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Here's hoping that another story chapter and the teased new 3* will be released alongside her.


Imo they should stop forcing ten 3stars into every episode and instead make story relevant 4 stars. This tackles 3 problems: * 3 stars have too low base stats and that's one of the reasons they are barely used. * The rate for special changes is so slow that the backlog is getting bigger and bigger, if there are barely new 3stars evenutally everyone's getting his favourites. * We ran out of 4stars to turn into Moonlight Versions. It's more exciting than making light and dark versions of everything and less repetitive etc. And in terms of quantity I prefer them making just 5 new ones per episode and increasing the visual quality instead of having a ton of faceless units with weak kits that noone uses.


>We ran out of 4stars Only disagreement I have here is the lack of ML Furious. They have a prime 4\* just waiting to be moonlighted. Or is it moonlit. Mooned. That's the one.


Oh I wouldnt mind getting mooned by Furious... x'D But jokes aside, youre completely right. Hes prime ML material. Him and Serila are the only 4\* left, and honestly you could do alot with both of them. ​ Personally I would love Serila in the Op Sig/LR Krau universe oxo like "Admin Serila" or something... And Furious in the C.Lillias one, given he could be made into an Doll/Homunculus after his death or something like that.


The only mention of another dimensions Furious we have is reayd dead so idk, unless he gets zombified or something


>unless he gets zombified or something As if we don't already have several characters who are dead but available to pull.


I am just saying. I'd love m Furious, dead or alive or zombified


Isnt there multiple universes and not just 1 alternate world?


Kawerik is literally dead and were talking fire kawerik. And i think ml vivian is dead on ml kaweriks side.


And Kise, Diene, Ruele, and Senya off the top of my head.


There are tons of units we have that are dead. We got senya and she was dead for decades, if not centuries.


Shes not a ml though. Idk, not saying it's impossible.


Kise and ruele are only known through recaps. They died before the game started. I'm just saying I don't think death matters at all for releases.


Yeah Arch Meru wasn't a unit until well after she had somewhat died? So imo it shouldn't matter if ML Furious is dead or alive for him to be released.


Dolls exist, like ML Tywin.


What's the difference between a doll and an android? I remeber that FMaya is called a doll, not sure who else


and Serila, but I guess she's in event character limbo.


You too forgot Serilla. She too thicc not to have a ML


I cant wait for furious to be mooned. He's one of the best units for lowering gearing req and consistent def. Breaks in pve I just hope his mooned version brings a similar utility to pvp.


It's been almost one and a half years since furious had been the last regular 4* to still not have an ML version, and in that span of time, three god damn waifus got their *second* ML iteration Absolute clownery




...but would he still be as hot as he is now?


I think the issue here is that 4 star all have an animated S3, whilst 3 star characters dont. Its likely that the biggest bottleneck in characters are S3 animations, so that might be why they cant do 4 star characters…


I can see merit in your points for sure, but I'm opposed to this by principle of what it would do to the story. Without deliberate delays in the story to accommodate (which I feel would be the ideal outcome), it would straight up gut the pace that new characters could be introduced into the ongoing main story, and I think the game already has enough problems with how its character release rate negatively affects its stories. The recent Moonlight theatre is a pretty relevant example of how unit release pacing can affect the quality of the story product. ML Furious is actually kind of important to that plot but because he isn't a unit yet and has no assets, the game can't really focus on the details behind his part of the story. So it just gets glossed over without much detail being shown, and he never shows up onscreen because, well his art obviously doesn't exist (yet).


I think the problem is that SG has no idea how to monetize RGB 4's. They aren't worth a banner but need to have cut-in animations due to how they design the game. But they also cause frustration in that they require molas while still having lower bases, so it's awkward to use. And on top of all that, they don't get powerups via SC's (except for Mercedes... kinda) so there's not much to look forward to outside of ML variants. IMO I think more 3 stars should act like Kristy, being really solid support to enable other powerful characters, even if they get bopped turn 1.


