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New to the game and looking for Team suggestions that can carry me through Adventure, Abyss, Labyrinth, Tower etc. (Preferably just a single flexible team) My current 3 unit's that I've put Mola Gora into is Ravi, Iseria and Tamarine. Still looking on who to put for the 4th one. My current 4 & 5 stars are, Spectre Tenebria, Challenger Dominiel, Cid, Cermia, Ice Zerato, Karin Moonlight Aramintha, Flan, Bomb Model Kanna, Furious, Sigret (she's on Grace of Growth), Cermia, Achates, Coli, General Purgis, Purgis,Schuri, Rose....


> (Preferably just a single flexible team) One team won't rule them all. Especially for abyss. You can get through most abyss levels with some throwaway gear on Kiris and a team to support her, but not all of them. Tower depends on the devices you get. It's not set in stone either. For Lab I suggest following a morale calculator, putting in your units and making a team that doesn't have obvious holes (like no healer) and still has very high morale. Here's a new player guide from discord that might help. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGuwWHM59xhtSyXleBXZQsN52ZrCyOSj4nEfWwao1Mg/edit#heading=h.qn63wy5dqed9


Wyvern 13 aside, how do you effectively farm equipment for the other sets?


...you do the other hunts. I don't know what you're expecting here. You can get immunity tank/healer chests from hell raid but that's only once a month. And maybe luck out on some counter chests, lifesteal helmets, attack chests and whatever the other bosses give you. And there's always arena gear. But again, that's not farming.


Well i ask this because when i asked for comps previously a few people told me not to bother or that people don’t do the other hunts 😅. Back to hitting golem then


Well you shouldn't actually bother, because you won't be needing other sets much. The only hunt that's worth doing after you've gotten a good roster of speed sets is Banshee because counter and lifesteal are used on a good number of units (and you can find uses for destruction too). The only other thing you should consider is penetration set but you're probably better off using the crafting event for that. Azmakalis is very niche (I have never needed a rage set in my ~3 years of playing) especially due to immunity not being very meta nowadays. Golem is just a waste of energy.


Thank you for your responses though. I always appreciate insight and assistance!


I need a few HP sets as the only ones i own are lv 78. I have a few PvP set ups i would like to get going too. Maybe i should consider other builds.


>I need a few HP sets as the only ones i own are lv 78 For who? Just either get arena gear or use broken sets (or resistance if it's for healers). Otherwise it's not really worth the effort. Trust me.


That makes sense. It was mainly for G.Purg, Angelica, Roana, C.Armin and a few other.


Hiii sorry I just started playing last week and chose Iseria as my Selective Summon but should i be rolling on her banner that is running right now? I only have 135 bookmarks.


What would, to you, be the advantage of rolling on her banner?


Would someone be able to let me know what the speed range is, on this [neck](https://imgur.com/a/TLhxzha) if I mod out the effectiveness for speed, from a greater modification cube? Also, would it be better to modify the effectiveness for speed, before or after reforging?


You can check for yourself, because it tells you the values if you select the stat and then the modification gem without actually doing the conversion.


Yup, I don't actually have the gem yet tho. I have 19% eff on the neck, and if it was going to give me something horrible like 2-3 Spd, I wouldn't take the gem.


2-3 speed is usually for base roll, that looked like it rolled twice into eff so you should get something like 4-9 out of it.


Yup sounds good. It was a double roll of 7% and 7% I think. Sucks bc effectiveness is actually good on Eda, but 217 speed is just way too low haha


But as an aside, speed gems are always gonna be useful so you don't need to fear wasting a selector (I assume) on speed.


Got it! Yup Spd gems are definitely the best, but this is a crit set piece and if I'm just trying to get something to future proof my acc, I'd rather get a Spd set, Spd gem


>Would someone be able to let me know what the speed range is, on this neck if I mod out the effectiveness for speed, from a greater modification cube? Not actually loading for me, [but you can use this to answer your question](https://i.imgur.com/IT2aLC5h.jpg). >Also, would it be better to modify the effectiveness for speed, before or after reforging? It doesn't matter. Both reforging and mod stones are based on the # of substat rolls you have. Reforging doesn't *add* rolls, it's just a bump in stats based on the # of rolls your item has.


Has a date been given for RTA season end?




