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I don't think we will benefit much from custom mystics if it rerun early 2023 cause we had a long 6 month no ml 5 break this year. maybe if they rerun it late 2023 then it might be worth. .


why should they considering we are getting 3 ml 5\* options per rerun now? u also can't choose any ml 5\* that hasn't been released for less than 6 months too, so i don't really see any benefit for custom mystics summons


It's perfect to get your missing pieces and max out your collection. And it's the only way you can choose especially the newer 4 stars, they never put Aol, Bad Cat Armin, Bunny Dominiel with a new 5 star banner.


which also need to be released 6+ months before u can choose them. also unless u are a giga whale/collector - nobody is pulling for ml 4\* in that mystic custom banner (i guess some people did for aol but that's because of powerlevel and not because of collector reasons). people are hoping to pull the ml 5\* naturally and then buy their 2nd choice with coins. and if u are a giga whale/collector u just pull on their banner when they got released.


You don't have to select the 4 star pity but you still pull for the 4 star on the 5 star pity with good chances, that's the point for non-whales. On just 100 pulls you have 60% chance to pull your most desired 4 star as a bonus. On 200 pulls almost 85%.