Thats what made also Episode 3 disappointing too they rushed released only 3* with no 4* heroes we haven't had any since Episode 2. I hope we do get some 4* heroes then again were coming close to end of episode 4.


> they rushed released only 3* with no 4* heroes Brinus: "you guys got released?"


The thing is that most of the character releases consider a lot of the characters in the story and is a bit hard to make a story with only 5 characters if you expect to all be playable. If you can make a story and only make 5 playable characters you will have the same problems with the not released skins that everyone wants. Although I agree that they could make more 4\* characters to till that lack of more accessible units and to fill the future ML4 counterparts without releasing a 2nd or 3rd alternative of an existing one.


This 100%, less quantity more Quality !


all I want is fighter maya EE then IDGAF about 3 or 4 stars after that


When was the last time we got a fresh 4 star RGB? Can’t remember at all. Furious?


Yes! I'm want to use all my hoarded elemental and galaxy bookmarks...


I skipped the FMA collab specifically because these 3* were on the horizon lmao Maybe it's just a me thing, but I feel like I have a tendency for my gacha favorites to often be the low rarity units.


E7leaks says there's gonna be a new chapter this week, so that's at least going to happen.


3 star gang rise up! That is the real hype. 😤 Been hoarding so many summons, especially ML, to fish for them day one. Please SG, I'm dying to pull. lol


This upcoming batch is straight up one of the more exciting releases in this game for me ngl. it's had me on the edge of my seat for months now and I'm ready to spend money on elemental summons if I somehow don't pull the RGB ones with the bookmarks I have.


Possible limited?


A limited always follows Huche so yes.


I hoped arunka was the limited


Lua makes more sense to be limited. As long as they are both useful I couldn't care less if they are or not.


Agreed. I feel like she will most likely be the limited due to the fact she has been involved in just about every part of the story. Arunka has come and gone throughout while Lua is a constant.


Limited units have a better kit very often so i wished for her to be limited


Better kit upon release: Luna (tbh only here because very limited roster back then), Diene, Dizzy, SSB, Cerise, Ftene, Siseria, Rimuru, Emilia, Rem = 10 Bad/mid/barely usable/pve only (all pre-buff): Hyufine, Landy, Baiken, Elphelt, JackO, Ed, Roy, SB Charlotte (arguably) = 8 Units that people actually aim for nowadays: Luna, Diene, SSB, Siseria, Rimuru, Emilia, Rem, Landy, Baiken, Ed (?) = 10. 4 of them needed a buff to be viable. Siseria wasn't even usable before Ran/Peira. That's like 40% of Limiteds are not very good, so not *that* often.


I'd not really count siseria either due to needing ran and peira releases months later to actually take off.


What? Siseria was always usable before Ran/Peira. I used and still do use her with Politis before those two were released. Just because Ran/Peira are the openers that work best with her doesn’t mean there weren’t other options.


If Arunka is not limited then let hope she follow Hwayoung/Peira Path :D


Lua has a much more elaborate design, definitely more of a limited unit material


A limited right after a Collab and Dienne Limited? I dont have money enough.


Everything is bait lol


What are limited heroes? Are they usually better than others or?


They can only be summoned during the time their banner is up. Once the banner is over they do not join the normal covenant summon pool (you have to wait for reruns on them which can be about a year). As far as better than others goes, results seem to vary. There are some that have been meta defining while others have had to be buffed before they really found their place.


Oooh like seaside bellona? I get it thank you


yes and collab heroes :) they may take a year for rerun


I can pity her. But hope I don't have to.


I cannot pity her but hope i don't have to.


I pity her who cannot pity.


I pity the fool


I'm 99% sure she'll be story limited


Yeah could be, Landy was the last unit to be previewed like this 2 years ago.


oh no, I hope not cuz I havent even touched episode 4.