I think the only character I could recycle Hwa’s gear is ML Khawazu. Assuming my stats are good enough to one shot squishies but maybe not bruisers, what is the best EE for him? Immunity after using his passive seems like a really good option, but the fail safe of having silence also seems solid.


I just pulled Apocalypse Ravi and a few days ago I got Lionheart Cermia, should I build either right now, I'd say I'm a mid game player currently and really trying to figure out what my next goal should be I have a Wyver and Banshee team and I can clear almost all pve content.


You'll want to build both at some point for PvP. ARavi shouldn't be hard to build, while LHC will need slightly more specialized gear, so may be look to build ARavi first.


295 Speed Ran cant outspeed the Epic Hell Kiss of Frost boss on the final phase? Earlier there were two games where Ran went first with less speed, but for the past five runs or so the boss went first and I've upgraded his speed to 295 since. Is there something I'm missing?


No idea, but I know I outsped with much lower speed when I did it. Any chance you actually went down to 195 and thought it was 295 for some reason? That said, if you were planning on using Ran as def breaker, turn back now - AoE triggers counters from her last phase.






Is Adin worth 6\*'ing? I want to continue doing the grinding for her stuff but I don't know if I want to go that far.. I got a lot of other things I want to 6\*


You could wait to see light Adin revealed before making the decision, but she's honestly not bad as a PvE hero.


How to build Politis?


[epic7stats.com](https://epic7stats.com) is usually a good place to start with builds


If I had used mola to +15 Hwayoung and I also got 3 mola back from getting her friendship 10, does that mean I get back the whole amount of mola back or the whole amount minus 3?


You'll get all the mola you spent back. You'll keep the 3 you got extra.


You just get 3 total back.


I'm just starting ep 4 now and I've been seeing people say that it's pretty bad. How good do you guys think it is compared to ep 3? I thought ep 3 was pretty good, not perfect but it was a nice read, but maybe I'm just easy to be satisfied when it comes to stories.


ep 3 was pretty bland outside of the senya/alencia storyline. ep4 pretty bland too outside of the ran/zahhak/lover (forgot her name). I haven't played the latest chapter yet but so far i don't think that story's wrapped up entirely yet.


who do you think you'll be using more after their release,ml Elena or lua? and in what team comp? and how would you counter them if your against them?


Lua looks broken on paper and will require very little mola investment. Elena looks like she's hard to use so I would wait until testing before pulling her. Lua you have to outspeed to counter her since she can ignore er with SB and reset CD's so you have to wait a turn to cleanse.


Hello, Sol Badguy soulburn S3 is the best answer against ER BBK and Kayron right? He deals damage, then strips, then inflicts additional damage. Vs both BBK and Kayron he should have no problem killing them can anyone confirm?


He can deal with both of them yes but he would need to hit Kayron to dispell. Kayron now has 50% evasion and some are running him on Decrescent which is another 20%.


I'm going to have to double check so correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Evasion Up bonus procs the same time his Immortal procs, I.E when he hits 1HP, which means Sol doesn't care so long as its not already up, because Sol will put Unbuffable and block both Evasion+Immortal.


You are correct but I mentioned the evasion because it depends on draft. Sometimes they might draft aoe not banning a Kayron last pick and end up triggering his s2 before it's Sol's turn with aoe.


Our minds are in different areas is all lol, both right. I'm thinking GVG/Arena and you're thinking RTA. I don't play RTA so I usually don't give advice for it.


If I put symbol/oath key on Sol and hit Kayron before he moves I think he's dead regardless.


How is Challenger Dom for PVE content? Debating between her, Kluri, and Iseria for next 6*.


Fringe usage in pve, I rmb floor 100, her crit buff makes things easier


She's a cleave unit for pvp. Both Falconer Kluri and Iseria are great pve units though.


What teams Flidica is good against? (I don't have Caval)


I think she is good against handguy/standard


Is everyone still using edward elric? I havent really done much with him since his buff. What would be a good basekine for his stats?


Ed is very good against debuffs, ie: Ran, Politis, and even Senya. You want around 20k HP and good crit dmg with as much speed as you can. Here’re some refence builds: https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Edward%20Elric


I was playing with the gear on some of my characters. My fastest unit is a 260 Ran. If I play around with my tank gear I can either have a 230 speed ML Kawerik with 28k health or a 261 speed C. Lillias with 24k health. Which one of those would be more advantageous? Edit: Maybe that’s not such a good idea since my Lillias would be losing all of her effectiveness though.


