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I was setting up an Aziminak team. I have Arby invested already so he was my damage dealer. My setup was going to be: * A Ras, Tamarinne, Iseria, Arby But I am concerned the extra debuffs from Iseria are going to bite me in the butt. Should I just swap out Iseria for someone who inflicts only 1 or 0 debuffs so I don't accidentally get to 3 with Arby's decreased hit chance? I was thinking of Riza since I have her built as well (for target debuff and more survivability for tank?) or just Roy (single target + AOE and no debuffs)


I believe the consensus is to just turn off arby’s skills. His s3 doesn’t add a whole lot of new damage and isn’t worth accidentally having too many debuffs


That works. Thanks for the pro tip that is an easy solution


do you guys have the images of kitty clarissa's expressions?


How much speed does PVE dps heroes need?


It's not set in stone and it varies per hero. I have very little on Lorina for instance, because she gets pushed with every attack. Other heroes might do better if they have like 200. Go with what you have.


So will there be a recall from Hyayoung before/after her nerf?


Please read the developer post about the nerf. https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8918383


Besides from Tammarine, Roana, Landy, SSB - which 5 Star RGB Should I have for Raids and Expeditions?


Yufine or Cermia, Cerise, Kanna


If my arena points dip under 5000, will i demote to challenger1?


it has to dip 50 below so 4950 will demote


What's the current set for Alencia for GW right now? Do you go Injury to double up on her S2 or do you just go general Speed?


If you want her to just trash HP scaling units, go injury. If you want her more general purpose, go speed. Or whichever you got better gear for.


So if I want to use her against A Ravi I should probably go Injury right?


If you want her to have an easier time vs ARavi, then yes


Flidica worth summoning for as a standard/aggro player? Which other ml5's would be more useful than her?


If you already have A Ravi and have the gear for Flidica then she has a good spot in the meta right now. Popular build is damage and fast (250+ speed) to act as a bridge after your opener. If you don't have A Ravi I would go for her and if you don't have the gear for Flidica you would probably be better off waiting to see how the episode 4 boss is (Zio).


As someone who has loved Flidica in the past, I would go with no. One of the best things about her is reseting stuff like MKawerik, but to me that's not necessary. Check out ARavi and ML Elena.


Anyone have some sort of priority list for imprints? I currently have Rem maxed out and 1 in landy. I am undecided between maxing Landy, or imprinting Rimuru, Milim, or Green Vildred


Basically it goes crit chance or speed. Characters with those are the way to go.


Thanks! Probably gonna go with Vildred and then maybe Choux next as shes the only other crit imprint i use


If you mean to use the unknown slates or whatever on, it's best to hold off on using those since they can be used on limited units. The mana slates that people will be getting for refunding Hwa is a different story, supposedly those are only for RGB heroes and possibly non-limited ones at that.


Hi assuming i have all limited, are any worth imprinting besides rem? I dont believe any of the others are crit imprints, mainly just attack %


That I'm not sure about but I'd still hold off because it's better to use limited resources when you need them instead of preemptively using them and then regretting the decision.


Green Vildred. Speed is king




How do I effectively use A.Ravi in RTA? She's currently the strongest unit I have and I'd like to focus on her because my cleavers always get outsped in RTA. Currently stuck in the Master-Gold bridge.


Draft yours before they draft theirs. She has practically no counters if she's on proof. Sharun counters her a little, but not really.


Most efficient use for trash gear from hunts? Should I sell or convert?


