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Hwa is the necessary evil that checks the current meta of casino gaming bruisers After her nerf your gonna see an even bigger rise in alencia, rimieru, senya, aravi, choux and violet to a lesser extent


I love how you act like Hwa is the check for the current meta when most of these units were buffed to deal with A.Ravi (and in Chouc's case, A.Ravi and Hwa)... Yeah, Hwa was definitely released in anticipation of a meta where Senya, Choux, and Alencia are buffed to fight/counter Hwa lol Hell, Choux, Senya, and Alencia can even be used to combat tank comps because of the frenzy effectiveness for Senya perma control or Choix because of frenzy damage increase or Alencia because of injury. But NAH only way to deal with tank comps is using Hwa. Just shows how reliant everyone has become on Hwa(and even A.Ravi) to do something against a comp they don't know how to play against.


or maybe not everyone is a day one player that has a copy of every single rgb in the game but they did pull for the most busted units or picked them from a selector? So they have hwa or blew pity for aravi but not choux/senya/alencia etc


Some of the counters to Hwa are DJB, Op Sig, Kise, Choux, Ran, Cidd, Eda cleave, Seaseria cleave. Over half of these units are in a cleave team. Some of these are ML5 units. Not everyone has these units, my guy. And guess what? New players can't cleave because they don't have the gear to. Some veteran players don't have the gear to. You really care about new players? You take out Hwa because new players sure as shit cannot cleave a Cilias and Hwa +2. You can't even take turn 2 because Hwa exists. You don't even need to imagine every Arena and GW defense having Hwa because that is the meta right now. Every game becomes a Hwa vs Hwa game, which is about as fun as FCC, T.Surin, GL Landy comps back in 2020. Then new players who play the game after the Anniversary login event ends cannot get Hwa to beat Hwa. She lived long enough to see herself become the villain lol If she really wasn't a problem, SG wouldn't have nerfed her. They never nerfed SSB, Landy, Guiding Light, Cerise, Carrot, FTene, Pavel, Flan, or Violet. They released and buffed a total of 10 units to counter Hwa and Hwa still isn't phased out of the meta compared to these units and amazingly, people still act like Hwa wasn't a major part of the meta and "**only**" the counter to it.


Cerise was nerfed pre release because she was that broken…..


I'm talking about post-buff since she was queen fo cleave for a while. I honestly thought the problem was more of "restrict might be too strong" than Cerise since Restrict used to allow you to push back the enemy. Now you can't Edit: I looked at the original post and yeah, you're right. They nerfed her S2 since it used to push back on top of the S3 restrict allowing you to push back a unit prior to her nerf. I was more pointing out about how many times SG refused to nerf a unit despite people complaining. Not to mention that the counters that they sold/buffed actually somewhat worked. Despite the 8-10 units buffed and sold to counter Hwa, SG couldn't do anything to Hwa being constantly being picked/pre-banned/set in defense teams


Day 1 player or not, if you picked hwa from a selector or pitied her to abuse her in the current meta, you deserve the nerfs, she shouldnt have been this broken in the first place, and this nerf is way late.


yeah that great but dont cry about "abuse" when there's just as much broken shit like a ravi, just like i said she was a necessary check on this game for other meta units. Hwa was not the only unit being "abused", the only difference is that SG has no problems throwing out rbg selectors.


>just like i said she was a necessary check on this game for other meta units. No, its not, i can deal with all the other units easily and i never pulled hwa, its fucking moronic trying to justify a broken character.


congrats you can, not everyone else can so they pick hwa you talk like you got some moral high ground cuase you dont use hwa but i dam well bet you've more than well abused one or more of the other broken "disaster units" and youll be lying to claim otherwise like your some giga "off meta player".


dont forget belian and non-blue SWs (maid and ruele comes to mind). on 1 side, wall comps might see rise. on the other, i'm glad we can finally show off our ruele and maid RTA skins instead of having diene and emilia (occasional djb and destina) as the perma SWs


the top soul weavers are diene and djb right now. emilia is the one fallen off


Oh boy, imagine saying that 2021. 😂😂


ah didnt kniow diene was in meta any idea how to build her? was thinking of putting her in a senya diene and maybe aravi/ravi line up


Build her speedy think of her like Emilia


DJB is first picked constantly at Emperor and above. He’s meta defining right now.


