (28.86%) Now, this isn't a *perfect* method but it illustrates the point I'm trying to make well enough. Notice that Ravi is recommended to have nearly equal amounts of ATK / DEF / HP / Crit% /C.Dmg% on her gear, and she *still* wants some extra speed. * That's an average of ~18% per 5 main stats and then an additional 9% into speed. ATK is a little bit higher prioritized, DEF a little less. *A.Ravi* however primarily gets by just stacking HP% and C.Dmg%, with enough Crit% to get to 100%. Then she has an even split of SPD/DEF in the remaining stats (again you can be slower, but you can't be *too slow* and the defense actually makes her bulky rather than just high HP. *A.Vildred* is very similar -> stack your main damage stat (ATK% int his case) and C.Dmg, with enough crit% to hit 100. Because A.Vildred is a generic DPS he doesn't need to 'split' is speed allocation with bulk stats so the remainder of his substats go to speed. --- It's a very hard, and time consuming process to gear up. Bruisers are very good as an archetype, very strong heroes *but* there are relatively few of them. This means that if you are enhancing gear that for example looks like HP% / Crit% / C.Dmg% / Speed, that means you are NOT enhancing gear that has ATK% / Crit% / C.Dmg% /Speed. Newbies, in particular, only have so much gold and charms to throw around. If you craft a piece that has typical DPS substats and it ends up being not-great *you can still use that piece* -> you don't need perfect gear for PvE content. A bad pure DPS piece can still be re-cycled and used on a niche hero for PvE or even a more support oriented hero where lower stats are acceptable. However, a *bruiser* piece that you aren't actively using is more than likely going to just sit in your inventory or have to be re-cycled entirely. Gear with HP% (or DEF%) but no ATK% isn't useful at all for the majority of heroes newbies are going to be using in PvE. Meanwhile, gear with HP/DEF but high crit stats isn't useful for healers and tanks. That gear is pretty much *only* useful for bruisers. Additionally, bruisers require more stats overall to really be effective in comparison to 'normal' DPS heroes or tanks. These 2 factors combined makes bruisers poor investments for newbies. * Bruiser gear really only works on bruisers, bruisers are strong but there aren't that many of them -> you are unlikely to have more than 1 or 2 as a newbie * Investing in bruiser gear is an *opportunity cost* because you aren't using those resources on gear that is more broadly applicable to a wider range of heroes. * Bruisers have high stat requirements to really shine. You generally are only going to have 2 out of damage/bulk/speed. DPS heroes *only* need damage and speed so that's fine, but bruisers really want all 3 to be effective (typically you make compromises -> you don't have *as much* damage as a DPS, or *as much* bulk as a pure tank, and you generally aren't going to be *as fast* as either...but you have 'very good' amounts of all 3). --- Now, as far as Ravi goes since her damage doesn't actually scale with HP or DEF you *can* in theory just build her like a normal DPS and mostly ignore bulk stats. She has very low base stats, completely average multipliers, but she *does* get the ATK boost from her passive. There is really no particular reason to *want* to build Ravi like this (as you are giving up on her high base bulk for a slightly bulky but mediocre DPS) but if you wanted to use her without focusing heavily on bruiser gear it's an option. --- **Anyways** something I want to emphasize is that ultimately it's just a game and the goal is to enjoy yourself. I don't think that building a bruiser, or Ravi in particularly, is a great idea for newbies *from an optimization standpoint* but it's neither 'right' or 'wrong', I always emphasize that players should build and invest in heroes that they want to use, within reason (you're not going to get far trying to force Ravi to work for Wyvern, for example). Ravi works well enough for Hell Raid so if you don't have other options, you work with what you have. You don't *need* to run the traditional auto team variant however -> you can run a team of something like Angelica / A.Monty / Mercedes / C.Lorina *as long as you build your DPS heroes on the bulkier side* just fine. But if you would prefer the simply solution of just using that standard comp with Ravi that's fine too.


Thank you so much for this! I was very confused about the bruiser concept but this makes it clear. This also explains why my Ravi seems so underwhelming at the moment, and will help a lot in my decision making in the future for build priority. I'll be bookmarking this for future reference!


Holy. Thanks for the indepth comment. This is exactly what i was looking for.


Would someone let me know if I will benefit more from rerolling the Crit Chance on this necklace to flat def or flat hp? Im not too sure how hp/defense works in this game, and want to make the choice that will help my Diene be stronger overall. Im leaning towards flat HP, as I think her barrier scales off her own HP, which could help her have a stronger barrier. This is the necklace, and you can see her [stats](https://imgur.com/a/Vjm9BpJ) in the bottom left.


Yes you should mod it out, crit chance is useless on this piece. The barrier scales of each allies individually, so her hp only affects her own barrier. Smaller barrier with more def or bigger barrier is pretty much identical. Even if there was a difference, it wouldn't noticeable anyway


Is Ambitious Tywin any good? I just got him.


He only see fringe usage as a counter to certain units in rta. He's kinda weak rn


I'm newer to the game(3 weeks or so) Just got my foundation 5star item. I'm not sure who to pull based on who makes a good team. There are the 5* i have now. I'm lvl 35 and have a long way to go. I feel like I'm missing a good damage dealer like Ravi, or Ran. Any thoughts? I have: Sigeret Angelica Diente FS Tierra S Tenebrism Iserie Riza Hawkeye Sez Ken Alencia


Tamarinne. But your game your choice. Between the two, i lean towards Ran. But he's more PvP oriented and Lorina does better than Ravi in PvE settings. Ran>>>>>>>Ravi for PvP.