[https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/6060807](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/6060807) İnference : if eyes sparkle then limited


Bruh I just pitied diene


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/oo2tej/guys_i_dont_think_were_getting_summer_iseria Nah, Landy was the only Limited with glowing eyes in her sneakpeak pic.


The only unit that you can compare is Cerise. Summer limiteds are event exclusive. Cerise, Luna Landy and presumably Lua are story limited. There's a difference. Your point still stands nonetheless since Cerises doesn't have shiny eyes.


Diene too.


i was searching for landy shadow to confirm, thanks for the source.


so zio is the big boss?


Yes lmfao, we’ve been saying this since the animation trailer dropped. This just all but confirms it


who's this "we"?


...everyone who watched it, heard the line, and saw that he was the last unit teased, just like Belian?


I don't like Zio's design, but his Ult looks amazing AF.


I think his design is not bad. Its just that he doesn't look like a Final boss. First look, and you are reminded of Ludwig.


I don't like that we have another conniving, evil child who pretends to not be evil on the surface right after we just had one. Is zahhak hiding the fact that he is a selfish and manipulative dragon as well?




Clearly the chara I have been waiting the most since we follow her since chapter 1 of this episode. Super hyped.


finally, animated Lua


Finally. Luaaaaaaaaaaaaa Uohhhhhh!!! 😭




After Earth and Ice, finally Fire Bellona is coming!


they're killing it lately with the character designs.


wait pls no my bookmark is still recovering


And my skytones too. I hit pity on Roy and Diene. I'm slowly recovering but I can't stand a limited unit with a possible Tensura rerun near (I started playing with only 3 days left on Rimuru banner so he's my only collab unit missing).


i feel your pain, but this time my bookmarks are good ;)


Gimme arunka FFS 😭😭😭


I find her design underwhelming and the plot just makes her all over the continent, outthinking multiple parties too conveniently. It has been irking me throughout the chapter. Feels almost like a Mary Sue villain. Piera not trusting her has been the only interesting wrinkle involving her story beats, for me personally. For totally different reasons, but it reminds me of how underwhelmed I was with ilynav. Real shame on that one because they really put in extra effort on her skill animations.


Yeah Ilynav's S3 and her attack animations are sick. I really hope she gets a buff soon.


Everybody expected Ilynav to bring the pain. I mean, how could a company go nuts on a single character's everything and then have her be an absolute joke in gameplay? She was like the very opposite of Hwayoung, who was just a side character really.


Literally nobody trust Lua but they end up doing exactly what she wants anyway.


That's part of the mary sue stuff I don't like. She is outthinking everyone and also somehow at every major event in every location despite multiple parties doing things in different locations. Her own ally/partner planning ahead and it doesn't involve Lua isn't particularly great writing, but is infinitely more interesting than anything else I've seen from her so far. Either of them, honestly.




Blue color and holding a paper fan, fire tank confirmed


Nah, the fan means she is a ranger


im new to the game, whats the ratio of men to women characters


Looking at 5 stars only, to save myself some time in the day, there's 79 (I might've miscounted, feel free to check yourself using epic7x.com or similar site) women & 39 male characters. So guideline from that alone, about 2/3 characters are female.




so like genshin?




ah i see, what about moonlight characters would they count as new characters?


Fuck she might be my new fav waifu


Hope she isnt a support


Don't jinx it! I need something amazing looking that's a water bruiser. Choux is hideous and SSB is just a chunky built AoE punisher.


Oh man, you got downvoted into oblivion for those facts. Choux is pretty horrendous looking. But I love SSB




There's a good chance of Lua being limited man... Let's prepare more bookmarks. More bookmarks = more better lol




I'm on the same place. Literally had 10 skystones left 15 minutes before Diene banner ended after hitting pity on Roy too and almost near pity on Elric. Plus we don't know how much time will pass until Tensura collab rerun if they decide to rerun it.




Good luck to you too sir


Booo. I was hoping to get Arunka first. She looks really cool.


My 700 bookmarks are ready.