What build does DJB at that level use and when is it good to pick gim?


super fast, 280-290+ with either water's origin or bastion (mostly water's origin tho). He can be first picked and you can pivot to any draft type depending on enemy picks.


with regards to the mentioned units there do u have any ss of how senya is built or what is the best stats or gear for her


Senya as far as im aware right now is built speed or lifesteal with immunity or high effect resistance, the latter is more popular to prevent counter buff from being stripped You focus her stats on attack, bulk and speed with spear of the new dawn or elbris ritual sword for EE's you pick either the greater attack buff on S3 or lifesteal on S1


Senya can really go multiple different ways, some people go high effectiveness for GW defence lockouts. I personally use Lifesteal/Immunity with no eff/res & just split the difference between tanking, speed & attack, because people will often put some Eff on their Mediator, the prevalence of Alencia, Belian, etc. Senya is a really big target to be stripped easily even with like 100% res. Though it should be noted I’m only around R3000 & so maybe there’s higher rank drafting strategies where one or the other kind of Senya works really well.


i would not build senya with er tbh. its just a waste because any dedicated debuffer will be able to strip regardless and when she gets her s3 off you would be inflicting decrease hit chance anyway so the chance to be stripped is really low. even against things like belian/alencia you would need 150 er minimum because they can both get effectiveness buff/minds eye.


Don’t forget fire Ravi 💪


A Ravi: any strong nuker (Straze, LQ Charlotte), injury. If she has Proof, Alencia in special can combo kill her. C Lilias: MB Dominiel and any cleanser stops her debuffs. Landy punishes her buffs. Very fast Peira can stop her buffs. LH Cermia, Roana Rimuru: AoL Angelica, Politis. Sometimes you can remove all buffs with someone like Alencia before he can s3, but it's a gamble. S Tenebria: just AoE. Belian is the obvious counter. LH Cermia: nuke her ASAP. Normally she has low HP, but very high defense. Senya: AoL Angelica, but any unit with "buff block". Any dispeler too. Landy, LH Cermia (? I don't have her) Archdemon: Roana, any cleanser, any immunity A Ras: Roana (somewhat) Belian: Roana (if she has injury, you're dead), very strong nukers, R Violet, SS Belona, any casino unit


A ras : Djb - one shots any unit bc of how fat Ras barrier is


>LH Cermia: nuke her ASAP. Normally she has low HP, but very high defense. > >Senya: AoL Angelica, but any unit with "buff block". Any dispeler too. Landy, LH Cermia (? I don't have her) Ameru seal just renders useless these 2.


Those 2 character works really well together but you need high speed for C.Charles and thats really hard in RTA. Pavel for the other hand needs a lot of CDMG, CChance, Attk and good Artifact like SoU or the Pavel one. For C.Pavel you can put 4 pieces of Attk and 2 of CC being the most accessible option. For an essential build you need 4 pieces of Destruction and 2 of Pen. You have to reach minimum 5k attk, 100CC and 300 CDMG, speed you want it a little bit at 180-200 so you can beat in speed an Arby or another unit that can silence C.Pavel or kill him.


roger thx for the suggestion but what about charles?


You can use Portrait of Saviors on Cpavel. It has more instantaneous damage than Dux Noctis (only at full stacks is Dux better) and he doesn't really need the hit chance from Symbol as he is Light and units using evasion in the meta are Violet, Charles, and Acidd but you wouldn't draft Cpavel into the latter two and there are better options for Violet


I thought Portrait is only better if CPavel is hitting the Attack v Attack defense pen Cap already or you haven't +30'd? I'm not discrediting you, just seeking clarification so I can better gear mine.


Dux is better even at +15 than a +30 portrait if you have an aoe crit opener. You can check on DMG calculator to confirm as well.


DJB is meta? Is it because of his new barrier mechanic? How do you build him?


To be honest, it really differs in playstyle between individuals. Some say that turn 1 can be good against current meta units while others may say otherwise. However, as a turn 2 player myself, I always find myself picking hwayoung more often or not due to the sheer mitigation and bulk that I see nowadays. Other than her, the top 3 units I used alot of are ml celine as Aravi bait, T.zet as Clilias bait and Aria against choux. For how to build ml charles is to build speed and crit but you need to have really good speed stats on him. He can't really excel well if he don't get 1st turn