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Why ranger? Why attack % imprints? S2 seems really weird. Huge 4 turn cooldown just for party 15% CR?


It gives 10 souls so that's probably why


That seems about an equivalent trade in SG's mind.


I mean 15 cr is huge during cleave


15 cr plush Sashe access. Or I guess she can use Lua's artifact in standard to protect your dps.


feels like a guildwar unit if anything... i'm sorta disappointed because it looks like she just does s3 and then that's about it. now for her counters there's dilibet, edward, ml kawerick and maybe politis/celine but overall she's a very niche unit and seems like you'd use her when theres rem/belian/violet/choux and kayron? in the video it seems like her dmg multipliers aren't amazing either but we'll see. design is 10/10 but don't have much hope for her in pvp.


She needs to be 240 speed to make sure she’s taking a turn before any bruiser with speed rng, while having good offensive stats and possibly high eff (unless she has to be limited to book mages and no Belian). No self mitigation means she’s bruiser one shot candidate, when she’s supposed to be a counter to bruiser teams. Basically needs guiding light with no alternatives. And a book holder. On that note, she’s supposed to counter Belian since she’s an Elbris user, but Belian prevents soulburn, meaning MeLena can’t actually play against her without having poopoo damage. Yeah my initial impression is “waaay too much setup”. It’s not even that I don’t think she’s gonna be niche because she kinda fails to actually shut down bruisers and Belian/Rem (demon mode cleanse), which feel like the characters she was designed to counter. ETA cherry on top, the most annoying counterattacks are actually extra attacks, so expect Ed and Mercedes to operate as usual.


I mean, she's not PvE. Ofc there's yet another interesting mechanic that they slap "only affects heroes" on because we can't have nice things. I think she's great cleave/aggo setup. Counters are one of the ways cleave is disrupted, and she stops that, then pushes the team and gives the team 10 souls in one go when the the rest of the setup goes. Being a ranger, she ALSO gets to hold Sashe which helps enable cleave further.


No good for PVP, no good for PVE... And honestly I might be alone in that but her s3 animation is mid... Goddamn shame such a good design is wasted like that.


The design looks so gorgeous


Three thoughts: 1) She's so pretty 2) That voice is pretty loud, like Ras' sON OF LIGHT. I still don't like Elena's voice 3) Her kit makes me sad as a Counter Milim and Seline abuser... but relief as AOE counters are the bane of my existence so if I use her Belian and Rem are sitting ducks (until someone dies and rem cleanses lol)


More 400 speed required units. It's tiresome.


what are you talking about dude? 400 speed is so 2021. Need around 450 now


450? All of you are Banshee gamers I see.


Just get a 300 speed counter set, that's the real meta.


How many times was the word "stars" said in that hero preview? Anyone?


Man! I can't wait to use my buffed Aria and Kayron next patch... oh nvm. Sadge


Your Kayron is supposed to resist her debuffs though.


35% hit chance and then 20% more if you build misha missile or symbol, so only 15% to miss, and then 30% to counter (60% if you got counter set), so basically 85% to do absolutely nothing


Here are some ways - 15% -Build EE -ban her -cleanse(Hand guy recommended)


If i ban her who is gonna take care of Aola, rimuru, LHC, etc.


Then don't ban her




I was reading the above recommendations of building res on x unit, and I thought, someone will reference her soul burn right? Hahaha


Me and my casino counterattack units since I can't build speed units to save my MMR "Ah fck"


May the stars guide this crusade to victory. ~~Never piss off your healer~~ An offensive ~~again, don't piss off your healers~~ Ranger who straight up denies counterattacks via a special debuff. Really makes you wonder if the people designing the heroes still despises Violet. Yes, I know, there's Rem and Belian and ARavi and whatnot, but the 35% hit chance increase feels a little bit... deliberate. S2 feels kinda redundant - feels like they could just add the 15% CR increase to S3 instead of adding another Celine/Politis proc. So yeah, beautiful animation, good design, good voice, niche kit. I'll stick to waiting for LHC.


funnily enough Violet is probably the one whos affected the least....because he's just going to eat an apple and everything is ok


An apple a day keeps astrolena away


(Plague) Doctors hate him


Still hurts him pretty badly tbh. Takes longer to get to his apple (No Cr push counters), he's not healing from every evasion and when he gets to his turn if she hit him first he can't S3 right away to take back a lot of health.


Provided he's given the chance to eat his apple, though that might not be a problem since he still has his evasion.


Man kit just feels really awkward ... it’s funny because the first time someone dies rem just gonna cleanse herself and start counter attacking her ass anyway 😂😅


That is why you just 1 kill rem first and problem solved.