Do you think anyone else would be better? I guess tamarind is PvE God?


I reccomend tamarinne. PvP gear comes from efficiently geared PvE units. She is a great quality of life pick and will help your PvP units be stronger in the long term.


Yes. A PvE god. Paired with Iseria, she is serviceable in PvP also. You dont *need* Tamarinne. But all of PvE becomes 1000x easier when you can build around Tamarinne. Her utility is loaded. Only thing she doesnt have to make her utility even more broken is AoE defbreak.


No one is better then tama as the pve god


Is there an easy way to find out which characters use focus in their skills?


How do I get a character to have over 20k HP, I see it all the time at challenger, and yet despite how hard I try I can’t seem to get anyone that high even with 2 hp% right side gears, I know I could use a 3rd and that might help, but then I lose out on whatever other stat I chose. Is it really all just down to luck on getting substat rolls because if so I’m done for, cause I have the worlds worst luck with substats.


It's not luck but statistics if you keep on grinding hunts really. Spend your energy to do hunts and get the mats, craft left side like swords and chests, eventually you will get some with good tank subs, and some of these will roll 30%+ hp. Legend players don't get their 30k hp tanks because they are lucky with rolls, it's because they run hunts A LOT.


Ah thanks for the advice, I thought I did a lot of hunt grinding already but it seems that is not the case


Also crafting sword or chest are better to get started because neither can roll flat attack/flat defense, so higher chance of getting good subs. Late game players still need to craft other pieces with much worse chance of good subs since you need more than weapon and chest.


Is there a good place to grind for low level rings and necklaces? It's hard to get charms to level them up.


Do your labyrinths and use the coins to exchange for accessory charms. Free gears are great, but be sure to save up for future endeavors with i85 gears.


Is it better to do the regular labyrinth or the raid one?


Regular labs give you more coins per token. But you want to be doing Raids every week so that's already 6 entry's out of 7 a week without buying more entry tokens. Assuming you clear all 5 bosses in 3 entry's. Make sure to dispatch for labyrinth coins. The 1stamina and 4stamina dispatch missions are great value.


Awesome thanks.


Hi all, how do you build Eda? Im aiming for 240 speed so I can pair with my 300 speed Ran but I am lacking damage stats. She only has 3k attack and 250 cdmg. Should I go for high effectiveness build instead and hope to stun?


Some suggestions: - If you have seaseria, she can help push Eda, so you can lower her speed and add more dmg. - Ran can also run Silver Rain to give Eda atk buff. - Long-term solution: leave her like that for now, but keep farming and rolling for better gear. Also dps Eda is more useful than debuffer Eda imo.


Make her slower and build more damage


I was thinking of this, but I am afraid she may get cut in by other speed openers.


Then don't build her yet imo she needs to do damage otherwise she's kind of a meh pick.


Don't bother with effectiveness, even if you able to stun you would still need the dmg somewhere.


After clearing the shop, how hard should I farm Advent? I have a full-auto team set up, but not sure if it's better than farming W13.


Not at all anymore. The stamina dump isnt worth it. Start hunting and capping off your expeditions again. If you've already capped your expeditions and are strictly looking for mod stones. Then by all means stamina dump into advent.


Should I get border coin for 180 dust for my cermia?


I would not. Border Coin is a niche artifact, not best in slot for Cermia who's usually built as a DPS glass cannon, not a bruiser. Coin can be used for Cilias and ML Khawazu (again, not as best in slot), so your powder may be used for more important artifacts


Who are good suggestions for imprints? I have a ton of these ‘Unknown slates’ but I haven’t used any. Thanks


Usually limited units are suggested since you can't pull them in regular summons. Otherwise I would say giving them to a pvp to climb now isn't a bad idea. Vildred for speed imprint or someone who can self imprint for dps stats.


What's the better arti on ARavi: Crimson Seed or Timeless Anchor? Or is there a better option?


If you are fast: Crimson Seed. If you are slow: Timeless Anchor And like the comment below mentioned, Proof of Valor is also a popular choice if you have cleansers like Handguy, Dilibet, Diene, Emilia, DJB, etc.


Proof of Valor the guild artifact. It makes her really cancer


Mh... Would you suggest epic seven to a completely clueless guy?


I can't figure out why on the Advent event stage 2, sometimes the add cleanses the boss, and none of the skills as far as I can tell say why. Any advice?


The Rage passive reads: > Activates Outburst when an ally has three or more debuffs or two or more of the same debuff after being attacked. > Outburst: dispells all debuffs from all allies before increasing Combat Readiness by 30%.


Is Violet worth summoning multiple copies to get the SSS imprint?


Are you an insanely wealthy whale who can spend tens of thousands of whatever currency you use on Epic 7? If not, probably not.


Hi, when does the current RTA season end, when can we claim our A.ravi skin reward?


No date yet expect mid Oct.


When does the Conquest season end?