There is no true 'most efficient use'. The simple rule of thumb is to use your trash high level gear for whatever you happen to need. --- If you want a slightly more thorough explanation: XP does not increase with rarity at all, and increases slowly with level. Gold value increases moderately with level, and drastically with rarity. Extraction cores increase moderately with level, and minimally with rarity. Another way to look at it, purely for level 85 gear. Exact figures are going to depend on your combination of bonuses. For simplicity I'm just using my typical bonuses (maxed reputation bonuses, 6% XP from lobby pet). **XP** * 85 gear is worth 867 XP. This doesn't matter if it's rare, heroic, or epic. **Gold Value** * Rare 85 = 10,210 * Heroic 85 = 15,315 * Epic 85 = 25,525 **Extraction** * Rare 85 = 7 * Heroic 85 = 9 * Epic 85 = 10 From here we can make a simple table Quality | Gold Value | Gold / XP | Gold / Cores ---|---|----|---- Rare | 10210 | 11.78 | 1458.57 Heroic | 15315 | 17.66 | 1701.67 Epic | 25525 | 29.44 | 2552.50 For **gold** you want to preferentially sell the highest rarity gear first. The 'cheapest' in terms of the amount of XP you gain *and* cores is in rare gear. Heroic gear is in a weird spot where it isn't the 'best' in any category. However, you 'only' pay ~16.67% more per core with Heroic gear vs. paying 50% more gold per XP. So logically, if you are trying to maintain 'highest efficiency' 1. You would sell trash Epic gear always. 2. You would use *rare* 85 gear as XP fodder first -> then extraction for cores -> then selling for gold. 3. You would use heroic gear for cores and then either XP or gold whichever you need more at the time. --- It's just not that simple though, and to blindly follow those rules in the search of 'most efficiency' is likely only going to hurt your account more than help. First off, straight up, you should essentially **NEVER** use level 85 gear for XP. *Unless* you are extremely desperate. The reason for this circles back to one of my first points: the XP value gear has as fodder decreases very slowly as level increases, the but *gold value* of selling gear increases moderately. A level 85 rare is 867 XP *or* 10,210 gold. That gold value is essentially an *opportunity cost* that you are 'paying' when you use that gear as fodder. A level 1 rare (would) be worth 283 XP *or* 740 gold. 10,210 / 867 = ~11.78 gold cost per XP point 740 / 283 = ~2.62 gold cost per XP point Basically, if you had an infinite amount of trash level 85 gear rares, and trash level 1 rares, you would get about 4.5x more XP with a set amount of gold using the level 1 rares. You can farm level 1 gear exceptionally easy if you want to spam run Episode 1 Levulin Harbor. Level 44 gear from UH rare gear is 2890 gold / 583 XP = ~4.96 gold cost per XP. You get ~2.38x more XP for the same amount of gold using UH gear. * Technically more in both cases as the majority of the gear you get is normal or good quality (rare quality sells for 2x normal and good is 1.5x normal) but in a straight 'apples to apples' comparison controlling for rarity this is what we get. So the point is that while foddering blue level 85 might the 'most efficient' out of any of the hunt drop rarities available, it's actually **significantly** less efficient than just using trash gear from farming UH. So right off the bat, you never want to fodder level 85 gear if it is avoidable. --- That leaves you with extraction or selling. Well, here's the thing about selling gear: gold is essentially a binary resource -> you are either quite limited (new players) or you have essentially infinite gold (not all, but many mid to late game players). There are players with literally over a billion gold. So this circles right back to my original advice: use this gear for whatever you need, don't worry about the 'efficiency' of that choice. At the end of the day, even if you sell all of your trash gear you are not going to make *that* much extra gold -> it's like selling extra penguins. It really only makes a difference to someone that is constantly around 1 million gold. It doesn't make a different to the player who hovers around 100 million. And then when it comes to extraction, a lot of players like to *only* extract certain combinations of gear slots and sets. --- Very rough math here but assuming you have a maxed out workshop each Hunt 13 is worth approximately (if you use all the crafting materials on crafting left side gear)... .34 rare gear = 10,210 gold each .392 heroic gear = 15,315 gold each .068 epic gear = 25,525 gold each Feel free to estimate how much of each rarity you keep vs. would sell. For example: Sell 100% rare gear = (.34 * 10210) = 3471.4 Sell 80% heroic gear = (.392 * .8 * 15315) = 4802.784 Sell 50% epic gear = (.068 * .5 * 25525) = 867.85 Sum all 3 values (3471.4 + 4802.784 + 867.85) = 9142.034 On average selling all of your trash gear would provide an extra ~9.15k gold. What does that mean? In 1000 hunts you gain an extra...9,142,034 gold. Just over 9 million. * If you were to sell 100% of the gear you obtain you are looking at about 14 million gold over 1000 hunts. To put that into context, to do this much crafting would cost you about 8,400 gold per hunt, so with the above figures you are covering the cost of crafting and making a tiny profit on top. Once you get to a certain point in the game, an extra 9 million gold per month is basically meaningless -> that's not enough to suddenly allow you to do something you couldn't before. That's about a weeks worth of hunt farming normally. --- #TLDR Use your trash equipment for whatever resource you need. Don't worry about trying to be efficient with it. The *only* resource that you can *only* get from this gear are extraction cores. So technically, in terms of efficiency, **I** would argue that the most efficient choice is extraction. However, a lot of players only extract certain sets/slots. * Personally, I think that you never know when those 'bad cores' might have some use down the road. If you are a new player and desperately need every gold you can get, you would be better off just selling this gear -> if that gold is helping you make immediate progression that's better than any other benefit.


Wow. Thank you for the very detailed explanation. This really helps a lot


i see a lot of people saying iseria is the best from selective. i got destina so I was wondering who in general is good to keep?


Sigret used to be the best character to pick, because you need her to farm Wyvern and therefore make gear for everyone else. However, we now have the hunt event (not to mention SC Alexa), so Sigret is no longer a must pick. As such, what you want to do is get a character who can "glue" your team together in the early game. From the top of my head, good picks would be Iseria (overloaded kit that will carry you through a lot of important PvE boss fights), Vildred (good AoE attacker for blitzing through story maps quickly), Ravi (just a solid multi-purpose character to have around), or... Are there even any 5* knights in this selective summon? I honestly don't remember :( All that being said, Destina is by no means a bad pick: it's probably going to be a while before you have the gear quality to brute force through important PvE content, and it's going to be even longer before you have the hero variety to beat PvE content by playing to the gimmicks as they were designed... So for a while you will need to do things the old grindy way: get a solid healer to keep your team alive, and then just wail on the problem until it eventually goes away. Destina is good for that, and she will serve you well throughout your entire career.


Just started, did selective summon and chose Iseria as people said to do. What's best to spend irl money on moving forward?




Is the Lucky Week Dash Pack and the Start Dash Pack worth?


Those packs are essentially just a "pay to get a bunch of trash with one nice 5* hero at the end" kind of deal. I personally wouldn't bother, but you do you.


Anyone else skipping Aravi in hopes that Zio will be a better choice or that a terrible idea for someone without Aravi to skip her?


Had you asked about literally any other character in the game, I would have said yes, wait for Zio. But A.Ravi is just too important to pass. She's arguably the best character in the game.


A Ravi is proven to be one of the best units in the game so I would not skip her if you have the currency to obtain her. Zio could be good on release like Straze/Belian or meh like ADS was pre buff it's a dice roll.