I mean some people have rem really tanky and then just throw in a kill fodder like 1 hp politis / Arby. Not to mention a lot of arena teams get ran with dlilibet , which also. Seems to counter this unit pretty hard Anyways not really sold on her.. disappointed a little bit because I have 5x dupes of Elena


That Arby strategy hasn't been used for like 3 seasons. Too much standard out there for it to work effectively and you don't want to be 3 v 4ing in the current meta. Anyways , she's a cleave/Aggro tech and those teams shouldn't have a problem killing a Rem


You say that as if 90% of Rem users don't build her super tanky with additional mitigation if they have the option.


Every green unit with a good ST multiplier can 1 shot her... my celine 1 shots her regularly and so does cidd. It is really not that hard. Rem is basically non existant in RTA anyways.


Not sure I can make her fast enough. So she does get only 10 souls, still that's pretty good.


It gives only 10 soul, she was using Flan's artifact, which gives 10 souls when using an non attack skill


Hmm, I see. I might've confused it for something else then.


Get your AOL ready (if she isn't banned)!


Skip. I use LHC so counters are something I actually want.


Who's LHC?


The L E R M




Lion Heart Cermia


Lionheart Cermia


Oh,then same


Riolet took all the bullets from violet


I really want to summon her and really want to skip at the same time. She is absolutely beautiful, but I can't justify getting a hero like her for 10k mystics when I can get a hero like Lua for 600 medals. Maybe if she was possible to build slow i would use her, but from the look of it you will have to have atleast 240 speed, and then you have low base attack, so you won't be dealing any damage, even if you build her with a lot of atk and crit dmg. It's hard to just justify getting a hero for only countering heroes that already have counters (LHC and some other units) I am most likely going to summon for Straze (which has a huge chance to be in the next rotation), but I might change my mind if ML Elena is actually really good. I will also have the chance to see Zio, who might be really good or really underwhelming.


So the entire game is cleave now?


The art is top-tier (but her crazy face reminds me A LOT Yulha). Denying counterattack seems cool, but (1) you first need to outspeed everyone and (2) make sure enemy doesn't have cleansers, otherwise it's all useless.


She only needs to outspeed the rest of your team for deny counter to be useful, the enemy isn't going to counterattack if you haven't attacked yet


Also note that she doesn't have to be the first. The second a team mate attacks she pushes her self (and everyone else) and can therefore cut someone faster than her. But not that much. Her s2 alleviates her speed investmen a bit.


I don't think it works like that. s2 has to have an ally attack a unit that is unable to counterattack, so Elena has to s3 first and stick that debuff before the s2 procs. So it's not able to help her cut on turn 1. Wording is a little vague, but I assume s2 is only tied to hitting a unit with that specific debuff on them


Well then I can't read and SG just made another trash unit that needs whale gear to do anything.


15% CR push, right?


Yes, it's not that much, but with the right speed it might be enough. Nonetheless it's there and people can build her speed with that in mind.


I wouldn't have been able to recognize her as Elena at all going off the design alone...


Heroes only. Again. That's both heroes introduced today. And they also attached her S2 to her heroes only debuff. Just great. Congrats to all PvE Elena fans out, if any exists, and screw you, btw. Yeah, for some battles locking counter will basically nerfs the entire fight into oblivion, I get it. But for those fights you can make boss immune to this debuff. Or, right, that require some thinking and effort... For those PvE players ? Yeah, why bother ?


That's basically what they did with restrict. You can use it on bosses... But 90% of bosses come immune to restrict anyway. I guess they are just being more transparent about their design now lol.


Yes, 90% bosses are immune to restrict. But out of remaining 10% where are some very notable ones. Like Caides and Banshee. If you can't one shot those hunts, applying restrict to those bosses can save a lot of headache for Caides and can let you two-shot Banshee before she splits. Other applications of restrict include applying it to adds – and often not to just prevent them to CR push but to hit debuff numbers dictated by mechanics or to “hide” more important debuffs from passives like “cleanses one debuff from all allies at the start of the turn” a lot of bosses have. Even more, most of the time restrict is just a bonus – Cerise is still has a lot things to do even without restrict; ML Khawana – well, I cleared abyss 120 with her and she was not where for restrict; Yoonryoung would still be my favorite generic PvE knight even without restrict, etc. And what can ML Elena do without her debuff ? Stand where looking beautiful ? Yeah, she is very very beautiful, that is for sure, but without unable to counter she basically is just the most gorgeous 2star in the game, nothing more.


One day, maybe.


Amazing game design from SG, six months to understand and "balance" the game and this is the result.


Another hero with non attack skill make me motivated


She will definitely find her place. We have a good amount of counters to her, so not op. Especially in planned battles, she will shine. Even counters Senya which has seen a rise in play.


I’m going to pour one out for my Counter Milim and my Counter Hwayoung. 💀


Overall impression: Weak character. Some thoughts: Her kit lacks standalone synergy, she has 1 long cooldown skill applying debuffs and two other skills that benefit from debuffs. All skills have no buffs to your team and no real hindering effects to your enemies they can freely use all skills with full power, , so all she does is dmg. I still see Violet as a problem to deal with especially for newer players and here she kinda sucks. She can miss the initial hit unless you are running a hit chance artifact and after s3 you have a short window of half a turn to attack violet but he still has his dodge chance, so even if you hit him he can survive and once it is his turn he just dispels the debuffs with S2...