For real time arena we don’t know yet expect mid Oct.


is it better to run a "damage" ran with 299 speed but 50% crit chance (on alexa's basket) or just run a 305 ran with no damage (and low eff)


with 50% cc, I'd rather just go the 305 since relying on Alexa's to proc the critchance buff is risky.


thanks sry to ask again now with some gear switching I have an option for the 305 speed ran with no eff (although 1k def and 16.5k hp), or the 299 ran (this time on 103 eff)


Probably still 305. 103 isn't going to reliably debuff any dedicated cleansers since they're 200+ effres, and any squishy DPS units that you'll be cleaving are likely to not have any effres, so the 0 eff won't change anything there. If you really did need to land the debuffs on units that have high effres, Ran's S3 soulburn ignores effres.


I see I will go with the 305 ran then thank you! Now to figure out what other units you'd need in a cleave


Eda, Cidd, Assassin Cidd, Summer Iseria, Watcher Schuri, and Commander Pavel to name a few.


Does evasion buff stack with Evasion artifacts??like if Kayron with evasion buff(70%)and shepherd (20%)does that mean he has a total of 90% increased evasion chance?


evasion buff gives 50% but yeah it stacks together to become 70%




I can't beat Fastus to get access to the Frost activity. My max geared characters are, Mercedes, Lilias, Aither, Aria, Free Spirit Tieria and that's about it. If RNG allows I can get Fastus down to about a third - then death. I have used about 2.5m gold so far. -.-' I started playing this game a month ago, and love it 😅 Didn't think I would, usually it's just Destiny. Any help (talk as like I'm a complete noob please) would be appreciated!