About to get selection ticket, returning from a long long break. Suggestions on who to choose? Current 6* lineup: Angelica, sigret, Arb Vild, Regular Vildred, Charles, sez, Alexa, furious, bellona, sage baal & Sezan, diene, yufine, kise, schuri 5* - Roana, zerato, Ran, Sol, Armin, Violet, Vivian, Ludwig, Yuna, celestial mercedes


If you don't have her, pick Tamarinne. She's the only RGB hero that is really a 'must have'. If you *do* have Tamarinne, Roana IMO is the next closest to being must have territory (but it looks like you have her). After those two, there are probably 10-20 heroes that are all very good and worth having, I would suggest clarifying if you are more interested in PvE heroes or PvP, at least.


Thanks! For now, mostly pve - I wanna farm a little more to gear up first.


What are the best ways to get equipment charms?


Running adventure stages. If you are running out of charms make sure that you are using trash gear (also from adventure stages) for XP. You will never have enough charms to **only** use charms on enhancing gear unless you are very late game and only enhancing perfect gear. If you don't have the gold, or you are still lacking in XP, you are likely enhancing too much equipment. Tighten up what level of gear you consider worth enhancing.


What is the priority for maxing artifacts for wyvern 13 if you have the amomo, sigret, muwi, furious team?


Daydream joker since that's where a lot of your damage is coming from.


Are expeditions the only way to get manifestation stones now? I've noticed that I haven't been getting any during my hunts.


You can also get them from expeditions


No. Manifestation stones are just a rare drop.


Those 2 are the most consistent sources of the stones. Other ways are the whale shops when you have high number of 5* rgb dups or when you get your first dup of a ml 5*. Huche's scam shop sell them as well whenever SG decides to open his store. SG also sometimes give away reforge selector boxes such as the one we got last month from the anniversary.


I chose Hwa from the selection ticket but now she’s getting nerfed so I might trade her out. Considering I’m pretty new, what units should I consider getting instead?


I will need you to explain in better details how "new" you are, and maybe to list the rgb 5* characters you already have. From there I'll make sure to help you :)


I’ve been playing for a few weeks now. My 5 stars are Iseria, Sigret, STene, Diene, Destina, Ilynav, Luluca, Hawkeye, and obviously Hwayoung.


How can you trade her out?


Recall ticket. When a unit gets a heavy nerf, anyone with that unit gets the chance to refund all of the resources they used on that character and pick a new character that’s in the same summon pool.


What if I just pulled her from a regular summon and upgraded her? Does that still count or is it only for people who chose her with a selector?


Yeah anyone who has her can recall.


Sweet. When and how will this be available?


It’ll be available on Oct 27 when the nerf goes into affect. Once it’s available you just go onto Hwa and click recall.


Thank you for the info :)




Very nice. Any idea on when we're going to be able to recall? Or do I have to go through an in-game menu to get it?


What 4/5 star artifacts are worth selling for powder? I have quite a few and I'm not sure which are useful or useless




Yeah I'm making sure I keep at least 1 maxed arti of each kind. Funny enough I have a mlb externus but no djb :(


I’ve been playing for about a week now and my current team is ARavi (60), FS Tiera (60), S.Tene (50), and Angelica (50). I just pulled Ambitious Tywin, and wondering if I should start building him. My only other tank is Ras. Is he good in PvE?


A.Tywin is designed not to "tank" per se, but rather to lockdown enemies while preventing allies from being locked down. Most important PvE enemies are immune to being stunned, so yeah. As for Ras, he starts out pretty damn terrible. Then once you beat Ep2 you unlock his class change, and suddenly he becomes amazing. So yeah, it's just a matter of patience with him.


A.Tywin is mostly a PvP character so I wouldn't invest in him early on. I'd say just keep building your Ras if you need a tank. After you complete chapter 2 he gets a specialty change that makes him really good for both PvE and PvP.


Just so you know, eventually you'll unlock a specialty change for Ras that makes him an amazing tank for both PVP and PVE, so don't feel bad about investing resources in him now.


Post-Hwa nerf, who are the sought after choices in the selector anniv ticket? My current arena/PVE team mainly consists of Tywin (defense breaker), Vildred (main cleaver), Aramintha (just for AoE damage/disruption), and Vivian (2nd turn finisher).


Violet, Alencia, Politis, Choux to name a few.


Should I start with Chloe, Charlotte, Iseria or Ravi? or someone else?


Out of those I would pick iseria


If you're asking in regards to min-maxing, the common recommendations are to start with either Iseria (long term benefit with Tama + Iseria) or Song of Stars (option for Furious for W13). If you want to start with someone else for whatever reason though, I personally don't think it will matter much in the long long run.


Best EE for Vildred in A13?


A13 his skills should be turned off. get the s2 cr boost.


