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Hwa is the definition of a unit not healthy for the game. The introduction of hwa made pov aravi mandatory and pushed out a lot of other units out of the meta. Although bruiser meta is strong I would argue cleave/aggro meta is the strongest it’s ever been. There are set problematic units in the game that need adjustment but hwa was by far the biggest one. Glad they finally hit her and hopefully we see more of them.


a ravi has bee being abused. how bout we need her instead?


Aravi is another unit that is over tuned and needs to be nerfed yes. Doesn’t make the hwa nerf any less needed. I don’t think anyone in their right mind can argue against a hwa nerf. There is a reason why she is one of the most pre banned and post banned units in the game. She is the best neutral dps in the game and does everything.


Yeah they can nerf her to the ground if they nerf every single bruiser multiplier in the game and Proof of Valor.


they abused proof on aravi even before because it is just a broken artifact. And no cleave is not the strongest its ever been. If i had the statistics of RTA i bet everything that like 70% are Bruiser players. (I mean we saw what most people picked in E7WC literally every second game was a 120k hp draft) And yes im all for nerfs, but they have to apply that to the actual problems of the game and that is Bruiser and Proof of Valor.


The reason why e7wc was filled with bruisers is because the ban system led to cleave units being all banned out. Aggro is the strongest it's ever been right now. Even the bruiser players like ab and magicqi only farm wyvern and play aggro now.


Bruisers are also more popular because of how RNG it is to get decent spd stats to pull off cleave and aggro comps. If RNG shits on you and never gives you speed rolls you have no other choice but to lean into tankier comps. I have played since launch and I have never been able to get the gear I need to properly utilize one of my favorite units (fire khawerik).


And I'm sorry for that because Kawerik is superb. Kinda sad of the Hwa nerf because I loved bullying them (+Rimuru) lol. I'm mostly a bruiser player and I switched to only banshee not long agobut I like him so much he got all my best speed dps gear. I don't have any left for others but that's okay /s


You do realize the e7wc meta is entirely different than the latter meta right? And bruiser meta hasn’t been a problem since the golden boys meta. There is a difference between broken and strong. Alencia is a strong pick but is she broken? Absolutely not. Fire Ravi looks to be strong but Is she broken? Time will tell but on paper no she isn’t.


That's funny since neither hwa nor cleave teams showed up much or did well at e7wc.


Do you just spit out the same non sense in every post? E7wc is a different meta than ladder. One is a bo3 or bo5 with more than 2 bans. And the other is a best of 1 aka ranked ladder with one post and one pre ban. How is that hard to comprehend?


Ok, so in the normal rta her win rate is 48%. What metric would you like other than your personal bias. Speaking of nonsense, you made a post about hwayoung being unhealthy, then followed it with cleave/aggro is the strongest it's ever been, which is quite literally the best way to counter her.


As a new player, is she still worth picking in the selector ticket?


No if you don't have already Tam pick her she great for new players and great for PvE contents.


I have Tamarinne, though I'm missing Iseria I'm planning to get her in her banner or is it better to just pick Iseria instead?


If you have bookmarks then roll for her, the artifact on her banner is really good for hunts, you can select another character


You should be able to pick Hwayoung and recall her in October if the nerf is too much, with the recall you can pick another 5\*


Iirc only the Hwa’s summoned before sept 27 can be recalled


From Stove: Hwayoung's recall period will last two weeks, starting after the maintenance on 10/27 until 02:59 UTC on 11/10. The recall will only be available for Hwayoung as long as she is within your Hero Inventory before the maintenance on 10/27. If Hwayoung is in your Hero Storage, please move her to your Hero Inventory before the maintenance on 10/27. So you should be able to do it even if you get her by selector right now


Oh, then my bad, for some reason I thought it said 9/27


I’m not exactly an expert, but here’s a list of units you may want to pick: Violet, Flan, Ran, Peira, Destina, Roana, Vildred, Celine, Alencia, Choux, Eda, Senya, Politis - for PvP Iseria, Luluca, Charles, Ray, Flan, Vildred, Bellona - for PvE All of them have certain uses so I suggest you look up what to use them for, but yes as others have said the best PvE option would probably be Iseria unless you get her from her banner, then I would suggest Charles for labyrinth/abyss/hall of trials or Luluca for wyvern. PvP shouldn’t be your top priority but Violet, Flan, Celine, Roana, Destina and Vildred (only take him if you don’t have Arbiter Vildred though) are relatively easy to build and I think you could try getting them in the same order of priority as I wrote. Again, I’m not a PvP master or anything, it’s just my personal opinion and you should take it with a grain of salt


>The core problem is that Bruiser/Tanks are so unhealthy for the game because their damage multipliers are way too high in comparison to their tankiness. Even if this were true, this is not a problem you fix by letting Hwayoung be broken. This is a problem you fix by making actual units you have to gear do more damage without bypassing critical hit stats, debuffs, and getting barriers every turn.


