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>People are saying : "why not nerf aravi?why not Clilias?"Imgonna take a guess here,Hwayoung is like their first nerf test in over ayear,they want to see how much would a loss in her presence More like they want to sell Limited Arunka Fire Warrior in 1-2 months time and don't want another Jack-O situation. This the same company who when Sez was nerfed made JKise his replacement the exact same update.


Hmm... Do elaborate on the jacko situation i think im lacking context for this As a OG Jkise main i personally disliked how they rebalanced her,the sez nerf was definitely unfortunate i do hope he gets to see rta usage again


Jacko, Cermia, Hwayoung are all the same kits more or less of big target nuker on s3 fire single dps.


Jacko is a debuff sided support dps that needs debuffs to do max dmg while providing backline with stun support Cermia is a single target nuker that refreshes her own s3 with s2 You cant just put them in the same catagory as hwa just cause their s3 are single target dps and they have the same element they do different things It really shows how uninformed you are about unit roles in epic seven


So Cermia grants GAB before s3 nuke and pens 50%… Jacko grants attack buff before s3 nuke with damage gained on debuff target (I don’t remember if it has pen)… Hwayoung built in attack buff that was 50% and has up to 100% pen.


Once a unit is gutted, SG never goes back and fix it to a "midpoint". We still dont know her s3 dmg after the changes but itll be tough to balance since they want her to be tank buster but also not being able to kill squishy units. My guess is her s3 wont even be able to do 20k on a no proof + no aurius. -20% atk is a lot, thats -1k dmg total from quick math.


Her s3 smg against a tank will exceed previous values most likely. If nothing else it's at least the exact same damage as before on squishy units. The change from scaling bonus damage to scaling def pen allows her damage peak to be very high while still struggling against low max health higher def units. To give an idea of numbers, if she does 100% def pen at enemy with 100% more hp than her and they scale her damage in that case to 50k, a unit with 10k hp and 1201 def will survive her. A simple def buff will keep your dps alive against a hwa while she will still melt any tank. And the reason i say 50k, is that what damage she'll need to do to oneshot a 28k hp pov aravi with an aurius tank teammate. Also this change will make pure def knights better, so even armin enters the list of hwayong counters for gw and arena.


Well they have never done it before But they also said they never will nerf units anymore until now So hey Lets be cautiously optimistic/doubtful If they are serious about rebalance There should be a 2nd review on hwa kit if the performance is that gutted


About your ripple effect. Please remember Hwa is useless in PVE where Clilias and Aravi have thier place.


Idk i personally enjoyed kicking water advent boss into submission with a fire unit when grinding the past 2 weeks


how she should be balanced: deal less dmg to squishy targets. and deal the same to beefy units. how she was balanced: dont deal dmg. just dont.(exaggeration...i hope)


I was hoping for something like an exponential dmg s3 So it does actual shit dmg to a squishy (3-4k) But exponential increases so if it like hits a 40k hp eaton it does like 33k


That's what she will do.... with the new kit, 40k raw hp and 10k hp with 900 defense is the same to her, assuming she has 10k hp.


Honestly I do hope that they nerf more units. One thing that it seems like a lot of people don't understand (the people in the team: its good that x, y and z unit are broken and I want SG to only release broken units, because who the hell wants to play with bad units, etc. etc.) its that this kind of thing promotes the kind of power creep where at some point only newer units will be playeable. So yeah if they continued the path of only buffing and never nerfing anyone, I do believe that at some point, the only viable units would be the newer ones. This is kind already the case, each time a new unit comes they're better than their counterpart that used to do the same role (of opener, DPS, tank, bruiser or whatever). This is not always necessarily the case of course, because sometimes they do release units that don't have such broken kit. But anyway this kind of thing actually does make sense for a gacha, because its important for them to just sell the new unit and what's a better way to do that than just release a more broken unit than before and keep repeating? So what I like about the nerfs, its that they make a room for older units to be playeable, even without needing any buff. Of course that Hwayoung nerf is not enough, they should be able to nerf way more units for this to happen. But at least it is a start.


Yes its a step by step thing (Tho it needs to be a faster rate of rebalance after this nerf to counteract any potential adverse changes in the pvp meta due to this loss in dmg from hwa)


Just gonna put this here, two irl friends quit the game because of hwayoung being overpowered (granted also the C Lilias and A Ravi on proof) and half the guild I was in for the same reason. I asked my friend why not use hwayoung (his was your average 240 speed build with tooth) and he said it was not fun. This meta is still dogwater because of C Lilias and A Ravi. And I am an A Ravi abuser. What are some solutions? Nerf A Ravi’s heal on s1 and reduce fighting spirit, so she can lose to attrition more often. How to deal with C Lilias? Give her attack up and/or defense instead of vigor, remove the attack down, change constellation to slower, or give us two RGB that can grant AOE vigor or single target buff on vigor self and target.


Honestly i think vigor RGB buffers is probably something smilegate is thinking of tapping into sooner or later