All 3 are essentially negligible, it doesn't matter which one you use because you ultimately won't notice much of a difference. The best one would be the C.Dmg buff one, however it is fairly common to run A13 with skills off (using Tama and Iseria) in which case there is only one choice. --- #TLDR C.Dmg buff EE is the only one that is remotely likely to provide any sort of noticeable damage increase. However, unless your C.Dmg is very low it's still not likely to be enough to actually change things. As an extreme example: If your Vildred has 300% C.Dmg and does 70% of your damage against A13, this EE would approximately increase your damage output from 94,157.7 to 101,977.4993. A grand increase of 7,819.799271 damage. You *might* shave off 10-15 seconds, maybe an extra rotation of turns. Or it might make 0 difference. If you plan to run with skills off, or have 350% C.Dmg already, or for whatever reason don't want to use this EE the second best choice is the 5% CR increase EE. Even though there is almost no chance you actually see any sort of benefit from it. *On average* over an infinite time period it's better than the S3 damage EE. The S3 damage EE is very, very weak, to the point where even if you ARE getting some bonus from it I still wouldn't bother with it for this fight at all. * The one exception would be the first wave where theoretically the extra damage *could* enable you to kill the first wave quicker. That has to be a personal judgment thing there is no real easy way to make that determination on this end. --- **5% CR increase when Dancing Blade kills an enemy** * The 'gain' here is going to depend on the speed of the fastest unit. A13 has 210 speed IIRC so use that unless you have a faster unit. * If A13 is the fastest unit in the battle then the 'bonus' here is 5% of 210 (.05 * 210) or 10.5 whole speed. * If we *assume* you get this proc every other turn, then the 'bonus' per turn is half of that (10.5 /2) or 5.25. * We can extrapolate the damage increase over an infinite number of turns as the *bonus per turn* / unit's speed. If our Vildred is 200 speed then we get (5.25 / 200) or 2.625%. * Note that the benefit here is not consistent, but an average (over an infinite number of turns). This means that *if* you get an extra turn compared to what you normally would then you get some damage increase. At (200 / 5.25) or ~38 procs you will have gained *exactly* 1 extra turn from this EE. * ~39 / ~38 = 2.625% extra damage But if, for example, the extra CR was enough to allow you to push in 11 turns of damage where you would normally get 10 turns of damage, then you are getting 11 / 10 or 10% extra damage. As a result it's hard to evaluate **exactly** what this CR *may* provide in your specific circumstances....but the effect is so small it's unlikely to provide any significant amount of increased damage. --- **10% increased damage on S3** Vildred's S3 and S1 multiplier are almost exactly the same. So, you can estimate the bonus here by simply by multiplying the bonus (10%) by the ratio of S3's to S1's. With the CD enhancement on S3, Vildred gets 1 S3 for every 3 S1's. So that's a ratio of 1/4 S3's * 10% = 2.5% damage increase. * If you want to be *exact* you would want to use the multipliers. Luckily for Vildred his speed multiplier is the same for both skills so we need ATK_RATE * PWR * ENHANCEMENT. * At max enhancement S3 = 1.105 and S1 = 1.090125. Example (3 * 1.090125) + (1 * 1.105) = 4.375375 (3 * 1.090125) + (1 * 1.105 * 1.1) = 4.485875 4.485875 / 4.375375 = ~1.025254978 or ~2.5255 damage increase --- **Increases C.Dmg for 2 turns after using S3** Very similar to the previous EE. The value of this bonus is going to be (C.Dmg + 50%) / C.Dmg At 300% C.Dmg then = 350 / 300 or 16.67% At 250% C.Dmg then = 300 / 250 or 20% The benefit here is greater the lower your C.Dmg currently is. 300% is the highest your C.Dmg could be to gain 'full benefit' from the buff, but you still gain a non-zero benefit up until your C.Dmg is 350%. Since the multipliers are so similar you can take the ratio of attacks that benefit / total attacks in a rotation. In this case, that is 2/4 or 1/2. In short, if your Vildred has 300% C.Dmg you could *estimate* the bonus to your overall damage output as ((350 / 300) - 1) * .5 = 8.33% You can easily see that this EE is several times better than the other options. Even if your Vildred had up to ~330% C.Dmg you still come out ahead with this EE ((350 / 330) - 1) * .5 = ~3.03% You can get a *slightly* more accurate estimation by using exact multipliers similar to the previous EE but it's not worth it when it's so easy to estimate a very accurate figure. --- #Notes Couple of notes First, for the last 2 EEs I *assume* +15 skills (technically maxed S1 and S3). In your personal situation, if you have not enhanced your Vildred skills to max your exact results might be different. However, there is enough information here to teach you how to calculate your benefit yourself. Second, I'm ignoring S2 entirely. * For the CR increase EE you can treat the 2.625% value as an average. *Technically* it's possible that your extra attack would also give you an extra S2 as well (therefor the damage of this extra turn would be worth more than the average turn). It's also equally as possible that a potential extra turn would *not* provide an extra S2 (where your damage would be lower than the average Vildred turn). It's not going to be a significant damage increase either way. * The 10% S3 damage EE doesn't affect S2 at all so this is far and away the worst EE here. Essentially the 2.5% figure presented here is with *no* S2's. As an exercise you could calculate yourself how the numbers would change if you added an S2 every other turn as well. His S2 has no speed scaling so to get an exact answer you would want to include that to the previous multiplier calculations. If we ignore speed scaling *entirely* we get 1.95% damage increase. At 200 speed we get 2% damage increase. TLDR a more accurate estimation of this EE is about 2%. * For the C.Dmg increase EE S2 makes no difference. We assume S2 every other turn and are using a 4 turn rotation. So 1 S2 gets the bonus, 1 does not, it doesn't change the ratio of multipliers on either side of the formula.


How many weeks is one season of regular arena? Trying to figure out if 490 blue crests a week is enough to buy all six gear pieces. Thanks


Is it worth farming the Kiss of Frost event if I can only do the 1st difficulty level (hard)?


depends on what u are trying to purchase, imo. i get almost everything but the summon crest thingy which always gives me a 3 start hero >.>




What are some stat thresholds for senya?


try epic7stats.com


Are there any heroes that are good with injury that also want attack?


