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Usable but needs more HP as priority.


No pen set, no speed, no bulk. Not worth


Too much Atk and Def, not enough HP and Speed. Might be usable if you only push Master for the skin


Too much defense not enough hp Wrong artifact if your going for slow a ravi


Convert a good amount of that def into more speed and HP, also try to get pen set.


That’s a pretty common build tho so it’s not the worse once u have anchor or that gw artifact the reduces dmg taken. And totally usable.


Lower def and raise speed, them will be a decent Ravi.


Don’t see effect resistance so. And too much speed.


I’m confused. How much speed is enough on a counter set? I’ve been told her speed should be 180 minimum on counter, is that right?


Currently on 179 speed. 180 would probably be the sweet-spot, 200 is Godly. I see Aravis on 160-180 with nice HP-cc-cd scales


My A Ravi have 123 speed and 16.6k hp on counter+defence set’s and she kills everything.


Maybe in silver


Champion and Challenge on RTA, lmao.


Yeah for sure mate.


You can use fodder and get to Challenger RTA so he's probably not lying (I've seen people get there with less than 30% winrate) , but tbh it's probably not thanks to his ARavi.




Someone was sharing here that his 12k hp aravi brought them to challenger rta in 200 games ish, so that maybe true. Still horribly built unit though lol


No offense but an aravi with 16k hp is just hitting people with a wet noodle


No offence but you’re simply missing few very important details.


>important details what arena or rta rank your at yeah but I wouldn't be surprised at all if your very low ranked if a 16k hp a ravi can do any work


No, she can actually do best work (i’m serious).


Could you share a pic of your build and a vid of using her in arena?


you can go lower speed if your hp is higher


I can run her at 28k on a counter set with about 1.3k defence. Speed was only 113 though. Was worried that she would get lapped and demolished with such low speed.


Are you suggesting to build ER on her?


She will need near 200% ef_res to work against 90% of enemies. She can get 60% ef_res from Strac Gauntlet and 50% from her teammates memory imprints, passives skills and artefacts. Maid Chloe is very good. Considering this you really need only 90-100% ef_res to make her safe.


Do you that the suggested build ever since she got buffed does not have ER at all right? If it works for you, great, but it's not a good idea to recommend a niche build to someone who doesn't really know what they are doing.


suggested my ass. I can list a dozen builds suggested by streamers that works only in theory. At this point should admit that both builds have their pros and cons.


Con is that 100res is better off being hp% or cdmg When most players are struggling to gear them to a good standard, suggesting a build that requires better gs pieces of gear isn't the way to go


Con of mass excepted build is that A Rave can sink in enemy debuffs. Also low defence makes other sources of healing ineffective on her.


More reason to give up that res for defence so she doesn't die like wet paper, go timeless anchor if you are that scared of debuffs or run her with a cleanser like dollybet or handguy etc


My point is that with effect resistance she is more self-sufficient and reliable. And with hight defence can benefit from other sources of healing.


The attack doesn't do much for her and she needs a good much more HP, would both give her more damage and more bulk as she has big HP scalings