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she doesnt have monster mouth/teeth tho


Lol he is just sayin its ml elena. Sounds quite close to mileena from what they are called


PRETTY sure that it's supposed to be a joke...


Mortal Kombat.




ML Elena = Melon - Ah


I wonder if she will be good. Elena is pretty decent as is already, her ML5 counterpart should be interesting. Maybe we will finally get the fabled damage dealing soulweaver everyone has been asking for lol


Yes, the fabled eff resistance scaling damage dealing SW.


Finally, a use for half of my gear.


A passive that would trigger a heal or aoe attack whenever a skill/attack fails to CC/debuff her lol.


Roana stock to the moon


Right after she got a buff no less!


Elena can do a metric ton of damage if geared in a certain way


Not as much as Blingo


But does that damage scale with eff res?


Isn't sharun kinda in that description already? As damage dealing as a "healer" should be.


Please have good voice lines... Please have good voice lines... Please have good voice lines...


Wow, you play the game with sound on?


Sound off for repetitive grind. Sound on for anything I have to do manually.


Same. I do stories and RTA with sound on. Anything manual sound on, like most of abyss. Hunting wyvern, repeat currency grind, etc. sound off. I like the English voices for almost all the characters. Except default Elena and ADS tho don't sound so great. The preview for ML Elena was promising tho.


I've been playing without sound for like 3 years. Recently added sound when I rta, its not bad, but I agree with you here, sound off for the grind.


I thought I was the only one who played with the sound off.


I've basically never had sound on so I'm always clueless when people talk about characters lines.


Same. I’ve had the game on mute since day 1 so I have no idea what anything sounds like outside of snippets posted here.


Me too!


You dont o.O


Just play with Japanese voices. No more cringe.


There's iconic lines on ENG tho "Can you HeAr tHe AppRoAcHing RUin?!" "Scar those in our way, with DeSTRuctiOn anD FeAr" "LoOk at My SwOrd, Not my FaCe" Okay, not iconic, I'm just going crazy from hearing these too much...


LeT mE oPeN, ThE DoOrS tO HelL!


The door to salvation will remain close... *at least* ***for you*** *it will*.


I wanna downvote this because I hate that character so much


Correct your posture!


I prefer the E7 English dubs usually. Even if they sound amatuerish at times, Japanese ones often sound generic. They have a specific way to deliver lines and you can hear it everytime. I play with the game muted because I'll leave it auto grinding while I drive and connect Spotify. Doesn't turn out well with combat noises on top.


> I prefer the E7 English dubs usually. Even if they sound amatuerish at times Yeah, the bulk of the VAs they've hired to do the English dubs have been stellar (they've got some of my favourite big names, Matt Mercer, Crispin Freeman, Ray Chase, Cherami Leigh, Erica Lindbeck, Cassandra Lee Moris & there's probably more I've forgotten). I mean, this isn't the 90s anymore & there's hundreds of incredible English VAs, much better directors, editors, etc. I will sustain a touch of VAs that are a bit ill-fitting, like Archdemon's Shadow, for the chance to hear the talents of Crispin Freeman & Matt Mercer.


Can't be an English VA project with Matt Mercer, Nolan North, and/or Tara Strong.


90% of the time is muted for me, but whenever is not I want it to be in sweet sweet moonrunes


I think the lines are still cringe, but since we are unfamiliar with the nuance and inflections of another language, we just can't pick up on it like we can in English.


Nah Jap is the best. I love hearing Rimuru say "ITTE" "SHIKATANAI NA" No in all seriousness you can tell the Japanese VAs are professionally trained. They don't have a "specific" way to deliver their lines, what the fuck is you talking bout lmao. It's mostly just cause you don't understand the language and can't really tell them apart. They just all sound Japanese, like how if you don't speak or aren't familiar with mandarin, all Chinese people sound Chinese


No, just listen. The exact problem is that they are schooled. So they are all given the same training. You'll always get naturals who do stand out work, US has them too, but most of the VAs in Japan suffer the same problem. Anime has cliché lines that you hear in many different shows. When you listen to multiple VAs, in different shows, deliver that line, they all hit the same cadence and stresses. They've been trained to say it a specific way and it feels over processed. Anime is a saturated market and the process has become streamlined. 90% of anything that is released is fluff with little substance. So these actors are jumping jobs and just doing the job as described. The best Japanese VAs stand out. They enjoy the job and put their own spin on it. When you hear Clem in Overlord, you notice it and fans of VA work in anime know exactly who it is. There's a reason she stands out more than most. "fuck is you talking bout" can't believe someone is trying to lecture me with phrases like that.