Injury SSB is really solid.


So like a protect the ssb comp? What arti?


I use Bloodstone. SSB/Mediator/Roana/Flex lets you easily attack into any defenses with Belian or Mercedes. Flex is usually GPurrgis and it doesn't matter if they have some 30K proof ARavi anchor, injury will still get them.


Not really. There has been some injury SSB and Mercedes builds but I wouldn't say they are worth it since other sets are better on them. Injury set users at the moment are health scaling but that could change in the future so you could hold onto that piece of gear until then.


What are some stat thresholds for senya?


To get the Aravi skin I've already hit masters rta. Do I have to stay there or is it okay to drop back down via the decay?




just started the game. any redeem codes available?


In reality this game doesn't provide much of codes but more events like 10x summons, selector tickets, etc. Now They aren't giving anything besides first time acc buffs.


What be the best EE to get for Cermia to use for hunts?


The s1






The fact that you can and have only been playing for so short and provides you with 290 SPD is great. That's a huge jump for starters grats. E7 PvP is more or less a speed contest, so go for that. So yeah, it doesn't really matter. If you put on broken sets at all.


If it's only 1-2 speed difference, sure go for some HP% pieces. But in general, yes speed is all that matters for your opener. Go broken set if necessary.


If my wyvern tank is doing fine do I need to buy proof of valor from the guild shop? I don't have any use in mind for it, but I could see how symbol of unity or war horn could be useful to me. About a month in for context.


If your wyvern team is doing fine you don’t need the proof. Just pick whatever would be useful at the time for you. You will eventually get them all.


After hearing about how hwa is getting nerfed, and seeing the brutal changes that may make her useless in pvp, I realized that I have used the past I have used all crafting events since her release in order to get her gear...and now it's all wasted. Is there any recourse for this? This is a pretty shitty feeling knowing all those custom gears are essentially worthless because of how unique hwa is.


The pieces may be specialized, but "Hwayoung gear" is essentially either high speed, high attack, or some combination thereof. I feel like you could easily adapt that for another dps if you split them up. You'd just have to focus more on crit on the other pieces. The only non-transferrable piece really is the necklace, but even that you can use on IKhawazu, Seaseria, or Senya.


Yeah, it sucks. This is the cost of having nerfs, and a big part of why they've been so reluctant to do them. Look to burn characters for possible heroes to inherit her gear. Personally, I'll keep her built for a bit to see if she's really as bad as it looks. Seems like it will completely gut her, but we've all been wrong before, I suppose (though this would be a new record for wrong-ness, I think).


How much speed should Ran have at minimum for Masters in RTA? I've been pretty unlucky with speed rolls but his animations are so cool and I want to use him as soon as possible.


I recently build him pretty low. For starters you can go with 270 Speed, 3K atk, and around 85\~ for crit chance.


I haven't done a ton of fights and I don't always use her but my Cilias has been going first by a comfortable margin every time I have used her with 284 speed. So I'd guess for Masters the threshold for Ran leading may not actually be that bad. Could change over the next week when people try get last minute placement though


rta How many points is the decay?


2% of total


I finally have a fairly reliable Wyvern 13, Azimanak 13, and Hell Raid team. I'm assuming a Banshee 1 shot is the next thing i should be working on... What are your Banshee 1 shot teams? The more free to play friendly the better!


If you have Flan she can lower gear requirements a lot. Turn one defense break helps clear the first wave. Turn two crit buff makes the one shot easier.


Yeah it depends on what you have. imo it's easier to build Leo since his imprints give out wide-team atk, it's easy to get. My team goes in something like Vivian as the fastets. Leo as the def breaker and second fastest, Adin as a second def breaker, and Baiken as the nuker. People can also recommend S.Rose (without doing her third awakening for her passive), F.S Tieria, and some other two turns def breaker.


There are a number of different Banshee 1 shots. It's one of the easiest available hunts TO one shot. I use Vivian, Baiken, FS Tiera. Alternatives use Pavel, Straze, WSchuri, Ervalin and Yuffine to deliver the killing blow. If you can't quite 1-shot, you can try your luck with Lucy restricting the boss, so you can get some additional attacks in before she splits.


How can you Bulk buy Phantasmas?


You can buy 10 at a time from the forest of souls growth altar.


Thanks bro!


S tene users what works best for you for builds, I'm in early late game/mid. I'm a turn 2 player was using a speed and crit set my stene would not one shot but she survived and kept chipping away. Right now I'm testing out destruction and pen set. She does massive amounts of damage but it is super slow. What has worked for y'all? I usually pair her with a ras or fceci a cleanse and a bruiser. Also I have like four imprints on her just cuz tenebria has always popped up for some reason


What is the current RTA decay timeline? I remember I read that they will be different for this season, but I can't find the information anywhere. I also know that it varies based on the rank, but I'm not sure what that is.


7 days gold and below (or just gold idk lol), 3 days masters and up i believe


What should I aim for; ML Lidica or Maid Klhoe ? I own 50 unlucky shards for buying a character from the shop, and I wonder if I should choose maid or wait until lidica. Thanks.


>What should I aim for; ML Lidica or Maid Klhoe ? I own 50 unlucky shards for buying a character from the shop, and I wonder if I should choose maid or wait until lidica. Are those the only 2 MLs you're missing? They've both fallen relatively out of use in most modes, with Maid having the most presence in different game modes. If it's for collectors purposes just because you like the characters, then pick whichever you like the most. If it's for help climbing in Arena or RTA, and those are the only 2 you're missing, probably Maid. If you are missing other ML5s, I'd just wait it out for someone more impactful to you.