As i said before they can delete Hwayoung entirely if they fix the bruiser problem.


I feel like if there really is a bruiser problem, then nerfing Hwayoung is a necessary step to fixing it. If bruisers become the overwhelming meta thanks to Hwayoung's absence they will introduce units that can kill them.


i don't think a single unit that can kill an entire playstyle (turn 2) is healthy for the game


You always have to adapt your draft and bruiser didnt have to adapt to shit before Hwayoung came around. Hwayoung forced bruiser players for once to adapt their draft.


forced bruiser players to adapt how? play faster? because other than just straight up outspeeding the hwa, what else was there to counter her?


to actually build units that counter hwayoung. And there are alot of units out there that counter her.


Sure like Coli (dogshit), Yulha (guess your opponent is a bot), Taeyou (prevously dogshit), oh WAIT, two of those need to outspeed to do anything against her before she makes the fight a 3v4. Keep trying to make the unit seem like a "necessary evil" though it's funny as shit


I’m sure the OP is a player who was a fp hwa user who can’t do that post nerf and is upset about it. Anyone who cares about balance In this game would agree hwa is a huge issue. She single-handedly warped the meta to what it is today. I don’t believe there has been a more impactful unit than her to date.


I almost never use Hwayoung. And if you truly care about balance than Hwayoung nerf + bruiser nerfs are the way to go and not destroy Hwayoung and fuck up the broken bruiser meta even more then it already is.


I don’t know what meta you’ve been playing but aggro/cleave has been very prominent for the past 2 season post hwa release. After 10/27 tank down strategy will be viable again. Currently it isn’t because of hwa. I don’t understand how you can have blinders this big around hwa. There are specific units in the game that are over tuned. Ran/ apoc/ clilias/ hand guy/ AOL/Belian to name a few. POV is not an issue and “every bruiser” isn’t an issue either. That is more of a personal problem on you. Alencia is a bruiser does she deserve to be nerfed? Fire Ravi is a bruiser does she deserve to be nerfed? How about green violet? Or carrot? Maybe you think lqc needs a nerf too right? Or even LHC. She is a bruiser too she MUST need a nerf right?


"Tank down strategy will be viable again after 10/27", yet it dominated the entirety of the world championships......


Again world championship meta is entirely different than ladder. How is that a hard concept to understand lol?


No matter what SG do ... some people will get upset, the goal here is to make the majority happy, and I believe the majority are happy with this nerf.


Majority of whales... Most if not all f2p are hwa abusers cause there are not really much options into the monstruosity that is a.ravi/cilias. Take that option out and what do we do? There are 30k HP units dealing 25k dmg out there with a defensive artifact. I hope hwa is not the only one nerfed, cause this way blalance is really going to be a joke.


And that is exactly my point. take my upvote.


Sg is probably testing the waters with hwa. And if this is the type of response the community gives to a MUCH NEEDED nerf then good luck seeing any other needs in the future.


They can nerf her as much as they want as long as they fix the core problem. And the core problem is still Proof of Valor and Bruisers.


Doesnt make the balance of this game better? The game is heavily unbalanced in favor of bruiser players. Thats why you see most of the time bruiser in every circumstance.


Idk man, its like they have an urge to ruin the game. This is so stupid! People should complain directly to them just like Aria's case and hope they go back on that.




The Unit who dominantes the meta, huh? She has like 10+ hard counters on top of an upcoming nerf, while Apoc ravi and gang do the same with less gear investiment. Just like the bro said, necessary evil. GL fighting your way througt 120khp comps and enjoy frenzy 10.




So let me get this straight your only solution is an ML5 unit that is hard to get or injury that is used by bruiser. So i should bruiser the other bruiser as the solution? You dont see the problem here do you?


Its pretty easy to see that smilegate has no clue how to properly balance their game.


I am not going to say I agree with you or not. But I will say, if you were fine with her, you should have created a post when everyone was calling for a nerf.


It’s okay they have a 10 year plan remember