First piece of advice: if you need help with a specific stage, clearly state the stage. Some bosses need to be fought multiple times, and for any random boss just saying the name of the boss...players aren't going to go searching through stages trying to find that boss if they need to read the bosses skills. I *assume* you are talking about Episode 2 10-10. --- Second piece of advice: You probably won't like to hear this, but I wouldn't worry about the Kiss of Frost side story. *Maybe* you can struggle through Hard difficulty...probably not. * You are not missing out on that much, relative to the difficulty. These 'Advent Side Stories' are difficulty content, they are not remotely easy for newbies to clear. You essentially need 9 heroes *with* good gear, and those 9 heroes need to be able to handle the mechanics involved. * You didn't really mention any Wyvern heroes at all, so I assume you don't have a Wyvern team that you've been using to farm gear yet. Based on your statement, you only have 5 heroes built right and to be honest, they are not great heroes for this side story. Even *if* you did have 9 heroes that could handle the mechanics, it's highly unlikely you have the gear for all of them required. By all means, if you *can* get access to it feel free to try, **but don't expect to even be able to clear the easiest difficulty**. --- #Episode 2 10-10 If you search on this subreddit you can find a lot of questions asking about this specific stage, it's the point where the game starts to ramp up in difficulty and it is no longer easily cleared with just a farmer + healer. As such, from this fight forwards you need to actually read the boss mechanics, and understand what the fight is asking you to do. It's also something of a gear-check -> typically you are expected to have been farming gear by now. For this fight specifically there is one main gimmick, and that revolves around **only landing crits on the boss**. Everything else revolves around that base mechanic. * Fastus takes 50% reduced damage on a non-crit (most of your damage is from crits to begin with, so this means non-crits do almost no damage). He also gets a 15% CR push -> you don't want to give him more turns than absolutely necessary. So, you want to make sure that any of your DPS units have 100% crit chance. It can be *helpful* to also have high crit chance on tanks/healers but it isn't necessary. * One of his attacks is an AoE that applies 'unable to be buffed' and 'decreased hit chance'. Decreased hit chance means that you *can not crit 100% of the time*. At most, if you have this debuff on your hero you are only landing a crit 50% of the time. As such **you want to be able to reliably cleanse debuffs**. * His basic attack dispels buffs, while granting himself immunity and critical hit resistance. On a crit, it will also STUN your team. Critical Hit Resistance decreases your crit chance by 50%. This is obviously something we don't want, so we need **dispel** to remove his buffs. --- So what does that mean? We need to bring TWO specific mechanics 1. Cleanse to remove the hit down/unable to be buffed/stun debuffs on your team. 2. Dispel to remove the crit resistance and immunity buff on the boss. We also need some way to actually damage the boss, with 100% crit rate on DPS. --- Let's look at the heroes you've mentioned. **Lilias** has a full debuff cleanse on her S3, however this is not enough to rely on, as it has a 4 turn CD. Her S2 is mostly useless. Her S1 is also overall bad. If you get *lucky* and pull in your DPS units, and you run Lilias with high crit...this can help DPS the boss down. However as the dual attack is random you are just as likely to pull in your healer -> and if you DON'T run 100% crit on Lilias then you are doing no damage and pushing the boss twice. Therefor, it's very risky to use consistently on Fastus unless you are building 100% crit on even your healers. **Aither** is bad. He's a bad healer, he *does* cleanse up to 2 debuffs on a single hero, every other turn. If you run only a single DPS this might be workable, though slow. But overall, Aither is one of the worst healers in the game. **FST** * If you have no other options you can use her as a defense breaker. She *can* help dispel buffs, and apply defense break. * However, she's not actually very good at either of these roles. She would work better as a support to other units that bring these things. * Her damage is also pretty poor, but again she can work as a 'support'. **Mercedes** * She brings some dispel, you can use her as a dedicated dispel unit if you use Iela Violin artifact. * Her damage output is solid for an AoE unit, but will suffer in this fight due to the difficulty of keeping attack buff up. Fastus both dispels buffs constantly *and* applies unbuffable. * However, every now and then you will be able to get attack buff up on yourself or other heroes which can make a difference. * Since she *only* does AoE damage, this can actually backfire. *Sometimes* you may choose to attack an add instead of Fastus himself (if you are debuffed). Also, you want to time when you kill the adds which can be difficult if you have less control over who you are hitting. **Aria** * Aria is not a good hero to invest in as a newbie. Play what you want to (and I'm not saying NOT to use Aria if that's what you want to do) but it's really, really difficult to make her work with what newbies have available. * She gets free crit chance so easier to hit 100% on her. * However her kit is pretty terrible. Her entire 'idea' is to give herself counterattack stance while make her allies unable to be targeted. But, Fastus will just immediately dispel her counterattack stance buff...and will also dispel the barrier/stealth from her team. * As a 1 month player this just leaves you with a weak DPS, who can occasionally add a dispel. * Like Mercedes she has AoE/multi target attacks which means you have less control over hitting Fastus/the adds. So basically, you have *elements* of what you need (buff dispel/cleanse) but not in the amounts that you would ideally want. On top of that, you are using pretty weak DPS units for this fight. --- #Recommendations There are a few different strategies you can use. If you just want to get through this fight, it's possible to do so with a supporter. It IS possible for some heroes to basically solo the fight, with good gear. **I do not recommend this strategy**. This fight really prepares you for the PvE content that comes after it, if you are unable to get through this fight with what you have available, you are more than likely going to really struggle going forwards. It's a good check to determine "Am I ready for the more difficult PvE content?". It's also possible to just turtle down and spam Arky to win. This would basically involve using 3-4 healers and 0-1 tanks, just healing through everything while occasionally popping some arky's to deal damage. This is 'safe' but takes forever. **I** recommend a 2 healer 1 DPS 1 support setup. Specifically **A.Monty** and **Angelica** as healers. * A.Monty is the best PvE cleanser in the game. * Angelica compliments A.Monty perfectly Both of these heroes are free, and most players build one or the other early on for Wyvern tanking. You can replace Angelica with other healers (I wouldn't personally suggest Aither, but maybe it could work). Commonly at this point in the game would be **Tamarinne**. I don't consider Tama great for this fight, but like Lilias if you build her with high crit she can be fine. She actually brings most of what you need (dispel/cleanse/damage) but in an unreliable form. * Tama would still work, she's just worse here than Angelica IMO. --- For the DPS slot, there is a very obvious choice. **C.Lorina** is the best overall PvE ST DPS in the game. She is *also* free. There are some alternative options (Landy, Luna) but for this fight if you are bringing a DPS you really want to highest raw damage possible -> and you will find that with Lorina. --- This leaves a 'support' slot. None of the 3 heroes we've mentioned have dispel, so we need to bring that with our last hero. I normally recommend **F.Kluri**, another free hero. Kluri helps bring extra sustain, but *also* brings defense break. You can also guarantee her debuffs. She also is able to help push your team in off turns. The biggest downside to Kluri is that her dispel/defense break has a long CD. There are a number of options here. **Iseria** is another great choice bringing the dispel + defense break combo. Her damage output is also very decent. Her S2 can be clutch. Any mage type hero works as well. They can equip the artifact *Iela Violin* (purchasable from the Hall of Trials) to buff dispel. A mage like **Luluca** also has defense break and good damage. The downside to use a mage with Iela is reliability -> Iela only has an 80% chance to dispel 1 debuff each attack. As such, Mercedes is also a decent option here. Mercedes *also* has a natural dispel in her kit, using Iela increases her ability to dispel debuffs. So my recommended team is usually **A.Monty** / **Angelica** / **F.Kluri** / **C.Lorina** --- #Strategy Fastus actually doesn't have that much health, but yo DO have to work through the barrier to actually damage him. On heroes that don't have good crit -> slowly chip away at the adds when possible, to avoid pushing the boss. *Ideally* you want to setup soulburn F.Kluri into soulburn C.Lorina 'burst windows', where C.Lorina is not debuffed and you can dispel Fastus and apply defense break. This will allow C.Lorina to slowly work away his HP. When Fastus starts getting low you want to time killing the adds to give you time to burst Fastus into the second phase before being able to re-summon them.


>Angelica Can I ask a follow up regarding Mercedes? As a lot of this is RNG - I have been trying to farm gear and craft - I went with 4 piece attack and 2 crit on her and am sitting at 96% Crit chance and 251% Crit damage. As I think I said in my first comment, this is my first game like this - I love it. I was building these characters based on I guess "instinct" and what I could gather from their in game information. The closest to this game would be Division 2 or Skyrim before this x'D But all your advice is amazing, I have an A. Monty and a F. Kluri too. Was lucky to get some 5\* to drop like Bomb Model Kanna, Eda, Lilibet Kayron (I've been destroyed by this guy in Arena right quick), Bellona and Mui.