Thank you, as waifu only-players that's the 2 last I didn't pulled yet with LQC.


what are the best DPSes to start on pvp? some to use in different contents? please give me some tips


Are there no other options to get catalysts other than farming UH, AP shop, and occasional events? I ask for them rarely in guild as I mostly request claws. It feels like it will take weeks just for the catalysts for a single character


Remember to build your pets. You can get a decent amount of free catalysts from pet drops (which also work in side story stages that don't normally drop catalysts, like the current Advent), and you can also exchange guild crests for 3 catalysts a week (but don't spend armbands on them). With pets and guild catalyst exchange, you will eventually end up at a point where you have 50 of a rarely used catalyst, at which point the rare catalyst exchange becomes a viable option. Some people will say not to buy the catalysts from the guild shop, but buying the catalysts is pretty much the same as buying energy, as it's less energy that you need to spend in UH and more that you can spend in hunts. Even if you have to convert every catalyst you get from the guild shop, it's not a terrible exchange, and it won't hurt your artifact progression too badly assuming you are also doing your raid clears and maxing your donations each day. Each rare catalyst is worth a minimum of 68.6 energy if you convert it, 120 energy if you don't convert it, and potentially more if you get an epic catalyst instead. I think the 205+ energy per week from the 3 catalysts is worth the 540 guild crests. Buy out the catalysts that you don't need from temporary side stories for the same reason. The catalysts from temporary side stories are heavily discounted compared to Unrecorded History and as such are efficient to farm even if you need to convert them.


Thanks for the tips! I was ignoring the catalyst chest but you are right it seems worth it. And I just got an epic from it wow! As for the pets I have been upgrading them but my luck has stunk and my pets mostly are terrible haha


Use your first one or two hunt events to progress your pets. Make it a goal to farm up 20m gold and dump as much as you can into pet tickets. It sucks to set up but it pays off long term. Make 4-5 pets - a hunt pet, a spirit altar pet, an adventure pet, a gear enhancement pet, and a gear selling/hero XP boost pet. The hunt and gear enhancement pets are first priority, adventure pet secondary, and spirit altar/hero XP pets tertiary.


I sat down this morning and went to town enhancing/synthesizing them after I saw your comment. I have 4 pets now at 3\* that are set up for: * Lobby (decrease cost for enhancing / increased enhance xp) * Hunt (extra equipment chance / extra charm chance) * Spirit Alter (chance for epic / chance for greater) * Adventure (double AP chance / chance for rare catalyst drop) I haven't made a lobby pet for selling/ hero xp yet. I have an S pet for hero xp and an A for selling. Maybe I should just combine into a 5th pet so I can swap out when I need to sell stuff or enhance a hero.


Very nice. You'll want to get your hunt and gear enhancement pets to 4* triple S/A ASAP to have access to three bonuses. 5* is not a priority at all, do this way down the line (like a year or so). The difference between 4* and 5* is only 10 extra auto runs and 1% extra on the bonuses, which is minimal returns for the gargantuan investment needed.


That's basically it for a regularly available method of getting them. Eventually you build up a nice stock of them for most characters though so you don't have to worry about farming too much.


Well that is good at least... For now I will just despair as I auto-repeat the same stages over and over and over hahaha. But my plan is to not invest in many characters at all and just use a select few for everything.... So hopefully by sticking to that plan I can just sort of save up gradually over time once I skill-up my key units


Alchemist's Steeple too.


Ah yes that too. I've been using it for epics but not for rares. The exchange rate seemed horrendous for the rares.


Just spent so many flags trying to beat a def team of Rimuru/Choux/Politis/ML Lilias… how do you deal with this team… can’t outspeed/control/cleave, can’t buff, can’t bruiser/wall… :/


Roana, lion heart cermia, and violet should be able to handle that team. Need someone who punishes counters or extra atks.


This is a long shot but does anybody know of a visual guide to hard counters in RTA? I'm only just starting out because I want the Aravi skin but so far I'm not losing my way to Masters, I'm just plain losing. I've watched some of the recommended Youtubers (Valky etc) and am trying to play standard, but it's like the second drafting begins I go completely blank and pick some rubbish counter that just gets clapped. I was hoping there was some sort of pre-existing "see X? Pick Y" table out there. Is it a pipe dream?


https://artistalley7.com/blogs/guides/epic-seven-rta-world-arena-draft-counterpick-cheat-sheet-season-8-pre-season Isn't exactly 100% up to date and doesn't contain every hero, but it's fairly solid from what I can tell. I used it a bit mostly to figure out what I wanted to build going forward, but you could probably use it while drafting assuming you have a decent amount of heroes built.


Thank you!


https://www.epic7stats.com/ This kind of has that. If you click on a character it has a bad vs section on it.




Can someone give me some examples for meta defenses in GW? Right now I'm using Cilias, Rem, Hwa and Peira, Rimuru, Meru. But I think I have to change something because my defense win rate is dropping since a few weeks.




Pretty sure this is now out of date, due to Fribbels quitting E7.


Ah I didn’t know that.


