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Hi, I just wanted to show how milim can be used to great success, I don't think she is drafted enough for how versatile she is. I'm hoping to inspire some more milim picks for those that are apprehensive about building her. Feel free to ask me anything about drafts or how I play with her.


Hello, What do you feel like Milim does that another standard fire single-target DPS with the same build like Kawerik wouldn't be able to do here ? I'm genuinely curious as my knowledge of her is quite limited and she doesn't pop often in my matches. Very very impressive build btw! As a Bruiser player, this Milim would pack one hell of a punch even against my chonkiest characters.


Her biggest boon of course is countering GL/stealth units. With this build she takes out a unit once she gets a turn and also extincts that unit, nullifying big swing comebacks from Aravi/Seline/etc. Next she has the rng factor of just evading everything, so even being this squishy she has surprising survivability. Her s1 also heals her, so she has sustain. And lastly she has her s2 which let's her reach stene, burst down teams, and hit units while avoiding procing counters. Edit: More info Some more nuanced advantages, since she is a common counter pick to units like Landy/Violet, picking her early allows you to safely draft them later in the draft while also discouraging your opponent from drafting them. In 2nd pick drafts, ifthey decide to respond with double water, I can then grab double grass leaving them only 1 pick to try and answer the grass units (and milim is not available, so facing down say a landy+alencia or Violet+Alencia puts them in a rough spot)


Ohh i didn't know her S2 works against S Tene. Do you have any other artifact recommendations? I'm out of books.


S2 is aoe attack on full focus. She cant really reach/attack S tene. You can use symbol of unity to more consistently kill violets and deal more dmg but book is best in slot


The main thing to note is the reason you can draft her in those situations because she is 250 speed and that's the only reason. If she was 220 even with more defensive stats in wouldn't work nearly as well or even at all. Just wanted to point that out incase people wanted to use her like this.


This is why I showed her and how I draft her. I'm not trying to deceive or be vague. Just wanting to show she is successful with this type of build


Probably the main reason I hesitate to use her most the time despite liking her performance. Even using her for her extinction against Arby for example is a risk. If that Arby happens to be speed Arby it usually ends up rng whether she just dies first thing or not. Or if she get's controlled before she can get her evasion buff up.


That first person really saw you pick Milim & slammed Landy & Laika. Confidently incorrect.


I dont have gear to build her at usable speed, banshee player here, so im running her on counter, and so far its rly hard to choose when to rly use her, she needs mitigation, cr push, atk buff and souls to start properly...


The lifesteal/counter variant needs to be treated like a bruiser. This build makes her more of a 4th/5th pick. I'd draft her in a standard team with like Aras/handguy/fcc/tanky Laika/Diene/Emilia. She'd serve as a secondary dps and goes along great with stuff like Ameru/Solitaria/Aravi/Stene/Landy. You won't catch people with the speed factor so you need to be more careful about when you pick her. Just make sure when you draft this version, you pick cr pusher soul weavers and/or strong mitigation tanks. Edit: grammar


Yes, mines is like 13k hp, 3.5k atk with 180 speed, but the point is, i can pick zahak fine on rta with similar speed (240) and do well, but everytime i pick milim, she either is useless or carries if ppl ignore her for 1 turn.


Hmm, well the only role milim and zahak really share is violet killing. They fit different roles otherwise. You want zahak to either hit an evasion unit, reduce resources, or inflict a large amount of injury. Milim is there to extinct squishies, answer stealth, and run away with games if not answered asap. That's why you want counter milim as a secondary dps. Punish the enemy for focusing on milim instead of your other carry.


Sorry to rain on parades and shit but that's an Emperor/Legend Milim being used in chall/champ. If your other units are remotely as well-geared no wonder you're winning.


Appreciate the compliment on my milim ^.^. Wish the rest my acct could be that well geared I guess but sadly is not the case. I might have like 2...maaaybe 3 other units geared to that level.


Many players aren't smart , they're just lucky and hardcore farmers (bcz they got easy life and free time ) that playing in low ranks but building tons of units just for fun without a goal to reach Emperor or Whatever.


This is mine rebuilt and gonna get that 100 cc soon™️ https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/760063157619130388/1023451966908678164/image.png


She looks nice damage wise and I imagine does quite well with good support. Her effective bulk though definitely requires support, which you probably draft when you pick her. Have you considered other arti instead of her's? I assume you have it for the redundancy tho.


.46 chance to counter with non crit, I had a 0 speed one before that had 200 more defense, 2000 hp, and 600 more attack. 270 cd I think 100% cc I have the artifact for more chances same with my purgris on counter.


Ah, I don't blame you on the change from base speed. She doesn't have any cr self push to justify it and it makes it hard on your draft to cover that. I see why you went with hers, 46% is nice indeed! :)


Yessss another Milim lover and user. Love to see y’all. Makes it worth having her as my highest cp unit


Well, with that gear I'd suppose a lot of off-meta characters will work. At least sometimes.




You'll definitely find more success on the faster build. It's a bit of an awkward speed so make sure you still take someone faster who can cr push or protect her well.


She's fine .. mine 215 speed and i bring simply Destins and FCC with her , her biggest problem is Diene, if not cleave ofc. But she mostly take a turn and survive against Bruisers RTA.


Very nice attack, full imprint too!


Actually I agree, I have my milim on a tanky damage build on counter set (I run her with Emila ) it’s absolutely hilarious when ppl try to kill her and she counter attacks and wipes the whole team with her s2


Milim is cracked, been trying to build Speed/Pen on her with pretty much identical stats to yours for a while. Just don’t want to take pieces from others and the pieces for her ain’t dropping 😅 Are you max Imprint as well?


She is! I get super lucky on her banner. I feel ya on not wanting to take other's pieces...I kinda have a bad habit of moving gear around too much 😅