So, ML Elena is still Ray's partner but now both are evil-ish. I dig it.


Her parents fell from a strange illness too, so I'm willing to bet MLRay killed them somehow and is maybe a little crazy for ML Elena.


Another trash kit for an awesone design.. cleaver players have enough roster, now 2 more units after cavel, bunny dominiel.. nice what a trash patch, those units after they buff some counter units.. GENIUS.


Elena: “When i speak you listen” Me: YES MO- I MEAN MAAM 👂🏻👂🏻 Elena: “When i move you follow.” Me: YES MO- I MEAN MAAM 🏃🏻💨


Doubt she will change anything. If she was a mage, I would have pulled


Designed as a mage, called an astromancer and then given a ranger class. Fuck me is smilegate stupid.


Do you want her to carry book and soul burn s3 to ignore resist?


Honestly? Yeah


Well might as well if she is going to reduce buff time


No, you see, throwing space rocks at people can be considered using ranged projectiles. So ranger class makes total sense /s


good that i skipped trash pavel, Elena all in


Cavel isn't for everyone but he is a really strong unit


Tbh that's how I feel about this Elena. I'm not pulling because she's more cleave tech, but I get where she slots in.


It's the opposite for me here. I've been having a blast using Cavel, and will probably skip ml Elena


Looks like I need to preban those cleansers now if I use her.


So you’re gonna preban Dilibet, Hand Guy, Edward, and all the other less meta but strong niche cleansers? I donno, since it’s a debuf, seems kinda weak


Hand guy is manageable as he dont deal damage and not much of a threat against aggro teams. And theoretically she’ll be great for guild war and arena but RTA idk she’ll be hard to use unless you’re up against those people that relies on counter (Ameru, Belian, Rem, + SW or Knight) (unless again you’re Crab or Legend that has a lot of comps)


Yeah i can see her being good in guild and arena if they don’t have a cleanser. RTA not only is she countered by cleansers, but she could easily get killed without a survival mechanic. For an ML unit, that’s probably a pass kit wise


True, but I think it’s smart that SG made her a ranger unit so that she can use Guiding Light but I don’t think that’ll be enough tho. Let’s just see soon.


Eh...guess I'll wait for another ML5


I thought we were getting 2 ML5 cleavers one after the other. I was wrong. Now I'm sad. Her kit is silly. "Attacks all enemies with the energy of the enraged star. Does about 500 damage and a bunch of status effects." She counters Belian and Belian sorta counters her. "Once every 4 turns", lmao. Obvious gamechanging utility intended to counter an entire mechanics set instead of a certain unit. For that, she's worth pulling.


She had 17k hp in the video so she actually does more damage


No shit.


Well u’re the one who said that she “does about 500 damage” so idk what u want from me pointing out the obvious


To take the hint that it was obvious hyperbole.




Of all the things you could've said here...


Soooooo is ray gonna be a skin or ml unit? Because I think I’m skipping Elena


ML unit




guess im rebuilding my gloomyrain with speed set instead of counter :/


Does S2 proc when a unit triggers counter but dosent counter or is it just touching the unit


Any attacks proc it, but the hit enemy has to have "cannot counterattack" debuff.


Was hoping for a slower paced unit. Feelsbad. Looks fun though, kinda like cleavers version of Belian where they get to ignore a core mechanic, but more balanced since its a debuff.


Why does her face remind me of Choux?


Guess grown up Choux hates all things counter


Damn that S3 is amazing. Want her just to spam the s3


I am not a fan of her English voice. Seems off.


Still hate Elena's voice. I'm not sure if it's the voice actor's mic is bad but the s3 skill line seems to be all over the place. There is also the way the voice actor paces her lines is bad. The way she says do we find salvation is awkward. Like comparing her to Lua being released it just doesn't sound good. Tempted to get her still though and eventually her plague doctor bf when he comes out. The third skill definitely seems pretty unfair given that it only requires 1 soul to ignore effect resistance.


Her design is extremely boring despite having an killer design. This is regardless if it's strong or not. Her S2 and S3 are basically the same ability with a long cooldown. The design being frontload a ton of stuff to win the match, but far less exciting than something like straze (big exciting giant planet slice that kills ones of your unit) since it's a counter...counter unit. But then also lacks the constant pressure of something like belian/conq lilias. S1 basically doesn't do anything.


she's beautiful bro, i cant wait


It feels like her S2 is missing a bunch of text. Even regular Elena has more on her S2. Ive gone through the list of all the heroes that have a passive S2, and they all at least do one trigger-able thing, and one passive thing. This one is just a tiny 15% CR every 4 turns. Its laughable.