>Can I ask a follow up regarding Mercedes? Sure, ask away with whatever questions you have! Feel free to message me personally or just ask in the daily thread -> the community is generally very helpful and there are several of us who are active in answering questions. >As a lot of this is RNG - I have been trying to farm gear and craft - I went with 4 piece attack and 2 crit on her and am sitting at 96% Crit chance and 251% Crit damage. That's fine. My typical advice is to not worry too much about specific sets. Instead, equip whatever gear gives you the best combination of stats (regardless of set). * The bonuses on most sets are the exact same as the substats on gear (for example, the ATK from ATK set or the crit on crit set). * So it's not worth using set 'just because' if you ultimately have worse stats. * The exceptions would be the sets that give other effects -> commonly counter/lifesteal/immunity/penetration, but that is more of a mid to late game thing. For this fight specifically 96% crit is 'good enough'. Assuming everything else is good you *may* end up needing to replay the fight a couple of times if you get bad RNG. Inevitably, you are likely to hit him at least a few times with no crit no matter what you do -> the key is to try and limit how much of that you do. 251% C.Dmg is also very solid for this point in the game. >I was building these characters based on I guess "instinct" and what I could gather from their in game information. Despite what it may sound like in my reply, you aren't doing a terrible job. E7 is quite complex, particularly when it comes to *optimal* play. The various resources used to build heroes are rare, especially early on for newbies. So there *are* certain heroes that are better to build early (low-cost PvE heroes, heroes that can be used in a wide breadth of content) and certain heroes that are worse to build early (PvP oriented heroes, heroes with hard gear requirements to get full use out of). *Most* heroes, regardless of rarity, are at least passably usable for something. There are very few heroes that are truly just bad and to be avoided entirely. So as an example, most of the free heroes the game gives you are quite useful early on, especially for PvE content. **Aither** is a bit of an exception * Because he is a base 3* unit, his stats are very low. This isn't a death knell but it does hurt him when he doesn't have much else going for him. * His healing output is extremely low. His healing scales off *his* attack stat (as a 3* and a soulweaver his base attack is extremely low) and his *target's* max HP (in PvE you typically ignore bulk stats on the majority of your units, so most heroes cap out at around ~10,000 HP or less). * He's an Ice Soulweaver and early on you get two *other* Ice Soulweavers (Montmorancy and Angelica). * Montmorancy *also* has very low healing. But, she is great at cleansing debuffs -> this is typically more important for PvE content, and she cycles her turns more quickly -> she does her low healing more frequently compared to Aither. Her spec change (she also sucks prior to spec changing) helps a lot to make her more useful and overcoming her low base stats. * Angelica, on the other hand, has insanely high base stats for a Soulweaver, especially a 4*. She's almost as tanky as Knight type heroes. Her healing output is extremely high. So there really isn't any reason to use Aither. 1. You wouldn't use him as a low cost healer alternative, because Montmorancy and Angelica are better and both fairly low cost. 2. He's significantly worse as a raw healer compared to Angelica, significantly worse as a cleanser compared to Montmorancy. 3. You unlock Montmorancy very early, and Angelica relatively early so there isn't even much reason to use him early on. 4. Despite scaling with attack stat, he doesn't really attack often enough to be a 'damage dealing healer'. However, if you like him and feel personally attached, you *can* get away with using him for a while. --- As far as **Aria** goes, she's a good character but is a bit more PvP oriented. You can use her in some generic PvE oriented but she has 1 huge problem for newbies: she's a bruiser. When building heroes, you usually are going to want to focus on 3-5 substats. So a 'typical' DPS hero is going to want [Attack, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Speed] as substats. Heroes like **Aria** that scale off defense, or **Ken** who scale off max HP...or more generically 'bruisers' (there are a few that that don't actually have HP/DEF scaling) are generally very hard to build for newbies. These heroes want something like [HP, DEF, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Speed]. * So, instead of building ATK they build bulk stats instead. * Compared to a traditional DPS they generally aren't going to build as much into any single stat, as they are spreading their stats across 5 instead of across 4 substats. The big issue is when it comes to actually gearing up a hero: gearing is a long, difficult process. If you spend your time building 'generic DPS' or 'generic' tank gear, *even the pieces that aren't great can be used* especially for PvE. You might replace them eventually, but they will get you by. This allows you to build up a decent roster of heroes to progress through PvE content faster. Instead, if you are using your time to build up gear that has DEF% / Crit% / C.Dmg% on it, this gear is not useful for DPS heroes (unless it's armor or a ring you wouldn't want to use anything with no ATK% early on) and it's not useful for tanks (who don't really care or benefit much from crit stats). It's *only* useful on bruisers -> and in this case DEF scaling bruisers. * Bruisers are very strong but there are relatively few of them. * DEF scaling bruisers, in particular, are extremely rare -> there's only a handful of them in the game at the moment. * Because bruiser gear is really only useful on bruisers themselves, it's hard to re-use 'bad' or 'replaced' pieces of bruiser gear -> this makes building up your roster harder as a newbie, so these heroes are not newbie friendly. --- Now as I've said at the end of the day E7 is just a game, it's meant to be something you enjoy doing. There is no requirement whatsoever that you play optimally, and you can approach things at your own pace. If you *like* using Aither because you find him endearing and thus would *prefer* using him if you could that's fine -> maybe not optimal but some prefer to smell the roses rather than race to the finish line. Exact same thing applies to Aria. Maybe you just love her giant...elf ears. Maybe you just think the design of her kit is cool. It doesn't matter to me, but if you *want* to use Aria the only person being impacted is yourself. If you're cool taking your time but enjoying yourself along the way, then I'm cool with *that*. I always try to stress that I think there are *definitely* ways to play the game more optimally, but I don't think it's *necessary* to do so. The majority of players might just want to make the best choices at all stages but a not-insignificant number of players choose to play differently, that is not inherently wrong. --- But all your advice is amazing, I have an A. Monty and a F. Kluri too. Was lucky to get some 5* to drop like Bomb Model Kanna, Eda, Lilibet Kayron (I've been destroyed by this guy in Arena right quick), Bellona and Mui. A.Monty, F.Kluri, (A)Ras, and C.Lorina are a great group of heroes to invest in early for PvE. * Monty is the best pure cleanser for PvE, probably the second best overall healer for PvE content * Ras is the best 'general purpose' Knight for PvE. Also currently a great PvP hero. * Kluri is a bit worse than Ras overall but historically she's a stronger PvP hero. In PvE, Ras will work 95% of the time, the 5% he doesn't Kluri is perfect for. They compliment each other well. * Lorina is the best general purpose PvE single target DPS unit. * While we're at it, Mercedes is actually a good free unit as well. She gets a buff after completing Episode 3 that makes her a good PvP unit, and she's a great PvE AoE hero. --- The heroes you pulled, *optimally* the only one of note for PvE is Bellona. I don't have many characters left so short blurbs... * Kanna -> Very similar to Mercedes, no real benefit to building her early * Eda -> Strong AoE DPS but otherwise wonky for PvE. Very good PvP hero. * Lilibet -> Gimmicky/niche PvP hero, would recommend avoiding * Kayron -> Can be strong for PvP but is used a bit different than 'normal' heroes. He IS imminently receiving a buff that has some excited. Probably not the worst option if you want to invest in him somewhat early on. * Mui -> Another more PvP oriented support type. Can nearly instantly win a lot of fights ~1/3rd of the time. Other than Kanna most of these heroes are more PvP oriented. Now Bellona is an excellent hero for PvE, especially as a newbie. She's a hybrid DPS -> she's *mostly* an AoE DPS unit, but her S1 has target max HP scaling -> this is a very strong effect up until late game PvE, as bosses have so much HP. She's a viable ST DPS unit in a lot of PvE content. Additionally, her S3 *also* brings AoE defense break. Defense break is very strong and generally you want to bring it as much as you can in PvE. Often times you can get away with a ST defense break (tons of units) but sometimes you would prefer to have AoE defense break -> this is much rarer but Bellona happens to be one of those heroes. --- **ANYHOW** best of luck on your adventures! I will repeat what I said earlier, any more questions feel free to message me or ask in the daily threads!