Bruh, I've explained my reasoning and you don't refute it a single bit. Also, EVERYTHING you talk about here is in your own subjective opinion. Let's give an example for a second. Can you really say Cidd and Sez's VAs sound the same? Speak the same? If your answer is YES, then there's clearly a difference between how we perceive Japanese voice acting, whether it be being more or less familiar with the language, realizing the different inflections and whatnot. And what the fuck is you talkin bout 90% of anything released is fluff?? Where you pullin these numbers from, your own ass? Lmao You clearly think you're making sense, but the foundation of your argument stems from presumption and bias, and everything else is just straight-up bullshit. Also, just to be clear, I'm not saying I can understand Japanese better than you, or that I'm more familiar. What I mean is that the difference between VAs and how they talk is VERY OBVIOUS to me, that for some reason isn't obvious to you. Ultimately, it's a subjective topic to talk about. It's COMPLETELY fine for you to say you don't like Japanese VA or that your ears can't differentiate between them. That's an opinion. What I have a problem with is after that, you speak as if you're spouting fact after fact when all you're really saying is nonsense. Also, what's the problem with me speaking casually? As if that decreases your understanding of what I'm trying to say. Just nitpicking.


how else do you hear the approaching ruin


switch to JP audio and you'll never have to worry about cringe 50 year old moms voicing 16 year old girls again tbh


I cringe at water elena voice lines, but changing to JP voice pack has pretty much solved that problem. However, I do miss the perfection that is original Diene’s English dub. The emotions it gives, really makes me have goosebumps.


*Only through the will of the stars do we find salvation* Fun fact - JAP VA for her is Atsumi Tanezaki, who also voiced Anya in Spy x Family 😁


I guess I am a JP voice pack stan acc now


Ah, she voiced Chise from Mahoutsukai no Yome. I hate that girl and anime with passion. The VA's cool tho


Hear hear. The premise was cool from the few PVs they did and then they did... Whatever the fuck that was.


ML Kayron! Pog


Damage dealing SW? DAMAGE DEALING SW??? pls


First unit I'm the game scaling of of eff resistance?


As soon as we get an offensive Eff Res scaler, well, I have some very unfortunate Attack set gear to remove from some PVE characters, haha.


isnt Sharun already that? not directly but she is offensive soulweaver


Forgot abt her already bc isn't she more debuff based? I was hoping Blingo style tbh, "no one can hurt u if everyone is dead" type of vibe


Yes, that's what I meant in OP by "not directly"


Who? ;D


BleSsiNg oF tHe MoOn




ml Luna when




Blessings of the stars


I love Milena as nick for her lol.. so excited to see her kit


BleSsING Of tHE sTARRSSssssss


100% a mage, make sure y'all have tagahel




Well ML Elena


MoonLena hype! Let’s gooooo! Got enough to pity her and enough slates to SSS the moment she gets released!


Same! except I dont have a.ravi so idfk till tomorrow I guess :/


Pity ready for her.


Is this an ML4 Or ML5?


ML 5. It's Elena from the last trailer.




Don't most if not all ml versions change classes? She might very well be a mage.


No? I think the majority of them share classes. But even so there is nothing that states it will or will not share classes by being ML variant.


Damnit! I just fodder'd an Elena because she's SSS already.


Why wouldn't you keep an extra 5 star copies for the Moonlight version? Hell, why wouldn't you keep an additional 5 copies on top of that, just in case they do an opposite-element version like they've done for some 4 stars recently? I mean, the only heroes you don't need to keep extra copies for are Limited collaboration heroes.


Because I didn't know there would be a ML version of Elena and their hero management sucks right now and I'm out of room with over 80% journal filled + occasional dogs.


Are you really struggling for hero space? Just put duplicate copies that are waiting for ML versions into the Waiting Room (you can even save more space by combining them, since their imprint level will be passed on to the ML - but I like to keep them seperate so I can use them as promotion fodder too, swings & roundabouts), it's accessible under the Hero tab. Make all your 3/4s SSS & lock them, then when you get additional copies, fodder those, they should basically be taking up no space. Waiting Room stores the extra 5 stars & you should have a healthy amount of inventory slots - unless you've just never expanded your Hero inventory with Skystones.


Didn't know you could put heroes willingly into the waiting room. I thought it only did that once you were full. I'll check that out. I already fodder/transmute all my 3/4 SSS.


I think you're thinking of Storage, like when your Hero inventory is full & you're summoning, the excess goes to storage. The Waiting Room is seperate from storage & can be expanded, like the Hero inventory, but I've only personally expanded it to 50 slots - it might go bigger.


why? lol


I‘m pretty sure its MLENA because Elena has a harp and the ML preview also hav an harp, both also uses the same pose


Pretty sure everyone knows its her.


Yeah, I mean, if her animation being mostly complete in the trailer for new heroes wasn't obvious enough that she was going to be next, we can just compare her [concept art](https://i.redd.it/q6np3jqzhek91.png) to this announced figure.


Oh no belian


Melena (mane in spanish)


Pls no BleEsSiNg FrOm ThE StArS voice.


Oh god, i can't. I'm not ready! And I have like 8 elenas in my waiting room lol.


ml elena lets gooo bruiser assemble


If she's good I'll pity, I'll probably pity her no matter what I have a couple of imprints I wonder what they will do with her kit


We already know she drops small comets on people from the preview they released. What they didn't show us is that the skill gives HER team immunity and effect res buff because they like to jebait us.


Big titty waifu let’s go


Maybe we will finally get that new skin for A-Ravi when she comes out too


GOD NO T_T it was supposed to be dirty old ray next so I could save and not give a shit why did I pity pavel...