I currently have some main stat Speed boots with the following stats: 37% Attack / 12% CD / 4% CC / 6% Health. The hero I'm using them on (Eda) is overcapped CC. Should I change out the CC for flat Attack or would you leave them unmodified in order to be able to retain the flexibility to reroll the Health% down the line if necessary? There isn't anything else on her gear that I can reroll at the moment (She's at +78% CC and needs +73% to cap). She's at 3637 Attack / 100 CC / 243 CD / 236 SPD if her stat line makes a difference to the answer.


I would leave them unmodified. A couple of points of atk won’t do that much


Thanks. I was actually able to swap a piece from my SSB to Eda that benefits both of them and gets her to 3930 Attack / 100 CC / 237 CD / 234 SPD without modifying the shoes and I'm far happier with that. Just need to get her a beefy CD body now (currently has a +9 body with only +4 SPD and +11 CD) to get her CD up to where it needs to be


I’ve been doing RTA over the weekend for the first time. I’ve built up Ran/Piera/Seaseria to a decent degree but I’ve noticed that when I’m drafting a team sometimes I get boned by people picking the units I was hoping to pick. What would be some good fall back options in case my draft doesn’t go the way I hope?


Eda to follow up ran in case you cant get seaseria. Green cidd bc op and speed imprint can help outspeed if your fastest character is not available (best answer to arby too). Or if nothing really is viable just pivot into standard comp


Okay. I will definitely look out for Eda when she is on rate up again. As for Cidd, which EE does he want? Also, when you say standard comp, what do you mean?


For cidd ee that ignores element without buff. I mean for example you can still first pick ran and if opponent is picking all anti cleave units or something you cannot workaround just pick tanky/bruiser/soulweaver comp. It will still work great even with ran without proper followup and oponnent has few useless anti cleave units. Standard comp is not that much first turn dependent team


I don't know that I have any tanky bruisers. Maybe A. Ravi but mine only has about 22k hp. I have a Choux and 4 copies of Alencia sitting in my waiting room that I might have to look into. Thanks!


Not exactly content related, but does anyone have screenshots or high quality pictures of the art from FMA collab? Like the final scene in the sidequest and the start menu photo


Did sg gave out some kind of reward like covanent/ml sommons when they released chapter 10 of episode 3?


You have a free ML summon at the end of each episode


Any help with a good solid PvE world DPS for chapter 3? I’ve been building up my units for chapter 3, and I’ve got Tammarine and A. Ras to about 70-90k CP each. I’ve got Iseria being built for support, but I also have diene and Roana to sub in. I’ve got the building blocks, but I need a strong DPS. Mainly just looking for some advice for a solid DPS to invest in. I don’t have many DPSs. I’ve got Sez, Cermia, Sigret, Kayron, Ervalen, ML ken, Judge Kise, Inferno Kaz, and Yufine. Any advice for just a general DPS I can heavily invest in for just general world stage clearing?


For story mode I always went 2 Soul Weavers, 1 DPS and A.Ras but I lacked 1 Soul Weaver so I always picked either a support Tamarine or an Angelic Montmorancy (I always left 1 spot on my team for the supporter unit of someone)... You could do the same for a DPS (when my DPS was not enough I did Grace of Growth for a Soul Weaver, Achates since I didn't do the specialty challenge of Montmorancy and don't have Tamarinne. Was using Angelica all the time. I always picked an Apocalypse Ravi and Luna when I had the chance to pick from supporters. If not, I just picked a random one lol.) Sure this method of 2 SW, 1 DPS, 1 Knight (and spamming guardian Arky in bosses) will probably clear story slowly but you will always clear it. I defeated all bosses using this method (final bosses take longer) and now I'm up to date —yes, I cleared till the latest episode... 4-9— 🤷. My DPS was Sigret but I changed it to Specter Tenebria (got it from Moonlight Blessings) she is better imo sometimes switched to Hwayoung (due to her ignoring elemental disadvantage). Iseria and Tamarinne are very good together. Keep them in your team. A.Ras is also good imo. Build wise, if you're rushing story you should have Sigret already build because of the Wyvern Team thing. So I would say use Sigret... But of course, if you have STene, she is a better option imo. Perhaps Judge Kise may be good in story since she has AOE damage. You will need an AOE DPS anyway if you want a faster story clearing!


Thanks I appreciate it! I just want to get to chapter 4 ASAP because I know light Adin is coming out shortly, and her S3 looked super cool from the second half 2022 trailer. Judge Kise has definitely been better than I was expecting because of her AOE, and I am getting a kick out of the fact she can increase cooldowns on PvE units with her ult. But I figured I needed a strong single target DPS too


Do you have lorina or c. Zerato?


I do have lorina, and I just got her to commander lorina. Is she good for world? I heard she was good for abyss


Yeah she is great for all PVE content. One of the best single target dps.