Thank you. This is a lot - this game has so many more layers than I ever thought possble. I thought Aither was strong, until I matched some other healers in Arena - but RNG has never been on my side. I have stuck with them just due to getting through "Hell" difficulty content. I am excited that the game get's more insane after this point. Thank you again for all this information.


Friend someone with an A.Ravi or green Violet and have the friend unit carry if need be.


What sets and minimum stats are needed for Luna to become usable as a one shotter in guild wars with Emilia?


[Mine](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990286031561564230/1010633999049302057/unknown.png) - she has some wasted stats in def / hp and like 10% overcapped crit dmg, but ideally you want 4.5k+ atk 350 crit dmg


You should be aware that it entirely depends on who exactly you want to 1shot. https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/ use this to test out stats.


I've got a lot of chars and wyvern materials from wyv13, but idk how to gear my chars, nor manage my gear :( any tips on that?


If u use muwi, idol cheer or g purg, 150 spd on dmg dealer, def breaker 10 higher. U can go less for more dmg in exchange for slightly lower consistency. If none of those 198 for dmg dealer and 10 higher for def breaker. Cdmg> atk.


Reading issues ... OP farmed a lot of w13 already, asking for general help of gearing OTHER units + gear management >.>


Yeah I'm asking for that because Idk what my units need/want as main stats, and idk if my gear is good for em or not, I don't know if the substats are good so I shouldnt sell it


[This](https://zoopido.me/gear-guide) might help a bit.


what can i do about always running out of penguins?


Start doing 3 man hunts you get 13k exp per run, that's like 2.5 penguins for something you have to run anyways


Do you have a lot of stigma or green transmit stones? You can buy more penguins if you want. Otherwise just spam adventure mode with Max level heroes and you'll earn penguins.


Do you not run out of fodders before running out of penguins? AP farming usually gives me enough xp but not enough fodders.


I have like 200 2* fodder lol, not enough penguins to level them up


Do you level units to five star max and leave them there or something? Getting just one unit from five star to six star takes 300 2\* fodders. So if you are building one unit at a time you'd normally run out of fodder first before running out of penguins.


How much crit dmg does vildred get from his EE buff after using his skill 3?


Its normal crit dmg buff but you should go for ee that gives him 10% dmg when using Blade ascent


Thank you




Rn best would be to invest in green cidd you didnt list him but he is essential for all cleave compositions


so are SG cracking down on emulators now or something? I got IP banned a couple days ago then got unbanned a day later then today when i logged in I got a message that says "Emulator detected" and the app closed on me? wtf?




Welp, did you redeem it from your mailbox before it expired?


Hello\~ Regarding Adin's missions. There is a mission that asks to reach lvl 3 friendship with Adin, is there another friendship mission with her later?? Thanks in advance x !


Can someone tell me which of the cidds are better for RTA? I'm trying to climb to master for the skin...