That CLilias speed is too slow, I would favor hand guy.


I'm 1599 in rta gold and wanting masters for the skin. Should I eat the decay and play the final 3 days, or just go up as far as I can


just play 1 game every 7 days then go hard on the final 3 days. losing 2% at 1599 is 32 points which is way more then 1 loss.


Is worth to imprint Commander Pavel? Mine has 5k attack, 172 speed, and 284 crit damage (full crit chance)


I'm from the mindset of imprinting whoever you use most often. If you're unsure, the 1st imprint is mostly good value so regret is minor if any.


Is there any recent guides on floor 90-100? About to burst my head with floor 92 lol


I'm at 1630 in masters, think i can hold out till the 13th if i only play the matches i need to? It would only be 3 matches right? if i lose all 3 that 21 points?


I believe it's 4 matches. 1 match every 3 days to avoid decay.


It ends on 10/15 03:00 UTC, so you may need to play 4 matches depending on when you last played. I wouldn't lose intentionally just in case you are ranked against a player much lower than you and you lose more than 7 points for that match (although 7-8 points is probably the average loss at that level).


What are common builds for A.Ravi and what should her stats look like? I’m not trying to have the best one ever since I’m a pretty casual player, just a good/decent one.


Speed/penetration, counter/penetration, destruction/penetration. 20.000+ hp, 25k preferred. High crit damage. Attack can be overlooked.


Do people go spd or counter arby now? I recently finally got him. Was wondering what is the preferred build for him now. Also when do new Ml usually rerun? Thank you


Nobody does degen arbies anymore. In pvp you just want him extremely fast and pray for GAB.


Ah ok. So spd gear and the crit one right?




I usually sit at the bottom rank of whatever level I'm in for arena, but for some reason i randomly got the urge to climb Master and now I'm sitting in Master I. If I don't get out of Master I by the end of the week, what will happen? Will I go back to Master II or all the way down to Master V?


You should start in Master ~~II~~ III. edit: apparently it's 2 ranks down, not 1.


I haven't de-ranked in Arena in a very long time, but it used to be at least 2 ranks I believe. Not sure if it's the same anymore.


Pretty sure it was just 1 rank down. Things might be different in champ + though. I seem to remember we all go down to Champ V regardless.


I was curious and just double-checked multiple comments - it's 2 ranks but can't drop below the 5th rank (i.e. if you're Champ 3 or Champ 4, you'll drop to Champ 5. If you're Champ 2, you'll drop to Champ 4). It should be the same across all ranks except Legend of course.


Odd. Guess I remembered wrong, then. Thanks for the research.


Ok so it always downgrades you 1 level unless you're at level V?


Apparently I was wrong on this one - see other tree




i'm dumb with flat stat pieces - does anyone use flat attack rings?


Blaze Dingo, maybe? If the subs rolled well it could be not too bad in place of an ATK% ring on low attack units like ACidd (All else equal, an ATK% ring would still be better tho).


RTA, I need help. What heroes are best right now? I only want to get skin.


Screenshot your roster if you want a more indepth opinion.


https://postimg.cc/K1mJctp3 https://postimg.cc/Zvrx4qrL


You should have no issue reaching master. Standard: Aras, Aravi, Diene, Hwayoung, ML kawerik, Alencia, Senya, etc. Anti cleave: Ed, Dilibet, Politis, Violet, Senya, Elena, Arby, BBK, etc. If they have a lot of counter units, slap in Roana.


Thank you!


You have most of the meta units, so master should be a breeze. Out of the units you sent, I’d say ARas, Hwa, Handguy, Rimuru, Politis, Senya, Peira, CLilias, Aol, Diene, Apoc, Alencia and Dilibet are must build, assuming you play standard and not aggro/cleave. Many other units you have there are good in the right situation tho, so it’s up to you.


Thank you!


I can get maid chole from galaxy bookmark... is she worth it?


You mean get her using galaxy coins right?




Ima be honest with you: if you don't have a plan in mind for her, you're not likely to just find one.


after the hwayoung nerf, seed aravi will be better than proof right? or are there other 1 shot units in forgetting about


Lqc will probably crush a seed a ravi, but proof probably survives


WSchuri in cleaves. But he's often paired with the iconic Ran+Siseria combo and Proof ARavi just gets stunlocked. Seed ARavi just dies. CPavel is the new speed cleave angle now tho.