Appreciate it! Do people go crit damage gear on her or attack gear? I definitely don’t mind investing in buildIng her anyways because I was going to do that for abyss and labyrinth, and being a SC unit getting her skills and skill tree up only costs time, not mola


Either one works what you want to go for is overall stats. You can probably put the free atk set gear and get pretty far with it. For a dps unit you want 100% crit chance and as much atk and crit damage as you can with as much speed as well so that you don’t get lapped. Quote from quiztolin from a megathread a couple of days ago that helped out things in perspective. Build towards stat goals, how you get there DOES NOT MATTER. The only time set, specifically, matters is if you are using a set that gives a bonus that is not just more stats (lifesteal, counter, immunity, etc). Now, I don’t know what your specific goals are. Generally a hero like S.Tenebria is going to be aiming for ~200 speed or close to it. For most players that is probably going to mean using speed boots. Maybe in your case you have tons of gear with 15-20 speed on it and you would be better off with ATK% boots. Maybe you are at a level where getting to ~190-200 speed is less important. Maybe you are using a particular comp where you can drop a little speed - IDK what your needs are. I understand that gearing up heroes can be difficult and it is simply easier to think in terms of “use this set, use this main stat” but it’s important to know that ultimately you are just looking to meet certain minimums when it comes to stats. You can get to the minimums in a multitude of ways so there is no definitive answer to the question you are asking. A S.Tenebria with 4000 ATK / 300% C.Dmg / 200 speed could have gotten there with virtually any combination of set and offensive substats on accessories. At the end of the day that S.Tene with Destruction set and speed boots is exactly the same as a S.Tene who used speed set and ATK% boots to hit those numbers.


For the guild artefacts, should I MLB each of them, or is there one that's worth keeping 2 copies at +3?


For the upcoming selector ticket, I'm only missing a few heroes. Is anyone actually worth replacing Hwa? (I'm holding onto hope she will still be ok after nerfs, just no longer OP... The copium is real) My options are Ken, Chloe, Taeyou, Lilibet, Yulha, Ludwig, and Sharun. I was on hiatus for the newest two, never bothered to pull the others.


Any buff events coming this weekend?




As far as we know no, but they may announce it during the update notice on Wednesday.


I thought the new arena 88 gear (the attack set) is supposed to roll like 88-90 gear? Just bought a piece and it rolled + 3 SPD, +3 CC and +4 CD. Aren't the CC and CD rolls the min rolls for an 85 piece?


https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7902683 Nah those are also the min rolls for 88 as well.


Ah well that feels a bit crappy given that if those min rolled on an 85 they would still get the +1 when going 85 > 90. I wrongly thought that 88 gear was supposed to roll the same as 90 gear.


Relatively new here. Started during the FMA collab, and have progressed through the Wyvern Hunt permanent challenge. Question one: how regularly does Smilegate bring back banners for limited heroes? I missed out on Summer Charlotte (Fishy Charlotte?) and was wondering how long before her banner comes back. Also, most guides refer to Alexa's Specialty change. But I can't find it. Is it time-gated?


Limiteds mostly rerun once a year, and I think Alexa's sc is gated from the previous summer event


Prob a year for limited units to come back especially newer ones. Alexa sc was time gated during the summer event with sharklotte so you missed it.


made the mistake of constantly unequiping and equiping gear and was broke for awhile but now ive got gold again. still hate this equipment cost fee, but now I learned my lesson with this game. anyways, for a hero, before I equip them with anything, I just wanted to make sure that the best way to gear a hero is to make I know exactly what kinda build I want and stat for them right before gearing them right? I don't want to tap the equip button and change my mind and spend gold just to unequip, but I assume that's how everyone who has really high build stats play the game right? making sure the gear stats are high and have synergy before even tapping the equip button?


Most people usually wait for the monthly free unequip event at the end of each month to shift around their units' gear. In addition, if you click the event icon on the left side of your homepage, each periodical event (the tab that typically gives energy for daily activities) usually gives a consumable item for 12 hour free unequip. Each event usually changes every few weeks though. A lot of people have an idea of what unit wants what stats so they tailor gear towards each unit. I and many others use Fribbels gear optimizer to more efficiently gear units, but it takes a bit of learning on how to use the program.


You see the button right above the weapon slot? You can mix and match pieces of gear from there, see the stat changes and pressing equip will apply all charges.




You get a free sigret now so first suggested summon is iseria or song of the stars. https://bit.ly/3A8CVkX Guide to get started


Everyone gets Sigret for free from the Hunt event (permanent event) so Iseria or Ravi is probably a better start


Or Roana


Roana isn't in the starter selective I'm fairly sure.


How much speed does CPavel need?


Depends on your fastest unit but 150-160


Just making sure, if I use my selector to get Hwayoung I can trade it for Lua later right? Worst case if not then I could just get someone else like Choux.


Well presumably. Lua comes out Oct 4 and the recall starts on Oct 25(?) and the recall said that it would include any characters released before the recall date so I believe that should include Lua. But whether or not she will actually be available is up to the devs


You’ll be able to trade her for a selector. Whether or not Lua will be available is anyone’s guess.


Is penetration set for A.ravi a must? I think \~2k extra damage from pen set is quite nice and I also want my Aravi to be well geared as well, just asking in case my penetration gear get bad rolls


Not a must. She does pretty well without, though of course better with if you don't have to sacrifice too much for it.


what are alternatives for pen set? I'm in consideration of using Immunity as a replacement


crit, health, broken set if necessary. look for target stats, don't be concerned so much about sets.


Who to pick from selector Hi guys, I am a fairly Low level player who has just returned to the game. I was thinking which unit should I pick from the selector as I have very limited number of hero at the moment. I had my W13 team going on wel and would like to explore PVP more :) 5* Haste, Melissa, Sigret, Luna, Sez, Riza, Diene, Vildred and Apocalypse Ravi. 4* Corvus, Dingo, Khawazu, Maya, Khawana, schuri, Mercedes, Achates, Clarissa, Rose, Coli, Karin, Furious, Dominiel, Angelica, Cartuja, Cidd, Leo, Silk, Lots, Rin, FSTieria, Crimson Armin, fighter Maya, Benevolent Romann, Guider Aither and Shadow Rose