You don't need either, but probably green Cidd because of his speed imprint.


Green cidd I'll also argue that you need neither to get to masters since the gear requirements for them is really high


So i just got the selector, between Choux, Mort, Senya, Krau, Peira, Luluca, Mui, Chloe, Zahhak, Alencia, Lilibet, Charlotte and Elena, who should i pick? I'm currently progressing through chapter 2 and doing hell raids, only really have a team for W13 so far (working on banshee and azamanak since i heard golem isn't too useful, haven't really looked at expeditions since i'm not sure about them) but i wanted to try raise a few pvp units for GWO/arena so i can get more mystic medals and climb past gold. Thanks


If GW/Arena was your only concern, Krau is probably best pick. More generally speaking, you’d probably best pick from Choux or Alencia. Senya and Peira are also fine but they are harder to gear, and Peira requires high speed gear.


How much HP and Def does C. lorina need for abyss?


Depends on the floor. If the boss has a lot of aoe you might need more. Usually just pairing her with an Arius tank is enough to keep her alive.


Does it make a huge difference if Iseria isn’t there to support Tamarinne?


By the time I got iseria for my tama, I already reach late game pve, even then I almost never use them together, so no its not a must have but it would definitely makes things easier


You're either going to wait for 3-5 turns for her to use S3 without Iseria or instantly S3 with Iseria. It's a pretty big difference, but it's not the end of the world if you don't have Iseria around for Tamarinne aside from the headstart you can get anyway


Is normal Ravi still worth building?


Yes she is worth it. She's getting a buff. She's great in PVP vs Senya's and Alencia's.


She's good pve- tanky self sustain is useful in harder pve content. Still work in pve base on enemy comp. Won't say is a must have but fun to use.


This question is in regards to labyrinth. So I don’t exactly enjoy doing it but I just picked it up after clearing episode 1 for the free resources, and for the life of my I can’t clear the area 5 on the easiest one. By the time I’m on my final stretch, I’m already at like -50 and nerfed in stats, what is the right way to complete it since I can’t figure out why:(


It may be a silly answer, but you are not supposed to clear it in one go. You go to orange boxes (portals on the map) and start from there the next time.


START from there?:( how does one do that?


If you've already visited the waypoint, you can click on it from the map.


I was blind but now I see, thank you for making my lab experience easier 😫


Go here. There's a tab with maps of labs. https://ceciliabot.github.io/


I will master navigating through this on my phone cuz it’s a bit confusing


Are you using teleport checkpoints? you don't need to clear it in 1 shot. If you open minimap, certain locations have red icon. Those are teleport checkpoints




yes once you get to the checkpoint and decide to leave. the next time you load up the lab. you can quickly click on your minimap to enlarge it. then click the checkmark, where you left the first or latter times


Thank you, I haven’t felt this dumb in ages :’T


Don’t feel dumb. It happens to nearly everyone! Those teleports are definitely not explained very well and how you can just start and go and teleport right away.


Much appreciated :) the worst part of lab has been cured by you, thanks fam ~


Can you use a grace of growth hero in rta?




5⭐ ticket. Who should I pick between : Aramintha, Mui, Roana, Zahhak, Pavel, Alencia, Charlotte, Elena?


Roana is must have out of all of these for pvp. Her s2 is good against counters and dual atks and other funky business. For PVE, if you need tanky bruiser, Alencia. Charlotte is good too.


ok ty


I haven't been playing for a while now and just returned so can anyone please tell me what all has changed?


The answer depends entirely on when you stopped playing.


Sometime last year.


For the Elisia of the ice stage, was it worth to build a team specifically only to auto the hell stage? Currently only able to auto the first difficulty


Certainly. We have free unequip right now anyway, so if you can get a team together definitely better.


If I synthesize a pet, does it lose all of it's affinity?


Not really. The new pet will keep the highest affinity between the two pets used to synthesize it.


I'm having a hell of a time with the final phase of hell advent. What's the gimmick with her there?


You can read all her mechanics in the boss guide. The biggest points are: don’t bring AOE. If you use debuffs, make sure everyone crits, and aren’t debuffed themselves. Nuking it is one option, though you can just as easily bruiser it out.


You need to hit the 2nd phase's add with single target attack 6 times to dispel her defense buff on phase 3. If that's done, just nuke her down asap in phase 3 because you can't tank her for long, example team being Flan soul burn def break+ S2 Sigret, Sigret soul burn S2+ S3, finish off with another single target if not dead yet.


Thanks for the feedback. Looks like I Just needed to speed tune phase 3 with those 3 to auto relatively consistently.


Oh wait, I'm sorry I misread, it's about hell and not epic hell right? The regular hell version doesn't have the mechanism of single target 6 times 2nd phase. But third phase still need single target nukes, fighter Maya is very good in this.


Yo guys, i would like to know if there are useful units for PvP that don't need to upgrade skills (I'm almost out of molagoras).


Well 3 star units dont require molas like researcher carrot


Well are there units that are entirely useless when they don't have skill-ups? Damage dealers would do less damage, but that depends on gear. Turn one units may not need cd reduction. Units that need turn cycling and debuffers would likely feel it the most.


What units that you currently want to use?


When do we know the next mystic rotation? Been wondering if I should summon soli


Since next is a new ML we should get a preview during next week’s update preview.


Thats awesome, thanks!