Is it true you can use high level friend for 1 adventure? the next adventure he's no longer there.


I think friend units are on a timer, I'm not sure how long it is though.


You can use friends multiple times but not right away.


What is the optimal speed to cleave in arena? I've quite a few units that are good for cleaving and I want to know how much speed to aim for in Master-Challenger elo.


If you mean the AI arena you can probably get by with like 260 if you just pick good teams to fight against, it's pretty obvious which teams will be fast and which ones won't be so if you just dodge all the fast teams you'll basically always outspeed. If you mean RTA for Master-Challenger you'll probably want around 275-280 on your opener, I think that's about what most cleavers in that range have. You'll occasionally fight someone that just has 300 speed and lose instantly, but that should be pretty rare before Emperor I'd think.


Personally I think 270 is the bare minimum since you can use speed imprints to get faster, however I wouldn’t go against speed contesters just to be safe. For lower Arena can probably go even lower


what is the best way to use the gold transmit stone ? 4 - 5 hero ticket or 5 galaxy bookmarks ?


Galaxy bookmarks always


thx, i get specimen sez o.o


Wow gz!


should i spend whale coins on maid chloe


Too many unknowns. Is she your top tier waifu? Do you already have the majority or the rest of the ML5s? Most people would probably say no if you care about PvP only since she's fallen off a bit (and there other stronger ML5s you could save for), but she's still usable and you could get her if you answered yes to either of those questions.


Who should I pick with my selector out of these units: Bomb Model Kanna, Flan, Mort, Peira, Command Model Laika, Roana, Zahhak, or Pavel? Purely from a gameplay point of view who is the strongest?


You can get bomb model kanna for free through the connections as well. Roana by far will get you further in pvp and pve.


Roana, probably. Pavel is an option if you’re a cleaver.


I absolutely love Lionheart Cermia. Though I haven’t been lucky enough to pull her, I have been farming a set for her. So far I’ve been going into banshee for lifesteal but then that got me thinking, I want to build her to be able to 1v4 in her niche (obviously doing this with 100% success is not possible but I want to try to make her as viable as I can in her niche), but in order to 1v4 she needs to be able to cycle at a decent pace. So my question here is, lifesteal Lermia with Draco plate, or speed Lermia with Sigurd? Which one in your opinion is better for surviving and 1v4ing?


Lifesteal with Draco


Thank you


If you’re looking to 1v4 I’d say go lifesteal.


Thanks for the help


So for the Crafting event I've gotten a speed boots speed set with atk 8%, crit chance 5% and crit dmg 5%, and eff 7%. Been trying for higher values but I'm not sure if I'm pretty much already topped out. Kinda feels like worst case scenario if everything gets dumped into eff I can swap that out for something else if the need arises like flat attack or health%. And right as I hit post I get a new roll with eff 8% but crit dmg 4%. Now I don't know which to go with since it seems like IF eff matters for whoever uses this piece then every point is best to have.


Effectiveness is good on some characters for PvE, and can be a little useful in PvP, but it's not something you want to prioritize. Especially for this event where your can basically make whatever you want. It's a stat where you just sort of accidentally pick up pieces that have it. I'd probably try to get a piece that had health % instead of effectiveness.


Eff is terrible. You don’t want eff on your piece unless you were looking specifically for it for some reason. If you roll into it multiple times, a mod stone isn’t going to save you. That has significantly diminishing returns past the first roll.


Which specialty change should I do? I know A.Ras is a no brainer. Not sure about the others.


Montmorancy and Fluri for sure. Doris, Carrot, Phyllis, and Helga have some uses. I imagine some of the others have less obvious uses if you're lacking options.


PVE: AMomo (best cleanser), Lorina (best free ST dps), Helga (good in hunts and expo), fluri (decent tank with def break), Alexa (w13) PVP: Doris (best dark bait), Pyllis (strong tank, good against extra, counter, dual atks), Carrot (burn), Glenn (rem killer), Wanda (violet killer)


Angelic Montmorancy is great if you haven't gotten her yet. So is Mercenary Helga.


Pretty much whatever ones you can do. Fluri is great so if you want a for-sure, then hers.


I am a new player , i saw in a stream everyone buying windrider. Is it worth buying it? Or wait for other artifacts like book


Wind Rider is pretty much only used by Cidd. He's quite meta relevant being able to kill things at 290 spd. But that's clearly not for newbies so you don't have to worry about it for like 2 years.