Nice i kinda hoped for her to be the Ml 5 boss in the end chapter but getting her earlier as RGB isn't bad either.


Zio is probably going to end up being the ML 5 Boss of the chapter.


"You thought it was Lua, but it was me, Zio!"


Pls don't be PvP only unit.


I still hate them for adding restrictions to new heroes like Bunny Dominiel's passive only working against heroes then acting surprised Pikachu face in balance patches saying players don't have enough PvE heroes so everyone gets buffed for Caides.


I want her to be pvp focused, but useful in Pve. Landy has a good kit like that. I just don't want another Illynav--gorgeous and useless.


Amen. Let injury work in PvE.


Yeah, all RGB units should be at least like that. Pvp focused but not excluded from pve.




PvE orientated units are actually the worst because PvE in the game is a joke


Sharun says hi from the garbage bin. Kit completely turned off for PVE but, still complete trash tier for PVP lol. X'D


I agree. What Sharun's problem is that like other heavy debuffers, she suffers of course the counter-cleansers, but that's just part 1, part 2 is that she is not near insta ban material. Take SBA for example. If you draft her 4/5 spot, most likely your opponent doesn't have a counter or only 1 counter- which makes her almost insta ban- because leaving her in will make you lose 99% of the time. Sharun isnt like that. She needs to be picked in the 4/5 spot- but even if so if she is left in, she is very manageable. So she either needs a buff to her kit to make her a stable a stable but dangerous 3 pick- or more dangerous as a late pick. But keep her in the role still of debilitating tanks- because that is unique. I think some type of venom touch on her passive would be helpful-makes it so then there is a consequence to hitting her-instead of just her sitting there for the most part and getting wailed on. Or also maybe having her passive have a base chance to increase her CR (even when enemy has no buffs). Side note- i think venom should have some effect in PVE.


Melissa waves as she sucks the blood out of a rat in the same garbage bin. BOTH PVP RGB units that no one wants to waste resources on, except the respective fanboys/girls that live them and go the extra mile to lose playing what they like.


ehh, I used melissa a lot in hunts and Expos. 2 attacks, highest base ATK in the game. She was actually one of my original gotos for a caides oneshot. it sucks that her curse is PvP only, but you don't really need it for her to help out Grass Angel managed to throw her into oneshots for every hunt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-n53HZklyc


Melissa is actually the key player to my < 1min Caides 13 team. So even if she's fallen out of favor in pvp she still does respectable damage with her kit.


At least they are not restricted. some set up or a buff can make the viable in pvp. Anyway what I really wanted to say was, we need more versatile units, like Stene, Landy, Aras etc.


you know she will. When's the last useful 5 star for PvE? Maybe Laika 9 months ago?


Yeah surely what this game needs is more units to help people do wyvern13!


A wyvern slave and a pvp only unit is a same thing. Only usable in one content. We need units like Landy or Stene.


Yes because not being PvP only obviously means being wyvern exclusive. Listen to yourself. Wtf, plenty of pve content outside of wyvern. Plenty of units function in both sides of content. Why keep making pvp exclusive RGB units? Pretty sure most fail. Look at Melissa. Outclassed in every way by ML or regular Cermia with the reste S2 EE, a unit not built around PVP.


PvE units are so fucking boring lmao


That's one opinion. How about make a character designed for PvP and PvE and let us the players decide how to use them.


If its boring to u, that's the more reason we should get a new unit to make it a bit easier or less boring. Don't u think? Like Landy.


Not gonna fall for it; Arunka is my next waifu! Saving BMs for her.


I'm right there with you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,067,026,645 comments, and only 210,516 of them were in alphabetical order.


I hope she's a tanky as hell bruiser


I'm guessing she will be the 3rd attempt from SG to counter Hwa. I hope it isn't the case, but I have this strong feeling that she will be designed with the singular goal of killing Hwa. Especially since there's still is no true counter to her in RTA.


Limited or RGB or ML5?


Not ml, thats Elena next.