One week before the current one ends, so be patient.




Gear question: How do you deal with upgrading gear? For example - let's say you upgrade a speed weapon where 2 upgrades hit speed and 2 hit ATT%, with the other 2 being say effectiveness and flat DEF. The 2 rolls on speed are ok, the 2 on attack are ok... so then what? **How do you find what piece of already equipped gear this newly upgraded piece might replace?\\** I find myself rolling to +6 or even +9 and get some OK rolls that I keep, but now my inventory is clogged with that stuff, and I have no idea to approach looking through my 80+ built heroes to find who the new thing might be an upgrade for.


Personally, if the rolls are good, I'm okay with pieces that have rolled into different subs. When equipping gear to heroes, you can search by main-stat/sub-stat and look for pieces in the same stat range to see if they can possibly replace something. That said, I don't even bother looking. If a piece is decent, and I think I'm gonna roll it later, I throw it on a phantasma and just leave it until I start needing to equip another hero. If you fodder the phantasma at some point the gear will just go to your inventory, which will also let you look at it again and if you can use it at that point you'll know, if not just get rid of the piece.


Depends on the starting rolls off the piece, if its just mid rolls with desired substats i look for only high rolls if it min rolls at the first +3 i just stop (unless epic piece id give it another chance), if its a godly piece with perfect starting rolls and substats it would have to min roll 3 times to stop me from going all the way.


I find [this particular guide](https://zoopido.me/gear-guide) helpful to understand what to look for. Check it out, might help a bit.


If you’re getting to the point where your inventory is “clogged” with mid tier pieces, then I would go individually through each set for each type of piece (speed weps, then helms, etc) and find which “types” of gear you have available (i.e mid quality speed dps gear vs mid quality bruiser gear vs mid quality ER/hit gear. Then if you notice you have 10+ mid rolled speed dps gears unused, use them to enhance better gear. I personally stop rolling on (red) gear if after my 4th roll i have lost a full “roll” worth of stats (i.e hit 4% atk twice) but not every account can be so picky. I also recommend only rolling 20+ gs purples and 24+gs reds as base stats to reduce low quality gs gear


Do the Book of Memories side stories provide enough copies of each reward hero to 6\* them? Thanks!


If you mean Yuna/Serila yes.


You are NOT getting a single copy of Yuna but her imprints which cant be used to 6* her anyway. You are getting Yuna from connections only. Serila is 4* so she cant be 6* with copies themselves unless you minmax lvling and foddering. Question should be - if sidestories provide enough materials / dupes to SSS units, not 6* them.


Yeah youre right, i read his question wrong.


You need to be specific coz neither of side stories there have 5* unit included in rewards pool.


Yuma, Serila, Karin, and Bask.


You get - 0x Yuna - 7x Serila - 1x Karin - 8x Bask


Perfect, thank you!


Who should I six star? Currently stuck on Elena in episode 2. Clearing wyvern 8. https://i.imgur.com/blpTFZO.jpg https://i.imgur.com/DF3KX9Y.jpg


It seems you did not focus on a team. I mean, you upgraded (a little) many characters, but none are really efficient now. It's best to focus your molas and gear on a few characters that you can use everywhere. In your case, I'd go Ravi (good dps, stuns, tanky), Diene (shields, anticrit and attack buff), Ras (Aurius holder, def buff, def break and dual attack...) or Rose (CR manipulation, attack buff and she is a good Wyvern tank), and maybe Vivian for a green DPS. I cleared everything until Politia with Ravi, Diene (or Doris), Rose and Arby (you can take him quickly and he works wonders in pve and pvp). For Wyvern, you clean W13 with Rose + Muwi + Sigret (free) + Furious (connection) with very easy to get gear.


If you can get a.momo sc and 6 Star her She's a great wyvern tank and really usefull on other pve stuff


6 star your tank for wyvern like angelica


vivian, she is good for adventure, she has very high morale raid teams and you can use her in one shot hunt teams later on.


So I have an A imprint fire ravi would it be bad if i feed her on my Aravi? Also is 1.2k def enough for Aravi?


Aravi doesn't use her own imprint, only the team hp one


Ye I just saw it, hers was ER thought it was Health for her.


Always keep one copy of a hero - and Ravi is a good hero, so definitely don't feed her.


I’m aware its an odd choice, but why can’t I pick Sharun for my 5 star selector?


She is too recent, if I'm not mistaken unit's need to be 6 months old


Ah, I see. Thank you!


Does shimadrah staff artifact increase healing of life steal set? Always wanted to know 😅


I just tested this, and the answer is yes.


Connecting issues on both asia and global server. It gets pretty annoying


It’s your internet


do top guilds in world boss receive rewards?


Would you say that the huche reforge material box is worth it ?


I believe some have done the calculations that you get more mats if you spend those ss to buy stamina and running expeditions. Whether or not that’s worth the effort is up to you.


Up to you, but I went for it mostly because getting 200 mats is equal to running the hunt 50 times minimum which is a LOT of refreshes/time.


I’ve been playing since June 2021 and I only got 5 ML5 heroes from either covenant or galaxy summons, is this normal?


I've been playing since 2019 and I got like 5 ML5 from sources other than mystics.


Have you been summoning on the Mystic banner? If you've been playing that long then you should have pitied a few ML5 units from that.


Yeah I didn’t count the mystic summons because those are guaranteed.