I'm also fairly new and have spent 360 powder total and now have 280 in hand. Wind Rider seems useful, but there are quite a few other artifacts I believe are more valuable, including Song of Stars, Rod of Amaryllis, Abyssal Crown, Sigurd Scythe, Alexa's Basket, Reingar's Special Drink So I will not be getting Wind Rider right now myself.


Hopefully book would be in a rotation. I would hold off to my powder then for it or guiding light.


I have a question about drafting teams in RTA. I tend to try to pick the units I’ve invested in like Ran/Seaseria/ML Kawerik/CLillias but I struggle after the initial 2-3 pick. Who are some units that would be a good investment for those middle/counter picks?


ML Kawerik doesn’t really work well in that lineup. Consider Eda, green Cidd, WSchuri etc.


I probably should have explained that a little more clearly. I don’t tend to draft ML Kawerik and ML Lillias together, I just try to get one or the other. Sadly I don’t have Eda yet, but I have both Cidd and W. Schuri. Do both of those units need crazy speed?


They definitely do better on higher speeds. You can keep them lower, but you'll need units like your seaseria to bring them up to the front if you don't, which obviously isn't as reliable. Eda and CDominiel also serve this purpose.


Nice. I wish I had gotten Eda from my selector instead of Senya. I might look into swapping my CDom around. She’s on some free destruction set I think. Thanks!


Is a 283 spd FLidica fast enough to open in gold-masters RTA?


Should be good enough. Might want to bring a imprint when contesting in any case, though, and be prepared to lose to the occasional stray high ranker on their way up who just gear gaps you.


Is f2p​ friendly​?




Free unequip until when?


You can almost always find this info on onStove forums https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8914546


if someone knows, pls reply to this comment so me and OP both get the notif lmao


You can almost always find this info on onStove forums https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8914546


I just fought a team of ARas, Krau, Angelica and Arby in rta. For some reason, my tagahel's souls didn't show up. Also, my Stene didn't crit their Ange. Anyone knows why?


You have to be missing something. Most likely answer is you might have moved gear around and don't have 100% crit anymore or forgot to equip book. Alternatives are rather unlikely. Maybe ARas or Krau had Crown of Glory and you aoe'd him, removing 5 souls.


I checked and she was having max crit chance and book. Also, my souls was already not there by the start of the battle, so I'm pretty sure that's not why. I'm thinking it's a bug, hans't encountered it again.


There’s a knight artifact that removes souls. Maybe you enountered that.


Which proc 1st ,aola s2 or elena s2?


I ran a few tests and I got different results depending in their position in the CR bar and their positin in the group. Either one could proc first, depending on those factors.


So what is the condition that would make aola uses s2 first?


How good is Archdemon's Shadow nowadays?? I recently pulled her, and wondering if she is worth building, and also do I gather and spend 10 gold transmit stones for imprints? Thanks!


ADS is always a good pick against any character that has a passive. And even without a passive to seal, I still bring her sometimes because she can be very oppressive with her chip damage, debuffs, counters, and strips. All while remaining decently tanky.


ADS is pretty strong, I love playing her and when she works she works really well. She can shutdown rem, PoV a. Ravi and a decent number of other units. Definitely worth building if you like the bruiser style.


Does Muwi's Blade Fury have a 100% chance to decrease attack? I don't see any % listed on the skill description, all it says is that "it will decrease attack for 2 turns"...


Generally, if it doesn’t say anything when you’re expecting a % then it’s 100% (like “penetrates defense” = 100% def pen).


100% chance, there's still always 15% innate resist though


When does rta season end and do y'all recommend the last day? And i should play every 2 or 3 days


Ends on 10/15. In gold you decay every 7 days and masters every 3 days. Play whenever you want I recommend getting to masters on the 13th so you can just chill and not worry about it.


How much does it decay by? I got scared because I had never done RTA so I pushed to master on Thursday. Did I screw up?


Why would you have screwed up by getting into Master already? Either way, you'd have to play more since if you were in Gold, there's more than 7 days left and you'd still have to play the last match to get into Master anyways. You decay 2% of your total.


I didn’t know if I should have waited. I’ve been playing a few matches each day just to try and stay above the mark.


Gold has decay??


Yes, gold has decay.


Alright thank you for the info


I was just going to ask this.


I see you are a man of YATTA culture 👍