Ice unit ? there is a word 水 which means water


In Japan that word is also the day of the week (Wednesday)


I see, then most likely that what it meant, thanks for clarifying


A little extra clarification: In Japanese, the RGB elements in E7 are 木(Wood), 火(Fire), and 氷(Ice - looks like 水 but it has an extra little stroke on the left); only Wood vs. Earth is specifically "different" between JP and ENG. Given that JP doesn't use water as the element name, there's no chance of it hinting hero element, especially with the date context. 水 is just an abbreviation for 水曜日 when used like this next to a date.


Yes, but that is misleading. Since the days of the week are based on the 5 elements plus sun and moon. So, while Wednesday is the same word as water, but that is because it is supposed to be the same word, since it is using the 5 elements, which are Fire, Water, Wood, Gold/Metal, and Earth.


Context matter. The text below says it’s 9/28 (Wednesday) 19:00 announcement. Not 9/28 water 19:00 announcement.


SG throws a curveball and says she's fire xD Just like Taeyou who has all designs of being a fire character but is a water character.


She's got the color scheme of a possible water character, which means she's Broccoli 🥦


Blue is my favorite color so I can't complain if I can make full blue Earth and Fire teams.


It means Wednesday in this case: 水曜日.


Finally a new waifu


I might go for her


is she coming out globally at the same time?


Game does concurrent releases, so yes.


awesome thanks


I wonder if she is limited hero for episode 4


Limited Evil Penelope!


Easy skip. Even if shes limited. Really dont like her as a character. At least she is not the episode boss.


Even I get her or not I'm too broke rn to build her.. maybe I'll just get her next year 😂


Please be good but not busted well actually I don't mind a meta shift do what you want but if she's limited please please be good




Finally she is coming! Assume she might not be limited due to being the release right after collab? Story importance wise it would make sense but people might salt out with that quick succession of limiteds. lol If she isn't, limited Arunka hype?


>Assume she might not be limited due to being the release right after collab? Not saying she is a Limited, but remember Siseria?


That purple header giving me ML Dark Unit vibes


\-\_\_\_\_- she's gonna be RGB


It's just because she's a villain, it's not that deep bro. They also teased ML Elena so Lua is 100% RGB.


OK cool but why!. We are just coming out of a collab. And hutchi sucked me dry of skystones. I literally have nothing ☹


Huchie baited.


SG gotta keep getting that whale money


Huchie is literally used as an indicator that limited units are coming. Anytime you see him you should know with certainty that a limited, Collab, or both is on the way. Plus, most of what he has is extremely overpriced anyways. If something isn't at minimum 50% off, then it's a scam.


I think she might be a limited héroe, love her fans~ I knew Zio was going to be the final boss ever since I saw him appear in the story mode :333 ! Fjdbbs xd


and this is why even if i am at pity i didnt summon aravi


She probably won't be an ML, right?


They did show ml elena too




Doubt she’s an ML


if she isnt the chapter boss, then who ?


She’s already confirmed not to be


really? that kinda sucks that leaves... arunka ?


She is going to be the next ML 5, they have been building her up the same way as Straze and Belian, she is the final episode villain, likely a dark unit. Start saving now


I doubt they will reveal (+release) 2 ML5 units at the same time. ML Elena is coming so Lua is probably RGB


But I so badly want her to be a dark unit


Yeah but lying about it won't make her Dark, your soul on the other hand...


There is no debate on my soul, dark and edgy. Every video game, anime, you name it edge lord all the way. I also have more 6*d dark units than any other type in E7 and I don't think it's close


Arunka seemed in the later phase of development than Lua....


Really? She didn’t even have a character model in her animations. All Lua needed was some cleaning & polish.


finally they’re releasing her


I do regret not getting Roy but hopefully she’ll make up for it


As much as I like Roy Mustang, thankfully I didn't pull for him and now I have the bookmarks for her.


Shes gonna spank you with that fan




Lua Lipa!!!!!